How can I get my WCF Service constructor called? -

I'm currently trying to get my head around WCF services for an ASP.NET dev environment, and I believe that I'm doing well save for one thing that has me stumped.
Basically, I've got a WCF service set up (let's take the default, with an added constructor):
public class MyService : IMyService
public MyService() { /* blah */ }
public DoWork() { /* blah */ }
The IMyService interface defines the DoWork() method as an [OperationContract], as it should.
So I've got this service referenced in another project (let's say a [Unit] Test Project), via Add Service Reference on the VS2010 UI. This creates a reference to a MyServiceClient which exposes my WCF service methods, as it should.
However, when I do this in my test project:
ServiceReference.IMyService service;
service = new ServiceReference.MyServiceClient();
... the MyService() constructor does not get called, basically because I'm instantiating a MyServiceClient, not a MyService per se.
How do I go about getting that constructor called? I'm planning to use that for initialization purposes (perhaps grabbing a layer in a tiered implementation, for example?).

That constructor will be called on the server when you make your request from the client.
Creating a "reference" to a web service (and then using the client classes) is very different to referencing a regular .DLL. All of your service code will run on the server-side, but not until the service is invoked...

The only way for the server-side constructor to be called for each request is to set the InstanceContextMode to PerCall (in the ServiceBehavior attribute).


Injecting into constructor with 2 params is not working

I have a ASP .Net Web API controller that I want to take 2 parameters. The first one is an EF context and the second being a caching interface. If I just have the EF context the constructor gets called, but when I add the caching interface I get the error:
An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type
'MyV1Controller'. Make sure that the controller has a
parameterless public constructor.
private MyEntities dbContext;
private IAppCache cache;
public MyV1Controller(MyEntities ctx, IAppCache _cache)
dbContext = ctx;
cache = _cache;
My UnityConfig.cs
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
// TODO: Register your types here
container.RegisterType<MyEntities, MyEntities>();
container.RegisterType<IAppCache, CachingService>();
I would expect that Entity now knows about both types when a request is made for MyV1Controller function it should be able to instantiate an instance since that constructor takes types it knows about but that's not the case. Any idea why?
Note that I created my own class (IConfig) and registered it and add it to the constructor and it worked, but whenever I try to add the IAppCache to my constructor and make a request to the API I get the error telling me it can't construct my controller class. The only difference that I see is the IAppCache isn't in my projects namespace because it's a 3rd party class but that shouldn't matter from what I understand.
Here are the constructors for CachingService
public CachingService() : this(MemoryCache.Default) { }
public CachingService(ObjectCache cache) {
if (cache == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cache));
ObjectCache = cache;
DefaultCacheDuration = 60*20;
Check the IAppCacheimplementation CachingService to make sure that the class is not throwing any exception when initialized. that parameterless exception is the default message when an error occurs while trying to create controllers. It is not a very useful exception as it does not accurately indicate what the true error was that occurred.
You mention that it is a 3rd party interface/class. It could be requesting a dependency that the container does not know about.
Referencing Unity Framework IoC with default constructor
Unity is calling the constructor with the most parameters which in this case is...
public CachingService(ObjectCache cache) { ... }
As the container know nothing about ObjectCache it will pass in null which according to the code in the constructor will throw an exception.
Adding this from comments as it can prove useful to others.
container.RegisterType<IAppCache, CachingService>(new InjectionConstructor(MemoryCache.Default));
Reference here Register Constructors and Parameters for more details.
Most of the DI containers while trying to resolve a type always look for a constructor with maximum number of parameters. That is the reason why CachingService(ObjectCache cache) constructor was being invoked by default. As ObjectCache instance is not registered with Unity, so the resolution fails. Once you force the type registration to invoke specific constructor, everything works.
So if you register IAppCache and force it to invoke CachingService() - parameter less constructor, it will work as expected.
container.RegisterType<IAppCache, CachingService>(new InjectionConstructor());
Registering it this way, will force the parameter less constructor to be invoked and internally it will fall back on whatever the third part library wants to use as default. In your case it will be
CachingService() : this(MemoryCache.Default)
Another option that was mentioned in other answers is to register and pass the constructor parameter your self.
container.RegisterType<IAppCache, CachingService>(new InjectionConstructor(MemoryCache.Default));
This will also work, but here you are taking the responsibility of supplying the cache provider. In my opinion, I would rather let the third party library handle its own defaults instead of me as a consumer taking over that responsibility.
Please take a look at How does Unity.Resolve know which constructor to use?
And few additional information for Niject
If no constructors have an [Inject] attribute, Ninject will select the
one with the most parameters that Ninject understands how to resolve.
For LazyCache version 2.1.2 (maybe even earlier) the existing solution no longer works (no constructor that receives MemoryCache), but it works as simple as:
container.RegisterType<IAppCache, CachingService>(new InjectionConstructor());
This worked with .NET Framework 4.6.1, Unity Abstractions 3.1.0.

How to access a Symfony service that is used by a client request in a web test case?

I have an application that relies on third party services. In order to make sure that the application works properly, I want to mock the third party services and make sure that the application is working as expected.
This requires that I am able to configure the mock services before creating the requests. However, I am unable to do so.
Consider the following code:
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;
class MyTest extends WebTestCase
public function testSignupLink()
$container = static::createClient()->getContainer();
// This returns a different instance from the one used by the client request
$service = $container->get('third-party-service');
// ...
// The request creates a new instance of the $service internally which doesn't have the error state that was set above
$client->request('POST', '/abc/1');
The 'abc' controller relies on a service that I can't access. When I access the service from the container, I get a different instance from the one that is used by the client request.
Is there any way to handle this?
If I correctly understood you, here is what you need:

spring-cloud with RestTemplate//Ribbon/Eureka - retry when server not available

I managed to successfully get my RestTemplate client discover remote service using Eureka and forward calls to it using Ribbon as described in the documentation.
Basically, it was just a matter of adding the following annotations of my Application class and let the magic of Spring-Boot do the rest:
(PS: you noticed I'm using spring-cloud:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-BUILD and not 1.0.0.M3 - but this doesn't seem to affect my problem).
When two service instances are started, the rest-template client successfully load balance requests between the two. However, the client won't fallback to the second instance if the first is stopped before the Eureka load balancer notices, instead an exception is thrown.
Hence my question: is there a way to configure the RestTemplate/Ribbon/Eureka stack to automatically retry the call to another instance if the one selected the first place is not available? Zuul proxy and feign clients do this "out of the box" so I believe the library holds the necessary features...
Any idea/hint?
The RestTemplate support on its own does not know how to do any retrying (whereas the Feign client and the proxy support in Spring Cloud does, as you noticed). I think this is probably a good things because it gives you the option to add it yourself. For instance, using Spring Retry you can do it in a simple declarative style:
public Object doSomething() {
// use your RestTemplate here
(and add #EnableRetry to your #Configuration). It makes a nice combination with #HystrixCommand (from Spring Cloud / Javanica):
public Object doSomething() {
// use your RestTemplate here
In this form, every failure counts towards the circuit breaker metrics (maybe we could change that, or maybe it makes sense to leave it like that), even if the retry is successful.
I couldn't get it to work with both #HystrixCommand and #Retryable, regardless of order of annotations on #Configuration class or on #Retryable method due to order of interceptors. I solved this by creating another class with the matching set of methods and had the #HystrixCommand annotated methods delegate to the corresponding #Retryable method in the second class. You could probably have the two classes implement the same interface. This is kind of a pain in the butt, but until order can be configured, this is all I could come up with. Still waiting on a real solution from Dave Syer and the spring cloud guys.
public class HystrixWrapper {
private RetryableWrapper retryableWrapper;
public Response doSomething(...) {
return retryableWrapper.doSomething(...);
public class RetryableWrapper {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public Response doSomething(...) {
// do something with restTemplate;

Why is accessing session state and HttpContext in WebAPI considered bad design?

I have several .asmx web services that I want to upgrade to WebAPI. These web services look somewhat like this:
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class TheWebService : System.Web.Services.WebService {
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string SomeMethod(string SomeInput)
MySessionModel TheSession = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserSession"] as MySessionModel;
return SomeClass.SomeMethod(SomeInput, TheSession);
Basically, I have a single-page application. I'm using Forms Auth to login and redirect users to their "profile" and then, from this page, the app uses web services to communicate with the server. The web services only return raw strings so I don't need serialization at teh web service level. For the moment, the app is hosted in IIS and soon I'll be deploying it into azure.
I've looked around on the web, and several posts suggest that using session state and HttpContext is bad design. Why is using HttpCurrent and session state a bad idea in this case?
There is nothing innately wrong with using ASP.NET Session, as long as you don't use it as a catch-all basket for any old data. Shopping carts, for example, do not belong in Session: they belong in a Shopping Cart persistence component.
Also, and I suspect the reason for the Azure tag on this question, if you are running in a load-balanced environment such as an Azure Cloud Service, you need to use an external session provider such as a SQL Database or a shared cache. Using the in-process session provider (the default) will cause very odd, often unreproducable bugs as users are switched between different servers with different copies of the session.
As for HttpContext.Current, well, for Web API, things like Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection, and simple testability are important. A clean, testable Web API version of that service might look something like this:
public class TheWebService : ApiController {
private readonly IUserSession _userSession;
public TheWebService(IUserSession userSession)
_userSession = userSession;
public string SomeMethod(string SomeInput)
MySessionModel TheSession = _userSession.Get();
return SomeClass.SomeMethod(SomeInput, TheSession);
public interface IUserSession
MySessionModel Get();
You could still use HttpContext.Current.Session["UserSession"] in a class like this:
public class CurrentContextUserSession : IUserSession
public MySessionModel Get()
return HttpContext.Current.Session["UserSession"] as MySessionModel;
You would then use an IoC container such as Unity or Ninject to set CurrentContextUserSession as the implementation of IUserSession for Web API to use when constructing instances of TheWebService. But when you were writing your tests, you could use a mock or stub implementation of IUserSession that had no dependency on HttpContext.Current.
In your specific example, you are using the Session only inside the WebMethod, which is fine as it is already coupled to ASP.NET but many people tend to use this at other layers of their application which is a really bad design.
Common problems of using HttpContext.Current in those layers are:
the code cannot be easily unit tested in isolation
the code is tightly coupled to an ASP.NET context
This being said, having stateful services that depend on the session is bad design. In the example you have shown, that's an ASMX WebService which is depending on the ASP.NET Session state meaning that the client should be passing cookies around in order to invoke this service. Also stateful services are harder to scale.

WCF Data Service as Library

Today I am digging into WCF Data Service and I have a question regarding this. Can I create WCF Data service as Library and just only create WCF data Service in our existing web app and take reference that library using Factory property so service will deploy with existing web application.
As I know We can create WCF Service Library and only need to take reference that library in Web application like :
Create a WCF Library and implement service contract
Create a Web application and add new item as Wcf service file then take reference WCF library
<%# ServiceHost Service="MyServiceLibrary.MyService" Factory="System.ServiceModel.Activation.WebServiceHostFactory" />
Instead of a service library, I want to create OData service library.
Yes, you can host a WCF Data Service in your own assembly - with a few little tricks. I researched this a while ago and came up with these steps / instructions.
Here's how:
put your data model (EF Data Model) into its own assembly, let's call it DataModel
create a new class library project (call it MyDataServiceHost)
add a few references:
your DataModel assembly with the data layer
System.Data.Services - you cannot pick this from the usual Add Reference dialog under the .NET category - you need to browse for the assembly file. Find the directory C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0 (or C:\Program Files (x86)\... on a 64-bit machine) and pick the System.Data.Services.dll inside it
add a new class to that class library and call it e.g. YourDataService.cs - it will look something like this:
using System.Data.Services;
using System.Data.Services.Common;
using DataModel;
namespace MyDataServiceHost
public class YourDataService : DataService<YourModelEntities>
// This method is called only once to initialize service-wide policies.
public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
// TODO: set rules to indicate which entity sets and service operations are visible, updatable, etc.
// Examples:
config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.AllRead);
config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion = DataServiceProtocolVersion.V2;
You can name the class anything you like, and it has to derive from DataService<T> where T is the name of your data model; if you're using Entity Framework, it's the name of your object context class - typically something like (database)Entities or whatever you picked when you created the EDM
add another class to your new project, call it MyDataServiceHost.cs and it will look something like this:
using System;
using System.Data.Services;
using DataModel;
namespace MyDataServiceHost
public class MyDataServiceHost
public static void LaunchDataService(string baseAddress)
Uri[] baseAddresses = new Uri[1];
baseAddresses[0] = new Uri(baseAddress);
using(DataServiceHost host = new DataServiceHost(typeof(YourDataService), baseAddresses))
Console.WriteLine("DataService up and running.....");
It instantiates a DataServiceHost, which is derived from WebServiceHost (which in turn is derived from ServiceHost) and it will spin up the WCF Data Service runtime for you.
now you can start up your WCF Data Service from any app using:
last thing to remember: the app that you use to launch the WCF Data Service must have the connection string (the EDM connection string, if you're using Entity Framework) in its app.config (or web.config) in order for this to work!
