how to use windows bash script to open a website with my username and password - http

I like to write a windows bash script, test.bat to open a website, say and provide my username and password at the same time.

you can use autohotkey ( to create a script to open website and enter your username/password. You can call the script from a .bat file (or even from bash). I did not understand why you want to use bash on windows.

AutoIt is an easy to write scripting language that would be great for this.


How to copy file from desktop to unix using ssh terminal command

I am trying to copy a file called TEST.txt from my desktop to Unix server using SSH client. What command would I use to accomplish this task?
Many thanks!!
You need to use scp, like so:
scp /file/to/send username#remote:/where/to/put
Take a look here for more help:
I assume you are running a Windows desktop. You can use the SFTP tool in PuTTy or FileZilla to copy files using your ssh credentials.

Execute Shell command in tideSDK

I need to run a shell command, that will call the script file that I have written in RUBY
For eg: Lets say, I have a in my working directory, How can I execute this file using TideSDK( I tried Using the Process)
Titanium Desktop createProcess to run shell script
Is there some other alternatives for this kind of stuffs in tideSDK?
I need to run the ruby script after a click of a button.
I think you don't need to run a process for that. TideSDK allows you to run other scripts like php, ruby and python directly in script tags. On the tag you just need to define the script on the type attribute: text/ruby
There ar several methods to include scripts on TideSDK. Take a look on the documentation at There is a section related to how to get started.!/guide/using_ruby

Unix Shell script to copy files from unix location to windows FTP

Could anyone provide me Unix shell script to copy files from unix location to windows FTP location.
I'm going to assume you have access to the unix box. Sounds like a simple cron job using ftp. You'll need to review the crontab syntax to set that up. Check out this article on scripting FTP to get you started there.

Can I use a scp to download a file using shell script

Can I automate a download of a file from a system using scp(by entering the user id/password) and manipulate the file and upload it to the same place. If you have any idea of using scp in a shell script, pls do let me know
Scp is ordinary command line uility in linux so it might be used directly. See this page for examples.
Yes you can automate that from a shell script pretty easily, but the question that remains is whether you want to input the password manually everytime you run the script or use ssh keys to accomplish authentication and achieve full automation.
Check this tutorial on using SCP.
use ssh-copy-id [the command varies by distro, but on Ubuntu it is ssh-copy-id]. here's how:
ssh-copy-id ~/.ssh/ this will install your public key to the remote host. it will not ask for your password if you do this! If you have no ~/.ssh/, then run ssh-keygen and accept all the default options [just press enter when it prompts for input].

I need help executing a bat file from 2.0

I have an web application using 2.0 and I wrote a bat file to use GPG to encryt a file and call it whithin shell(pathname & filename).
when I double click on the bat file from cmd windows it works fine but when I call it in the application everything command that I pass is executed perfectly except the gpg command. I make sure the user under which the application is running as all rights and privileges to run the commands I import, trust and verify all the keys and in fact the bat file works fine when double click on it but why it did successfully execute the GPG function. It did not return any error just did not encrypt any file
gpg -e --always-trust -r <> Filename
any help will be appreciated.
Thank you!
I had a similar problem:
C#.Net: Why is my Process.Start() hanging?
It seems that Microsoft, in all their infinite wisdom, has blocked batch files from being executed by IIS in Windows Server 2003. Brenden Tompkins has a work-around here:
Have you tried fully qualifying the path to the gpg executable in your batch file?
Not sure how you are using 'shell()' but Process.Start is the way to go.
