ASP.NET SQL Membership Tables -

What's the best way to tie my tables (like Customer, Orders) to the Users in the membership tables. Is there a way to tie it using an int somehow?

You can use the User.ProviderUserKey but that is a GUID, not an int. That will map to the UserId field in the aspnet_Membership table


How Get RoleID in ASP.NET MVC

Is there any way to get RoleId without get directly from DB?, I know we can get role Names by:
string[] allRoles = System.Web.Security.Roles.GetAllRoles();
string[] allRolesForUser = System.Web.Security.Roles.GetRolesForUser(httpContext.User.Identity.Name);
But I need to access roleId.
Does any one have any idea about it?
No. The role provider have no knowledge about the data source. It can be a very slow web service or a super deluxe NoSQL database. The provider doesn't know that your db as a primary key.
Sure. The SqlMembershipProvider does. But having it exposing the key would likely lead to violations against Liskovs Substitution Principle.
The role name should be unique. So you should yourself be able to fetch it from the database. Or why can`t you simply use the role name directly instead of the db key?
You must add aspnet_Roles table to your model and use query (for example LINQ) to get roleId .You can change MembershipProvider but it need more work for doing it.
You can't. ASP.NET MVC doesn't allow to get RoleId with standard functon, you must get it from database with the help of role name.
I realize this is a few years old, but when i bumped into it I saw that noone actually answers completely answers the question I thought I would post a full solution.
Simply put:
SELECT RoleId, RoleName FROM aspnet_Roles;
But for getting RoleIds for a User it is like this:
aspnet_Users U, aspnet_Roles R, aspnet_UsersInRoles UR
WHERE U.UserName = #Username
AND UR.UserId = U.UserId
AND UR.RoleID = R.RoleId
This will give you a 2 column list of RoleIds and RoleNames for a particular user.
In reality, you should not be trying to do this as there is a potential for Security breach when a RoleId is exposed. You should only work with RoleNames and use the Membership and Roles methods to manage things.
Hope this helps :)

Merging two ASP.NET membership databases

I have to merge two ASP.NET membership databases with related role and profile tables. Both databases have an identical role and profile structure. They use the built in providers (SqlMembershipProvider and friends). Duplicates are possible.
Do you have recommendations for me? Is there a tool to do this? If not: Can you recommend using the membership API or is it easier to use SQL.
Here is the script I finally used to transfer the membership data.
insert into targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_users
select * from sourceMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_users
where username not in (select username from targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_users)
insert into targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_membership
select * from sourceMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_membership
where userid in (select userid from targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_users)
and not userid in (select userid from targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_membership)
insert into targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_profile
select * from sourceMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_profile
where userid in (select userid from targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_users)
and not userid in (select userid from targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_profile)
insert into targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_usersinroles
select * from sourceMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_usersinroles
where userid in (select userid from targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_users)
and not userid in (select userid from targetMembershipDatabase.dbo.aspnet_usersinroles)
Provided as is. No check for duplicate emails. No warranty that this is working in a more complex scenario.
I not aware of any tool which will do this, but the schema is pretty simple so it would be a straightforward enough job to just do it in SQL. All the keys are GUID anyway, so there shouldn't be a problem.
Obviously you'd need to check the user_name field for duplicates and email addresses, if the unique email address rule is applied. But if the roles are the same in both databases then all you're really interested in are the users. Once you've got them over it would just be a case of updating the RoleId and ApplicationId in aspnet_Users and aspnet_UsersInRoles.
I am currently use a single database for three different applications. Each of them has its own ApplicationID and nothing special happend for me withing this 2 years. even similar mails are available (because sql check the ApplicationID and in each application only you have one mail) so I don't think that you have to consider something special
Just create a script from data and run in your mainDatabase just not that don't replace the schema of Tables.

ASP.NET Membership Profile

I want to send out an email to all users where their birthday is today
I am using the built-in (3.5) membership. All users have a profile (stored in aspnet_Profile) which contains a date/time property called 'birthday'. I need to get a list of users email addresses from the 'aspnet_Membership' table where a users birthday is today, along with the users 'firstname' which is string property in the aspnet_Profile table.
I would like a list returned preferrably using C# LINQ.
I am not sure how to access the birthday property in the profile table, based on the way it is stored in the db table i.e name/value columns
I think you should consider changing to the much-improved table based provider:
This allows you to separate your data into one value per table column in the standard SQL way. This performs petter than the standard provider and it solves your problem of querying the Profiles database.
It will take a small amount of work to convert the database, but on the code side, it is just a matter of configuring in a different provider and nothing else should change. That is the beaurty of the provider pattern.
I don't use LINQ enough to give you a good answer, but the following may be the underlying SQL you need (This is how my SSMS generated it in the query designer):
SELECT aspnet_Profile.PropertyValuesString AS firstname, aspnet_Membership.Email
FROM aspnet_Profile INNER JOIN
aspnet_Membership ON aspnet_Profile.UserId = aspnet_Membership.UserId INNER JOIN
aspnet_Profile AS aspnet_Profile_1 ON aspnet_Profile.UserId = aspnet_Profile_1.UserId
WHERE (aspnet_Profile_1.PropertyNames LIKE N'birthday') AND (aspnet_Profile.PropertyNames LIKE N'firstname') AND (DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0,
aspnet_Profile_1.PropertyValuesString)) = DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE())))
The Profile mechanism parses the values out by splitting each name/value pair up, and then parsing them individually. You could write code to do that yourself. Or you could follow #Daniel's approach and use the alternative provider, which makes life easier. The out-of-the-box provider is a pain with the string concatenation.
Is this code in the same app? You could just use the profile object to retrieve it, if you are talking C#... what context is this piece of code in? Batch service?

Best database design approach to join complex data to ASP.Net Membership tables

I'm looking to use a slightly modified ASP.Net Membership Provider to handle the standard user account creation/authentication/etc in a website. We have a fair amount of legacy data that I need to migrate in order to provide continuity with our existing users' saved information (like order history, wishlist, etc). [NOTE: We have to migrate anyway, so this is not the reason we're migrating data]
I'm wondering what a sensible approach is for joining this additional data to the membership tables. There are a two unique keys that I could use on the user table - UserId or email - which we will use as a surrogate for username.
My question is, what is the better access pattern (and hence foreign key) to use elsewhere in my tables for storing orders, wishlists, etc?
In HttpContext, a User object is available that contains the "Username", our email address,
but doesn't have the Guid for userId available.
I see 3 options:
I'd like to simply use the uniqueidentifier UserId for efficiency of access over a lengthy varchar email address, but it doesn't appear readily available without extra database calls to fetch it via email/login. Is there some way to get the UserId so I can make it the foreign key on different tables?
I can pass in email address (username) as the input parameter, join on userId where email address = #emailAddress, and use userId as the foreign key on other tables.
Not viable
I can store username/email address on all the other tables as a foreign key - which would be an unfortunate denormalization
Any thoughts on a best method from either a DB perspective or from an application efficiency perspective?
You can get UserId:
MembershipUser myObject = Membership.GetUser();
string UserID = myObject.ProviderUserKey.ToString();
or maybe (please, check it)
string userId = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey.ToString();

customize membership by changing "userid" type to integer

in membership
is it possible to change the "userid" type from "uniqueidentifier" to "integer"?
and how to do it?
The membership userid data type is set to uniqueidentifier in the table schema. You probably do not want to try and change the datatype of the column because then all of the stored procedures and the sqlmembership provider would also need to be changed. But what you could do is create a lookup table that would match an integer with the specified user id unique identifier. The lookup table would have 2 columns, one for the UserId from the membership (datatype of uniqueidentifier) and then a second column of type int that would give you your integer that you are looking for.
But before you go ahead with this, you should ask why you need an integer in the first place or will a uniqueidentifier do? If you are trying to retrofit the membership provider on top of an existing database (where int is used to identify a user) then a lookup table should work well.
