MVC2 Model callout to powershell -

Recently created a MVC2 Portal but now I want to add a couple of models that call out to other processes such as powershell in order to run some tasks for the user and return the results.
All the examples I've found show the MVC model binding to SQL so the question is can MVC be used for what I'm asking of it and if so does anyone know of some examples that I can look at etc.
Any suggestions or comments are appreciated.

Closed due to lack of response, will look at doing a custom model which talks to powershell runspace.

All things are possible, but I suspect the issue you're going to have is that of security and the user account that you're running your website under.
Generally, the AppPool that an IIS website runs under is set up to run as Network Service or as some other account that has limited access to the file system. That service generally doesn't have it's profile (Desktop) loaded either.
You can certainly run the AppPool as a local account, and can load that user's profile (these settings are found in IIS manager) but by doing that you need to understand the security implications.
Having given you this "health warning" one example of hosting powershell in ASP.NET can be found here...
... and another slightly longer one here...


How to use Windows Authentication for intranet website?

I'm developing Asp .Net(MVC3) web application for my company.Some users use this site in internal network and some will use internet site.I've to Authenticate Users using the website.How can i do it?
Whether it is possible to check the Authentication code only after deploying the Solution? How can i check it in my local solution?Can Anyone Explain Step by step Process involved in this?
Its hard to give you a step by step procedure given that I don't know much about your infrastructure, or your dev environment.
With that said, it sounds like you want forms authentication for your external site, and integrated authentication for your internal. In both cases, the back end authentication would be done by Active Directory. A VERY common scenario.
All you need to know is the right terms to use, and you'll quickly find examples online. Google up something like "mix form and windows authentication mvc". But again, given all the different versions of IIS and MVC, there are quite a few scenarios so you may not find a definitive guide and instead you'll have to wind up evaluating each and mashing up a solution for your environment.

How to enable User to surf during ASP.NET DLL upload

I am using ASP.NET as the backend for windows phone browser. Sometime I need to make changes on the ASP.NET Pages WHILE users are surfing the website. I want to know how can I provide un-interrupted service to user in such a way they can surf during ASP.NET DLL uploading process:
say, there are a few ASP.NET (DLL) in production WebServer in such a way that all aspx pages in the one Folder and all DLL(s) in bin-folder.
page(1).aspx , page(1.2).aspx , page(1.n).aspx from DLL(1) and page(2.1).aspx, page(2.2) from DLL(2)
default.aspx from DLL(1)
What will happen if I upload the updated DLL(2) to the production server and leave DLL(1) as it is :
Can user call the deafult.aspx?
Will user still be able to call aspx pages from DLL(1) during the uploading process?
I am a big fan of Martin Fowler's Blue Green Deployment methodology (link).
The idea is simple, have two very similar environments setup (staging & production). You make changes to your code, deploy it on staging, do your testing and then swap staging with production via a simple router configuration.
It has worked great for us so far.
The answer to both the questions is YES
You need Microsoft Web Deployment Tool. Please find more details on below link
How to deploy an ASP.NET Application with zero downtime
Are you hosting within a clustered server environment? If your not, I would be more concerned about a single point of failure rather than interrupting clients briefly during a release.
That said, the update process in such an environment is much better if your fearful of disturbing your users.

ASP.NET - Exception logging approach for concurrent user scenario

I am involved in designing a webforms application using .NET 3.5. I have a requirement where we need to log exceptions.
What is the best approach for exception handling, given that there would be concurrent users for this application?
Is there a need or possibility to log in exceptions at a user level? My support team in-charge wants to have a feature where the support team can get user specific log files.
To give you a background, this application is currently on VB 6.0 and we are migrating it along with some enhancements. So, today the support personnel have a provision to get user specific log files.
My vote is for ELMAH. It is the easiest to set up and automagically lets you find bugs that never get reported back from the end-user.
While this is a bit self promotion, CuttingEdge.Logging allows native support for logging the user name in who's context a log event occured. When you configure the AspNetSqlLoggingProvider with the userNameRetrievalType set to "Membership", it allows retrieving the user name from from the HttpContext.
The AspNetSqlLoggingProvider logs to a database. The framework does not contain any tools for analyzing logs. When you want this, you can take a look at ELMAH, and I believe there are tools (both open source and commercially) available for log4net.
Good luck. user management and GoDaddy shared hosting

I'm trying to use the (3.5) built in user management framework but I'm not 100% sure how to do this on godaddy. Google didn't help much, anyone have experience with this?
You can roll your own or find one. You cannot run the configuration tool directly against your GoDaddy account. (If you notice, it's just another website runing in another dev web server via Visual Studio).
You can use the System.Web.Security.Membership and Roles static classes in the Membership Provider to hook into it. This is very easy to do. Membership.GetUsers(), etc.
You can also use the stored procs to manually add/remove users and roles.
Go to your hosting control center
in menu Content on top, go to IIS Management,
there will be list of web folder,
on top of the list you can see runtime versions and (modify) link in brackets, click on it. There you'll see if you are using 3.5.
I have also had this problem. About a year ago. So I am curious to know what the solution might be, if there is one! I was told by Go Daddy, back then, that they had admin stuff "locked down" pretty tight. I went back and forth with their help people, who had to actually escalate it - because the general help team didnt understand what I was asking. What I ultimately did was I canceled my hosting service (they did give me a refund for unused time!) and I went over to a different host. Hope this helps and I will be listening carefully to responses as I am curious to see if they changed OR if someone has a workaround.
To get the tables that the membership provider uses, look in %WINDIR\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727. That is where the SQL statements used by the wizard are located. Also, check out:
for a more thorough explaination of how memberships tables are set up. You can do all the same work that the admin tool does, just not in a GUI format.

SecurityException in application

I have a web app which queries a Lucene index and it works just fine in a W2K3 server in my network. Now I got my azure code so I wanted to test the service uploading the app. In order to do that I had to install Vista (I did it in a Virtual machine) cause the Azure SDK won't install on an XP box.
I created my Cloud Service, added the files from my app but when I run it (just F5) I get a SecurityException, when I call Lucene to query the index, saying:
The application attempted to perform
an operation not allowed by the
security policy. To grant this
application the required permission
please contact your system
administrator or change the
application's trust level in the
configuration file.
I've been googling around and the solutions I've found concern modifying the machine.config file which is something I won't be able to do "in the cloud".
Could anybody help on this?
Ok, in case somebody is facing the same issues, this is the correct answer which I got from the Azure forum:
This is because of the trust policy
for the Windows Azure CTP. The
enviroment variablies TEMP and TMP are
avaliable and set up appropiately.
However, System.IO.Path.GetTempPath
and System.IO.GetTempFile do not work
as they require unrestricted
environment permissions. I would
suggest you contact the Lucene
developers to see if they can modify
the code so it runs properly in medium
trust environments.
Thanks to Daniel C. Wang for the answer.
I also found a question regarding my same issue and how if was fixed.
Here the link: Lucene.Net fails at my host because it calls GetTempPath(). What’s the work around?
You can change trust in the web.config, unless that has been disallowed in the machine.config (which it often is in shared hosting). inside your put and see what happens.
If you are not allowed to do that, see if you can get your control GACd by talking to your provider. If that doesn't work, sorry to say but you are out of luck. Sometimes you can find workarounds that don't require full trust for a specific method, but if a third party dll requires it there is not much you can do
Haven't done this but isn't it possible to have a desktop version of the Live Operating Environment? This would seem a good start for troubleshooting.
