How to create multiple custom pages in wordpress? - wordpress

I am designing a website in wordpress. I have 1 custom home page & another are single themed pages. Now I want to add some more landing pages with different design. How can I get this?

create new php file in your theme directory, add this on the top of your php file:
Template Name: your template name
use the template by choosing page templates on post option.


How to add custom php page in wordpress?

I am making custom CRUD method in WordPress so i need to add custom php page in WordPress.
There is no one option like a template in add new page option. so how can i do it?
1/ Create custom template
Template Name: Your_Template_Name
2/ Create PAGE in Back Office with YOUR_TEMPLATE

How to make the page in developed from Scratch using Html, CSS and JS my homepage in Wordpress

I want to use the page I design from scratch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript as the default homepage to WordPress.
The page is not on WordPress. I created it myself.
Make it a template file by adding this line to the first line
<?php /* Template Name: Homepage Template */ ?>
place it in your theme folder
Go to WordPress admin and create a new page, select template option to be Homepage Template, save it.
Now go to WordPress settings, Reading and select it as homepage.
Hope it helps

Wordpress custom folder as homepage

In my wordpress I have a folder name custom which is a custom script. I visit the script does work. But I wish to use for the script instead of I want to replace the custom script rather than displaying the default homepage of wordpress.
Just add template comments in top of you main file under the custom folder.
<?php /* Template Name: Example Template */ ?>
How to create page template:
Create a new page select this page template from page template dropdown and set this page as home page.

In WordPress how to add post to custom pages:

I am new to WordPress.
suppose i have made pages as follows
home, news, about us
now if i want to create post for news page only
then posting new post how could i set this settings?
You can create page templates.
Create one for all your pages.
Then, change the template of the page of news to the news template.
In that PHP file now you can do whatever.
For example, for news.php
Template Name: My Custom Page
//Here comes your PHP code, where create a $WP_Query(); and loop troough on that.

Wordpress: create a custom home page

I want to create a website using wordpress, but I want my website to have a customized home page, created by me, completely different from the theme of the site, and then link the wordpress pages directly from my page.
Is this possible? How can I achieve this?
Can I simply create the page, and link the other created with the wordpress panel, without breaking everything?
According to official WordPress codex:
If a visitor goes to your home page at, the following happens:
WordPress first determines whether it has a static front page. If a static front page has been set, then WordPress loads that page according to the page template hierarchy.
If a static front page has not been set, then WordPress looks for a template file called home.php and uses it to generate the requested page.
If home.php is missing, WordPress looks for a file called index.php in the active theme's directory, and uses that template to generate the page.
Therefore you just need to create a home.php template and place it with the other theme (which so ever theme you will use) templates and WordPress will automatically start using home.php template for the home page.
Just copy the default page.php template file and call it front-page.php. Change the configuration at the top of that file. Now create a new page called home.
Go to Administration > Settings > Reading panel and set a static front page.
For more help check this link on the Wordpress website:
If you create HTML off your home page first than this is easy for you
First Create a file Like this "template-home.php" in your theme.
Now in "template-home.php" First you must write these lines at the top of the page
/* ==========
Template Name: Home
========== */
After that add your header.php and footer.php like this:
<?php get_header(); ?>
// Your Content is here
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Now your Whole HTML is work between in Header and Footer
Then Go to your Admin Panel
Go to Pages > add new
and create a page named "Home"
NOTE: When you create a page Please Select a Template of Home and "Publish" it.
Then go to Settings > Reading and select "A static page (select below)" radio button, then a drop down is active and select your "Home" Page Then click on save changes.
I hope this will help you
You can create a front-page.php file in your active theme folder.
It can be use for both Your latest posts or a static page as you want.
