TCP vs Reliable UDP - tcp

I am writing an application where the client side will be uploading data to the server through a wireless link.
The connection should be very reliable.The link is expected to break many times and there will be many clients connected to the server.
I am confused whether to use TCP or reliable UDP.
Please share your thoughts.

RUDP is not, of course, a formal standard, and there's no telling if you will find existing implementations you can use. Given a choice between rolling this from scratch and just re-making TCP connections, I'd chose TCP.

To be safe, I would go with TCP just because it's a reliable, standard protocol. RUDP has the disadvantage of not being an established standard (although it's been mentioned in several IETF discussions).
Good luck with your project!

It's likely that both your TCP and RUDP links would be broken by your environment, so the fact that you're using RUDP is unlikely to help there; there will likely be times when no datagrams can get through...
What you actually need to make sure of is that a) you can handle the number of connected clients, b) your application protocol can detect reasonably quickly when you've lost connectivity with a client (or server) and c) you can handle the required reconnection and maintenance of cross connection session state for clients.
As long as you deal with b) and c) it doesn't really matter if the connection keeps being broken. Make sure you design your application protocol so that you can get things done in short batches; so if you're uploading files, make sure that you're sending small blocks and that the application protocol can resume a transfer that was broken half way through; you don't want to get 99% of the way through a 2gb transfer and lose the connection and have to start again.
For this to work your server needs some kind of client session state cache where you can keep the logical state of a client's connection beyond the life of the connection itself. Design from the start to expect a given session to include multiple separate connections. The session state should possibly have some kind of timeout so if the client goes away for along time it doesn't continue to consume resources on the server but, to be honest, it may simply be a case of saving the state off to disk after a while.
In summary, I don't think the choice of transport matters and I'd go with TCP at least to start with. What will really matter is being able to manage your client's session state on the server and deal with the fact that clients will connect and disconnect regularly.

If you aren't sure, odds are that you should use TCP. For one thing, it's certain to be part of the network stack for anything supporting IP. "Reliable UDP" is rarely supported out of the box, so you'll have some extra support work for your clients.


Multiple IOT devices communicating to a server Asynchronously via TCP

I want multiple IoT devices (Say 50) communicating to a server directly asynchronously via TCP. Assume all of them have a heartbeat pulse every 30 seconds and may drop off and reconnect at variable times.
Can anyone advice me the best way to make sure no data is dropped or blocked when multiple devices are communicating simultaneously?
TCP by itself ensures no data loss during the communication between a client and a server. It does that by the use of sequence numbers and ACK messages.
Technically, before the actual data transfer happens, a TCP connection is created between the client (which can be an IoT device, or any other device) and the server. Then, the data is split into multiple packets and sent over the network through that connection. All TCP-related mechanisms like flow-control, error-detection, congestion-detection, and many others, take place once the data starts to flow.
The wiki page for TCP is a pretty good start if you want to learn more about how it works.
Apart from that, as long as your server has enough capacity to support the flow of requests coming from the devices, then everything should work (at least in theory).
I don't think you are asking the right question. There is no way to make sure that no data is dropped or blocked. Networks do not always work (that is why the word work is in network, to convince you otherwise ).
The right question is: how do I make my distributed system as available and reliable as possible? The answer involves viewing interruption and congestion as part of the normal operation, and build your software appropriately.
There is a timeless usenix/acm/? paper from the late 70s early 80s that invigorated the notion that end-to-end protocols are much more effective then over-featured middle to middle protocols; and most guarantees of middle to middle amount to best effort. If you rely upon those guarantees, you are bound to fail. Sorry, cannot find the reference right now, but it is widely cited.

Implementing server push with Twisted framework

I am developing a group chat using the python Twisted framework. The technique I am using is Long polling with Ajax. I am returning SERVER_NOT_DONE_YET to keep the connection open. The code is non-blocking and allows other requests. How much scalable is it ??
However, I want to move ahead of this streaming over open connections. I want to implement a pure server push. How to do it ? Do I need to go in the direction of XMPP ? If I open a socket on the server for each unique client, which web server would best suit the bridging ? How much scalable would it be ?
I want it to be as much scalable as the C10K problem.I would like to stick to Twisted because it has a lot of protocol implementations in easy steps. Please point me in the right direction. Thanx
Long-polling works, but isn't necessarily your best option. It starts getting really nasty in terms of integration with firewalls and flaky internet connections. For example, at work, a lot of our customers' firewalls kill off any HTTP connection that isn't active for 10-20 seconds.
We've solved a lot of problems by switching over to WebSocket over SSL. WebSocket gives you a full-duplex channel, which is perfect for server push. By using SSL, firewalls are often less aggressive in their garbage collecting, and transparent proxies are often fooled by the TLS encryption. You will still need to manage the occasional disconnection on an application-level, even if you're using WebSockets instead of long-polling, but even that can be handled gracefully by having a decent recovery protocol, regardless of whatever transport protocol you use.
This being said, instead of going directly for WebSockets, we've decided to use SockJS. The main reason for this choice was that SockJS can use WebSockets when available (rfc6455, hixie-76, hybi-10), but also fall back to xhr-streaming, xdr-streaming, etc, if the client's browser does not support it (or if the connection fails). When I say that it can "fall back", I mean that the code you use on the client side remains exactly the same, SockJS takes care of the dirty work.
On the server side, the same is true. We currently use Cyclone's SockJS implementation for Twisted (in production), but we're also aware of DesertBus' implementation, which we still have to check out. There's also some other stuff that we're hoping to check out, for example WAMP, and the accompanying Autobahn|Python.
With regards to performance, we use HAProxy for SSL termination and load-balancing. HAProxy's performance is pretty amazing, on a multitude of levels.
We have migrated to WebSockets now. It works perfectly fine !!

QuickFix using Pipes, shared memory, message queues etc

Here's my scenario:
In my application i have several processes which communicate with each other using Quickfix which internally use tcp sockets.the flow is like:
Process1 sends quickfix messaage-> process 2 sends quickfix message after processing message from
process 1 -> .....->process n
Similarly the acknowledgement messages flow like,
process n->....->process 1
Now, All of these processes except the last process( process n ) are on the same machine.
I googled and found that tcp sockets are the slowest of ipc mechanisms.
So, is there a way to transmit and recieve quick fix messages( obviously using their apis)
through other ipc mechanisms. If yes, i can then reduce the latency by using that ipc mechanism between all the processes which are on the same machine.
However if i do so, do those mechanisms guarentee the tranmission of complete message like tcp sockets do?
I think you are doing premature optimization, and I don't think that TCP will be your performance bottleneck. Your local LAN latency will be faster than that of your exterior FIX connection. From experience, I'd expect perf issues to originate in your app's message handling (perhaps due to accidental blocking in OnMessage() callbacks) rather than the IPC stuff going on afterward.
Advice: Write your communication component with an abstraction-layer interface so that later down the line you can swap out TCP for something else (e.g ActiveMQ, ZeroMQ, whatever else you may consider) if you decide you may need it.
Aside from that, just focus on making your system work correctly. Once you are sure teh behavior are correct (hopefully with tests to confirm them), then you can work on performance. Measure your performance before making any optimizations, and then measure again after you make "improvements". Don't trust your gut; get numbers.
Although it would be good to hear more details about the requirements associated with this question, I'd suggest looking at a shared memory solution. I'm assuming that you are running a server in a colocated facility with the trade matching engine and using high speed, kernel bypass communication for external communications. One of the issues with TCP is the user/kernel space transitions. I'd recommend considering user space shared memory for IPC and use a busy polling technique for synchronization rather than using synchronization mechanisms that might also involve kernel transitions.

Other common protocols besides HTTP?

I usually pass data between my web servers (in different locations) using HTTP requests (sometimes using SSL if it's sensitive). I was wondering if there were any lighter protocols that I might be able to swap HTTP(S) for that would also support public/private keys like SSH or something.
I used PHP sockets to build a SMTP client before so I wouldn't mind doing that if required.
There are lots and lots and lots of protocols. Lots. Start here for a list.
SFTP is fun for passing data around. It works well. You'll find that it's not much better than HTTP, however, because HTTP is pretty simple.
SMTP would work.
SNMP can be made to work. You have to really push the envelope.
All of these, however, involve TCP/IP sockets, which involve a fair amount of overhead because of the negotiation for a connection and the acknowledgement of packets.
If you want real fun with very low overhead, use UDP.
You might want to use Reliable UDP if you're worried about messages getting dropped.
I'd like to mention XMPP in addition to protocols already listed in other answers.
It's lightweight, and it is used in some "realtime" communication systems (for example, in GTalk).
WebSocket is a good option if you are interested in keeping a connection open to pass multiple messages back and forth. It's useful for issuing updates from the server to clients in real time, for example.
Why don't you simply use FTPS:

How to retain one million simultaneous TCP connections?

I am to design a server that needs to serve millions of clients that are simultaneously connected with the server via TCP.
The data traffic between the server and the clients will be sparse, so bandwidth issues can be ignored.
One important requirement is that whenever the server needs to send data to any client it should use the existing TCP connection instead of opening a new connection toward the client (because the client may be behind a firewall).
Does anybody know how to do this, and what hardware/software is needed (at the least cost)?
What operating systems are you considering for this?
If using a Windows OS and using something later than Vista then you shouldn't have a problem with many thousands of connections on a single machine. I've run tests (here: with a low spec Windows Server 2003 machine and easily achieved more than 70,000 active TCP connections. Some of the resource limits that affect the number of connections possible have been lifted considerably on Vista (see here: and so you could probably achieve your goal with a small cluster of machines. I don't know what you'd need in front of those to route the connections.
Windows provides a facility called I/O Completion Ports (see: which allow you to service many thousands of concurrent connections with very few threads (I was running tests yesterday with 5000 connections saturating a link to a server with 2 threads to process the I/O...). Thus the basic architecture is very scalable.
If you want to run some tests then I have some freely available tools on my blog that allow you to thrash a simple echo server using many thousands of connections (1) and (2) and some free code which you could use to get you started (3)
The second part of your question, from your comments, is more tricky. If the client's IP address keeps changing and there's nothing between you and them that is providing NAT to give you a consistent IP address then their connections will, no doubt, be terminated and need to be re-established. If the clients detect this connection tear down when their IP address changes then they can reconnect to the server, if they can't then I would suggest that the clients need to poll the server every so often so that they can detect the connection loss and reconnect. There's nothing the server can do here as it can't predict the new IP address and it will discover that the old connection has failed when it tries to send data.
And remember, your problems are only just beginning once you get your system to scale to this level...
This problem is related to the so-called C10K problem. The C10K page lists a large number of good resources for addressing the problems you will encounter when you try to allow thousands of clients to connect to the same server.
I've come across the APE Project
a while back. It seems like a dream come true. They can support up to 100k concurrent clients on a single node. Spread them across 10 or 20 nodes, and you can serve millions. Perfect for RESTful applications. Might want to look deeper for any shared namespace. One drawback is that this is a standalone server, as in supplementary to a web server. This server is of course Open Source, so any cost is hardware/ISP related.
You cannot use UDP. If the client sends a request and you don't reply immediately, a router is going to forget the reverse route in 30 seconds or less, so your server will never be able to reply to the client.
TCP is the only option, and it, too, will give you headaches. Most routers are going to forget the route and/or drop the connection after a few minutes, so your client/server code is going to have to send "keep alives" fairly often.
I recommend setting up a "sniffer", to see how the phone companies are staying in touch with your smartphone for their "push" technology. Copy whatever they're doing, because that stuff works!
As Greg mentioned, the problem you are describing is C10K (or rather "C1M" in your case )
I recently made a simple TCP echo server on linux that scales very well with the number of sessions (only tested up to 200.000 though), by using the epoll queue. On BSD, you have something similar called kqueue.
You can check out the code if you want to. Hope this helps and good luck!
EDIT: As noted in the comments below, my original assertion that there is a 64K limit based on the number of ports is incorrect, however there is a 32K limit on the number of socket handles, so my suggested design is valid.
With a typical TCP/IP server design, you're limited in the number of simultaneous open connections you can have. The server has one listening port, and when a client connects to it the server makes an accept call, and that creates a new socket on a random port for the rest of the connection.
To handle more than 64K simultaneous connections I think you need to use UDP instead. You only need one port for the server to listen on, and you need to manage the connections using a 32-bit client ID in the packet data instead of having a separate port for each client. The 32-bit client ID could be the client's IP address, and the client can listen on a known UDP port for messages coming back from the server. That port would be the only one that needs to be open on the firewall.
With this approach, your only limitation is how quickly you can handle and respond to UDP messages. With millions of clients, even sparse traffic could give you large spikes, and if you don't read the packets fast enough your input queue will fill up and you'll start dropping packets. The C10K page Greg points to will give you strategies for that.
