Flex 3: Is It Possible to Use DeepLinking without a ViewStack? - apache-flex

I've got a Flex 3 project.
Does deep linking only work on viewStacks? (My project doesn't have any viewStacks). I'd like to use deeplinking based on what was selected in a comboBox. I'd like the user to be able to bookmark or use the back button based on what was selected in the comboBox.
The comboBox selection determines which data is pulled from the database.
Is this possible? I set-up deeplinking in another project, but it had viewStacks. And all of the deep linking examples that I've seen use viewStacks.
Thank you.

Look at the documentation for BrowserManager and deep linking.
You can use Flex deep linking without a component that has it built in, but you need to add the support manually.
You will need to create a BrowserManager instance and have it load the URL when your application loads. You can then use the URL to load the data requested.
You also need to make sure to update the URL using the BrowserManager each time your data changes in a way that you want to have a separate link for.


Is there any built-in feature in firebase dynamic links to make it valid for a single use

I want my generated Firebase dynamic links be usable just for one time.
After the first person used the link, we need to prevent the second use of that specific dynamic link.
Is there such a feature build in Firebase dynamic link ? or I should implement it manually inside my app
No, Dynamics Links are designed to be useful to anyone who has the link. There is no way to limit their usage. That would be something you'd have to implement yourself with your own backend.

Dynamics CRM 2015 Creating a button to start a workflow

Hi I am currently trying to follow this guide:
So that I can create a button on the ribbon in CRM to start a workflow. The idea being that the user will fill in part of the form and then request approval.
However I have ran into an issue which is that at one point I have to define the library for the command actions to use and the guide state that we must use the "/_static/_common/scripts/RibbonActions.js" and the "/_static/_forms/form.js" library.
However not having done this before I have no idea how to include the library in the solution, so nothing appears on the library selection screen. I have tried searching how to complete this step but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
What I understood is that you are trying to call a workflow from javascript on click of a ribbon button. If you have any reference javascript assembly then both of them should be referred for the javascript method to work as expected.
Lets assume we have two different javascripts files like reference.js and actual.js And the button is supposed to call a method button_click from actual.js. In such a case we will be adding two commands as follows:
Library:reference.js and FunctionName:isNaN
Library:actual.js and FunctionName:button_click
This way the reference javascript also will be loaded and the method should be working properly. Hope I was able to address your query. Let me know if you have any questions or still the problem persists.
There is a possibility to enter plain text to library field instead of choosing from a selector.

Use workflow-send button without using Form Builder/Runner

I have a custom form that I wrote manually without using Orbeon Form Builder. I want to save the XML file to Alfresco when the form is submitted. This can be achieved with forms created with Form Builder using the workflow-send button. My question is how to use this button with forms that were writtin manually.
That button and the Alfresco functionality are part of Form Runner and they were not meant to work independently. This is not to say that it's not possible, but you will have to look at the source code and get at least a minimal understanding of it.
The place to start for Alfresco support is alfresco-model.xml. You might be able to start by including this model with XInclude in your own form. Then, that model has at least a dependency on an instance called fr-parameters-instance which provides the form and app name. This is used to read configuration properties.
The second place to look is persistence-model.xml, which is the place which actually uses alfresco-model.xml.

Best practice to implement back functionality in flex

I'm not using deep linking, so all the pages/states appear as http://site.com
Is it still possible to implement back functionality in this case? It looks like flex has a browser history feature, but not sure if it would still work given that all the pages are at site.com
The other option is that I would save information in the main file itself so I can go to the last page and retrieve whatever data was on it.
Anyone can advise what's generally the best practice way to handle back functionality?
Unfortunately I don't know of any other way to implement browser history (ie, back/forward) without using deep linking (eg, example.com/#foo). This is how the Flex browser history components implement it.
However, one thing you could do, if you need to keep the URL static, is stick your Flex application in a frame. That way the outter frame would still show example.com while the inner frame is at, for example, example.com/#widget=42.
Check out the Flex docs on Deep Linking and the Browser Manager.
The best practice and generally the only way to do it is to use deep linking.
it's best because the users can add a section of your application to "Favorites" and that's an important feature to have IMHO.
Do you need to keep your website with just http:// site.com or is that just how it looks now because deep linking is not implemented?
Checkout Angela's Accessible Rich Internet Application tutorial which gives instructions on how to quickly and easily set up deep linking using UrlKit. The added bonus of this site is that the tutorial is delivered in the environment described... IE: you can view the source for an "in production" example of the implementation.

Drupal: create content in popup/lightbox?

In Drupal, is there a way to create new content (based on a content type that uses CCK) in a popup or lightbox or similar technique?
There are at least two worlds that I know of:
http://drupal.org/project/popups_reference which uses http://drupal.org/project/popups
http://drupal.org/project/noderelationships which uses http://drupal.org/project/modalframe
Both of these are about creating the node in a modal in order to reference it via a node reference field. There might be ones for more general purposes, or you could probably adapt one of those. I've been enjoying noderelationships lately. Haven't tried the other recently.
The projects sprugman refers to are useful when you need to create a referenced node while you're adding another node. If you simply want to make the /node/add/[contenttype] link to open in a lightbox, try the Lightbox2 module.
There is a great module in Drupal automodal that works with Modal Frame API. What you need to do is simply add a new class 'automodal' to your links... and the magic is done for you.
Another one is the Modal Nodereference module. Here is a quote about it (from the module's project page):
... turns the nodereference widget into a modal popup allowing new linked nodes to be created on the fly. Because it uses an iframe, it should support even Javscript and file uploads within the sub-node.
The big feature: It should work with editors, image fields, and all of those other JavaScripting things. We built it precisely to meet those needs. We started with modalframe, instead of one of the other popup libraries, because we knew that we could make this work with TinyMCE, CKEditor, and ImageField -- libraries that have difficulties dealing with other popup APIs.
It depends on the Automodal module, as well as the excellent Modal Frame API module.
