Drupal theme() function and custom template - drupal

I have a custom module that returns data from a web service call. It comes back from an XML response, which I am converting to an array.
Once I have the array, I do:
$output = theme('search_srs_results', $data);
return $output;
But I am getting a white screen. No apache/php/watchdog errors.
I've done this before in another module without any difficulty. My theme hook is defined, and points to a template file, passing the $data argument. If I dump $output before it's returned, its NULL.
$data definitely has a populated array before being themed.
If I do theme('item_list', $data);, it renders, no white screen.
I tried reading the docs again on hook_theme and theme() but I don't seem to be doing anything wrong.
Here are the theme functions:
* Implementation of hook_theme()
function srs_finder_theme() {
return array(
'search_srs_results' => array(
'template' => 'srs-finder-results',
'arguments' => array('data' => null),
* Implementation of hook_preprocess()
function srs_finder_preprocess_search_srs_results(&$vars) {
$data = $vars['data'];
Whats missing?

I don't understand why you need hook_preprocess() function at all. $data should automatically be available to srs-finder-results.tpl.php. Thats because you're passing this variable in the call theme('src_src_results', $data) and the fact that you have declared that there is 1 argument in hook_theme().
srs-finder-results.tpl.php file should reside in the src_finder module folder. You need to implement the code for that! (Alternatively as nikit has commented above, provide a theme_search_srs_results function. In that case you will need to remove the template array entry)
[Note: If other users of the module want to override this theme template they can always provide their own implementation of srs-finder-results.tpl.php in the theme folder of the theme that is active.]


WordPress publish_{$post_type} hook works only for posts and not for custom post types or pages

I'm trying to send push notification when any of posts, custom post types or pages is published. I'm getting enabled post types from the plugin settings and adding action via foreach loop in my class __construct method. The problem is that it only works for posts and not for any of custom post types or pages. Here is my function and action:
foreach ((array)get_option('PushPostTypes') as $postType) {
add_action("publish_{$postType}", array($this, 'doNewPostPush'), 10, 2);
public function doNewPostPush($id, $post) {
$pushData = array(
'title' => $post->post_title,
'body' => strip_tags($post->post_content),
'data' => array(
'url' => trailingslashit(get_permalink($id)),
if (has_post_thumbnail($id)) {
$pushData['image'] = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($id);
get_option('PushPostTypes') is an array of post types that user choose, for example: array('post', 'page', 'custom_post');
Any idea why it only works for post and not for pages or custom post types?
Your code worked for me, assuming your get_option('PushPostTypes') is working as intended (Obviously I had to mock that).
Try a different approach that does not rely on get_option('PushPostTypes') to see if you get the same result;
add_action('transition_post_status', function ($new_status, $old_status, $post) {
if ($new_status !== 'publish') {
// do something
}, 10, 3);
Try the 'transition_post_status' hook that works for all posts without specifically defining them. Put that somewhere just to see if it runs. Do whatever debugging statement that suits you. Then if that works, then move it into Class code and see if that works. I'm debugging by trying to isolate where the first thing goes wrong. Keeping it very simple to get it to work, then gradually adding complexity until it breaks.

How do i set a specific template for a specific module in drupal 6 using hook_theme

Is there any way by which i could assign a template to my custom module.I heard it may be possible.I tried out with the hook_theme function.My hook_theme looks something like this
function special_theme() {
return array(
'special' => array(
'template' => 'special',
'arguments' => array('link' => NULL),
I do have a special.tpl.php file in my module folder.But the tpl file is not called.Its my default template that is been shown as output.Could someone please help me in the right direction.would be very helpful.
What you define via hook_theme() is an available template, not one that is automatically used. In order to use that template you need to call theme('special', $link);.
It is also advised to avoid using simple words for theme names to avoid collisions ( try mymodule_special instead ).
Also note (though basic), that you also need to print the return value of theme(), it does not get automatically printed. So for instance,
print theme('special', $link);

Register your theme functions in Drupal

I am new to Drupal and I am working on creating my own theme for our custom module. Can any one please help me understand how to register our theme functions or share any ideas or links that explains the process from scratch.
Register a theme function means implementing hook_theme in your module.
For example, if your module is called "example", then you need to have a function called example_theme in the example.module file. The theme function must return an array or you'll end up with the famous white screen of death.
In example.module:
// $Id$
// Implements hook_theme
function example_theme(){
return array(
'mydata' => array(
// Optionally, you can make the theme use a template file:
// this line references the file "mydatafile.tpl.php" in the same folder as the module or in the folder of the active theme
'template' => 'mydatafile',
// these variables will appear in the template as $var1 and $var2
'arguments' => array(
'var1' => null,
'var2' => null,
'myotherdata' => array(
// these variables will appear in the functions as the first and second arguments
'arguments' => array(
'var1' => null,
'var2' => null,
// If you don't want to use a template file, use a function called "theme_THEID" to create the HTML.
function theme_myotherdata($var1, $var2){
return "<div>var1= $var1 and var2= $var2</div>";
In mydatafile.tpl.php:
<div>mydatafile.tpl.php was called</div>
<li>var1: <?php echo $var1; ?></li>
<li>var2: <?php echo $var2; ?></li>
You can then later call the theme function manually if needed:
$html = theme('mydata', 'hello world', 123);
$html = theme('myotherdata', 'hello world', 123);
In which case "mydatafile.tpl.php" and "theme_myotherdata" will receive the value "hello world" in $var1 and the value 123 in $var2.
There are many more options, like changing the name of the function, using patterns instead of a fixed name, being able to have the function in another php file or such, check out the link.
Here are a couple more ressources about theming:
The theme guide
Overriding themable output
The Devel module
The Theme developer module (requires the Devel module)
a longuer example that also creates a form/page to use the theme function
By the way, you will need to rebuild the theme registry cache if you add the functions in the .module file after it has been installed, in which case you can do so by clearing the cache (one way is using the button at the bottom of the the Performances page).
NOTE: Slightly different syntax with Drupal 7 (ex. 'arguments' changes to 'variables')

Load view template on module activation

I have developed a blogger-like archive feature (you know, from the feature module).
I want to edit the .module file in order to automatically load the view-template (which is bundled in the feature) into the theme. Is there a way to do it?
On a general level: you should think "features = modules" and leaving theming for... themes! This does not mean that you shouldn't include a template with your feature, but that you should evaluate whether the template you have built suits a general use of your feature or it is specific for your currently used theme. If it is the latter case, you should not package your template file with the feature, but leave it with the theme instead. Just think to how the views module works, to get an idea of what I mean.
[Maybe you are already aware of this and made your considerations to this regards, in which case simply disregard what above. I thought about writing it because your sentence "I want the tpl.php to be actually available for the feature to use it (just as if it were in the active theme folder)" surprised me as general-use templates do not live in the theme folder but in the their module one, and moreover views already provide a "general use" template.]
That said, the way you normally tell drupal to use a given template, is via implementing hook_theme() in your module. In this case - though - given that you are going to override the template defined by views you should implement hook_theme_registry_alter() instead.
Somebody actually already did it. Here's the code snippet from the linked page:
function MYMODULE_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$my_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'MYMODULE');
$hooks = array('node'); // you can do this to any number of template theme hooks
// insert our module
foreach ($hooks as $h) {
_MYMODULE_insert_after_first_element($theme_registry[$h]['theme paths'], $my_path);
function _MYMODULE_insert_after_first_element(&$a, $element) {
$first_element = array_shift($a);
array_unshift($a, $first_element, $element);
Of course you will have to alter the theme registry for your view, rather than for a node (the original example refers to a CCK type).
As on using the template in the views_ui, I am not sure weather the features module already empty the theming cache when you install a feature (in which case you should be good to go). If not, you can trigger it manually by invoking cache_clear_all() from your install file. If emptying the entire cache is too much, you should dig into the views module on how to flush the cache relatively to a single views.
Hope this helps!
Try to add this to your feature .module file
* Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
function MYMODULE_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$theme_registry['theme paths']['views'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'MYMODULE');
On the .install file use this
* Implementation of hook_enable().
function MYMODULE_enable() {
Here is my snippet to declare views templates stored in the "template" folder of my "custom_module":
* Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
function custom_module_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$extension = '.tpl.php';
$module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'custom_module');
$files = file_scan_directory($module_path . '/templates', '/' . preg_quote($extension) . '$/');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$template = drupal_basename($file->filename, $extension);
$theme = str_replace('-', '_', $template);
list($base_theme, $specific) = explode('__', $theme, 2);
// Don't override base theme.
if (!empty($specific) && isset($theme_registry[$base_theme])) {
$theme_info = array(
'template' => $template,
'path' => drupal_dirname($file->uri),
'variables' => $theme_registry[$base_theme]['variables'],
'base hook' => $base_theme,
// Other available value: theme_engine.
'type' => 'module',
'theme path' => $module_path,
$theme_registry[$theme] = $theme_info;
Hope it helps someone.

theme form on drupal 6

I have a form 'pub_form' which has function $form['#theme'] = 'publication_order';
so in module file, i defined function theme_publication_order($element), but the function
was not called.
i have search the google, looks like i have to use hook_theme() to make theme_publication_order() to work.
how can i override hook_theme() to make it work?
To make a theme function work, you must first define it in an implementation of hook_theme. You need this, to let drupal know the function exists. This would look like this:
function mymodule_theme() {
$items = array();
$items['publication_order'] = array(
'arguments' => array('element' => NULL),
return $items;
Then drupal will know about your theme function:
function theme_publication_order($element) {
// do your stuff here
