Migrating wordpress 3.0.1 from one server to another - wordpress

Here's what I wanted to dot, what I've done, and... the (poor) result:
I wanted to: migrate my personal Website from one server to another one, and only change the IP on my DNS. So:
I changed the IP on my DNS. Ok. Everything's fine (it's been 7 days now)
I dump my Wordpress 3.0.1 database from server A
I copied recursively the full directory of my personal Website to the server B
on server B: I've created my utf8 wordpress database then re-injected the SQL dump (from A)
I've created the good user with the right permissions on the database B
And now:
Everything works fine... Well Err... only the main page! See http://olivierpons.fr/ then click on a topic.
I can't even log in! Do you know where I should look or what I am missing?
Thanks a lot!

Check if you included the .htaccess file. It's easy to forget those "hidden" files

Has your domain name changed? Your articles seem to link to oliverpons.com, rather than oliverpons.fr. If you've changed the domain name, you'll probably want to change the "siteurl" and "home" values in the wp_options table. See this Codex article for more info. Also, as windyjonas says, check your .htaccess.
Bear in mind that this isn't really a programming-related question; you may be better off asking in other places.

Okay I still don't know where the problem was, but here's what I did:
I exported all the articles from my
old webserver A into a file XML_A
I created manually a new database on B
I launched Wordpress on B
I created all what's needed on B,
I imported all from the file XML_A
It works now but I'm pretty convinced this is not the right way to do this...
And I finally found the right answer an the right place (in case this might help someone):

Try this method as well if it works for you.
especially if your URL or domain is changed.
I had the same issue and figured a custom way of migrating it. follow the link.


WordPress website not working with domain name but IP address

http://sidparmar.ca/portfolio/ This is my portfolio website and an only home page is working with the domain name. Every link is broken unless replaced by IP of my VPS which is
So usually it should work like sidparmar.ca/portfolio/contact/ (give me an error "The requested URL /portfolio/resume/ was not found on this server.")
but currently, it is only working if I type as URL.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions/advice or pointer that I should look into. Any help is appreciated.
Has your site been like this since you installed Wordpress? If so, then where did you install wordpress (i.e. what directory)? It looks like you did not install it in the web root directory of your web server. Also, when you installed Wordpress, are you sure you specified the correct URL of your website?
My suggestion based on the limited information you provided and the minor amount of custom content of your website is to simply delete your database and files, create a new database, and re-installation Wordpress following exactly the correct instructions. Your VPS host may have an outlined process for you.
Alternatively, if this is a new issue, do you think you caused it? If so, what did you do? If not, you should probably contact your VPS host to see if you or they need to make an update in your DNS settings.
Found the answer by myself! Yeah!
I just added "ServerAlias www.domainname.ca" to my apache2 conf file (000-default.conf) which you can probably find at /etc/apache2/sites-available directory in your VPS.
Not sure why this worked or what exactly caused the problem but I am sure that it happened because of Yoast SEO plugin.

How to change admin panel link in Wordpress?

I completed my development on my local environment. The url on my local environment was samplesite.local
After I finished the development, I uploaded it to the server and the url was working but when I try to open admin panel of wordpress, it directs me to the local link.
For example, when I try to login this link:
then it goes to:
What is the problem here? Thank you.
You need to change the values in the options table, as at present the option value is referencing to your local development url, causing these errors.
You really need to read up on the codex before posting a question here.
I believe this question has been asked many times here. Please use the search function of site before posting a question.
Moving Wordpress Domain
After Moving the files & Database. you need to change the domain name in database config. The easiest way to do it by using Search-Replace-DB Script.
Just Download the tool from here :
Just fill samplesite.local in search and samplesite.com in replace and run the tool. it will do all the task automatically.
hope it will help you.

Wordpress - Migrate site with BackWPup to local environment. Url issue

I am using the plugin BackWPup to migrate my site, to a local environment for testing.
My problem is the url's. They point back to the site online and not my site locally.
I am using xampp and phpmyadmin.
This is my first migration. The database is connected and everything seems to work, except for the url's. Where can i change the url's? Do i need to change it in the database. If so which table?
Thanks in advance
I fixed my problem.
I followed these tutorial.
After you done this, remember to go directly to.
Check your permanent links
Hope this helps someone else.

Wordpress Transfer issue

I have this website created with wordpress on http://schoolcms.webfreaks.cu.cc/
It is working perfectly fine on this host but when I try to transfer it any other other host (even localhost) it gives me layout issues like this: http://consciousnesstree.com/sharadashram/
Am I doing something wrong or the website transfer creating some issues?
This is the issue of css which is not properly adding in your localhost . Also one more thing I mentioned you , Steps when any Wordpress site moves to another domain or localhost , which recovers almost all minor issuses :
Change home_url , site_url and some times permalink in your database 'wp_options' table.
If database name has been changed then you have to change some parameters like database name , host , user and password in wp_config.php.
Also make sure if any url was given in previous domain written in hard coded then you have to change too manually.
I hope it helps you .
For any further assistance feel free to revert me.
I also have got that issue and solve that using duplicator plugin. I think that is the easiest way to fix your problem. You can download and see how it works in here

wp print_thumbnail function is not working

wordprees print_thumbnail function is working correctly on testing server but it's not working on online server and giving wrong image path such as */var/www/vhosts/vinehospitality.co.za/httpdocs//wp-content/uploads/2011/12/slide-10-108048_56x56.jpg*.
So kindly help me to get proper url.
Link of website: http://vinehospitality.co.za.plesk15.wadns.net
Same problem is found in hosted on this server.
Not only did it work, it was SO MUCH easier for me.
Simply, delete whatever custom link you have in Media Settings. If you don't have one just put anything there..
Then save, again, put back the original path you have before, save.
Somehow it seems wordpress reads the wrong values when you move servers and you don't resave media settings.
Look, I've seen this problem on other threads and on other websites and no one gave information that helped most of the people with this issue, so since I somehow got my broken site to work, perhaps it will help the others who did not get their problem solved.
Here's a little background... I needed to move a wordpress site located on a dev server to the live server. They were different domain names of course. First of all, I should have followed Moving Wordpress instructions and updated the site url before I exported the database, but... I didn't because I'm obviously too cool for instructions.
In order to transfer the site, I zipped up the files and transferred them to the new server and unzipped them. Then I edited wp-config and pointed it to the new database.
I used phpmyadmin to export the old database and I imported it to the new database.
Then I ran a query on the wp_posts table to do a string replace on the guid field and replace all instances of the old domain name with the new domain name.
Then I checked in wp_options and changed 2 records to replace the old domain name with the new one. I think they were something like siteurl and home.
Everything seemed to be working fine except the theme was mangling the img urls, prefixing them with the absolute filepath.
I figured I must have missed some records in the database that give the print_thumbnail function whatever information it needs to output the right url for the img's src attribute.
I thought if I could change a setting somewhere and change it back, maybe wordpress would automatically fix the issue for me, and I was lucky.
I played around with several settings and what finally worked was:
I went to Media Settings and I unchecked Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders -- I don't know if this had much to do with the fix.
I also changed the Store uploads in this folder to something like wp-content/uploads2. I never created that folder, but I just wanted to get it to overwrite whatever was controlling that value.
I checked the site again and there was a change to the html source... now, it didn't even give the img tags a src value... it was just like <img src title="blah blah" />, so I figured I was on the right track.
So then I went back and changed Store uploads in this folder setting and left it blank as it was originally.
After I did that, the img src values were correct.
Hope this saves someone some time.
Also, I should note, I played around with altering the file permissions for the wp-content directory. I wish I hadn't. I get the gist of file permissions, but I tend to try not to fool with them if I don't have to. Using Filezilla is a pain to change the file permissions because it takes forever. Unfortunately, as most clients, this one had a prior affiliation with their web host and refused to take my advice and host their site on a VPS that would be cheaper and allow me to use SSH and get work done much easier. I wonder if there's a fast way to chmod multiple files without ssh, I should look into that.
Will's approach fixed the error for me, and was in fact the only answer that worked. This question is posted hundreds of times, so I figured I'd summarize the answer in short. I'll post the answer first and the research details after.
Login to WordPress
Goto Settings > Media
In "Uploading Files", modify the "Store uploads in this folder" to "http://www.yourdomain.com/wp-content/uploads2"
Notice the "2" added to the folder-name
Delete any entries in "Full URL path to files"
Save changes
Now your site should already show some images again
Do all this again but now change it back to "http://www.yourdomain.com/wp-content/uploads"
Save changes
This finally worked for me.
Gathering from other sources, this occurs mostly after moving a website from one location to another. Other fixes I did prior to this:
Within MySQL, replace the old URL in the GUID values in "wp_posts" to the new URL
Change "chmod" settings (it you never had any prior issues, don't)
Many other answers to this issue included changing chmod to give access to the files, which didn't do anything but crash the website. Other solutions would've been to change the code entirely to use a different function. I figured it's not broken, just missing a setting. Turns out that was the fact.
It worked for the domain http://www.in1week.nl, which runs on a modded DeepFocus template by ElegantThemes.com. The theme uses "timthumb" in the function "print_thumbnail()", which may have caused the issue. This reset the value needed to use the function.
I faced the same problem and had to look around a lot in search of an answer. After my host moved servers, thumbnails weren't appearing on the home page and category pages. Looking up the source showed me that the path generated for the thumbnails was incorrect. Instead of http://.. in the image paths, I was seeing absolute file paths in the server, such as /home/..
Couple of solutions that seemed to have worked for others did not work for me.
What did not work:
Changing permissions of wp-content/uploads and all the directories under it.
Changing media settings and again reverting back to original settings.
Using 'the_post_thumbnail' instead of 'print_thumbnail' function helped the thumbnails come back, but I am no programmer and could not figure out how to make the_post_thumbnail function work exactly as it was working with print_thumbnail
What worked:
In my many searches, I read someone saying that the problem was fixed by correcting the path for 'et_images_temp_folder' in the database. I ignored this for a while since I did not understand what it meant. Later, I searched wp_options table and found that it had the following entry.
option_name: et_images_temp_folder
option_value: /home/painteds/public_html/darter/wp-content/uploads/et_temp
When the servers were moved my home dir was changed from /home to /home3 Perhaps print_thumbnail was searching for /home folder, and was malfunctioning when it could not find it. Updating the database with the new value fixed the problem for me.
