grep invert search with context - unix

I want to filter out several lines before and after a matching line in a file.
This will remove the line that I don't want:
$ grep -v "line that i don't want"
And this will print the 2 lines before and after the line I don't want:
$ grep -C 2 "line that i don't want"
But when I combine them it does not filter out the 2 lines before and after the line I don't want:
# does not remove 2 lines before and after the line I don't want:
$ grep -v -C 2 "line that i don't want"
How do I filter out not just the line I don't want, but also the lines before and after it? I'm guessing sed would be better for this...
Edit: I know this could be done in a few lines of awk/Perl/Python/Ruby/etc, but I want to know if there is a succinct one-liner I could run from the command line.

If the lines are all unique you could grep the lines you want to remove into a file, and then use that file to remove the lines from the original, e.g.
grep -C 2 "line I don't want" < A.txt > B.txt
grep -f B.txt A.txt

Give this a try:
sed 'h;:b;$b;N;N;/PATTERN/{N;d};$b;P;D' inputfile
You can vary the number of N commands before the pattern to affect the number of lines to delete.
You could programmatically build a string containing the number of N commands:
C=2 # corresponds to grep -C
for ((i = 0; i < C - 1; i++)); do N=$N";N"; done
sed "h;:b;\$b;$N;/PATTERN/{N;d};\$b;P;D" inputfile

awk 'BEGIN{n=2}{a[++i]=$0}
for(j=1;j<=i-(n+1);j++)print a[j];
delete a}
END{for(i in a)print a[i]} ' file

I solved it with two sequential grep, actually. It seems way more straightforward to me.
grep -C "match" yourfile | grep -v -f - yourfile

I think #fxm27 has an excellent, bash-y answer.
I would add that you could solve this another way by using egrep if you knew in advance the patterns of the subsequent lines.
command | egrep -v "words|from|lines|you|dont|want"
That will do an "inclusive OR", meaning that a line that matches any of those will be excluded.

2019 Solution
This is a simple solution, found elsewhere:
grep --invert-match "test*"
Selects all not matching "test*". Super useful and easy to remember!
This doesn't completely answer the original question and returns the entire set of lines not matching.


How do I use grep to find words of specified or unspecified length?

In the Unix command line (CentOS7) I have to use the grep command to find all words with:
At least n characters
At most n characters
Exactly n characters
I have searched the posts here for answers and came up with grep -E '^.{8}' /sample/dir but this only gets me the words with at least 8 characters.
Using the $ at the end returns nothing. For example:
grep -E '^.{8}$' /sample/dir
I would also like to trim the info in /sample/dir so that I only see the specific information. I tried using a pipe:
cut -f1,7 -d: | grep -E '^.{8}' /sample/dir
Depending on the order, this only gets me one or the other, not both.
I only want the usernames at the beginning of each line, not all words in each line for the entire file.
For example, if I want to find userids on my system, these should be the results:
I'm looking for two responses here as I have already figured out number 1.
Numbers 2 and 3 are not working for some reason.
If possible, I'd also like to apply the cut for all three outputs.
Any and all help is appreciated, thank you!
You can run one grep for extracting the words, and another for filtering based on length.
grep -oE '(\w|-)+' file | grep -Ee '^.{8,}$'
grep -oE '(\w|-)+' file | grep -Ee '^.{,8}$'
grep -oE '(\w|-)+' file | grep -Ee '^.{8}$'
Update the pattern based on requirements and maybe use -r and specify a directory instead of a file. Adding -h option may also be needed to prevent the filenames from being printed.
Depending on your implementation of grep, it might work to use:
grep -o -E '\<\w{8}\>' # exactly 8
grep -o -E '\<\w{8,}\>' # 8 or more
grep -o -E '\<\w{,8}\>' # 8 or less

how to list a specific string or number in a file in Unix

for Example if your file has following lines
The output should be
You could use grep with the -o flag to return only the regexp matches.
Assuming you have a file.txt that you want to parse:
cat file.txt | grep -o -E "(\||^)5=[^|]*" | grep -o "5=[^|]*"
This will match anything that starts with 5= up until the first |.
By running this command on the input you provided I get:
Edit: as Walter A suggested, my previous solution did not cover all cases.
I have added an extra parsing step: first, you get all strings that match 5=... at the start of a line, or |5=..., and then you remove the |.
Use (^|[|]) for matching start of field (start of line or |) and remember/match string until next | or end-of-line.
sed -nr 's/.*(^|[|])(5=[^|]*).*/\2/p' file

unix combine grep w and v command

I want to search a file and include the text #!/bin/bash, but exclude any other line that has a # sign. These two commands: grep -w '#!/bin/bash' file and grep -v '^#' file each do one part of this job. I would like this to be a single command, so here's what I've tried.
grep -w '#!/bin/bash' | grep -v '^#' file
This excludes lines beginning with #, but doesn't include the line #!/bin/bash
grep -w '#!/bin/bash' -v '^#' file
This just prints every line but #!/bin/bash
grep "^[^#]\|^#\!/bin/bash$"
^[^#] means starts by something different that #
\| is a or
^#\!/bin/bash$ is the exact line #!/bin/bash
So .. it looks as if you're trying to strip comments from bash files without removing their shebang.
The grep command can search for regular expressions, but isn't so good at applying rules of logic. You could do something like this:
grep -v '^#[^!]'
But you'd fail to strip comments that are affixed to the ends of lines. Note that I'm being a little more liberal with this regex, since it's entirely possible that a script might use something other than /bin/bash for its shebang. :-)
Another possibility would be to use awk. This lets you apply logic that cannot be expressed within a regular expression. For example, if you want to keep the commented line only if it is a shebang on the first line of the file, and remove all other comments, awk can express that as follows:
awk '
NF==1 && /^#!/; # if we're on the first line and find shebang, print.
/^#/ { next } # if this is a comment line, skip it.
1 # print everything else.

Count number of blank lines in a file

In count (non-blank) lines-of-code in bash they explain how to count the number of non-empty lines.
But is there a way to count the number of blank lines in a file? By blank line I also mean lines that have spaces in them.
Another way is:
grep -cvP '\S' file
-P '\S'(perl regex) will match any line contains non-space
-v select non-matching lines
-c print a count of matching lines
If your grep doesn't support -P option, please use -E '[^[:space:]]'
One way using grep:
grep -c "^$" file
Or with whitespace:
grep -c "^\s*$" file
You can also use awk for this:
awk '!NF {sum += 1} END {print sum}' file
From the manual, "The variable NF is set to the total number of fields in the input record". Since the default field separator is the space, any line consisting in either nothing or some spaces will have NF=0.
Then, it is a matter of counting how many times this happens.
$ cat a
aa dd
he llo
$ cat -vet a # -vet to show tabs and spaces
aa dd$
Now let's' count the number of blank lines:
$ awk '!NF {s+=1} END {print s}' a
grep -v '\S' | wc -l
(On OSX the Perl expressions are not available, -P option)
grep -cx '\s*' file
grep -cx '[[:space:]]*' file
That is faster than the code in Steve's answer.
Using Perl one-liner:
perl -lne '$count++ if /^\s*$/; END { print int $count }' input.file
To count how many useless blank lines your colleague has inserted in a project you can launch a one-line command like this:
blankLinesTotal=0; for file in $( find . -name "*.cpp" ); do blankLines=$(grep -cvE '\S' ${file}); blankLinesTotal=$[${blankLines} + ${blankLinesTotal}]; echo $file" has" ${blankLines} " empty lines." ; done; echo "Total: "${blankLinesTotal}
This prints:
<filename0>.cpp #blankLines
<filenameN>.cpp #blankLines
Total #blankLinesTotal

How do I extract lines from a file using their line number on unix?

Using sed or similar how would you extract lines from a file? If I wanted lines 1, 5, 1010, 20503 from a file, how would I get these 4 lines?
What if I have a fairly large number of lines I need to extract?
If I had a file with 100 lines, each representing a line number that I wanted to extract from another file, how would I do that?
Something like "sed -n '1p;5p;1010p;20503p'. Execute the command "man sed" for details.
For your second question, I'd transform the input file into a bunch of sed(1) commands to print the lines I wanted.
with awk it's as simple as:
awk 'NR==1 || NR==5 || NR==1010' "file"
#OP, you can do this easier and more efficiently with awk. so for your first question
awk 'NR~/^(1|2|5|1010)$/{print}' file
for 2nd question
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1];next}(FNR in a){print}' file_with_linenr file
This ain't pretty and it could exceed command length limits under some circumstances*:
sed -n "$(while read a; do echo "${a}p;"; done < line_num_file)" data_file
Or its much slower but more attractive, and possibly more well-behaved, sibling:
while read a; do echo "${a}p;"; done < line_num_file | xargs -I{} sed -n \{\} data_file
A variation:
xargs -a line_num_file -I{} sed -n \{\}p\; data_file
You can speed up the xarg versions a little bit by adding the -P option with some large argument like, say, 83 or maybe 419 or even 1177, but 10 seems as good as any.
*xargs --show-limits </dev/null can be instructive
I'd investigate Perl, since it has the regexp facilities of sed plus the programming model surrounding it to allow you to read a file line by line, count the lines and extract according to what you want (including from a file of line numbers).
my $row = 1
while (<STDIN>) {
# capture the line in $_ and check $row against a suitable list.
In Perl:
perl -ne 'print if $. =~ m/^(1|5|1010|20503)$/' file
