How can I tell if a makefile is being run from an interactive shell? - unix

I have a makefile which runs commands that can take a while. I'd like those commands to be chatty if the build is initiated from an interactive shell but quieter if not (specifically, by cron). Something along the lines of (pseudocode):
foo_opts = -a -b -c
if (make was invoked from an interactive shell):
foo_opts += --verbose
all: bar baz
foo $(foo_opts)
This is GNU make. If the specifics of what I'm doing matter, I can edit the question.

It isn't strictly determining whether it is invoked from an interactive shell or not, but for a cron job in which the output is redirected to a file, the answer to this question would be the same as for How to detect if my shell script is running through a pipe?:
if [ -t 0 ]
# input is from a terminal
Edit: To use this to set a variable in a Makefile (in GNU make, that is):
INTERACTIVE:=$(shell [ -t 0 ] && echo 1)
# is a terminal
# cron job
5.5) How can I tell if I am running an interactive shell?
In the C shell category, look for the variable $prompt.
In the Bourne shell category, you can look for the variable $PS1,
however, it is better to check the variable $-. If $- contains
an 'i', the shell is interactive. Test like so:
case $- in
*i*) # do things for interactive shell
*) # do things for non-interactive shell

I do not think you can easily find out. I suggest adopting an alternative strategy, probably by quelling the verbose output from the cron job. I would look to do that using a makefile like this:
VERBOSE = --verbose
foo_opts = -a -b -c ${VERBOSE}
all: bar baz
foo $(foo_opts)
Then, in the cron job, specify:
This command-line specification of VERBOSE overrides the one in the makefile (and cannot be changed by the makefile). That way, the specialized task (cron job) that you set up once and use many times will be done without the verbose output; the general task of building will be done verbosely (unless you elect to override the verbose-ness on the command line).
One minor advantage of this technique is that it will work with any variant of make; it does not depend on any GNU Make facility.

I’m not really sure what "am interactive" means. Do you mean if you have a valid /dev/tty? If so, then you could check that. Most of us check isatty on stdin, though, because it answers the questions we want to know: is there someone there to type something.

Just a note: you can also see the related discussion that I had about detecting redirection of STDOUT from inside a Makefile.
I believe it will be helpful to readers of this question - executive summary:
ifeq ($(PIPED),1)
#echo Output of make is piped because PIPED is ${PIPED}
#echo Output of make is NOT piped because PIPED is ${PIPED}
#rm -f
#[ -t 1 ] && PIPED=0 || PIPED=1 ; echo "PIPED=$${PIPED}" >
$ make
Output of make is NOT piped because PIPED is 0
$ make | more
Output of make is piped because PIPED is 1
In my answer there I explain why the [-t 1] has to be done in an action and not in a variable assignment (as in the recommended answer here), as well as the various pitfalls regarding re-evaluation of a generated Makefile (i.e. the above).
The term interactive in this question seems to imply redirection of STDIN... in which case replacing [ -t 1 ] with [ -t 0 ] in my code above should work as-is.
Hope this helps.


Colorise printing of recipe commands

I would like to have the option to run the Makefile with/without a verbose mode and colorise the printing of the commands in the recipe.
After some researching I found that the typical way of achieving a "verbose mode" is by introducing a variable, VERBOSE, that can be set on the command line as shown in the example below.
.PHONY: all hack
red = \033[31;1m
green = \033[32;1m
reset = \033[0m
export VERBOSE
AT_0 := #
AT_1 :=
$(AT) printf '$(green)%s\n$(reset)' "GNU Is Not UNIX"
if [[ $${VERBOSE} -eq 1 ]]; then \
printf '$(red)%s\n$(reset)' "printf '$(green)%s\n$(reset)' \"GNU Is Not UNIX\""; \
fi; \
printf '$(green)%s\n$(reset)' "GNU Is Not UNIX"
As yo can see one can now optionally display key commands in a recipe:
usr#cmptr $ make
usr#cmptr $ make VERBOSE=1
printf '\033[32;1m%s\n\033[0m' "GNU Is Not UNIX"
Now back to the beginning. Does anyone have a suggestion for how I can modify this approach such that it also colors the command of the recipe without modifying the color of the output of the command itself?
The desired result is displayed int the hack target
usr#cmptr $ make VERBOSE=1 hack
printf '\033[32;1m%s\n\033[0m' "GNU Is Not UNIX"
That's not the best way of handling verbose modes. Take a look at
The output that you're suppressing by adding # at the beginning is printed by make, it's not printed by the shell. There's no way to get make to colorize its output (short of editing the source code for make).
If you want to see the command colorized you'll have to print it out yourself. If you do that, you'll want to use the # literally all the time, and not allow it to be overridden via VERBOSE or whatever. Your rules will all have to have the format:
# printf '$(green)%s$(reset)\n' 'my command'; my command
If you want verbose mode AS WELL, so that unless you enable it it won't print the command, you have to combine these. One option would be to use a macro you can call, like this:
ifeq ($(VERBOSE),)
run = # $1
run = # printf '$(green)%s$(reset)\n' '$(subst ','\'',$1)'; $1
$(call run,my command)
Note that if my command could contain commas you'll have to hide those from make.

Can I use the .SHELLFLAGS variable to choose "bashrc" file in GNU-Make?

Is it possible to tell the SHELL, e.g. bash, to use a specific (bash)rc file using .SHELLFLAGS?
Below you will see two examples. The first shows what I want to do, and the second illustrates one way of achieving the desired result.
The reason for me asking is that I have a bashrc file (from OpenFOAM) defining a bunch of variables and functions that I want to use in various recipes.
Thank you for your time.
example (not working)
file: bashrc:
export HELLOWORLD="Hello World"
file: Makefile:
.SHELLFLAGS=--rcfile bashrc --
echo "$${HELLOWORLD}"
example (working)
file: bashrc:
export HELLOWORLD="Hello World"
file: Makefile:
test: ; source bashrc
echo "$${HELLOWORLD}"
If you read the bash man page related to the --rcfile option you'll find:
--rcfile file
Execute commands from file instead of the system wide initial‐
ization file /etc/bash.bashrc and the standard personal initial‐
ization file ~/.bashrc if the shell is interactive (see INVOCA‐
TION below).
Note particularly that the shell must be interactive for this to have any effect, but a shell that make invokes is of course not interactive.
Second, if you read the GNU make manual on .SHELLFLAGS you'll see that the default value is -c (or -ec in POSIX mode); the -c option allows the shell to read the script to run from the command line, which is how make invokes the shell. This means when you replace .SHELLFLAGS with your own value, you have to include that.
So with your makefile when make runs the shell it will use this command line:
/bin/bash --rcfile bashrc -- 'echo "${HELLOWORLD}"'
which is clearly not going to work. You need to set .SHELLFLAGS like this:
.SHELLFLAGS = --rcfile bashrc -ic --
The -i option forces an interactive shell, and you need the -c option to tell make to run the first non-option argument as a command.

Set a variable inside prerequisites or eval function

I have this code, and it works, but as you see I do the substitute three times, I would like to set a variable to the value, but with no success
$($(PKG)-py-valgrind-tests-status): $($(PKG)-swig-dlib)
$($(PKG)-py-valgrind-tests-status): $(OBJ_OUTPUT_DIR)%.valgrind_passed:
#echo env $(PKG-TEST-HELPER-ENV) valgrind $(VALGRIND-FLAGS) --log-file=$(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#) $(PYTHON_BIN) $< -v ; \
env $(PKG-TEST-HELPER-ENV) $(VALGRIND) $(VALGRIND-FLAGS) --log-file=$(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#) $(PYTHON_BIN) $< -v \
|| (cat $(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#); exit 1)
#touch $#
the problematic line $(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#)
I tried:
$($(PKG)-py-valgrind-tests-status): LOG-FILE = $(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#)
$($(PKG)-py-valgrind-tests-status): LOG-FILE = $$(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#)
and(inside the recipe)
$(eval LOG-FILE = $$(subst valgrind_passed,valgrind.log,$#))
but for all, if I write
log file come's up empty.
I have no more ideas on how to go forward,
appreciate the help, thanks!
Are you sure you're using GNU make? What version are you using (run make --version)?
There's nothing wrong with your first attempt, using a target-specific variable. If this doesn't work then you've got something wrong or different about your makefile that you haven't explained. Maybe if you showed the actual complete section of the makefile with the target-specific variable being set and used we might see what's wrong.
Your second attempt can't work because secondary expansion applies only the prerequisites, not target-specific variables (but, as above, it's not needed anyway).
Your third attempt might work but again, without seeing exactly what you do with the eval we can't say for sure. You don't need to double the $ before the subst function; it can be expanded first and it will still work.

Using make to execute independent tasks in parallel

I have a bunch of commands I would like to execute in parallel. The commands are nearly identical. They can be expected to take about the same time, and can run completely independently. They may look like:
command -n 1 > log.1
command -n 2 > log.2
command -n 3 > log.3
command -n 4096 > log.4096
I could launch all of them in parallel in a shell script, but the system would try to load more than strictly necessary to keep the CPU(s) busy (each task takes 100% of one core until it has finished). This would cause the disk to thrash and make the whole thing slower than a less greedy approach to execution.
The best approach is probably to keep about n tasks executing, where n is the number of available cores.
I am keen not to reinvent the wheel. This problem has already been solved in the Unix make program (when used with the -j n option). I was wondering if perhaps it was possible to write generic Makefile rules for the above, so as to avoid the linear-size Makefile that would look like:
all: log.1 log.2 ...
command -n 1 > log.1
command -n 2 > log.2
If the best solution is not to use make but another program/utility, I am open to that as long as the dependencies are reasonable (make was very good in this regard).
Here is more portable shell code that does not depend on brace expansion:
LOGS := $(shell seq 1 1024)
Note the use of := to define a more efficient variable: the simply expanded "flavor".
See pattern rules
Another way, if this is the single reason why you need make, is to use -n and -P options of xargs.
First the easy part. As Roman Cheplyaka points out, pattern rules are very useful:
LOGS = log.1 log.2 ... log.4096
all: $(LOGS)
command -n $* > log.$*
The tricky part is creating that list, LOGS. Make isn't very good at handling numbers. The best way is probably to call on the shell. (You may have to adjust this script for your shell-- shell scripting isn't my strongest subject.)
NUM_LOGS = 4096
LOGS = $(shell for ((i=1 ; i<=$(NUM_LOGS) ; ++i)) ; do echo log.$$i ; done)
xargs -P is the "standard" way to do this.
Note depending on disk I/O you may want to limit to spindles rather than cores.
If you do want to limit to cores note the new nproc command in recent coreutils.
With GNU Parallel you would write:
parallel command -n {} ">" log.{} ::: {1..4096}
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ksh: how to probe stdin?

I want my ksh script to have different behaviors depending on whether there is something incoming through stdin or not:
(1) cat file.txt | ./script.ksh (then do "cat <&0 >./tmp.dat" and process tmp.dat)
vs. (2) ./script.ksh (then process $1 which must be a readable regular file)
Checking for stdin to see if it is a terminal[ -t 0 ] is not helpful, because my script is called from an other script.
Doing "cat <&0 >./tmp.dat" to check tmp.dat's size hangs up waiting for an EOF from stdin if stdin is "empty" (2nd case).
How to just check if stdin is "empty" or not?!
EDIT: You are running on HP-UX
Tested [ -t 0 ] on HP-UX and it appears to be working for me. I have used the following setup:
test -t 0 && echo "terminal!"
Running /tmp/x.ksh prints: terminal!
Could you confirm the above on your platform, and/or provide an alternate test setup more closely reflecting your situation? Is your script ultimately spawned by cron?
If desperate, and if Perl is available, define:
stdin_ready() {
TIMEOUT=$1; shift
perl -e '
my $rin = "";
vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1;
select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, '$TIMEOUT') < 1 && exit 1;
stdin_ready 1 || 'stdin not ready in 1 second, assuming terminal'
Please note that the timeout may need to be significant if your input comes from sort, ssh etc. (all these programs can spawn and establish the pipe with your script seconds or minutes before producing any data over it.) Also, using a hefty timeout may dramatically penalize your script when there is nothing on the input to begin with (e.g. terminal.)
If potentially large timeouts are a problem, and if you can influence the way in which your script is called, then you may want to force the callers to explicitly instruct your program whether stdin should be used, via a custom option or in the standard GNU or tar manner (e.g. script [options [--]] FILE ..., where FILE can be a file name, a - to denote standard input, or a combination thereof, and your script would only read from standard input if - were passed in as a parameter.)
This strategy works for bash, and would likely work for ksh. Poll 'tty':
set -a
if [ "$( tty )" == 'not a tty' ]
if [ ${STDIN_DATA_PRESENT} -eq 1 ]
echo "Input was found."
echo "Input was not found."
Why not solve this in a more traditional way, and use the command line argument to indicate that the data will be coming from stdin?
For an example, consider the difference between:
echo foo | cat -
echo foo > /tmp/test.txt
cat /tmp/test.txt
