Flex 4 Drag-n-Drop with custom DragProxy - apache-flex

I'm doing the drag an drop of an ItemRenderer manually (DataGrid) and want to know how to generate a custom DragProxy of a component that hasn't been added to the display list.
I tried something like this but didn't work:
private function doDrag(event:MouseEvent):void
var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();
dragSource.addData(data, 'dnd_format');
//var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData(this));
var btn:Button = new Button();
btn.label = 'New Button';
var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData(btn));
var dragProxy:Image = new Image();
dragProxy.source = bm;
DragManager.doDrag(this, dragSource, event, dragProxy,0,0, 0.6);
So, I want to be able to create the DragProxy using a component, the button is just an example.
Any ideas?

My guess is that this is not working because you are trying to get a bitmap from a component that was just created and has not been added to the stage. I would try testing this code with using an embedded image as the drag proxy first. If that works, then try getting a bitmap from a component that exists on the stage. My guess is that both cases will work.


Flex 4.6 Need to know how to animate a .swf in actionscript

I've converted a PowerPoint into Flash so each slide is a .swf. I've used a number of different converters and the problem here is the same.
What I'd like to do is trigger the .swf's animation (contents of slide appearing) programatically. I can click on the .swf with a mouse and the animation advances. I can automate this when the .swf's embedded in a web page simply by doing:
Each time I execute that code, the swf advances to the next animation. However, I can't find a way to do this in flex. I've used then MovieClipSWFLoader and tried:
private function animate():void {
var simulatedClick1:MouseEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK);
var simulatedClick2:MouseEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN);
var simulatedClick3:MouseEvent = new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP);
myMovie.dispatchEvent(simulatedClick1); // with clicks 1, 2, and 3
<s:MovieClipSWFLoader id="myMovie" source=""/>
<s:Button id="btnAnimate" click="animate()"/>
I've also tried loading as an Image component and using the simulated click too... no good. Can anyone tell me how I can do this?
The problem was that the .swf was created with Flash 8 and wasn't compatible with my version of Flex. I found a great solution in ForcibleLoader at https://gist.github.com/nsdevaraj/409902. It converts old .swf's to new ones and then the code worked as it should.
private var libMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
ur = new URLRequest(guide_url);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swfComplete);
var fLoader:ForcibleLoader = new ForcibleLoader(loader);
private function swfComplete(event:Event):void{
libMC = event.currentTarget.content as MovieClip;
private function animate():void {
<mx:UIComponent id="swfMovie"/>

How to dynamically load image for drag and drop?

I am implementing drag and drop from a DataGrid onto a List in a Flex 3 AIR application. I would like to have the drag image be a photo (jpg) referenced by a String field in the data grid item, named 'imagePath'. I'm having trouble getting the image to show up during dragging. I have triple checked that it is not because of an invalid path to the image. I have tried Image's source() and load() methods in every way I can think of. I am calling this method 'dragCurrentToList(event)' on a mouseDown event.
private function dragCurrentToList(event:MouseEvent):void
var current:Object = event.currentTarget.selectedItem;
var dragImg:Image = new Image();
dragImg.width = 100;
dragImg.width = 100;
var dsource:DragSource = new DragSource();
dsource.addData(current, 'record');
DragManager.doDrag(event.currentTarget as DataGrid, dsource, event, dragImg);
This works perfectly if I set the image source to the following bindable variable but I don't want to hardcode the image name.
public var dragIcon:Class;
dragImg.source = dragIcon
In your dragCurrentToList method, why are you loading the image instead of just specifying the source attribute as the URL to the image?
private function dragCurrentToList(event:MouseEvent):void
var current:Object = event.currentTarget.selectedItem;
var dragImg:Image = new Image();
dragImg.source = current.imagePath;
dragImg.width = 100;
dragImg.width = 100;
var dsource:DragSource = new DragSource();
dsource.addData(current, 'record');
DragManager.doDrag(event.currentTarget as DataGrid, dsource, event, dragImg);
Also make sure you are responding to the dragStart event. ( http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/mx/core/UIComponent.html#event:dragStart ). And I believe instead of accessing the DragManager class; you should simply modify the dragSource property of the dragStart event.

Getting Flex TileList image source

I have a TileList that's loaded with data from Flickr. The tilelist uses an imageRenderer to make a bunch of thumbnails.
I'm trying to create a custom drag and drop function, but I want to get the image source of the tilelist mouseEvent target. Here's what the code looks like for the drag handler:
public function onPicMouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void {
var tileList:TileList = TileList(e.currentTarget);
var item:Object = Object(tileList.selectedItem);
var source:DragSource = new DragSource();
var dragView : Image = new Image();
dragView.source = tileList.selectedItem.source;
But tileList.selectedItem doesn't have a source property. The source is a property of the image produced by the itemrenderer. I'd like to be able to do something that's the equivalent of
But that doesn't do it either.
There's got to be a simple way to do this that I'm just missing. Any help would be much appreciated.
In your onMousePicDown handler your source should be:
dragView.source = event.target.parent.source;

Create a button with an icon in actionscript

I want to create buttons with icons in Flex dynamically using Actionscript.
I tried this, with no success:
var closeButton = new Button();
closeButton.setStyle("icon", "#Embed(source='images/closeWindowUp.png");
I found an answer that works for me. In my .mxml file, I create Classes for the icons I will use:
// Classes for icons
public static var CloseWindowUp:Class;
public static var Down_Up:Class;
public static var Up_Up:Class;
In the Actionscript portion of my application, I use these classes when dynamically creating buttons:
var buttonHBox:HBox = new HBox();
var closeButton:Button = new Button();
var upButton:Button = new Button();
var downButton:Button = new Button();
closeButton.setStyle("icon", SimpleWLM.CloseWindowUp);
upButton.setStyle("icon", SimpleWLM.Up_Up);
downButton.setStyle("icon", SimpleWLM.Down_Up);
You can use this one option of dynamic change of button icon.
Embed your icons
public var imagePlay:Class;
public var imagePause:Class;
Using one button to toggle play and pause of video
private function playpause():void
if (seesmicVideo.playing)
The error is in the quotes, there should be no quotes around the #Embed:
closeButton.setStyle("icon", #Embed(source="images/closeWindowUp.png"));
I was able to use an icon in my button with the following code:
<mx:Button id="buttonPlay" label="Play" click="playButtonClicked();" enabled="false" icon="#Embed('./play.png')"/>
the file play.png is in the same folder of the mxml file.
I am using Flash Builder version 4.6.
Edit: the question was about ActionScript and not MXML, but I leave this answer just for reference.
I'm assuming you're adding it to the stage?
Also, I think your Embed is missing a close quote / paren.
closeButton.setStyle("icon", "#Embed(source='images/closeWindowUp.png");
should be:
closeButton.setStyle("icon", "#Embed(source='images/closeWindowUp.png')");

How do I implement custom drag functionality in a Flex list control?

Flex has built in drag-n-drop for list controls, and allows you to override this. But they don't cover this in examples. The built-in functionality automatically drags the list-item, if you want to override this you find the handlers are being set up on the list itself.
What I specifically want to do, is my TileList shows small thumbnails of items I can drag onto a large Canvas. As I drag an item from the list, the drag proxy should be a different image.
So, I followed the technique suggested and it only works if I explicitly set the width/height on the proxy Image. Why?
It's not obvious until you've tried it =) I struggled with the same thing just a few weeks ago. This was my solution:
The list:
The mouse down handler:
private function onMouseDown( event : MouseEvent ) : void {
var list : List = List(event.currentTarget);
// the data of the clicked row, change the name of the class to your own
var item : MyDataType = MyDataType(list.selectedItem);
var source : DragSource = new DragSource();
// MyAwsomeDragFormat is the key that you will retrieve the data by in the
// component that handles the drop
source.addData(item, "MyAwsomeDragFormat");
// this is the component that will be shown as the drag proxy image
var dragView : UIComponent = new Image();
// set the source of the image to a bigger version here
dragView.source = getABiggerImage(item);
// get hold of the renderer of the clicked row, to use as the drag initiator
var rowRenderer : UIComponent = UIComponent(list.indexToItemRenderer(list.selectedIndex));
That will start the drag when the user clicks an item in the list. Notice that I don't set dragEnabled and the other drag-related properties on the list since I handle all that myself.
It can be useful to add this to the beginning of the event handler:
if ( event.target is ScrollThumb || event.target is Button ) {
Just to short circuit if the user clicks somewhere in the scrollbar. It's not very elegant but it does the job.
I found a simpler answer here. That example extends a DataGrid control, but you can do the same with a List control. In my case, I use an image source instead of Class:
public class CustomDragList extends List {
public var dragProxyImageSource:Object;
override protected function get dragImage():IUIComponent {
var image:Image = new Image();
image.width = 50;
image.height = 50;
image.source = dragProxyImageSource;
image.owner = this;
return image;
Then use that custom list like this:
Where 'someImageSource' can be anything you'd normally use for an image source (embedded, linked, etc.)
