CSS element back to default style - css

Is there a fast way in CSS to remove all of the styles applied to an element? For example, say a tab menu of some sort:
<div class='outer'>
<div id='d1'></div>
<div id='d2'></div>
<div id='d3'></div>
<div id='d4'></div>
The CSS is applied...
.outer { foo:blee; bar:blah; bas-bloo:snork; /*...long long list...*/ }
Now, I want #d3 (for example) to return to default styling, but I don't want to explicitly unset all of the parent styles:
#d3 { remove-styles:all } /* <- [I made this up, obviously] */
Pipe dream or possibility?

In CSS3, yes. You could use the negation pseudo-class:
.outer:not(#d3) { foo:blee; etc etc }
Too bad CSS3 support is a little lacking at the moment with most browsers...
With CSS level less than 3, you're screwed. Sorry.

No. Not feasibly possible. Just override it.


css shorth version of element:hover + element + element

Have worked example:
.hov:hover+.next+.result {
color: red;
<div class="hov">hover</div>
<div class="next">next</div>
<div class="result">result</div>
When hover on first element the third element have result. Any shorthen version of + + if i need more + +, something like .hov:hover+div:nth-child(2) - but this not work.
+ is Adjacent sibling selector in CSS, so it requires both selector elements to be next to each other. Instead, you can use ~ which is General Sibling selector here, which doesn't require the two elements to be next to each other.
.hov:hover ~ .result {
color: red;
<div class="hov">hover</div>
<div class="next">next</div>
<div class="result">result</div>
There is no way to make what you want to do shorter. This is simply the way the selector works. The solution you proposed (element + next(3) or whatever syntax you whish to use there) does not exist.
Your selector has some issues if you change the structure of your HTML (for example add a paragraph in between). What you can do to make your code more reliable is answered by Nisarg and use the ~ selector to select elements.
Why not change the HTML and make it more reliable? What you are doing here is working for you maybe, but if you make changes to your HTML this CSS breaks. Try adding classes for all items you want selected. Don't worry if you have three or four classes on elements, that is completely normal.
.hov:hover {
color: red;
<div class="hov">hover</div>
<div class="next hov">next</div>
<div class="result hov">result</div>

CSS Modules & ReactJS: Parent and child CSS classes in different components

So I am building a react application and have a quick question. If I have two separate components:
with CSS classes navigation.css and navigationLogo.css respectively. In navigation.css I have a class named .main and in navigationLogo.css I want to have a class like so:
.main .main_in_logo {
color: red;
But with CSS Modules I am unable to do this, any ideas on a work around?
I just feel that the explanations here are not complete enough. In css you do .parentSelector .childSelector in order to select the child. The same rule is for css modules, but in your html/jsx you should add to the parent and the child the relevant className -> styles.parentSelector , styles.childSelector.
<div className={styles.container}>text</div>
This way you can have in your css something like:
.banner .container{
.banner .container{
Sometimes you use libraries and you want to change something somewhere down the DOM inside the library and you can't change its source code. In this case you can use the :global like this:
.parentElement :global(div)
.parentElement :global(#some-lib-element-selector)
I was looking for the same problem and didn't find the solution here, maybe because the post is 3 years old. The accepted answer is, in my opinion but not mine only, not scalable.
I don't really know if this is something new, but I found out what I would do in vanilla CSS adapted to CSS modules.
Here is what I did and fully suits my needs:
/* parent.css */
.main {
...some CSS...
/* logo.css */
#value main from "./parent.css";
.logo {
...some CSS...
.main .logo {
color: red
Here, we are using #value, which is a CSS modules variable and allows us to bind with another file to build a selector including the final name of the parent "main".
As strange as it looks to me, it took some time to find out about this solution, I hope this will save some time and help other people!
Why you need to create .main .main_in_logo - the main idea of styles with parent elements its not to broke your css with other styles in the future. But its impossible with css modules, because your styles will be unique forever.
But even you really need it you can use global css for these 2 components - documentation about global css for react-css-modules.
The child component should not have a css rule that is dependent upon the parent css classname.
the child should just be:
.main_in_logo { color: red; }
If you need to define styles that involve both parent and child, then the easiest way is to define the styles completely in the parent:
/* navigation.css */
.main .main_in_logo {
color: red;
Then have the parent pass the css class to the child and tell the child to use it:
// Navigation.js
<NavigationLogo className={navigationCss.main_in_logo} />
// NavigationLogo.js
<div className={"foo " + this.props.className}>stuff</div>
You don't need to be specify which child class you are referring to when using CSS modules in ReactjS.
so doing:
.main_in_logo {
color: red;
will be enough in the stylesheet.
I ended up using CSS the normal way but with BEM convention.
I mean after all, what the CSS modules do is adding the [this_name].module.css to your css classes anyway. If you typed it correctly in the first place, there's no need of using this. It's just a new abstract that allow newbies so they can just do stuff without having to worry about class names clashing.
// Main.jsx
import './Main.css'
import Logo from './Logo.jsx'
const Main = () => {
return (
<div className="main">
<Logo className="main__logo" />
/* Main.css */
.main {/* do magic */}
.main__logo {/* do magic but for Logo component */}
So maybe you had Logo component like this..
// Logo.jsx
import './Logo.css'
const Logo = () => {
return (
<div className="logo">
<img className="logo__img" />
/* Logo.css */
.logo {/* do magic for logo */}
.logo__img {/* do magic for logo's image */}
This feels much more natural.

SCSS/CSS Using :not selector for only certain elements

I have a common element which contains articles, and want to treat all but the first child differently as follows:
// Some styles
// Some more styles
All well and good. However on some listings they should all be treated the same, so I don't want to include the article:not(:first-child) selector, it needs to be like the following:
// Some styles
// Some more styles
How can I combine these two rules without repeating everything?
Ok I think I've figured it out using Sass:
// Generic Styles
&.alt article,
&:not(.alt) article:not(:first-child){
// More Styles
I also see that my original code example was a bit weird so I've updated it so it's a bit more correct.
<div class="listing">
<div class="listing alt">
.listing:not(.alt) article:not(:first-child) {color:gainsboro;}
Updated demo

Is this CSS reference correct and supported syntax: .slider.wide {}

I have a slider that's marked up like so:
<div class="slider wide">
//slider html in here
And another marked up like so:
<div class="slider narrow">
//slider html in here
Is it possible to reference each of these like this in my CSS file by in a way concatenating the class names:
.slider.wide { //css specific to the wide slider goes here }
.slider.narrow { //css specific to the wide slider goes here }
No, you make three classes .slider, where you put common slider css, and .narrow where you put narrow slider specific css, and .wide where you put wide slider specific css.
.slider { //css common among all sliders goes here }
.wide { //css specific to the wide slider goes here }
.narrow { //css specific to the narrow slider goes here }
Yes, .slider.narrow is valid. It's not exactly concatenating the class names, it's making two different class selectors and applying them to the same element. So .narrow.slider is also valid and will match the same elements.
The problem with using multiple class selectors against a single element is that is doesn't work in IE6. This browser will ignore all but the last class selector. So to support that browser you typically end up using something like class="slider wide-slider".

Can CSS give me paragraph styling based on the previous heading class?

So I want to rig up some css rules for interview transcripts. The format I have in mind looks something like this:
<h2 class="interviewer">Alice: [00:00:00]</h2>
<p>Is it ok if I ask you a question now?</p>
<h2 class="interviewee">Bob: [00:00:03]</h2>
<p>Sure go ahead.</p>
I'd like the paragraph to be a particular colour based on the class of the preceeding heading. Is there a way to do this, as it would make the html markup significantly simpler.
You can use following-sibling combinator: +
h2.interviewer + p { /* style goes here */ }
h2.interviewer + p {
color: red;
I'm not entirely sure how to do it with multiple paragraphs though. Perhaps if you encased the entire set of paragraphs in a div:
<h2 class="interviewer">Alice: [00:00:00]</h2>
<p>Is it ok if I ask you a question now?</p>
<p>More text here.</p>
<h2 class="interviewee"> class="interviewee">Bob: [00:00:03]</h2>
<p>Sure go ahead.</p>
You could then do this:
h2.interviewer + div {
color: red;
By the way, there are better HTML elements for displaying a conversation, like the newly introduced <dialog> tag
The <dialog> element never made it into HTML5. It does not exist.
