ESB Management Console (ESB Toolkit 2.1) not showing data - biztalk

I successfully installed the ESB Toolkit 2.1 on top of BizTalk 2010.
Everything seems to work fine.
I created a sample app following Peter Kelcey's "BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.0--Part 1: Dynamic Routing and UDDI Integration" (
The message fails, but my problem is that I don't see anything in the ESB Management portal (or in the BAM portal, in the itinerary view).
I don't have any exception or anything, just no data.
I also checked the EsbExceptionDb database in SQL Server. And the connection strings in the portal web.config seem to be ok.
I must say that I installed the portal from the samples source, by rebuilding the solution and verifying all the configurations in IIS as per the documentation.
Thanks for any direction

Update on this:
I saw that I couldn't access the ESB.Exception.Service app from either VS or browsing from IIS
I rebuilt and republished the ESB.Exception.Service app.
Now the localhost/ESB.Exceptions.Service/ responds properly.
Also, I used the sample test app that calls the localhost/ESB.ExceptionHandlingServices/ExceptionHandling.asmx and now it is able to write to the database.
The ESB Portal shows the fault data now.
Basically rebuilding it fixed it, but I don't know what was wrong to start with.


a second ASP.NET web app hangs after deployed as IIS 'nested' Application onto primary web site

My IIS nested application hangs when I browse from IIS -- browser's busy spinner just spins forever.
I added a 2nd VS ASP.NET web app project to my primary web site, as a IIS 'nested' application.
The 2nd web app project debugs from VS OK and opens browser to it.
Is it possible to break in with debugger to see if code is in a loop or something?
IIS 6.5 on my Windows Server 2012 R2 Azure VM
VS is 15.3.4
IIS > Sites > my primary web site > TEST (this Application added to primary) > Advanced Settings:
App Pool = DefaultAppPool
Physical Path = path to TEST's VS project
Virtual Path = /TEST
IIS 6.5...
Test Settings...
If you aren’t sure what issue is causing your website to spin forever, look at the live requests within IIS. From the IIS Management Console select Worker Processes.
Right click on your running application pool and select “View Current Requests”.
This will bring up a list of the currently running ASP.NET web requests as shown below.
I would suggest looking at the “Time Elapsed” to see if you have a lot of requests that are taking a very long time. You should also see if they are all stuck in the same module. This could be a clue that the issue is all related to ASP.NET Sessions or some other step within the ASP.NET request life cycle. You may also be able to identify a specific URL that is causing the problem.
Also in addition to that , I would highly suggest using a logging framework like NLog, log4net or Serilog. You can then send them to a log management service to make it easier to search them across multiple servers. Application logs are good way to trace your application trace across server.
If your web request is returning a 500 Internal Server Error, you need to check your server-side logs for exceptions. As mentioned above about application logs in general, it is important to have good exception handling in place and properly logging all of your errors.
Also you could use some open source diagnostic tool like Glimpse to trace. Glimpse is a thriving and growing family of open source NuGet packages that provides detailed performance, debugging and diagnostic information for ASP.NET apps. It's trivial to install, lightweight, ultra-fast, and displays key performance metrics at the bottom of every page. It allows you to drill down into your app when you need to find out what's going on at the server. Glimpse provides so much valuable information we recommend you use it throughout your development cycle, including your Azure test environment. While Fiddler and the F-12 development tools provide a client side view, Glimpse provides a detailed view from the server. You can try using that too.
Hope it helps.

Application Insights extension breaking Azure web app

I had Application Insights running smoothly on an Azure Web App via the AI SDK, reporting to an AI instance hosted in Azure.
The only niggle was it didn't show detailed dependancy diagnostics, according to this page this was because I was using the SDK only, I needed to "Instrument your web app on the server", which looking at the docs can't be done if you already have an instance of AI running....helpful!
Reluctantly I deleted the AI instance, stripped the SDK from my code so I was starting fresh, and followed the steps, however as soon as I finished the process in the previous link my website broke and now responds to every single request (MVC5 and Web API) with an empty 404 request
The AI status page is showing green ticks for everything, and I can't discern anything from diagnostic log dump from KUDO or manage to remotely debug the site.
Deleting the AI extension under Web App -> Extensions in the Azure portal and then restarting the web app fixes the problem.
I've run out of ideas on how to fix this, is there anything else I can do to get to the bottom of the problem?
To fix this problem, delete the following 2 files from your web app's (or slot's) filesystem:
You can do this easily through Kudu.
Edit: Apparently this is/was an issue with the ProductionBreakpoints interacting with precompiled views. Microsoft has informed me a fix should be out within the next couple days. The version of Application Insights extension I have now that is still broken is 2.4.6 - I will post the "fixed" version when I can confirm it.
Edit 2: Confirmed this is fixed in 2.4.7 which is out now.

ASP.NET Core 2 Web API, Azure publish issue

I have created a sample Web API that returns some sample data from an SQLite database which is included in the project.
I am able to browse and run the API on my local computer. This is all good.
I am also able to publish that API on Azure, all files are getting deployed I am getting "Publish successful" message as expected.
After, whenever I try to browse the domain, it doesn't browse it at all.
Once I create empty web site/web app, I am able to browse the welcome page on But once I publish the API, I am getting 404 not found error, 503 error or IIS 502.5 error.
I tried to change settings from Azure portal, all settings seems good, .NET framework version is set to 4.7, as well as my project is too. Anyone has any idea?
I found the problem
I was using SQLite DB, and my SQLite database was open in a database editor. So, Even though Visual Studio published the database, the database file was 0 byte since it was in use and locked.
I think this is short of a bug. If Visual Studio says I published it successfully, I believe it. Obviously it wasn't successful at all. I reported this as a bug to the VS team.
So, making sure non of your files are in use is a good idea to check.

MYOB ODBC ASP.NET application issues during insert command from IIS 10.0

I am trying to develop a ASP.NET Web API for MYOB that runs within IIS. That will allow me to insert/update/select different pieces of information from a MYOB company file.
At the moment within development everything works perfectly from within VS 2015 using IIS Express. I can successfully execute a insert command on the MYOB ODBC connection in multi-user access mode while the company file is opened by atleast two other users.
However when run from within IIS no errors are displayed. However the ODBC driver returns successfully on the insert query despite no insert being completed and no records of errors in any log files.
Finally, i have given the application pool connected to the IIS Application/Website the identity of the system administrator account. So i am assuming this is not the issue.
Could someone please help me on this! Have I maybe setup the permissions and security protocols in IIS incorrectly? As this application works fine within IIS Express but not in IIS?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You eventually couldn't see an error because you are using Web API. You are just a client. But maybe the API has an error that you've couldn't be seen. is your API has a LOGS? or it has a return value when it might encountered an error?
Try to Double Check it.
I agreed there's a big difference between iis express and IIS itself(Not in VS, means other machine or in server)
Check it too.
1.) framework you are working mostly.
2.) make sure that your Web API is running.
3.) IIS set up.

Web Service error - Status 404 not found

I have created a web service in Visual Studio 2015 (web api) that listens out for requests via a barcode scanner. The barcode scanner links to a database that provides information such as stock quantities etc, but this is just for background information. The web service is currently installed on my local machine and works perfectly, returning the correct values and posts data to a database.
I attempted to install the web service onto a server, copying over similar settings in IIS (only have basic knowledge using this), such as the bindings and ensuring the permissions were set up correctly. However when running the web service I recieved a "404 not found error and 401 unauthorized". After that, I installed Visual Studio 2015 onto the server to ensure it wasn't a build or publish error...same problem.
Below are some of the 'fixes' I have tried to help narrow down the potential problem.
Ensured the correct version of .Net, 4.0, is installed on the server.
IIS Manager - Authentication: Annoymous Authentication set to enabled.
IIS Manager - Directly browsing: set to enabled.
Set the correct permissions using 'Edit Permissions', granted full control to 'Everyone'
This is my first time creating a web service so up until now I have been using tutorials and making it up as I go along. I think it could be to do with the application pools set up? But because the solution works on my local machine and not the server has me extremely confused. Thanks in advance.
