ASP.NET: How parallel requests are processed -

Let's imaging there are 2 pages on the web site: quick and slow. Requests to slow page are executed for a 1 minute, request to quick 5 seconds.
Whole my development career I thought that if 1st started request is slow: he will do a (synchronous) call to DB... wait answer... If during this time request to quick page will be done, this request will be processed while system is waiting for response from DB.
But today I've found:
One instance of the HttpApplication class is used to process many requests in its lifetime. However, it can process only one request at a time. Thus, member variables can be used to store per-request data.
Does it mean that my original thoughts are wrong?
Could you please clarify what they mean? I am pretty sure that thing are as I expect...

The requests have to be be processed in the sequential order on the server side if the both request use the same session state with read/write access, because of session locking.
You can find more information here:
Concurrent Requests and Session State
Access to ASP.NET session state is exclusive per session, which means that if two different users make concurrent requests, access to each separate session is granted concurrently. However, if two concurrent requests are made for the same session (by using the same SessionID value), the first request gets exclusive access to the session information. The second request executes only after the first request is finished. (The second session can also get access if the exclusive lock on the information is freed because the first request exceeds the lock time-out.) If the EnableSessionState value in the # Page directive is set to ReadOnly, a request for the read-only session information does not result in an exclusive lock on the session data. However, read-only requests for session data might still have to wait for a lock set by a read-write request for session data to clear.

Your original thoughts are right, and so is the documentation. The IIS worker process can spawn many threads, each with their own instance of the HttpApplication class.

ASP .NET will host multiple AppDomains for your web application under a single worker process (w3wp.exe). It may even share AppDomains for different web applications under the same worker process (if they are assigned to the same app pool).
Each AppDomain that ASP .NET creates can host multiple HttpApplication instances which serve requests and walk through the ASP .NET lifecycle. Each HttpApplication can (as you've said) respond to one request at a time.


IIS/ASP.NET intentionally responds simultaneous requests slower than single ones?

IIS (or maybe ASP.NET) takes longer time to respond requests when they are sent simultaneously with other requests. For example if a web page sends request A simultaneously along with 20 other requests, it takes 500 ms but when this request is sent lonely, it takes 400 ms.
Is there a name for this feature? It is in IIS or ASP.NET? Can I disable or change it? Is there any benefits using it?
I am seeing this issue on a ASP.NET Web API application.
I have checked IIS settings (IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2) and found nothing that limit its throughput. All constraints like band-with and CPU throttlings are at high number. Also the server have good hardware.
Update 1:
All requests are going to read something from database. I have checked them in Chrome developers' console. Also created a simple C# application that makes multiple parallel requests to the server. When they are really parallel, they take a large time, but when makes wait between each call, the response time decreases dramatically.
Update 2:
I have a simple method in my application that just sends an Ok:
public IHttpActionResult CheckOnline()
return Ok();
Same behavior exists here. In my custom C# tester, if I call this route multiple times simultaneously it tokes more than 1000 ms to complete but when wait 5 seconds between each call, response time drops below 20 ms.
This method is not IO or CPU bound. Seems that IIS detects that these requests are from a single specific user/client so do not make too much attention to it.
If you use ASP.NET Session in your application, requests are queued and processed one by one. So, the last request can stay holt in the queue while the previous requests are being processed.
Another possible reason is that all threads in the ASP.NET Thread Pool are busy. In this case, a new thread will be created to process a new request that takes additional time.
This is just a theory (or my thoughts). Any other cause is possible.

Reusing same thread across the Postbacks in

In web server code, One of the object is opening the socket connection to listen from another third party server. This socket connection is specific to individual users logged into our web server.
I want to run and retain the listener object in the individual thread, so that I can use same thread block to that particular user across the post-backs. We are planning for approximately 100 concurrent sessions on single web server.
Is it possible to implement this architecture, I understand that it is not the good practice to launch the long running threads in ASP.Net. I do not have other options because we are depending on third party servers we are using. How can I keep track of these threads and re-associate during the post-back
Your help is highly appreciated.
You may do that only if you run a single pool (not many pools/web-garden)*
You can use a static Dictionary<string, object> to store a thread pointer (the object) connected with a string that is connected with the session id of the user.
When the user enter the page, you check if have a thread running, base on the session-id, using the static Dictionary, then if he has one you can get the thread, or else you make one new... and the rest is up to you.
Also make sure that the one pool is not automatic recycle.
This is a simple general idea. You need to implement the synchronization of the dictionary, the handle of the threads, and the connection with the session.
[*] If you have many pools, then the static Dictionary will be break on many threads, (the different pools), so you can not hold only one thread per user.
If you have many pools.
In this case you need a database to hold the results from the threads/connection you open. There you use the database that you connect the user id (if its registered), or the session id of the user, with the returning results from your asynchronous events, and you show to your user on the next view page.

ASP.NET application to serve multiple requests from a single process

I am currently debugging some issue about this.
We have a ASP.NET web application and I am debugging on Cassini. When I tried to use IE and send out the request to the server, some time (e.g. in about 20minutes) is needed to process and then send out the response.
In case of multi-tab IE, I tried to send out the requests in different tab at about the same time to the same server but the response is handled only after the one of the response is sent out.
If a new instance of IE is started and the requests are sent out in these different instances, the server can process and send out the response almost simultaneously. After doing some research I found that IIS express may solve my problem, but I cannot. Anyone has experienced similar problem or have I missed out some really important things to check with first?
Thank you for your help.
This is primarily due to's session state variable and the fact that only one request at a time may have R/W access to a particular session (as determined by the SessionID cookie).
Any additional requests requiring any form of session access (since Read/Write is the default) will be blocked until the previous request has been completed.
Based on the following links:
I think that you miss the point that the session is lock all request leaving only one per time to run.
Read about that and why:
Replacing ASP.Net's session entirely
Also : Web app blocked while processing another web app on sharing same session
The reason is that Sessions in ASP.NET are not thread safe. Therefore ASP.NET serializes access to requests from the same session.
If you have a multi-tab IE then your tabs share one session. The first request is executed right off and the other ones are queued. If you have different instances then each of them creates a new session and therefore the request are executed in parallel.

Close if no active threads, or if any active, then wait till it's complete and close

My application overview is
alt text
ASP.Net webservice entertains requests from various applications for digital signing and verification via a client. The webservice will then route these requests to a smart card
When the system date changes, I want the following to happen.
New request from the clients are made to wait
Current work between webservice and smart card should get completed
If there is any prior pending requests then they should get completed.
The reason why I need the above things to happen is, I need to close the existing sessions between the smartcard and webservice. This should happen only when there is no signing/verification of files. I cannot just close all the sessions as it might affect a file being processed by any one of the threads. So I need to make sure that there are no current active threads between webservice and smart card.
I wrote a piece of code which gives the total number of active threads between webservice and smartcard.
int vWorkerThreads,vWorkerThreadsMax;
int vPortThreads,vPortThreadsMax;
System::Threading::ThreadPool ^ vThreadPool;
vThreadPool->GetAvailableThreads(vWorkerThreads, vPortThreads);
vThreadPool->GetMaxThreads(vWorkerThreadsMax, vPortThreadsMax);
ActiveThreadCount = vWorkerThreadsMax - vWorkerThreads;
This means, I also need to make the client requests wait?
CLEANUP MECHANISM: Close the PKCS#11 API using C_CloseAllSessions and C_Finalize call which will free up the library so that it cleans all the session objects. This should be done once everyday.
Any ideas on how I can perform such a task?
I could have been much more clearer in my query. I want to make it clear that my aim is not to shutdown the ASP.NET webservice. My aim is to reset the smartcard. As I am accessing the smartcard via ASP.NET webservice, I need a mechanism to perform this task of resetting the smart card.
I am giving the current process below
Client detects Date change, At midnight
Client calls the function WebService_Close_SmartCard
Web Service receives the request WebService_Close_SmartCard and in turn
calls PKCS11_Close_SmartCard. This
Call will be served via one of the
available threads from the Thread
Pool. PKCS11_Close_SmartCard will
close all the existing current
sessions with the smartcard.
At this point, I want to make sure that there are no threads with
function calls such as
PKCS11_DigitalVerify_SmartCard talking
to smartcard, as
PKCS11_Close_SmartCard will abruptly
end the other ongoing sessions.
PS: I am new to ASP.NET and Multithreading.
The question was updated in a big way, so bear with me...
Given that no threads are being created directly\indirectly by your web method code:
Quesiton So you are not explicitly creating any new threads or using ThreadPool threads directly\indirectly, you are simply receiving calls to your web method and executing your code synchronously?
Answer Yes, you are correct. There is a client API which calls the webservice. Then the webservice manages the threads automatically(creats/allocates etc) inresponse to the client's demands.The webservice talks to a smart card by opening multiple sessions for encryption/decryption.
It is more helpful to rephrase the original question along the lines of "requests" rather than threads, e.g.
When the system date changes I want to re-start my ASP.NET application and ensure that all requests that are currently executing are completed, and that any outstanding\queued requests are completed as well.
This is handled automatically as there is a concept of a request queue and active requests. When your ASP.NET application is restarted, all current and queued requests are completed (unless they do not complete in a timely fashion), and new requests are queued and then serviced when a new worker process comes back up. This process is followed when you recycle the Application Pool that your ASP.NET application belongs to.
You can configure your application pool to recycle at a set time in IIS Manager via the "Recycle" settings for the associated Application Pool. Presumably you want to do this at "00:00".
I think I can glean from your comments that you need to run some cleanup code when all requests have been serviced and then the application is about to shut down. You should place this code in the global "Application_End" event handler.
Update 2
In answer to your updated question. Your requirements are:
When the application is restarted:
New request from the clients are made to wait
Current work between webservice and smart card should get completed
If there is any prior pending requests then they should get completed.
This is supported by the standard recycling pattern that I have described. You do not need to deal with request threads yourself - this is one of the pillars of the ASP.NET framework, it deals with this for you. It is request orientated and abstracts how requests are handled i.e. serviced on multiple threads. It manages putting requests onto threads and manages the lifeclyle of those requests when the application is recycled.
Update 3
OK, I think we have the final piece of the scenario here. You are trying to shut down ASP.NET from your client by issuing a "CLOSED" web service call. Basically
you want to implement your own ASP.NET shut down behaviour by making sure that all current and queued request are dealt with before you then execute your clean-up code.
You are trying to re-invent the wheel.
ASP.NET already has this behaviour and it is supported by:
a. Application Recycling It will service outstanding requests cleanly and start-up a new process to serve new requests. It will even queue any new requests that are received whilst this process is going on.
b. Application_End A global application event handler where you can put your clean-up code. It will execute after recycling has cleanly dealt with your outstanding requests.
You do not need your "CLOSED" command.
You should consider letting IIS recycle your application as it has support for recycling at a specified daily time(s). If you cannot configure IIS due to deployment reasons then you can you use web.config "touching" to force a recycle out-of-bounds of IIS:
a. Have a timer running in the server which can check for the date change condtion and then touch the web.config file.
b. Still have the client call a "CLOSED" web method, but have the "CLOSED" method just touch the web.config file.
IIS, then "a" are the most desirable.
Honestly Microsoft have already thought about it. :)
Update 4
#Raj OK, let me try and rephrase this again.
Your conditions are:
You have a requirement to reset your smartcard once a day.
Before resetting your smartcard, all current and queued web service requests must be completed i.e. the outstanding requests.
After outstanding requests are completed, you reset your smartcard.
Any new requests that come in whilst this process is happening should be queued and then serviced after the smartcard has been reset.
These conditions allow you to complete existing requests, queue any new requests, reset your smartcard, and then start processing new requests after the card has been reset.
What I am suggesting is:
Place your smartcard reset code in "Application_End".
Configure IIS to recycle your application at "00:00". Ensure that in advanced settings for the associated Application Pool that you configure "Disable Overlapped Recycle = True".
At "00:00" application recycling ensures that all current and queued requests will be completed.
After "00:00" application recycling ensures that all new requests will be queued whilst requests in "3" are completed and the application performs shutdown steps.
After requests in "3" are completed, "Applicaton_End" will be called automatically. This ensures that your smartcard is reset after all current requests are completed.
Application recycling ensures that your application is re-started in a new process, and that new requests queued in step "4" start to be processed. The important thing here is that your reset code has been called in "5".
Unless there is some detail missing from your question, the above appears to meet your conditions. You wish to do "x,y,z" and ASP.NET has built-in support which can be used to achieve "x,y,z" and gives you mature, guaranteed and well-documented implementations.
I am still struggling to understand why you are talking about threads. I do multi-threaded development, but talking about threads instead of requests when thinking about ASP.NET adds unnecessary complexity to this discussion. Unless your question is still unclear.
Perhaps you are missing the point I'm making here. I am drawing a parallel between the behaviour you require when you call "CLOSED" from your client application, and what happens when you recycle an application. You can use recycling and "Application_End" to achieve the required results.
I am trying to help you out here, as trying to implement this behaviour yourself is unnecessary and non-trivial.

How to set the ASP.NET SessionState read-write LOCK time-out?

I have a WCF web service that uses ASP.NET session state. WCF sets a read-write lock on the session for every request. What this means is that my web service can only process one request at a time per user, which hurts perceived performance of our AJAX application.
So I'm trying to find a way to get around this limitation.
Using a read-only lock (which then allows concurrent access to the session) isn't supported by WCF.
I haven't found a way to release the read-write lock manually during processing of a request
So now I'm thinking that there may be some way to set the read-write lock timeout to some very short interval, in order that waiting requests don't need to wait very long. See the below part in bold.
From MSDN:
"If two concurrent requests are made for the same session, the first request gets exclusive access to the session information. The second request executes only after the first request is finished. (The second session can also get access if the exclusive lock on the information is freed because the first request exceeds the lock time-out.) If the EnableSessionState value in the # Page directive is set to ReadOnly, a request for the read-only session information does not result in an exclusive lock on the session data."
...But I haven't found any information on how long this lock time-out is, or how to change it.
I can tell you that httpRuntime execution timeout controls this lock time, however, the documentation for this field states that the thread should be terminated at this point. I know from experience that this thread is not terminated and will eventually return data, but a new thread is spawned to handle requests in the queue.
By default this value is 110 seconds after 2.0 asp, before that it is 90 seconds. I would be concerned about this behavior changing in the future and being "fixed".
Has anyone tried using SQLSessionStateProvider and modifying the SPs? I did this in dev and seems to get around the locking issues but not sure if it has any side-effects. Basically what I did was change the 3 SPs which obtain Exclusive locks so that the Lock column is always set to 0.
