W3C Iframe Validation - iframe

I'm using the Facebook plugin called Activity Feed.
The URL of this plugin is:
Now, I'm having a problem.
When I get the code for using this plugin it comes inside an IFrame, and has a not standard attribute for Internet Explorer browsers, or at least that what I read, it's the allowTransparency="true" attribute.
When I validate my web site with this component it shows an error, there is no attribute "allowTransparency".
How can I solve it?

I ran into the same thing. I deleted that attribute and the iframe worked just fine without it. Cosmetically it didn't affect any of my target browsers so I can live with it.
I suppose that attribute could be added via javascript if you really need it (don't know how to do this though)


What option should I use for iframe sandbox

I had a video that stopped being controllable when I appended a safety feature: I added
"&origin=http://mydomain.com" to the attributes of the iframe that had the video. (By not controllable I mean that the youtube api stopped working). So I decided to use the "sandbox" feature, which is also for security.
Unfortunately, it works too well - it blocks content too.
So if all I want to do is prevent the iframe from causing mischief, but I also want to play third party videos, should I use:
I don't quite understand it from the W3schools description.
You should be able to set the origin= parameter on the URL that you include as the src= for your iframe tag.
One thing to try is URL escaping the :// characters in the parameter's value, e.g. origin=http%3A%2F%2F//mydomain.com. Does that help? If so, we'll get the example updated to reflect the need to escape.
If that doesn't help, could you please provide the full iframe tag, including all the attributes and their values, that you're using?
origin only works on html pages, not on asp.net pages. I tested it.

Protocol-relative URL in CSS for multiple subdomains

Our php-driven website has recently added ssl certificates to support the https protocol and we are having problems with IE6 through IE8 although our pages do not have resources called through http.
I have read this post : http://paulirish.com/2010/the-protocol-relative-url/
So, basicaly, I need to replace all the
background: url('/images/whatever.gif');
With :
background: url('//www.mydomain.com/images/whatever.gif');
I'm not quite a fan of using my domain name across several hundred css files to start with, but suppose I do : what would be the best practice to do so for my development, test and staging environments which are all on different subdomains than the production site. I would need to use dynamic representations of the domain name in the css files, most probably driven from some sort of config file, but how ?
You don't have to add your hostname to use protocol-relative URLs. The form you're already using is protocol-relative, because it doesn't specify a protocol.
Can you detail the problems you are having? Have you confirmed with a test that the URL with a domain name will solve your problem?
PS: If you have hundreds of CSS files, you'll probably be happier with a dynamic generation system anyway, but that's a separate matter.
The problems are popups in IE6, 7, 8 that say there is mixed content in the page (which should be http resources included in an https page). Chrome, FF4 and up and IE9 do not show those popups, and this is correct. There are no http included resources.
Several blog posts seem to point to background urls as the source of this problem. One of the posts (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2009/06/22/https-mixed-content-in-ie8.aspx) has a comment from Eric Law at MSFT, who states :
The debugger reports that the following is the URL that is triggering
the prompt:
Of course, that URL doesn't actually exist in your markup. It looks
like there's dynamic creation of an IFRAME and injection of content
into that frame. The default URL for an empty frame is about:blank,
which leads to the prompt.
and ...
Other quirks to be aware of: In IE6, we treat "about:blank" as
insecure content, as well as "javascript:" and "res:". In IE7, we
fixed the "about:blank" case, but we have not (yet) changed javascript
and res.
So the problem is known and confirmed by MSFT for their older browsers, which create an IFRAME and inject content that then generates the error.
Most workarounds I have stumbled upon point to using protocol-relative urls, like in the first url I showed. I'm not sure you can consider 'background: url('/images/whatever.gif');' as a protocol-less call, because of this infamous IE6 to 8 bug.
--Edit : Working on a solution. We have found this in our javascript files and it seems it has been the real problem from the beginning :
<input target="_blank"class="sub" type="button" style="background-image:url(../images/name.gif);">
Ok ! Got it.
By the way, if ever anybody runs accross the need to find exactly what problems they are having with IE6, IE7 or IE8 on https webpages that are incorrectly reported as containing mixed content, use this script : http://www.enhanceie.com/dl/scriptfreesetup.exe
So in the end it was the button I talked about in the last post. Changing it to an imported class, swapping background-image for just background and getting rid of the ../ at the beginning did the trick.
Thanks all for your help, I'll still flag an answer on Ned's input, since it was of some help.

Facebook comments: CSS doesn't work

I'm developing a website and I decided to use Facebook comments to provide commentable behaviour. But, unfortunately, I met some problems.
While trying to customize look of news page, ex. http://buchman.pcspace.pl/aktualnosci/ept-snowfest-podsumowanie-czwartego-dnia.html, I am not able to apply CSS to view: everything appears correctly in HTML source, but doesn't change view.
What's wrong?
According to this blog post the new fb:comments no longer supports custom CSS.
After log research I noticed that while loading fb frame, it doesn't use css given as param.
It causes all parts don't work..

Issue with passing querystring parameters via Http Get to an iframe in IE

This is a follow up to my previous question: Problem passing parameters via Iframe in IE. Which was never solved.
Here's the core of it:
I'm trying to execute an HTTP GET from
my website to another website that is
brought in via iframe.
On Firefox, you can see in the source
that the correct url is in the iframe
src along with it's correct
parameters-- and it works.
On IE, you can see in the source that
the correct url is in the iframe src
along with it's correct parameters--
and it doesn't work...
Is there something about IE that
doesn't let you pass parameters
through an iframe in the querystring?
I've tried refreshing the iframe in
IE, I've tried refreshing my page &
the iframe in IE, and I've tried
copying the url and re-pasting it into
the iframe src (forcing it to refresh
as if I just entered it into the
address bar for that iframe window).
Still no luck!
Anyone know why this is happening, or
have any suggestions to try to get
around this?
As for the code, all it's doing is creating
the src from the backend code on page
load and setting the src attribute
from the back end...
//Backend code to set src
mainIframe.Attributes["src"] = srcWeJustCreated;
//Front end iframe code
<iframe id="mainIframe" runat="server" />
I've made a temporary account for you to login and see exactly what I mean. That way you can use firebug or any of your other debugging techniques to figure out why this isn't working rather than having me try to explain what's going on.
EDIT: Changed the account credentials. Please use this one instead
Username: matt
Password: globalbuying
Please follow this link to get to the login page. One you login with the above credentials it will take you to the main backend page. Click the image on the left that says "Vacations", that will take to you a page with the iframe and will execute the Http Get from there.
If you need more details on what's going on in the behind code, etc., let me know and I'll post them.
After working my way through the HTTP requests with Fiddler2, comparing different browsers, I found that IE makes the request just fine, but fails to set any cookies in the iframe.
I also noticed that if I open that framed page by itself it does work. Even more so, after logging out again there, the iframed version works too. That's because it then already has a session cookie and the iframe no longer needs to set it.
It turns out that this is a known security restriction: IE blocks cookies in iframes. But this can be overcome with the use of the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P).
Here are a few links that should help you fix the problem. Starting off with another (answered) question on StackOverflow:
Cookie blocked/not saved in IFRAME in Internet Explorer
Privacy in Internet Explorer 6
IE Blocking iFrame Cookies
The example page you provided is working for me in IE8. The iframe is not as tall as in chrome, but it does have the correct page in it.
As an aside, please note that passing logon credentials via the query string is extremely unsecure and open to various exploits.
It seems that the ampersands in the iframe's URL are HTML-encoded (&).
I think that might cause IE to choke on identifying the param names. Does the problem still occur if you use plain ampersands in the URL?
If the encoding on the src attribute is happening implicitly, you might want to consider using a Literal control for testing purposes and set its Text property to the entire iframe tag to avoid any unwanted encoding.

Embed asp page without iframe

I want to embed an .asp page on an html page. I cannot use an iframe. I tried:
<object width="100%" height="1500" type="text/html" data="url.asp">
alt : url
works great in ff but not ie7. Any ideas? Is it possible to use the object tag to embed .asp pages for IE or does it only work in ff?
I've solved it in the past using Javascript and XMLHttp. It can get a bit hacky depending on the circumstances. In particular, you have to watch out for the inner page failing and how it affects/downgrades the outer one (hopefully you can keep it downgrading elegantly).
Search for XMLHttp (or check this great tutorial) and request the "child" page from the outer one, rendering the HTML you need. Preferably you can get just the specific data you need and process it in Javascript.
You might be able to fake it using javascript. You could either use AJAX to load the page, then insert the HTML, or load "url.asp" in a hidden iframe and copy the HTML from there.
One downside (or maybe this is what you want) is that the pages aren't completely independent, so CSS rules from the outer page will affect the embedded page.
Well, after searching around and testing I don't think it is possible. It looks to me like IE does not allow the object tag access to a resource that is not on the same domain as the parent. It would have worked for me if the content I was trying to pull in was on same domain but it wasn't. If anyone could confirm my interpretation of this it would be appreciated.
