HttpModule over multiple sites -

I have custom redirection implemented in a module. Do I have to modify each config for all sites or is there a more general approach?Also, I have files in App_Data for this module, which would cause replication.
Thank you

Try this: (I am assuming you know. how to create a dll project, registering an Assembly in GAC, and modify the machine.config)
put your redirection-code in seperate dll project.
Register the assembly in the GAC.
Reference that assembly in all the projects/ applications where you need.
Open the machine.config and put the configs in machine.config in httpmodule section.just like you did in web.config.
Now it applies on all the applications(dotnet) where you would need.


Owin error with ASP.NET MVC application

I have an ASP.NET application that runs fine on my local machine. I just uploaded it to a server using web deploy. I'm getting the following error when I try to view the site:
The following errors occurred while attempting to load the app.
- The OwinStartup attribute discovered in assembly 'Gators3' referencing startup type 'Gators3.Startup' conflicts with the attribute in assembly 'MyFirstProject2' referencing startup type 'MyFirstProject2.Startup' because they have the same FriendlyName ''. Remove or rename one of the attributes, or reference the desired type directly.
To disable OWIN startup discovery, add the appSetting owin:AutomaticAppStartup with a value of "false" in your web.config.
To specify the OWIN startup Assembly, Class, or Method, add the appSetting owin:AppStartup with the fully qualified startup class or configuration method name in your web.config.
I tried searching the entire solution for the string "MyFirstProject2" but did not come up with anything. The message gives a couple of suggestions, but none of them mean anything to me. I don't know how to "Remove or rename one of the attributes, or reference the desired type directly," and I don't see a place in the web.config to "add the appSetting owin:AppStartup with the fully qualified startup class or configuration method name in your web.config."
I found this, but am not quite sure how to implement it. I also did find [assembly: OwinStartupAttribute(typeof(Gators3.Startup))] in my Startup.cs, but not sure what the right thing to do there is either.
The problem is that the Gators3.dll and MyFirstProject2.dll are in the same folder (I guess it is bin folder on your server) and both are using Owin middleware. If you do not need MyFirstProject2.dll then the easiest way would be to delete that assembly. If you need it, but without Owin - add following line to Web.config/app.config in your MyFirstProject2 project:
<add key="owin:AutomaticAppStartup" value="False" />
If you need to use Owin for two projects configure friendly names for both of them.
Gators3 project:
Change Owin startup attribute to something like:
attribute [assembly: OwinStartupAttribute("GatorsConfig", typeof(Gators3.Startup))]
And add following line to Web.config within appSettings section:
<add key="owin:appStartup" value="GatorsConfig" />
MyFirstProject2 project:
Change Owin startup attribute to something
attribute [assembly: OwinStartupAttribute("MyFirstProject2Config", typeof(MyFirstProject2.Startup))]
And add following line to Web.config within appSettings section:
<add key="owin:appStartup" value="MyFirstProject2Config" />
I had the same issue : removing everything in the /bin folder and rebuilding the solution alone worked for me. But it could be combined with renaming your assembly attribute at the top of the startupclass, giving it a Firendly name which will help to differentiate both the startup files.
[assembly: OwinStartup("MyFriendlyNameForProject1",typeof(MyProject.Startup))]
Clear your bin folder and obj folder.Rebuild the project again and run :)
Also, if you publish a solution to Azure:
1) right click and select Publish.
2) go to Settings and expand the "File Publish Options"
3) select "Remove additional files at destination"
4) Publish
Worked for me, after deleting the files from obj and bin Folder.
Delete anything that says 'MyFirstProject2' from your bin folder and rebuild the solution, It will work.
Happens when you reference (by mistake?) a project with owin startup inside another project with owin startup. Fix - delete the reference, bin, obj folders and rebuild.
I had the same problem and i added the following tag on web config:
<add key="owin:AutomaticAppStartup" value="false" />
This is what I have done:
Since I have 3 projects in one solution, I had to open all bin folder of each project and delete all files there.
Build each project one by one.
Build the whole solution.
Problem solves on my part.
Remove all files in your 'bin' folder and rebuild.
Delete files Bin, Build each project one by one.
Deleted everything in the bin folder, including the roslyn folder then published, and everything worked fine.
Remove old built data in temporary files, in the following path
C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\vs
In my case, I was referencing one project in the other accidentally, which is why I was getting this error after removing the one accidentally added in the main project solved the problem.

How to retrieve web.config setting in web application subfolder

I have a subfolder in my web application. It's not a separate application, just a subfolder, but it has its own web.config. There is an aspx page in that subfolder which needs to access a setting in the web.config file in its own folder.
When I call ConfigurationManager.GetSection("settingname") from a static initializer on that aspx page, it returns null. Why might this happen? Could it be that my setting name is wrong or that the application root web.config is being accessed instead of the subfolder's web.config?
If you want programmatic access to ConnectionStrings, AppSettings or anything else in a web.config file other than in the root of the application then you need to use the WebConfigurationManager class in the System.Web.Configuration namespace (see instead of the ConfigurationManager class in the System.Configuration namespace. This should resolve your problem.
From MSDN-
"Using WebConfigurationManager is the preferred way to work with
configuration files related to Web applications. For client
applications, use the ConfigurationManager class."
I understand (although I can't cite this as fact) that the ConfigurationManager class was designed for Windows Forms applications where I believe there is only a single App.config file.

Web.Config files and locations

We have a whole bunch of websites with very similar web.config files.
Can you centralise the duplicate configs in 1 config file before the root directory of each website? Or is the only option machine.config?
We are looking to centralise an assembly reference in the GAC.
Containing Directory
Website 1 Directory
Website 2 Directory
Website 3 Directory
Web.Config File for all above sites
I have not encountered a way to have inherited config files besides machine.config, app/web.config and user.config levels. But you can use configSource attribute on all config sections (ConfigurationSection based) to include a common file for example with service endpoints, client endpoints, bindings, connection strings and others. Even though VS intellisense marks it as unsupported it does work.
<services configSource="Services.config" />
<client configSource="Client.config" />
<bindings configSource="Bindings.config" />
<behaviors configSource="Behaviors.config" />
<pages configSource="pages.config"/>
Config source files must be in application's folder or any folder below. No going up or absolute paths. But there is a trick to overcome this limitation in VS2010. You need to add an existing file as a link and change its property named "Copy to Output Directory". This way your absolute path file will get copied to your application folder from where you can reference it in configSource.
In previous versions of VS it is also possible but in a less elegant way - copy file in post build event.
If you are looking mainly to centralize WCF settings there is another option: in-code configuration. Huge advantage of this is you get compilation-time check and refactoring support from VS. If this does not sound like much I can assure you that in a bigger WCF project, config file management is a nightmare especially when you need to change something. With this approach it is also very easy to centralize WCF settings by just creating a common assembly where all services, endpoints, bindings etc. are defined. Disadvantage is that you loose possibility to change WCF settings without recompilation. But if those settings do not change very often it is a tempting alternative.
You can use the web.config located in
Or if in IIS you configure your Containing directory as a main web site and then put your website directories as applications, you can put the web.config in the main web site to have the structure you mention.

How to obtain ASP.NET debugging path using reflection?

I'm trying to load an assembly and instantiate a type contained on it using reflection.
The assembly is included in the references and is copied to the Bin folder after publishing, but when debugging, the assembly is not found.
I noticed that each assembly is deployed to a different temp folder for debug, something like:
C:\Users\Rafael\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\
This way, I cannot use the path of the running, the calling, or an assembly that contains a known type to build the path of the desired one.
Does anyone know how to make it work?
All those folders are added to the assembly search path, so you can say something like Assembly.Load("test.dll"), without supplying absolute path.
Add folowing to app.config:
<hostingEnvironment shadowCopyBinAssemblies="false" />
After that, DevServer will put everything in one folder and reflecting assemly would work.

How can I load a config file from different assembly in

I am using the Validation Application Block form the Enterprise Lib, and have my validation rules defined in a validation.config that is located in the same assembly as the entity objects (so I can use the same rules in both the backend and on the website).
But how do I get the validation.config from the entity assembly into the website assembly's web.config?
If your question is about loading config files that are not the standard App.config or web.config files, the ConfigurationManager has a method that you can play around with.
System.Configuration.Configuration config =
This would try to load a file called Config.dll.config.
