Does AdventureWorks ASP.Net web project exist? -

I know nopCommerce and dashCommerce quite well, but I so far have never found any open source shopping cart (including HumanResources and Vendors) bigger than the nopCommerce.
I'm wondering whether AdventureWorks database comes together with a web project or other UI projects as an open source. Or it just exists as a sample database only.
Thank you for your comments!

AdventureWorks is purely database goodness. The closest you would come to to a ASP.Net web project with UI would be the samples delivered with Access 2010 like the "Assets web database". It does not compare well to dashCommerce or nopCommerce though.

There is a sample Web UI (ASP.NET Web forms) available with the database samples download (2005 and 2008). There is also a site dedicated to building out a real world example, but it doesn't look like they are sharing a code download:

How about the Cycle StoreFront retail application from Microsoft SQL server multi-technology-product-samples?
From the site: *The Storefront sample for the Adventure Works Cycles sample database in SQL Server demonstrates how to build a simple Internet retail application by using SQL Server, ADO.NET, and ASP.NET. *
In fact, this is one of the many end-to-end samples they have, including:
Microsoft End-to-End Samples
Community End-to-End Samples Gallery (sponsored by DPE)


Best approach to start a web application using and sql server

I am trying to develop a web application using using C# in the front end and sql server at the backend using visual studio 2012 and sql server express edition 2012. The project that I am currently working on is the online blood bank management with admin and user logins.
I have my ER diagram, schema with all the tables ( about 20) ready. I am not quite sure how to start? Should I first concentrate just on the tables,populate and establish relationships, then proceed to front end design with the registrations part and everything else or just do both of them in parallel?
Can someone please guide me through, I am trying to learn application development and this is my first one.
Any online resources for similar sample project walkthroughs along with some explanation will be of great help!!
C# is not the front end. HTML, JavaScript, and CSS will be the front end. C# will handle server side logic, although you may have some logic in the database stored procedures etc. What you need to do is sit down, design the application (think through the parts) and then implement it. This is not something that can be taught or read in a book, you just have to do it many times in order to get the hang of it.

Offline support for web application in ipad

I have developed web application for restaurant. Its Front office is developed for iPad and back office maintain .net web application .
SQL Server 2008 is used as database.
I want to make offline application for Front office which can be used when unable to connect network / DB Server using iPad.
Master table's data cannot be Modified but, there should be latest data of master table to
transaction in other pages.
whenever system is connected to internet all offline transaction should synchronize with online data
It will be better if can suggest me solution without installing sql at client
I have think to use save data xml/json files as per table structure but its not preferable with large numbers of tables and clients and also security issue is there
Please guide me on this. Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance
Just to be sure: Your frontend is developed using HTML-Technologie?
You could use HTML5 Local Storage and/or offline caching with a manifest.
I think you have to put your data there by hand, but you could write a function for this...

Is there a web application layer over AdventureWorks?

I'm wondering if anyone has implemented a web UI on top of the AdventureWorks database? IOW, I'm not looking for just a application data layer on top of the schema. Rather, I'm wondering whether anyone has created an ecommerce front end on top the AdventureWorks schema?
Sounds like a good chance to try ASP.NET Dynamic Data (point it at a database and generate a web application that supports basic CRUD procedures).
The SQL Server Samples Portal Page has an end-to-end product sample called Storefront which uses the AdventureWorks database as the backend:
A developer wants to implement an e-commerce Web site. The Web site
should offer additional product recommendations based on the contents
of the shopping cart (product up sell).
Transact-SQL, XML, XSD, Visual C#, and Visual Basic.
You can easily generate one with Subsonic (free)
There are commercial products that can generate an entire application by pointing at a database, IronSpeed, for example. (Has a trial version)

How could I integrate Arachnode.Net web crawler with some of goodness in Searcharoo for a Search Engine Interface?

I am currently 70% of finishing my portal in using C# for a local government agency. The portal is quite big with integration with SQL Server 2008 Analysis, Reporting, and Integration services. Plus, I had successfully deployed and configured it into Windows Server 2008 under Active Directory environment. The next requirement is going to provide a search capability to the portal. The search engine must be able to search contents from the analysis and reporting server as well. For the start, I have made some research on the search engine using Microsoft.Net technology. I am very impressed with the works of experts for Arachnode.Net and Searcharoo. For the time being there is a sample for to combine with Lucene.Net as complete search engine for However, Searcharoo seems better than Lucene.Net for many reasons (in my opinion). Could anyone help me guide briefly on how could I integrate Arachnode.Net and Searcharoo? Thanks.
You can find help for setting up Searcharoo spider at my blog post titled
How do you use Searcharoo library to spider a ASP.NET MVC website

Using Microsoft Search Server 2008 with

I'm installing Microsoft Search Server 2008 express with a view to indexing some content for an intranet application.
Having not used Search Server before, i am looking at ways of my app (.net 3.5) querying the search server.
I'm just starting to look into Search Community Toolkit to see if it is relevant to what i want to achieve. But was wondering if you guys can point me in the right direction (code, articles, etc).
Many Thanks.
Microsoft provides developer APIs. The assemblies are part of the Search Server 2008 SDK.
After a few google searches, came across this website which fits the bill pretty well.
Describes using the Search Server web service, which is quite a clean way to do it.
