SQL Dataset to JSON - asp.net

Alright I have been trying to figure this out and I read the MSDN page on the JavaScriptSerializer. However, I still can't figure out how to get this to work on an asp.net page. I want to convert my dataset into a json string so I can graph it using FLOT(graphing tool)
THIS MADE IT WORK THANKS FOR YOUR HELP GUYS: this is in vb.net for future people
Imports System.Web.Script.Serialization
Dim myObject = dataset.GetXml()
Dim jsonString = (New JavaScriptSerializer()).Serialize(myObject)

Reference the assembly System.Web.Extensions.dll and then do this:
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
var myObject = ... your stuff ...
var jsonString = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(myObject);
Check out the MSDN page for more info.

I did the following when I was working on a Project using PlotKit. I create a webservice to return the data and set the response format to Jason...this was while ago...should also work in 3.5
Here is a sample
<WebMethod()> _
<Script.Services.ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet:=True, ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json)> _
Public Function GetSales(ByVal a As String) As Generic.List(Of Sale)
Dim _conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connstr)
Dim _dr As SqlDataReader
Dim _cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("select * from sales", _conn)
_dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
If _dr.HasRows Then
Dim s As Sale
Dim c As New Generic.List(Of Sale)
While _dr.Read
s = New Sale
With s
.Month = _dr("monthname")
.TheSale = _dr("sale")
End With
End While
Return c
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
End Class
Here is the object class...notice I am serializing the object.
<Serializable()> _
Public Class Sale
Private _month As String
Private _sale As String
Public Property Month() As String
Return _month
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_month = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property TheSale() As String
Return _sale
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_sale = value
End Set
End Property
End Class

Check out the DataContractJsonSerializer, and this article on MSDN

public static string DStoJSON(DataSet ds)
StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder();
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
int i = 0;
int colcount = dr.Table.Columns.Count;
foreach (DataColumn dc in dr.Table.Columns)
if (i < colcount) json.Append(",");
return json.ToString();
Probably most useful to you is the dataset loop instead of the stringbuilder. You could loop these into an object, then use the javascript serializer library.
Or even better, if you are using asp.net mvc, you can just do this:
return Json(List<myobject>, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
but this way is quick & easy! -- I didn't quite test this! the appended comma might be wrong (or code can be improved) and the final row comma needs to be handled
I use the mvc way & never looked back :)


Returning multiple values from a function in an parcial class in VB

Hi Please can someone show me how to return multiple values from a function? I have my function in a seperate file within App_Code and here it is:
Public Function GetQuoteStatus(ByVal QuoteID As String) As String
Dim quoteStatus As String
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("quotingSystemConnectionString")
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Status FROM Quote WHERE QuoteID =" & QuoteID & ";"
Dim lrd As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While lrd.Read()
quoteStatus = lrd("Status")
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return quoteStatus
End Function
To get the returned quoteStatus from within another vb file in my site I would normally use:
Dim statusHelper As New quoteStatusHelper()
Dim quoteStatus As String = statusHelper.GetQuoteStatus("QuoteID")
However this is all good and well for one returned value but what If I wanted to return multiple values... How do I access them?
Many thanks!
You could use
Public Function GetQuoteStatus(ByVal QuoteID As String) As String()
This let you return a string array, so there is no limit to data you can have.
The cons is you have to parse the array.
You could even use
Public Function GetQuoteStatus(ByVal QuoteID As String,
Byref Second As String) As String
This let you return a string as result and set the value of another var (Second); you can use more than one Byref variables to return multiple values...
The cons is that you have to statically declare your function and modifiy all previous calls. In this case the use of refactoring is reccomended!
You could even return a class for example.
Declare a class that fits your needs (with all the fields, getters, setters and constructors) and inside your function you could create an instance of that class, fill every field and return this class.
Easy to implement, easy to use.
Public Class MyClass
Public Property Val1 As String
Public Property Val2 As String
Public Property Val3 As String
Public Sub New(ByVal newVal1 As String, ByVal newVal2 As String, ByVal newVal3 As String)
Val1 = newVal1
Val2 = newVal2
Val3 = newVal3
End Sub
End Class
Public Function GetInfo() As MyClass
Dim mc As New MyClass("test1", "test2", "test3")
Return mc
End Function
You may return multiple values using ByRef and arrays (see #Marco post). You may also return/pass an object for your purpose.
For instance,
Public Class Info
Public Property No As Integer
Public Property Name As String
End Class
Public Function GetInfo() As Info
Dim inf As New Info
inf.No = 10
inf.Name = "A"
Return inf
End Function
I believe that the "correct/best" way to deal with a single function that needs to return a couple of discrete (typically primitive) types is a Tuple(Of T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TRest).
Something like this
Public Function MyExampleMethod() As Tuple(Of String, Integer, Guid)
Return New Tuple(Of String, Integer, Guid)("Value1", 2, Guid.NewGuid)
End Function

Google calendar in vb.net

I am trying to convert the calendar code of C#.NET provided on google site to VB.NET and facing some conversion issues. Please help me.
Code in C#.net:
static void RetrieveAcls(CalendarService service)
FeedQuery query = new FeedQuery();
query.Uri = new Uri("http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/testingforfinals#gmail.com");
AtomFeed calFeed = service.Query(query);
Console.WriteLine("Sharing permissions for your calendars:");
// Retrieve the meta-feed of all calendars.
foreach (AtomEntry calendarEntry in calFeed.Entries)
Console.WriteLine("Calendar: {0}", calendarEntry.Title.Text);
AtomLink link = calendarEntry.Links.FindService(
// For each calendar, retrieve its ACL feed.
if (link != null)
AclFeed feed = service.Query(new AclQuery(link.HRef.ToString()));
foreach (AclEntry aclEntry in feed.Entries)
Console.WriteLine("\tScope: Type={0} ({1})", aclEntry.Scope.Type,
Console.WriteLine("\tRole: {0}", aclEntry.Role.Value);
My code in VB.NET:
Public Sub RetrieveAcls(ByVal service As CalendarService)
Dim query As New FeedQuery
query.Uri = New Uri("http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/testingforfinals#gmail.com")
Dim calFeed As New AtomFeed(service.Query(query))
Console.WriteLine("Sharing permissions for your calendars:")
Dim calendarEntry As New AtomEntry
Dim link As New AtomLink
Dim aclEntry As New AclEntry
For Each calendarEntry In calFeed.Entries
Console.WriteLine("Calendar: {0}", calendarEntry.Title.Text)
link = calendarEntry.Links.FindService(AclNameTable.LINK_REL_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST, "")
If (link Is Nothing) Then
Dim feed As AclFeed()
feed = New AclFeed(query, service)
feed = service.Query(New AclQuery(link.HRef.ToString()))
For Each aclEntry In feed.Entries
Console.WriteLine("\tScope: Type={0} ({1})", aclEntry.Scope.Type, aclEntry.Scope.Value)
Console.WriteLine("\tRole: {0}", aclEntry.Role.Value)
End If
End Sub
Am facing error at "query" in "feed = New AclFeed(query, service)" which says Value of type Google.GData.Client.FeedQuery cannot be converted to 'System.Uri'... This issue is resolved... One more last issue is as per below...
Dim myQuery As New EventQuery(feedURI)
Dim myResultsFeed As New EventFeed(service.Query(myQuery))
I am getting error on "myResultsFeed" as "Argument not specified for parameter 'iService' of 'Public Sub New(uriBase As System.Uri, iService As Google.GData.Client.IService)'." and another error on "service.Query(myQuery)) as "Value of type 'Google.GData.Calendar.EventFeed' cannot be converted to 'System.Uri'."
static void DateRangeQuery(CalendarService service, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
EventQuery myQuery = new EventQuery(feedUri);
myQuery.StartTime = startTime;
myQuery.EndTime = endTime;
EventFeed myResultsFeed = service.Query(myQuery) as EventFeed;
Console.WriteLine("Matching events from {0} to {1}:",
for (int i = 0; i < myResultsFeed.Entries.Count; i++)
Well you've converted this:
AclFeed feed = service.Query(new AclQuery(link.HRef.ToString()));
to this:
Dim feed As AclFeed()
feed = New AclFeed(query, service)
feed = service.Query(New AclQuery(link.HRef.ToString()))
They're not the same at all! Your second line is calling a constructor for no obvious reason.
Just this would be fine:
Dim feed As AclFeed = service.Query(New AclQuery(link.HRef.ToString()))
It's also not clear why you've got lines like this:
Dim calendarEntry As New AtomEntry
Why are you calling the parameterless constructor for AtomEntry? Why are you declaring the variable outside the ForEach loop at all? Just use:
For Each calendarEntry As AtomEntry In calFeed.Entries
EDIT: For the other issue, I think you just need:
Dim myEventFeed As CType(service.Query(myQuery), EventFeed)
If you could provide the full method, that would help.
I'm not sure if it works, but this is the direct c#->VB.Net-Translation from developerfusion, the syntax seems to be correct. Only as a hint for your next problems ;)
Shared Sub RetrieveAcls(ByVal service As CalendarService)
Dim query As New FeedQuery()
query.Uri = New Uri("http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/testingforfinals#gmail.com")
Dim calFeed As AtomFeed = service.Query(query)
Console.WriteLine("Sharing permissions for your calendars:")
' Retrieve the meta-feed of all calendars.
For Each calendarEntry As AtomEntry In calFeed.Entries
Console.WriteLine("Calendar: {0}", calendarEntry.Title.Text)
Dim link As AtomLink = calendarEntry.Links.FindService(AclNameTable.LINK_REL_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST, Nothing)
' For each calendar, retrieve its ACL feed.
If Not link Is Nothing Then
Dim feed As AclFeed = service.Query(New AclQuery(link.HRef.ToString()))
For Each aclEntry As AclEntry In feed.Entries
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "Scope: Type={0} ({1})", aclEntry.Scope.Type, aclEntry.Scope.Value)
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "Role: {0}", aclEntry.Role.Value)
End If
End Sub

Scrambling URLS for dynamic data

What is the best method to obfuscate the urls created in Dynamic Data?
eg \Products\List.aspx?ProductId=2 could become
where "ProductId=2" is base 64 encoded to prevent casual snooping on
I will probably have to inherit from an existing object and override some function
The question is which object and what function
GetActionPath of the Metamodel object seems interesting,
but how does the DynamicRoute "{table}/{Action}.aspx" play in into it...
Right now on Asp.net 1.1 site I use an custom implementation of the following code.
http://www.mvps.org/emorcillo/en/code/aspnet/qse.shtml It is HTTPModule that uses regular expression to rewrite all the querystrings and also with reflection changes the Querystring collection with decoded values.
So where is the hook to affect the change.
I have found the solution
With advice, I have implemented a Route that inherits from DynamicDataRoute.
The methods overridden were GetVirtualPath and GetRouteData.
Here is the global.asax page
routes.Add(New EncodedDynamicDataRoute("{table}/{action}.aspx") With { _
.Defaults = New RouteValueDictionary(New With {.Action = PageAction.List}), _
.Constraints = New RouteValueDictionary(New With {.Action "List|Details|Edit|Insert"}), _
.Model = model})
Here is the Encoded DynamicDataRoute.
Imports System.Web.DynamicData
Imports System.Web.Routing
''' <summary>
''' The purpose of this class to base 64 encode the querystring parameters.
''' It converts the keys to base64 encoded and back.
''' </summary>
Public Class EncodedDynamicDataRoute
Inherits DynamicDataRoute
Public Sub New(ByVal url As String)
End Sub
Public Overloads Overrides Function GetRouteData(ByVal httpContext As HttpContextBase) As RouteData
Dim routeData As RouteData = MyBase.GetRouteData(httpContext)
If Not (routeData Is Nothing) Then
End If
Return routeData
End Function
Private Sub EncodeRouteValues(ByVal routeValues As RouteValueDictionary)
Dim tableName As Object
If Not routeValues.TryGetValue("table", tableName) Then
End If
Dim table As MetaTable
If Not Model.TryGetTable(DirectCast(tableName, String), table) Then
End If
Dim strOutput As New StringBuilder
Dim val As Object
For Each column As MetaColumn In table.PrimaryKeyColumns
If routeValues.TryGetValue(column.Name, val) Then
strOutput.Append(column.Name & Chr(254) & val & Chr(255))
End If
Dim out As String = (Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strOutput.ToString)))
If routeValues.ContainsKey("x") Then
routeValues.Item("x") = out
routeValues.Add("x", out)
End If
End Sub
Public Overloads Overrides Function GetVirtualPath(ByVal requestContext As RequestContext, ByVal values As RouteValueDictionary) As VirtualPathData
Return MyBase.GetVirtualPath(requestContext, values)
End Function
Private Sub DecodeRouteValues(ByVal routeValues As RouteValueDictionary)
Dim tableName As Object
If Not routeValues.TryGetValue("table", tableName) Then
End If
Dim table As MetaTable
If Not Model.TryGetTable(DirectCast(tableName, String), table) Then
End If
Dim enc As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding()
Dim val As Object
If routeValues.TryGetValue("x", val) AndAlso val <> "AAA" Then
Dim strString As String = enc.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String((val)))
Dim nameValuePairs As String() = strString.Split(Chr(255))
Dim col As MetaColumn
For Each str11 In nameValuePairs
Dim vals() As String = str11.Split(Chr(254))
If table.TryGetColumn(vals(0), col) Then
routeValues.Add(val(0), col)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
Here is how I did it:
I created 4 functions in a module:
public static string EncryptInt(int val)
public static int DecryptInt(string val)
public static string DecryptStr(string str)
public static string EncryptStr(string source)
When I wanted to create a url I did something like this:
When I wanted to get the results I would call the Decrypt function on retrieved param.
I used two types because it added a level of type safety to the system, but you could just use one with strings and then call int.Parse() as needed.
Does this answer your question?
For Microsoft's Dynamic Data I believe the hooks would be found in the code behind for the template pages.

Catching errors or exceptions

I built a mashup of google maps and weather.com and everytime one of these server is not responding my application hangs up too.What do you think I can do to prevent or minimize hanging up of my web apps?Hanging up like you can't navigate away from that page....
I got this code on my app code to access the weather service;
Public Class WeatherIn
Private _path As String
Private _cachedFile As String
Public Sub New(ByVal path As String)
_path = path
_cachedFile = String.Format("{0}\WeatherInCache.xml", _path)
End Sub
Public Function GetWeather(ByVal arg As String) As String
Return _getWebWeather(arg)
End Function
Private Function _getCachedWeather() As String
Dim str As String = String.Empty
Using reader As New StreamReader(_cachedFile)
str = reader.ReadToEnd()
End Using
Return str
End Function
Private Function _getWebWeather(ByVal arg As String) As String
Dim baseUrl As String = "http://xoap.weather.com/weather/local/{0}?cc=*&dayf=5&link=xoap&prod=xoap&par={1}&key={2}"
Dim jane As String = arg
Dim james As String = "api key"
Dim john As String = "another api key"
Dim url As String = String.Format(baseUrl, jane, james, john)
Using client As New WebClient()
Dim xml As New XmlTextReader(client.OpenRead(url))
Dim xslt As New XslCompiledTransform()
xslt.Load(_path + "/Pathto.xslt")
Using writer As New StreamWriter(_cachedFile)
xslt.Transform(xml, Nothing, writer)
End Using
Return _getCachedWeather()
Catch exception As WebException
Dim xmlStr As String = "<errorDoc>"
xmlStr += "<alert>An Error Occurred!</alert>"
xmlStr += [String].Format("<message>{0}</message>", exception.Message)
xmlStr += "</errorDoc>"
Dim doc As New XmlDocument()
Dim reader As New XmlNodeReader(doc)
Dim xslt As New XslCompiledTransform()
xslt.Load(_path + "/Pathto.xslt")
Dim resultDocument As New XmlDocument()
Using writer As XmlWriter = resultDocument.CreateNavigator().AppendChild()
xslt.Transform(reader, DirectCast(Nothing, XsltArgumentList), writer)
End Using
Return resultDocument.OuterXml
End Try
End Using
End Function
Then I used the class above on my page where I display the weather like this:
'specific zip code or could be retrieved from querystring for dynamic retrieval
var jay="94576"
Dim weather As New WeatherIn(Server.MapPath(String.Empty))
Dim weatherData As String = weather.GetWeather(jay)
Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
which I retrieve the data and write on the page through javascript.Most of the time its the weather.com that goes down.I got no problem with google map its reliable....anybody got a solution why my page hangs up too if the remote server is not responding?The mashup is running smoothly if the remote server is responding...
When depending on external web services it is best to load asynchronously so that if one of them is slow you can show some kind of loading spinner to the page viewer. If it fails your page could simply report that reading from the web server failed and to try again later.
In this case I would load up the page with the Google map in place and then make an AJAX request for the Weather data.

How can i convert the C# code listed below into VB

i am using the Json.net to serialize an object. the specific object is eventInstance.Properties which is the properties of a windows event log.
i am getting a
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Self referencing loop detected for property
for C# an example is shown here
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(joe, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
my line of code is below but i am not sure how to make it work in VB or if it is even possible
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#f18", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(eventInstance.Properties(), New JsonSerializerSettings() {ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore}))
i get an error that states 'ReferenceLoopHandling' is an enum type and cannot be used as an expression
thanks for the help
You can use below code:
Private Function getJSON(sJSON As String) As String
Dim objNews = New List(Of News)()
Dim news = New News()
news.id = ""
news.title = "blah"
Dim lst = New List(Of Object)()
lst.Add(New With {.video_identifier = "id1"})
lst.Add(New With {.video_identifier = "id2"})
news.video_identifier = lst.ToArray()
Return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(New With {.data = objNews})
End Function
Class News
Public Property title As String
Return _title
End Get
_title = value
End Set
End Property
Private _title As String
Private _sId As String
Public Property id As String
Return _sId
End Get
_sId = value
End Set
End Property
Private _youtube_videos As Object() = New List(Of Object)().ToArray()
Public Property video_identifier As Object()
Return _youtube_videos
End Get
_youtube_videos = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Class YoutubeVideos
Private _video_identifier As String
Public Property video_identifier As String
Return _video_identifier
End Get
_video_identifier = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
