Add HTML to node title in Drupal module, not in theme layer - drupal

I want to add some functionality to my Drupal 6 module: I want to insert an image next to certain node titles (it involves a span and an img tag). I thought I could do this by just implementing mymodule_preprocess_node() and modifying the title. However, Drupal strips out all tags to avoid XSS attacks.
I've seen many solutions that involve the theme layer (most commonly, but I want to do this in my module, not in the theme. I don't want to modify any .tpl.php files or template.php. Can anyone give me tips on how to do this?

You mention that you've tried preprocess_node(), and are correct that, if you are storing the img tag as part of the node title, Drupal will indeed strip that out, as it runs $node->title through check_plain in template_preprocess_node().
My suggestion would be to store the actual image as an image field (using some combination of the imagefield module and imagecache for sizing), set the display of that field to be hidden on the CCK display tab for the given content type, and then attach the image to be part of the $title variable in your module's preprocess function. This solution would also allow you to display that image next to the title in any views you may need to create.

By 'certain node titles' - do you mean all nodes titles from certain node types?
If so, you can likely style the node using only CSS. By default all nodes will have a class that corresponds to the node type. Using CSS background images, you can add an image to the node title.
Your module can call drupal_add_css and add in any required CSS into the page. This way, it is theme independent.

I think the easier way is with javascript / Jquery.
You create a Jquery script which is called only in certain types of nodes and pass the number of views from drupal to the jscript.
You can call drupal_add_js() inside your module_preprocess_node and pass a variable which contains the number of views or the image link to the script. Something like this:
drupal_add_js("var mymodule_imagelink = " . drupal_to_js($imagelink) . ";", 'inline');
then in my_js_file.js just change the text. There are several ways to acomplish this. For instance, you can do a search in the document and change the title to something else or you can use a determined ID, etc...
Find text string using jQuery?


Placing block inside a node (positioning block between specific elements in node's content)

Basically I created a webform and enabled it as a block, now I want to put that block inside a specific node. I can do that by placing it in a 'content' region and defining the specific node BUT it displays at the end of the content. Now how can I move it between specific elements inside the content?
The node is using a page-type....tpl.php which is used by 5 other nodes as well so I cannot change the code.
To visualize it looks like:
[ content ]
-description text-
-list of videos-
[ end of content ]
and I need to put my webform between the text and the video list. Is there a way?
There are many roads you could take, but since you said you're considering the template file: Why not use a node-specific template, since page is a node type?
Say you're on node/123, then you could use a template named node--123.tpl.php
(see Drupal 7 Template (Theme Hook) Suggestions) and embed your block right there.
Alternatively, you could provide a reusable token in a custom module via hook_token_info and combine it with the commonly used token_filter module. But that might be over the top, if it's just one node you need to touch.
For Drupal 7 a bit of a hacky way to display the contents of a block in content would be to enable the PHP Filter module. Then edit your node and switch to the PHP code Text format and add this code
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block_view', '1');
print render($block['content']);
where '1' is the block id found in the URL when you edit the block and be sure to include the PHP tags.
Also see this page for more information on placing blocks.
You can use the EVA module to add the webforms in the node as a field.
You basically create a view and choose the "eva field" option then you make sure that this view selects only the webforms you want to have and relates it to the node (the EVA module documentation has much better examples than I can provide).
After you have added it as a field you can place it anywhere in the node.
There is also the Block reference module that could help you.

Creating a link field in a custom content type

I have several custom content types and in one specific one I need to offer two fields, one for the href for a link, and one for the text of a link this way I can build and style it with minimal user involvement of the HTML/CSS. I also have a custom node.tpl for this content type. My problem is that drupal throws divs around each field I create that aren't in my template file for this content type (node-custom.tpl) and I can't put the href for a link with divs around it inside</div>"> See my problem. Maybe I'm doing this all wrong so any other ideas are welcome.
Please note I'm trying to create this site with minimum involvement of HTML/CSS access for the user. I'm aware I could hand code the link in the field.
The easiest way to do this would be to use a preprocess function in your template.php file and build the link up manually:
function mytheme_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
$node = $vars['node'];
if ($node->type = 'my_type') {
$uri = $node->field_name_of_link_field[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
$text = $node->field_name_of_display_text_field[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
$vars['my_link'] = l($text, $uri); // Using Drupal's l() function to render a link
Then in your node template file you'll have access to the variable $my_link which you can output anywhere, and will contain the correct HTML for the link. Finally, go to the "Manage Display" page for your content type and set the display of the two fields you no longer need to output to 'Hidden'.
There are other ways so if that's no good let me know
Just to add, I think the easiest way to do this would actually be to install the Link module and use the provided field type instead of the two other fields you're currently using.

Show secondary links in views only

I'm building a site in Drupal and I only want to show the secondary links on the
pages that use the Views I've created. I tried using the $secondary_links variable
in the views-view.tpl.php but the variable is null. How can I achieve this?
The secondary links are as mac correctly writes only available in page.tpl.php, but if I understand you correctly, the best solution is not getting the secondary links into your view.
With your theme, the secondary links, will most likely be printed out where they should, regardless of what is being displayed, be it your views, nodes, the front page etc. Views are displayed and everything else you render, is wrapped in the page template, that controls where menus are located, regions and other fun stuff.
Now, if you don't want to alter this, the location of the menus, their styling and this stuff, you shouldn't be printing the secondary menu in your views template, you shouldn't be doing anything with it at all.
The solution is simple
It's using something that mac mentioned but in a different way: preprocess function. These functions are used to in your template.php file, to add some logic to your variables. You can alter variables or remove them altogether. What I would do, would simply be to remove the primary links, by setting the value of $primary_links to an empty text string.
This would effectively remove the primary links, so only the secondary links are displayed. You could also display the secondary links as the primary, but this might cause confusing to your users. You just need to add some logic to control when this should happen and you are set.
Have you activated the secondary links from the theme settings? That would be:
I believe once you have activated the option, the variable will be populated.
EDIT: Thinking a second more, I would also comment that I am not sure if the primary and secondary links are passed to the views templates. I believe those are passed to the page.tpl.php file instead. If I am right, and for some reason you want to add that variable to those passed to the views template, you will have to use a preprocess function, like explained here.
EDIT #2: Indeed if you only need the secondary menu used in a specific views template, another approach would be to simply call menu_secondary_links() from within the template. This is not the most elegant solution ever, as it puts in a theming element something that should belong somewhere else, but it's up to you to make the call whether that menu in the views is a core functionality or a styling element.
You can use the following code to show secondary menu on any view
function YourTheme_preprocess_views_view(&$vars)
$menu_sec = menu_navigation_links('menu-secondary');
$vars['custom_menu'] = theme('links__menu-secondary', array('links' => $menu_sec));
or you can even use other preprocess function depending upon your needs.
Further you can call it on .tpl.php file using:
$menu_sec = menu_navigation_links('menu-secondary');
print theme('links__menu-secondary',
'links' => $menu_sec,
'class' => array('nav', 'nav-pills', 'p-f-subfilter'),

Conditional link to node within views?

I have two content types, book and chapter. Each chapter node contains a node reference of the book to which it belongs. I have created a view which displays the title of each chapter for a given book. Within the view, the title field has been configured to link to its node.
All works well. I am now interested in updating the view to not display a link to a chapter's node when the chapter's body is empty. Thus this view would display a list of chapter titles for a book and link only to those chapters that have a body.
Can this be accomplished using out of the box Views functionality? If not, how would something like this be accomplished?
I'd use the Views Custom Field module to implement your custom logic. It allows you to grab the data fetched by Views and manipulate it at will with PHP. Very handy.
I'm answering my own question because my response to ceejayoz is poorly formatted.
What I did to accomplish this was to first download and enable views_customfield. Second, I placed Title and Body fields within the view, both excluded from display. Third, within a Customfield: PHP code field I placed the following code:
if (strlen(trim($data->node_revisions_body)) == 0) {
return $data->node_title;
} else {
return l($data->node_title, drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $data->nid));
There's also this clever workaround which allows you to achieve this very easily:
Add 2 title fields one with link and one with no link, and make both
them exclude from display.
Add body field,
In No result behavior put title with no link replacement token to
In Rewrite results behavior put title with link replacement token to
Tick hide if empty.

How do you remove the default title and body fields in a CCK generated Drupal content-type?

When you create a new content type in Drupal using the Content Creation Kit, you automatically get Title and Body fields in the generated form. Is there a way to remove them?
If you're not a developer (or you want to shortcut the development process), another possible solution is to utilize the auto_nodetitle module. Auto nodetitle will let you create rules for generating the title of the node. These can be programmatic rules, tokens that are replaced, or simply static text. Worth a look if nothing else.
To remove the body edit the type, expand "Submission form settings" and put in blank for body field label. For title you can rename it to another text field. If you really have no need for any text fields you can create a custom module, say called foo, and create function foo_form_alter() which replaces $form['title'] with a #value when $form['type']['#value'] is your node type.
No need to install anything:
when editing the content type, press "Edit"
(on the menu of Edit | Manage fields | Display fields )
click on the Submission form settings
on the Body field label:
Leave it blank, it would remove the Body field.
If you're not a developer (or you want
to shortcut the development process),
another possible solution is to
utilize the auto_nodetitle module.
Auto nodetitle will let you create
rules for generating the title of the
node. These can be programmatic rules,
tokens that are replaced, or simply
static text. Worth a look if nothing
And to add on to William OConnor's solution...
The module is poorly documented unfortunately. It's really only effective if you use PHP with it in my opinion. Check off the "Evaluate PHP in Pattern" and type into the "Pattern for the title" field something like:
<?php echo $node->field_staff_email[0]['email']; ?>
<?php echo $node->field_staff_name[0]['value'] . '-' . gmdate('YmdHis'); ?>
...where I had a field with an internal name of "field_staff_email" and was using the CCK Email module -- thus the 'email' type was used. Or, I had a field with an internal name of "field_staff_name" and was just an ordinary text field -- thus the 'value' type was used. The gmdate() call on the end is to ensure uniqueness because you may have two or more staff members named the same thing.
The way I discovered all this was by first experimenting with:
<?php print_r($node); ?>
...which of course gave crazy results, but at least I was able to parse the output and figure out how to use the $node object properly here.
Just note if you use either of these PHP routines, then you end up with the Content list in Drupal Admin showing entries exactly as you coded the PHP. This is why I didn't just use gmdate() alone because then it might be hard to find my record for editing.
Note also you might be able to use Base-36 conversion on gmdate() in order to reduce the size of the output because gmdate('YmdHis') is fairly long.
The initial answers are all good. Just as another idea for the title part... how about creating a custom template file for the cck node type. You would copy node.tpl.php to node-TYPE.tpl.php, and then edit the new file and remove where the title is rendered. (Dont forget to clear your cache).
Doing it this way means that every node still has a title, so for content management you aren't left with blank titles or anything like that.
