Why won't the Closure Compiler enforce function signatures for objects returned from anonymous functions? - google-closure-compiler

I'm creating objects with private/public access restrictions as commonly promoted by Crockford. For example, I have something like this:
var foo = (function() {
var myPrivateVariable = "whatever";
return {
return str;
If I issue a call, such as
Closure should tell me that I'm invoking a function with the wrong number of arguments. I've tried helping Closure out with JavaDoc comments on myPublicFunction:
var foo = (function() {
var myPrivateVariable = "whatever";
return {
* #param {string} str
return str;
Still, no complaint. I've tried various forms of JavaDocs for foo, and the only one that worked was to document it as a record type:
* #type {{myPublicFunction:function(string):string}}
var foo = (function() {
var myPrivateVariable = "whatever";
return {
* #param {string} str
return str;
That worked, but the compiler didn't try to enforce that the myPublic object function actually matched the signature I documented in the record field for the JavaDoc. So this will work so long as I make sure to doc all my functions in these returned objects and make sure I keep the signatures in my docs aligned with what I actually return. Am I missing some better way to enforce this?

I would actually encourage you to take a look at using pseudo-classical inheritance, since the compiler smooths out the wrinkles. Michael Bolin has a detailed article describing this very issue.

You have not provided any type information to "foo". You have provided type information to a property (myPublicFunction) of an object.
Your "record type" JsDoc actually puts type info on "foo" so it works.
This is the expected behavior from the compiler.


Removing some schemas/models from API-Platforms Swagger/OpenAPI documentation output

API-Platform will generate Swagger/OpenAPI route documentation and then below documentation for the Schemas (AKA Models) (the docs show them as "Models" but current versions such as 2.7 show them as "Schemas").
Where is the content generated to show these schemas/models? How can some be removed? The functionality to display them is part of Swagger-UI, but API-Platform must be responsible for providing the JSON configuration and thus which to change API-Platform and not Swagger-UI. Note that this post shows how to add a schema but not how to remove one. Is there any documentation on the subject other than this which doesn't go into detail?
As seen by the output below, I am exposing AbstractOrganization, however, this class is extended by a couple other classes and is not meant to be exposed, but only schemas for the concrete classes should be exposed. Note that my AbstractOrganization entity class is not tagged with #ApiResource and is not shown in the Swagger/OpenAPI routing documentation but only the schema/model documentation.
Thank you
I am pretty certain there are better ways to implement this, however, the following will work and might be helpful for others.
namespace App\OpenApi;
use ApiPlatform\Core\OpenApi\Factory\OpenApiFactoryInterface;
use ApiPlatform\Core\OpenApi\OpenApi;
use ApiPlatform\Core\OpenApi\Model\Paths;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
class OpenApiRouteHider implements OpenApiFactoryInterface {
public function __construct(private OpenApiFactoryInterface $decorated, private TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage)
public function __invoke(array $context = []): OpenApi
$openApi = $this->decorated->__invoke($context);
$removedPaths = $this->getRemovedPaths();
$paths = new Paths;
$pathArray = $openApi->getPaths()->getPaths();
foreach($openApi->getPaths()->getPaths() as $path=>$pathItem) {
if(!isset($removedPaths[$path])) {
// No restrictions
$paths->addPath($path, $pathItem);
elseif($removedPaths[$path]!=='*') {
// Remove one or more operation
foreach($removedPaths[$path] as $operation) {
$method = 'with'.ucFirst($operation);
$pathItem = $pathItem->$method(null);
$paths->addPath($path, $pathItem);
// else don't add this route to the documentation
$openApiTest = $openApi->withPaths($paths);
return $openApi->withPaths($paths);
private function getRemovedPaths():array
// Use $user to determine which ones to remove.
$user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();
return [
'/guids'=>'*', // Remove all operations
'/guids/{guid}'=>'*', // Remove all operations
'/tenants'=>['post', 'get'], // Remove only post and get operations
'/tenants/{uuid}'=>['delete'], // Remove only delete operation
'/chart_themes/{id}'=>['put', 'delete', 'patch'],

How to use properly EntityRepository instances?

The documentation stresses that I should use a new EntityManager for each request and there's even a middleware for automatically generating it or alternatively I can use em.fork(). So far so good.
The EntityRepository is a great way to make the code readable. I could not find anything in the documentation about how they relate to EntityManager instances. The express-ts-example-app example uses single instances of repositories and the RequestContext middleware. This suggests that there is some under-the-hood magic that finds the correct EntityManager instances at least with the RequestContext. Is it really so?
Also, if I fork the EM manually can it still find the right one? Consider the following example:
(async () => {
DI.orm = await MikroORM.init();
DI.em = DI.orm.em;
DI.companyRepository = DI.orm.em.getRepository(Company);
DI.invoiceRepository = DI.orm.em.getRepository(Invoice);
async function fetchInvoices(em) {
for (const company of await DI.companyRepository.findAll()) {
fetchInvoicesOfACompany(company, em.fork())
async function fetchInvoicesOfACompany(company, em) {
let done = false;
while (!done) {
const invoice = await getNextInvoice(company.taxnumber, company.lastInvoice);
if ( invoice ) {
company.lastInvoice = invoice.id;
} else {
done = true;
Does the DI.invoiceRepository.persist() in fetchInvoicesOfACompany() use the right EM instance? If not, what should I do?
Also, if I'm not mistaken, the em.flush() in fetchInvoicesOfACompany() does not update company, since that belongs to another EM - how should I handle situations like this?
First of all, repository is just a thin layer on top of EM (an extension point if you want), that bares the entity name so you don't have to pass it to the first parameter of EM method (e.g. em.find(Ent, ...) vs repo.find(...).
Then the contexts - you need a dedicated context for each request, so it has its own identity map. If you use RequestContext helper, the context is created and saved via domain API. Thanks to this, all the methods that are executed inside the domain handler will use the right instance automatically - this happens in the em.getContext() method, that first checks the RequestContext helper.
Check the tests for better understanding of how it works:
So if you use repositories, with RequestContext helper it will work just fine as the singleton repository instance will use the singleton EM instance that will then use the right request based instance via em.getContext() where approapriate.
But if you use manual forking instead, you are responsible use the right repository instance - each EM fork will have its own one. So in this case you can't use a singleton, you need to do forkedEm.getRepository(Ent).
Btw alternatively you can also use AsyncLocalStorage which is faster (and not deprecated), if you are on node 12+. The RequestContext helper implementation will use ALS in v5, as node 12+ will be requried.
Another thing you could do is to use the RequestContext helper manually instead of via middlewares - something like the following:
(async () => {
DI.orm = await MikroORM.init();
DI.em = DI.orm.em;
DI.companyRepository = DI.orm.em.getRepository(Company);
DI.invoiceRepository = DI.orm.em.getRepository(Invoice);
await RequestContext.createAsync(DI.em, async () => {
await fetchInvoices();
async function fetchInvoices() {
for (const company of await DI.companyRepository.findAll()) {
await fetchInvoicesOfACompany(company)
async function fetchInvoicesOfACompany(company) {
let done = false;
while (!done) {
const invoice = await getNextInvoice(company.taxnumber, company.lastInvoice);
if (invoice) {
company.lastInvoice = invoice; // passing entity instance, no need to persist as `company` is managed entity and this change will be cascaded
await DI.em.flush();
} else {
done = true;

Hacklang async code example?

How modify the following code to get article data and top articles asynchronously in hack ?
class ArticleController
public function viewAction()
// how get
$article = $this->getArticleData();
$topArticles = $this->getTopArticles();
private function getArticleData() : array
// return article data from db
private function getTopArticles() : array
// return top articles from db
The warning from the async documentation page is relevant here:
There is currently basic support for async. For example, you can
currently write basic async functions that call other async functions.
However, we are currently finalizing other foundations (e.g. async
database, scheduling, and memory handling APIs) which will be required
to reach the full potential of async in production. We felt, though,
it would be useful to introduce the concept and technology of async
(even with basic functionality) in order to get developers used to the
syntax and some of the technical details.
So, the raw database queries you need to actually make use of async functions are unfortunately not available yet. The documentation linked above talks some about how async functions work in general, and includes an example of coalesced fetching, something that you can do with async functions right now.
The DB API is coming eventually, but isn't available yet, sorry!
HHVM 3.6 and newer
async functions info
The two HHVM PHP language keywords that enable async functions are async and await. async declares a function as asynchronous. await suspends the execution of an async function until the result of the asynchronous operation represented by await is available. The return value of a function that await can be used upon is an object that implements Awaitable<T>.
You have an example in the documentation (1). There is a discussion about asynchronous functions in the language specification as well (2).
It actually took me some time to realize how to use and call the asynchronous functions, so I think you will find some more info useful.
We have these two functions: foo() and bar().
async function foo(): Awaitable<void> {
print "executed from foo";
async function bar(int $n): Awaitable<int> {
print "executed from bar";
return $n+1;
Let's experiment some ways to call these two functions:
foo(); // will print "executed from foo"
bar(15); // will print "executed from bar"
$no1 = bar(15); // will print "executed from bar"
print $no1; // will output error, because $number is not currently an `int`; it is a `WaitHandle`
$no2 = bar(15)->join(); // will print "executed from bar"
print $no2; // will print 16
AsyncMysqlClient tips
The connection to a MySQL database is made with AsyncMysqlClient::connect asynchronous function which returns an ExternalThreadEventWaitHandle to an AsyncMysqlConnection.
You can perform query or queryf on an AsyncMysqlConnection. Note: the data you send to a queryf is properly escaped by the function.
A query you perform on an AsyncMysqlConnection returns either an AsyncMysqlQueryResult (when the query performs ok) or AsyncMysqlQueryErrorResult (if the query goes wrong; then you can treat errors with the mysql_error(), mysql_errno() and failureType() members of this class). Both AsyncMysqlQueryResult and AsyncMysqlQueryErrorResult extend AsyncMysqlResult abstract class.
Below is a probable implementation of your class:
class ArticleController {
private AsyncMysqlConnection $connection;
public async function viewAction(int $articleId): Awaitable<void> {
$this->connection = await AsyncMysqlClient::connect( /* connection data */ );
$article = await $this->getArticleData($articleId);
public async function getArticleData(int $id): Awaitable<?Vector> {
$articleDataQuery = await $this->connection->queryf("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id %=d", $id);
if($articleDataQuery instanceof AsyncMysqlQueryErrorResult) {
throw new Exception("Error on getting data: ".$articleDataQuery->mysql_error());
// Considering that $id represents a unique id in your database, then
// you are going to get only one row from your database query
// so you return the first (and only) row in the query result
if($articleDataQuery->numRows() == 1) {
return $articleDataQuery->mapRowsTyped()[0];
return null;
P.S. I hope it is not too late for this answer and I hope it helps you. If you consider this useful, please, accept it.

Dart, how to create a future to return in your own functions?

is it possible to create your own futures in Dart to return from your methods, or must you always return a built in future return from one of the dart async libraries methods?
I want to define a function which always returns a Future<List<Base>> whether its actually doing an async call (file read/ajax/etc) or just getting a local variable, as below:
List<Base> aListOfItems = ...;
Future<List<Base>> GetItemList(){
return new Future(aListOfItems);
If you need to create a future, you can use a Completer. See Completer class in the docs. Here is an example:
Future<List<Base>> GetItemList(){
var completer = new Completer<List<Base>>();
// At some time you need to complete the future:
completer.complete(new List<Base>());
return completer.future;
But most of the time you don't need to create a future with a completer. Like in this case:
Future<List<Base>> GetItemList(){
var completer = new Completer();
aFuture.then((a) {
// At some time you need to complete the future:
return completer.future;
The code can become very complicated using completers. You can simply use the following instead, because then() returns a Future, too:
Future<List<Base>> GetItemList(){
return aFuture.then((a) {
// Do something..
Or an example for file io:
Future<List<String>> readCommaSeperatedList(file){
return file.readAsString().then((text) => text.split(','));
See this blog post for more tips.
You can simply use the Future<T>value factory constructor:
return Future<String>.value('Back to the future!');
Returning a future from your own function
This answer is a summary of the many ways you can do it.
Starting point
Your method could be anything but for the sake of these examples, let's say your method is the following:
int cubed(int a) {
return a * a * a;
Currently you can use your method like so:
int myCubedInt = cubed(3); // 27
However, you want your method to return a Future like this:
Future<int> myFutureCubedInt = cubed(3);
Or to be able to use it more practically like this:
int myCubedInt = await cubed(3);
The following solutions all show ways to do that.
Solution 1: Future() constructor
The most basic solution is to use the generative constructor of Future.
Future<int> cubed(int a) {
return Future(() => a * a * a);
I changed the return type of the method to Future<int> and then passed in the work of the old function as an anonymous function to the Future constructor.
Solution 2: Future named constructor
Futures can complete with either a value or an error. Thus if you want to specify either of these options explicitly you can use the Future.value or Future.error named constructors.
Future<int> cubed(int a) {
if (a < 0) {
return Future.error(ArgumentError("'a' must be positive."));
return Future.value(a * a * a);
Not allowing a negative value for a is a contrived example to show the use of the Future.error constructor. If there is nothing that would produce an error then you can simply use the Future.value constructor like so:
Future<int> cubed(int a) {
return Future.value(a * a * a);
Solution 3: async method
An async method automatically returns a Future so you can just mark the method async and change the return type like so:
Future<int> cubed(int a) async {
return a * a * a;
Normally you use async in combination with await, but there is nothing that says you must do that. Dart automatically converts the return value to a Future.
In the case that you are using another API that returns a Future within the body of your function, you can use await like so:
Future<int> cubed(int a) async {
return await cubedOnRemoteServer(a);
Or this is the same thing using the Future.then syntax:
Future<int> cubed(int a) async {
return cubedOnRemoteServer(a).then((result) => result);
Solution 4: Completer
Using a Completer is the most low level solution. You only need to do this if you have some complex logic that the solutions above won't cover.
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> cubed(int a) async {
final completer = Completer();
if (a < 0) {
completer.completeError(ArgumentError("'a' must be positive."));
} else {
completer.complete(a * a * a);
return completer.future;
This example is similar to the named constructor solution above. It handles errors in addition completing the future in the normal way.
A note about blocking the UI
There is nothing about using a future that guarantees you won't block the UI (that is, the main isolate). Returning a future from your function simply tells Dart to schedule the task at the end of the event queue. If that task is intensive, it will still block the UI when the event loop schedules it to run.
If you have an intensive task that you want to run on another isolate, then you must spawn a new isolate to run it on. When the task completes on the other isolate, it will return a message as a future, which you can pass on as the result of your function.
Many of the standard Dart IO classes (like File or HttpClient) have methods that delegate the work to the system and thus don't do their intensive work on your UI thread. So the futures that these methods return are safe from blocking your UI.
See also
Asynchrony support documentation
Flutter Future vs Completer
#Fox32 has the correct answer addition to that we need to mention Type of the Completer otherwise we get exception
Exception received is type 'Future<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'FutureOr<List<Base>>
so initialisation of completer would become
var completer= new Completer<List<Base>>();
Not exactly the answer for the given question, but sometimes we might want to await a closure:
flagImage ??= await () async {
final image = (await codec.getNextFrame()).image;
return image;
I think it does create a future implicitly, even though we don't pass it anywhere.
Here a simple conditional Future example.
String? _data;
Future<String> load() async {
// use preloaded data
if (_data != null) return Future<String>.value(_data);
// load data only once
String data = await rootBundle.loadString('path_to_file');
_data = data;
return data;

Dependencies in data binding

I'd like to add a derived property to flex:
private var a:int;
private var b:int;
public function get derived():int
return a+b;
However, derived won't update when I change a or b. Is there a better (faster) way to make derived update than giving a and b setter methods which invalidate it?
Edit: added keyword "get". This makes more sense now, I hope.
Your code does not create a property, it creates a method. Methods cannot be Bindable, only properties. This approach should work for you:
private var _a:int;
public function get a():int{
return _a
public function set a(value:int):void{
_a = a;
dispatchEvent(new Event('derivedChanged'));
private var _b:int;
public function get b():int{
return _b
public function set b(value:int):void{
_b = b;
dispatchEvent(new Event('derivedChanged'));
public function get derived():int
return a+b;
I wrote code n the browser; so there may be minor syntax errors.
You can use [Bindable(event="propertyChanged")] on your derived function.
You should also make your derived function a getter.
I should work because flex uses PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE to bind variables, by automatically creating getters and setters and dispatching a PropertyChangeEvent. The modification of either a or b will automatically invalidate the result of derived.
I felt like this was a common problem, so I wrote some code to help out with it. You can add what your getter is dependent on in the Bindable metadata. So:
public function get derived():int
return a+b;
It's custom code, written to use Parsley's metadata processing, but you could use it without Parsley--it just would be a normal method call and wouldn't look as nice.
Check it out: http://frishy.blogspot.com/2011/06/binding-dependencies.html
