Data Visualisation - graph

UPDATE: I had posted this on UI.stackexchange also for views on different kinds od visualisation. I am posting this here for finding out the programming techniques and tools required to do so.
Let us have the following three sets of information
Now I want to combine all of this data and show it all together. Telling it like a story. Giving inter-relations. Showing similarities in terms, concepts etc. to get the following (Note that in the diagram below, the colored relations may not be exact, they are merely indicative of a node of information)
Situation: I need to tell somebody the relation between two or more important things through the commonness of concepts, keywords, behaviours in those things.
One way that I figured out would be to use circles for concepts.
So that all concepts connected to thing A would be connected to it and all concept related to B would be connected to it. And the common concepts would be connected to both. That way 2 things can be easily compared.
Problem: To build such a graph/visualisation manually would be cumbersome. Especially to add, arrange, update and manipulate.
Question: Is there a good way to do it. Also, Is there a tool available for doing this?
I hope this make the question much more clear. :)

Where does this data (the concepts, keywords, and relations between them etc...) come from? If it's in a database somewhere you could write soem code to generate a graphiz file then open it in a graphiz visualizer. There might be some tools out there that allow interactive editing of a graphiz graph, it looks like WebDot may and there are probably others.

How to display the hierarchical data on User Interface

You're talking about Venn diagrams. I think there should be plenty of online and offline tools that can help making these.
graphiz has been mentioned already, although that would be used more to show a flow of a system, or a treeview.
When you're talking about software development and want to display a design through diagrams, a complete diagram solution already exist as UML. And there are plenty of UMT tools that can help here. A commercial version is Altova UModel, which has some very nice features. You could probably use Use Cases as the most logical diagram type.
Also see Wikipedia for more info about use case diagrams. Reconsidering the image you've added, I do tend to consider it to be a usecase. Since UML is based on XML, it should be possible to transform your data through a stylesheet to UML, then use a random UML tool to display the diagrams.To convert your data to XML, well... If it's in Excel then exporting it to XML should not be too difficult.
Why is your sample image an Use Case? Well, you have actors (Pinguin, Koala, Tulips) and you have actions. (well, kind of actions: Cause for concern, some kind of animal, linked to movie, bites your nose off...) And finally, there are associations between the actors and the actions connecting them all in some way. Thus Data--(export)->XML--(Styleheet)->UML--(UML tool)->Diagram.

D3: Data-Driven Documents JS library


How can I make a 3D visual programming language

This is not a joke. and I want a tutorial.
I want to make a 3D (node editor / programming language / graph editor) like this picture:
How can I do that?
These are just some thoughts on the matter, I think some planning will be required.
I'm unaware of any tutorials explaining how to build node editors, but since so many node editors exist, perhaps your best source for inspiration can be other people's codebases.
I think you can look at prior art:
Also, I think you can plan it like this:
figure out what it will look like (maybe you can make a mockup on blender first)
think about what kind of interactions will be allowed, how will the mouse work?
Consider using an existing 3d framework like openframeworks or unity
design a command palette or list of keyboard shortcuts of things that will be required
study existing 2d note editors, consider evaluating the work of John Paul Morrison (Flow Based Programming) and things like NoFlo or PyFlow among many others, you can study the ones that have actual users like the Unreal Node Editor, or more recently I think Unity also has one.
design an execution engine (how will the code actually run, input ports, output ports, etc).
consider the format that you'll use for saving/loading the networks, is it sqlite? json? will you need to store the coordinates and perhaps the dimensions of the nodes, and the connections between the nodes?
if a new node is to be located, where will it be put? do you need to indicate an arbitrary point in 3d space, or is it better to have the new node positions to be relative to existing objects?
component property editors may be important, each node will probably have it's own set of properties, will each node be custom, with a custom ui for editing? or will there be a general property editor for all the nodes? these decisions should be made.
custom node properties can be used to make the ui easier for the user, however
the global property editor will allow you to create many components relatively inexpensively.
what operations need to be supported? do you need auto-layouting algorithms, like graphviz's dot?
will the runtime allow for step by step execution? node statistics? real time visualization?
consider who is your target market for this tool, and why this tool will be useful outside the existing tools, is it music artists using the next vvvvv ? or is it graphic artists making the next shader? will be useful for web development? or for a specific niche?
I hope you'll find these thoughts and ideas useful in your process, and I look forward to the things you will build.

Neo4j graph visualizing libraries

Recently I explored some libraries where I can visualize graphs from Neo4j, but didn't get a clear view wich one to choose, so I have a couple thought I'd like to share.
My requirements and wishes - after search throught REST API with cypher query visualize graphs with all relationships, nodes. And result make interactive - able to drag/drop... opportunity to reveal other nodes/rels on click. Import nodes throught json data and be able to show quickly up to at least 400 elements.
So I more or less explored further libraries:
Three.js - mostly for 3D. (If I don't need 3D then better not to choose this one)
Arbor.js - drawing leaves up to you, mostly layout library
VivaGraphJS - easy to use, but almost no documentation :(
D3.js - Looks fine, but uses SVG
Cytoscape.js - looks fine, but I read that I can't use it with Neo4j. Is D3.js the right choice for real-time visualization of Neo4j Graph DB data why?
Processing.js - have it's own language similar to Java. I'm not so much in Java-like language (yet).
And I have a couple questions:
1) Whats your experience - benefits, weakneses of libraries?
2) I suppose I want to use canvas insted of SVG? (a lot of small elements on the screen).
3) Arbor is special library for layout, but others don't have layout algorithms or what?
I'll appreciate any opinion! :-)
I pondered a similar situation. I chose sigma.js.
1) Whats your experience - benefits, weakneses of libraries?
sigma.js is specific to graph rendering. d3 is a full on toolbox for visualization. Since I only want to draw graphs, the concise sigma.js interface was easier to work with. I think this is the video where the creator talks about how sigma.js is able to do incremental rendering and thus perform better and handle more vertices/edges smoothly.
2) I suppose I want to use canvas insted of SVG? (a lot of small
elements on the screen).
sigma.js renders to the canvas.
Here are the sigma.js examples. The "hide nodes" example shows mouse interactions. Additionaly, here is a blog post showing how one can easily integrate neo4j w/ sigma using a very minimal amount of data massaging code written in node.js. It would be easy to port this to any server language.
I don't see sigma.js in that list which you might want to take a look at as it is very useful (example)
You will have to somehow handle the rendering of the received data (i.e. go from a data structure to its visual representation) and this depends on what are you trying to show / say with that visualisation, how you want to do it and how you want it to look like.
As a starting point, i would go with D3 and Sigma.
I note that Gephi is not on your list. As a standalone visualiser/editor, its the best that I have used (you just get the neo4j plugin, and it will import the source files of the database and let you view it). Its also Open Source, so you can include it as part of a project.
Also missing from your list is the yFiles family of graph visualization libraries.
The JavaScript variant of if uses both Canvas, WebGL, and SVG. This can give very good performance and high-quality visualizations at the same time. For hair-ball-like graphs (thousands of dots and lines, but probably no text) you can use WebGL and Canvas and when you zoom in to actually make sense of the data, you can use SVG to get detailed high-quality visualizations with labels, icons, data-bound visualizations, etc. You can use both techniques in the same visualization, even at the same time, benefiting from the best of both worlds (demo).
Connecting yFiles to Neo4j is easy using the JavaScript Bolt driver.
Aiming at 400 elements in the view is a good idea. While larger graphs tend to look really nice, most of the time you won't gain a lot of insights by looking at "hair-balls". These almost artistic visualizations all look very similar and as such carry little to no information. Often you could just as well display a static image showing the first google image search hit for a "hairball graph" query :-)
In order to better support the user during exploration, filtering, grouping, nesting, and dynamic interaction should be added to the viewer application. How this can be implemented, very much depends on the business domain in the visualization, though and there are only very few generic approaches that work for generic graphs.
Disclaimer: I work for the company that creates the above mentioned visualization library. I do not represent it on SO, though.

Trees / Graphs, How to represent Multiple parents and children?

I'm hoping you can help me out with some technical questions on graphs/trees.
I'm trying to display the creation of objects in systems.
It's really a tree structure.
It has some interesting requirements.
One node can have many children. Say 20. Maybe more.
ie. one library can be used by many objects.
A child node can have many parents. Say up to 20.
ie. many libraries are used by one procedure or object
A particular node can appear in more than one place.
ie. a generic print, or logging function is called in many procedures
Note: This is just an -example- in tech terms I expect you will understand.
It is NOT the issue I need to model. No need to discuss it.
As I've thought about it, I realized that it's not a simple binary tree, or a linked list.
What kind of data structure could I save all the data in?
How could I produce a graph of this in java?
What is a free open source graphing software that could graph such a tree?
Such as Neo4j
Perhaps in formats:
- as a tree, with a root, trunk, branches, and leaves?
- Like the graphs you see now, depicting social networks, with the root node in the center?
Any good websites, or tutorials on this subject?
Thanks a lot!
Check out prefuse. It's old but it works. You'll have to invest a bit of time to learn how to use it though. Once you get there, it's just a matter of creating a object and fill in your nodes and their neighbors and then creating the visualization.
If you're open to other solution check out d3.js - draw graph using javascript on SVG element in your browser.
If this is really about objects, then maybe UML can help. It's designed to generate graphs of object relationships. There are tons of free UML tools out there. I'd download one and see if you can shoehorn your application into it.
JGraphT can represent your graph structure and can use JGraph for visualisation.
For an example visualization, look at this.

Do you know a good program to draw DVCS graphs?

Recently I was trying to introduce improvements to a DVCS workflow in the company I work for. To make it happen I need to write a document describing the changes - cause it's for managers - the more pictures / graphs the better.
Do you know any program (for Windows preferably) in which it's easy to draw graphs representing branches, commits and merges? I've tried Visio but it's not exactly what I expected (or maybe I just need new stencils).
EDIT: The result I would like to accomplish is similar to this one: The author didn't answer to the questions about the software used in the comment's though.
You can try this online tool, although it is not the same one.
I can recomment yEd from yFiles. It is free and can produce some beautiful graphs for a fairly wide array of use cases. It does have some relatively minor foibles, but it gets the job done more than it gets in my way.

What does a developer need on the front end to ensure a successful project?

I have an idea for a business that requires a well designed web application. I'm not a rocket surgeon, but I'm smart enough to know that you get what you pay for and am willing to pay for talent. However, I want the development process to go as smoothly as possible and would like to know how to make that happen.
So, what information do developers need (or want) initially from the owner to avoid having to make assumptions about business (or other) requirements? Do I need to create state transition diagrams or write use cases?
Essentially, how do I take the concept in my head and package it in a way that allows the developer to do what they do best? (assuming that is creating good software. haha)
Any advice is appreciated.
You may need to reword your question, as it is too general to get a good answer, so some vague details would be helpful.
But, the better vision you have of what you want the smoother it will be.
I find UML diagrams too confining, when you aren't going to be doing the work, as you may not come up with the best design.
So, if you start with designing out what each page should look like, as you envision it, then you can write up use cases, which are short scenarios.
So, you may write up:
A user needs to be able to log in using OpenID.
This will tell the developer one function that you want, and who you expect to do that action.
But, don't put in technologies, as you may think that a SOAP service is your best bet, but upon talking about it you may find that there is a better solution.
Use cases are good points to show what you are envisioning, and give text to your page designs.
Talk to the developers. Explain what you want and why you want it. Together you make the flow charts and whatnot. Writing requirements is part of the design process, and it's a good idea to have the developers onboard as soon as possible. Start simple and small, then grow and expand while iterating.
In talking over web services before, I have found the best starting point is drawing on a sheet of paper what you think the site will look like, and add in a few arrows from things you want clickable to the pages that should result. Keep it simple, nothing too fancy, and hopefully you and the developer can come to an understanding of what you want pretty quickly.
Use cases might be best for checking off all the points later in the project about how complete your site is; I haven't really found it to be a helpful starting point, but I'm sure others disagree. (They just seem too tedius to read when actually writing code.)
Same with state transition diagrams; they are too tedious and I think most developers will assume you made mistakes in them anyway. :) Everyone else does... Unless your project hinges very tightly on the correctness of a state machine, I wouldn't really bother.
This book contains some good advice on what constitutes a good statement of requirements from a programmers point of view. It also has the useful guideline of not trying to set the form of your requirements too early, and a substantial piece on describing the problem you are trying to solve.
I like UI mockups based on actual program/site flows e.g registering a customer or placing order. Diagrams/pictures of GUIs with structured, consistent data examples are unambiguous.
I agree that UML and use cases are only really useful if everyone speaks UML and the projects are of sufficient complexity (few are).
You may want to read up on Agile/Scrum techniques. These are becoming a sort of standard and when properly managed can save weeks of development time.
I find that words don't do a good job of communicating how a system is supposed to work. Wireframes, white-board drawings/transition diagrams, and low-fidelity prototypes are great ways to communicate a concrete idea. One example of a low-fidelity prototype is a "clickable" paper prototype that allows a user to touch "buttons" on paper to go from one drawing to another. It costs very little time (cheaper), but goes a long way to communicate an idea between two parties.
Stay away from formal documentation, UML diagrams, or class (technical documentation) diagrams that don't speak to you. This is what large, risk-averse companies move toward to be more "mature". These are also byproducts of an idea that is hashed out, and it sounds like you're in the hashing out stage.
