Using ASP.NET MVC 2 credentials to log into other services -

Here is my scenario -
1/ I have an ASP.NET MVC application running on my server, it uses Windows Authentication.
2/ There is different web application (written in Java) somewhere else that also uses Windows Authentication.
In the Controller of my MVC application I need to grab some information from this other Web app. How can I connect to the "foreign" application using the credentials of the user that is accessing my Controller?
Any help appreciated.

Impersonation doesn't leave the ASPNET process. This means that you cannot delegate the credentials and access a remote resource using them. You could either swap back to Forms authentication which uses cookies or you will need Kerberos.


Can "Blazor (ASP.NET Core hostd)" use windows authentication?

I'm developing a Blazor (ASP.NET Core hosted) project and hosted on IIS.
Back the day when I use ASP.NET core 2.2 with razor page, it can use windows authentication.
However with dotnet core 3.0, only Blazor server-side project template has windows authentication option to choose.
But what about the Blazor (ASP.NET Core hosted) project template? From my understanding, it's just like Blazor client-side + dotnet core MVC backend.
I don't understand why there's no "windows authentication" option for it.
In Blazor WebAssembly apps, user authentication and authorization must be handled by the back end web Api, because all client-side code can be modified by users.
Your ASP.NET Core Api can use the Windows authentication and keep track of the authentication state in a cookie. In Blazor WebAssembly you can implement an AuthenticationStateProvider which calls your web Api to get details about the authentication state of the user.
Then you can use the AuthorizeView component to show or hide content depending on the users log on state.
A clear description you can find in Blazor Prepare for Authorization
Source code example in
There are 2 problems to solve.
For the webassembly, use the solution with the AuthenticationStateProvider to get the user authenticated and do a call to the api (enable windows authentication and disable anonymous login) that returns the windows username and the authorization roles, if you use them for authorization. Load the roles into client side identity as claims and the webassembly is set up for authentication & authorization.
Because all code is run in the webassembly, you should also protect the serverside api controller actions with authorization attributes, except for the call that identifies the user to the wasm.
Enable authentication and authorization on the server api and use the IClaimsTransformation to modify claims for the authenticated user.
When configured correctly, you can use authorization attributes on the controllers too, securing the api.
You can implement StateContainers on both sides to cache user information so you don't have to read the database for the same info on every action. I use a singleton for that, with a retention time of 5 minutes. You may then update the timestamp on every cache read so you effectively call the database only once.
I think it will including this feature in later version according to core github
This is a multistep process, the basic outline is as follows. Best guide I have found is from Chrissanity.
On the server get the current Windows User and store it in a cookie using Blazored.LocalStorage nuget package.
Read that cookie in on the client in ApiAuthenticationStateProvider.cs
In a .razor file use [CascadingParameter] private Task<AuthenticationState>
authenticationStateTask { get; set; } to read the value into your component.

Can you add sso using OpenConnectId to a web application that uses MVC Asp.identity?

Is it possible to mix authentication types in a C# ASP.NET MVC web application hosted in Azure?
I have an ASP.NET MVC application written in C# that uses ASP.NET Identity as its authentication system.
A customer has asked if they can sign into the application using their Azure Active Directory (SSO using openconnect id).
I can recreate the application using openconnectid and assign their tenant as the AAD directory but users from my company can not log into the application because we do not exist in the customers Azure Active Directory.
We need to be able to log into the application because we perform data entry tasks for them using the web app.
Has anyone come across a similar issue?
You may need to show login screen with 2 possible options. You redirect the user to their respective identity provider , they get authenticated and bring back the access_token/Id_token to access application resources.
Very much like different OpenID connect providers in the same application(FB, Google, Microsoft etc) and regardless of which provider user choose to get authenticated the token is same to access resources.

Single Sign On WinForms apps and wep app

I've been assigned to find a way of implementing SSO in our products. We have several Winform applications and one 4.0 web app (not MVC).
All the products are built using .Net 4.0, the web app is ASP.NET 4.0.
Some of the Winforms are commmunicating with our API via web services (asmx) and some uses our API directly. The web app is using the same API as well. We offer a set of web services (asmx) that uses the same API to external clients.
Currently we have our own authentication implementation (user, password, roles) in our systems and we would like to replace that with SSO. Or can these two authentication regimes co-exist somehow? The Winforms are used in intranets and the web app is used both in intranets and we also hosts the web apps for clients (accesible from the Internet).
The users are created in our system, but at the same time we import users from Active Directory using our own tool. Active Directory is really the primary user source.
I have read about Windows Identity Foundation and I wonder if I can use that to implement SSO. But what I don't understand is how to use WIF in the winform applications when they use the API directly.
What I would like to achieve is to remove all user administration from our system and use Active Directory as the user source. I guess that means using ADFS 2.0 to create claims, etc.
I can use .Net Framework 4.5 in this implementation (I know that WIF is now a first class citizen in .Net Framework 4.5).
Do you have any advices how to do this? Is WIF the best alternative to achieve SSO across winforms applications and web apps?
There is a way to get the WIF authentication cookie from within the WinForms application.
To do it, you just host the WebBrowser control and point it to the login page of your web application. Assuming the web application is federated with the ADFS2, the web browser control will automatically follow the flow - it will redirect to ADFS and stop there to show the prompt for user credentials (ADFS2 in Forms Authentication mode) or just authenticate using NTLM/Kerberos (ADFS2 in Windows authentication mode). Then the web browser will redirect back to your application.
This is where you hook your code. You just add a handler to the web browser's navigation event and you check when it comes back to your application AFTER ADFS2.0 authenticates the user. You can then call the InternetGetCookie method in the WinForms app to get all the authentication cookies issued by your application and you can close the window which hosts the web browser.
At this point, you have all authentication cookies issued by WIF (the SessionAuthenticationModule) for your application. You can now call your application web services and inject cookies into http calls. The web server will correctly recognize users as authenticated which means that all you have to do is to add proper authorization to your web services (the PrincipalPermission on your web methods should do).
An alternative approach would be to expose WCF services from your web application and guard them with WS-Federation active authentication. The downside of this approach is (in my opinion) that if your identity provider (ADFS) is further federated with yet another identity provider which DOES NOT necessarily implement WS-Trust/WS-Federation then the active authentication will probably fail (because the other identity provider does not implement it) while the passive scenario will still work (a bunch of redirects will sooner ot later end with a page which requires user to provide the credentials but the flow of authentication protocols between consecutive identity providers does not matter).

ASP.NET and WCF Authentication Options

What are the authentication options for having a ASP.NET web application communicating with a WCF service?
The scenario:
User enters their username and password in an ASP.NET form.
ASP.NET needs to pass this to WCF to authenticate the user.
If authenticated, the user can perform actions on the website. Each action would require sending data to different WCF operations. WCF needs to know who the user is on each call.
The easiest solution would be to store the username/password in the ASP.NET session state. However, this is insecure because the password is stored in memory on the server.
I would rather not use a certificate to authenticate the ASP.NET "client" to the service because there's a possibility that this WCF could be consumed by another client in addition to ASP.NET.
The best suggestion I've seen so far is to use Windows Identity Foundation (WIF). It appears that this requires an STS. According to MSDN, Microsoft does not seem to recommend setting up an STS through Visual Studio. There's no guarantee that an STS would be available in the deployment environment as some environments may use Active Directory and other environments may have a custom user store. Is it possible to setup a custom STS to authenticate against a custom user store? I'm having trouble finding documentation on doing this.
Are there any other options besides using WIF? What about a custom WCF authentication service that returns a token that can be used for authenticating against a primary WCF service?
The standard way of doing this is by using WIF with Microsoft's STS viz. Active Directory Federation Services v2.0 (ADFS).
There are a number of custom STS available e.g. Identity Server. This use a SQL DB as an attribute store. It's open source so could be adapted to whatever you require.
You can create your own custom attribute store: AD FS 2.0 Attribute Store Overview.
TechNet WIF / WCF: WIF and WCF.

Authenticating a user via wcf

I have a java app with a .net application running in the java applications embedded browser.
I want the java application to call a .net WCF or web service with a username and password.
The wcf will set the user to authorized in forms authentication.
In the java desktop application I will then load a .aspx page that was protected via forms authentication.
How can I accomplish this? Is it even possible...?
You will need to enable ASP.NET compatibility mode on the WCF service in order to enable forms authentication.
The Java client application could send username and password over a secure connection and your WCF service authenticates the user via FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(username, password) or FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie.
You will then need to use a cookie store on the Java client side in order to pass the authentication cookie on every consecutive request (and update it when it gets refreshed), but this should be a built-in feature of your HTTP-client.
The .aspx page must run on a server with the same machine key as the WCF service.
Conclusion: Yes, it is possible, but for me it is not clear to which ".NET application" you refer to?
Edit: I think its clear now, you will need to be able to set the browser cookies. If you cant do this directly from your java application, a workaround would be to let the WCF service communicate that the user is authenticated and then set the cookie on the .aspx site request.
