Limit functions to be called by specific other functions in Ada - ada

Suppose I have a procedure that I want to only have called by another specific procedure. Is it possible to force restrictions on that procedure so that it can only be referenced by the specified calling procedure? Really what I'm wanting to know, is whether there is another way to write the code so you don't have to nest/embed procedures within procedures, to force a limited scope.
procedure one
procedure two
end two;
end one;
EDIT: This is for Ada Code btw.

No (generally speaking).
A public procedure is a public procedure, so it can be invoked by anything that "with's" it (if it's a standalone procedure) or the package in which it is declared.
There are a few ways to constrain its visibility if any of these might fit with your implementation approach:
Declare the procedure in the private part of a package, or within the package body. Then only subprograms within that package would have access to it.
Declare the supplying package or subprogram as private, then those packages that 'with' it can only reference the supplying unit's contents (including invoking its subprograms) within their private part or package body.
"Private with" the supplying package, so that it can only reference the package within its private part/package body.
But like T.E.D. says, work with the language and exploit its capabilities rather than trying to recreate some other language's constructs.

Well, if you were to put procedure one in a package by itself and put procedure two in its private section, then no other routine would be able to call it (unless written into the package or a child package).
You could also make a tagged type with any data specific to procedure one in it, and put procedure two in its package with an object of that type as a parameter. Then others might call procedure two, but not with procedure one's object.
I'm a little confused as to why you'd want to recreate Ada's scoping behavior without using scoping though. Embrace the language.

I have two possible suggestions. The first one is slightly odd and off topic a bit but I wanted to bring it up in case you didn't know since most of the answers have to do with hiding visibility of the code or changing relationships
You could consider using the Ada Tasking features and use the 'Caller Attribute. Normally this is only for tasking and then the "caller" name only denotes the calling task to the receiving task. But once inside the receiving task's entry you can then use the Caller name to quickly end or otherwise flag the caller as wrong or not the caller you expected. This basically puts a "doorman" inside the task entry which could then decide to let them proceed, requeue the caller to a different entry, or do something else. But again this would only really work if you have a task consuming published calls from another task. This is the only thing that I'm aware of in Ada where you can detect who called you and do something about it at runtime.
However your question seemed to want to use scope and so I would agree with what's been said here and only add that in Ada it is a normal have have nested procedures (for readability) but in addition to that you could consider creating child packages and using the hierarchy in reverse. That is expose the chidren to the programmer and make the parent only accessible from the children. Design the parent to be very limited in scope such that the public spec of the parent is totally worthless to any caller that doesn't have the private view of the parent's spec. That way you have your separation and only the chidren can access the functions in the parent and can actually call them because they have a complete view of the parent's types and function definitions.
Good luck with your issue.


What does `new(...)` do in Julia?

What is the function of new() in Julia? Is this question even specific enough?
I am looking through the module Mocha where new(...) is used quite commonly, but I don't see any definition of new(), only uses of it, nor do I find reference to it in the Julia documentation.
I thought it might then be defined in a module that is being used by Mocha, but then I would think I could learn about new() with from the REPL, but that comes back with ERROR: UndefVarError: new not defined.
For the life of me I can't figure out what new(...) is doing. If it doesn't sound like something common to Julia, what can I do to try to track down where it's defined?
Inner Constructor Methods
While outer constructor methods succeed in
addressing the problem of providing additional convenience methods for
constructing objects, they fail to address the other two use cases
mentioned in the introduction of this chapter: enforcing invariants,
and allowing construction of self-referential objects. For these
problems, one needs inner constructor methods. An inner constructor
method is much like an outer constructor method, with two differences:
It is declared inside the block of a type declaration, rather than
outside of it like normal methods.
It has access to a special locally existent function called new that creates objects of the block’s type.

Localizing global variables

When using the Extended Program Check, I get the following warning:
Do not declare fields and field symbols (variable name) globally.
This is from declaring global data before the selection screen. The obvious solution is that they should be declared locally in a subroutine.
If I decide to do this, the data will now be out of scope for the other subroutines, so I would end up creating something to the effect of a main() function from C or Java. This sounds like a good idea - however, events such as INITIALIZATION are not allowed to be inside of subroutines, meaning that it forces a break in scope.
Observe the sample program below:
PERFORM main1 CHANGING p_infile.
PERFORM main2.
PERFORM main3.
main1, main2, and main3 cannot to my knowledge pass any data to one another without global declaration. If the data is parsed from the uploaded file p_infile in main1, it cannot be accessed in main2 or main3. Aside from omitting events all together, is there any way to abide by the warning but let data be passed over events?
There are a variety of techniques - I prefer to code almost everything except for the basic selection screen handling in a separate controller class. The report simply defers to that class and calls its methods. Other than that - it's just a warning that you can ignore if you know what you're doing. Writing a program without any global variable at all will certainly not be practical - however, you should think at least twice before using global variables or attributes in a place where a method parameter would be more appropriate.
As #vwegert so rightly said, it's almost impossible to write an ABAP program that doesn't have at least a few global variables (the selection screen and events enforce that, unfortunately).
One approach is to use a controller class, another is to have a main subroutine and have it call other subroutines as required, passing values as required. I tend to favour the latter approach in a lot of cases, if only because it's easier to split the subroutines into logical groupings in separate includes (doing so with classes can sometimes be a little ugly). It really is a matter of approach though, but the key thing is reducing global variables to a minimum - unfortunately too few ABAP developers that I've encountered care about such issues.
#Christian has reminded me that as of ABAP AS 7.02, subroutines are considered obsolete:
Subroutines should no longer be created in new programs for the following reasons:
The parameter interface has clear weaknesses when compared with the parameter interface of methods, such as:
positional parameters instead of keyword parameters
no genuine input parameters in pass by reference
typing is optional
no optional parameters
Every subroutine implicitly belongs to the public interface of its program. Generally this is not desirable.
Calling subroutines externally is critical with regard to the assignment of the container program to a program group in the internal session. This assignment cannot generally be defined as static.
Those are all valid points and I think in light of that, using classes for modularisation is definitely the preferred approach (and from a purely aesthetic point of view, they also "fit" better with the syntax enhancements in 7.02 and later).

Ada: pragma Pure / Remote_Types and system types

I'm writing an Ada application that needs to be distributed, and I'm trying to use the DSA to do it, but I'm finding big limitations in what is "allowed" to be "withed" and what isn't.
I won't post sourcecode, since it's quite complex and this is a generic question anyway, I just wanted some pointers on what I'm not understanding correctly, so please bear with me and correct me if I'm wrong.
So my problem is this: I want to mark a procedure with the pragma Remote_Call_Interface so it can be called remotely. However as soon as I add the pragma compilation breaks due to the fact that the procedure is including other packages in my project that are not categorized as either Pure or Remote_Types.
So I try to mark the packages I need as either Pure or Remote_Types (dpeending wether they have state or not) but this in turn breaks compilation even further, since it turns out that you can't use even basic system types in a Pure/Remote_Types package, for example: you can't use Vectors, you can't use Unbounded_Strings, you can't use Maps, etc... the whole program falls to pieces since I can't use the data structures I used to build it anymore!
Is there a way around this? Or if I want to distribute my application I must strictly limit myself to the most basic types like Integers and booleans and little else?? I don't understand if I'm hitting against a limitation of the language or if I'm just doing it incorrectly (unfortunately the tutorials I found on DSA are all very vague, incidentally if anyone has some good ones feel free to link them!)
EDIT: after ajb's answer let me specify what is annoying me in particular: in the package I want to mark with pragma Remote_Call_Interface I'm trying to "with" some packages that are not pure/remote_types, however it only uses the types in those packages locally, it does not contain any procedures that accept such types as parameters, nor functions that return such types. This is what bothers me: since those types would not have to "travel" over the network, why can't I with them? I'm only using them locally... I don't understand this, and that is why I was trying to make those types Pure/Remote_Types, but now that I've read ajb's explanation (ie: Remote_Types is used so that objects of those types can travel over the network) I'm even more confused about why I can't use them if I only use them locally.
I'm not an expert on Ada distributed programming, but here's what I do know (or think I know):
The Annotated Ada Reference Manual, Section E.2.3 says, "The restrictions governing a remote call interface library unit are intended to ensure that the values of the actual parameters in a remote call can be meaningfully sent between two active partitions." For example, if a record type has a field that's an access type, you can't send it from one partition to another blindly, because the called partition won't be able to access the memory that the pointer points to. (Unbounded_String, Map, and Vector are implemented using access types as part of the internals.) All types used as parameters or return types must support "external streaming", meaning there has to be a way for the type to be converted to and from a stream of bytes so that the parameter value can be transmitted over a socket. If you have a record with an access type, but you provide 'Read and 'Write attributes so that the type can be written to and read from a byte stream without any actual pointers being transmitted, then you can put your record type in a Remote_Types package.
I'm not sure exactly what your problem is: are there certain types you want to pass as a parameter to a remote call but can't; or are there types that you want to use only in the rest of your application, but are getting in the way?
If it's the second one, then I think the solution is to restructure your packages so that all the "remote types" are separate from the non-remote types.
However, if you're really looking to pass an Unbounded_String, Map, or Vector from one partition to another in a remote call, it's trickier. Unbounded_String really should support external streaming, and there was a proposal to make Unbounded_String a Remote_Types package (see AI05-0204), but it wasn't acted on--I don't know why. Map and Vector would be bigger problems, though, since they are generic packages that have to work on any type, including those that don't support external streaming. In any case, those types aren't set up to be automatically converted to or from bytes to be passed over a socket.
But I think you could make it work like this:
private with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
package Remote_Types_Package is
pragma Remote_Types;
type My_Unbounded_String is private;
type My_Unbounded_String is record
S : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
end record;
end Remote_Types_Package;
The Unbounded_String package must be withed with private with; see E.2.2(6). You'll need to provide a function to create the My_Unbounded_String, and you'll need to provide stream read and write routines for My_Unbounded_String, and define 'Read and 'Write for the type. You should be able to write the Read and Write attributes by using the Read and Write attributes for the Unbounded_String. Something similar should be doable if you want to use a Vector as a remote call parameter, although you may have to do more work to marshal/unmarshal the type yourself.
Once again, I have not tried this, and it's possible there are some hitches in this solution.
EDIT: Since it now looks like the question is the simpler one--i.e. you have some types that are not going to be passed between partitions getting in the way--the solution should be simpler. Any types that you define that are going to be communicated between partitions need to be in a Remote_Types package, say P1. Other types should be in a different package, say P2 (or multiple packages). If types in P1 depend on types in P2, you can still get this to work by having P1 say private with P2;, and making sure you have the marshalling and unmarshalling procedures you need. If you run into difficulties, I'd encourage you to ask a new question here.
I don't know why the language required all such types to be quarantined in a Remote_Types package, instead of just saying that any type used in a Remote_Call_Interface package has to have only parts that can be streamed. There may have been some implementation issues. Any code that exists for a Remote_Types package has to be in programs in both partitions, perhaps, and this may have been an attempt to limit the type of code that would have to be linked into multiple partitions. But I'm just guessing.

What is the difference between self-modifying code and reflection?

Self-modifying code is code that "alters its own instructions while it is executing". This is not typically done outside of assembly language or viruses.
Reflection is just the ability of a program to access its own namespace dynamically, in order to reference functions and classes and variables dynamically. According to this article, reflection is not just introspection (a program's ability to examine itself), but also intercession (a program's ability to modify itself).
So, is the difference that reflection refers to a mild form of self-modifying code where only the variable/class/function name gets "modified" within the instructions? That is, reflection is a milder, less "dramatic" form of modification compared with the ability to modify the nature of the entire instruction itself as in self-modifying code.
Do I have this distinction right?
No, one is about changing the code during execution. The other about reading the structure and metadata (introspection) of the code during execution.
They can be mutually exclusive. You don't need to know how the code is to modify it (if the OS allows you that is).
Typically you can use reflection to execute code in a non 'normal use case' manner, but it's still the same code. contrast this to modifying the code.
The goals are completely non aligned.
However I suppose one example where they intersect in a small way is to consider a function (F) that calls two other functions - A then B. You could reflect that knowledge and then call B then A (thus modifying the use case of (F)). as you can see it's not not modifying code, rather just the intended use case.

Use-cases for reflection

Recently I was talking to a co-worker about C++ and lamented that there was no way to take a string with the name of a class field and extract the field with that name; in other words, it lacks reflection. He gave me a baffled look and asked when anyone would ever need to do such a thing.
Off the top of my head I didn't have a good answer for him, other than "hey, I need to do it right now". So I sat down and came up with a list of some of the things I've actually done with reflection in various languages. Unfortunately, most of my examples come from my web programming in Python, and I was hoping that the people here would have more examples. Here's the list I came up with:
Given a config file with lines like
x = "Hello World!"
y = 5.0
dynamically set the fields of some config object equal to the values in that file. (This was what I wished I could do in C++, but actually couldn't do.)
When sorting a list of objects, sort based on an arbitrary attribute given that attribute's name from a config file or web request.
When writing software that uses a network protocol, reflection lets you call methods based on string values from that protocol. For example, I wrote an IRC bot that would translate
!some_command arg1 arg2
into a method call actions.some_command(arg1, arg2) and print whatever that function returned back to the IRC channel.
When using Python's __getattr__ function (which is sort of like method_missing in Ruby/Smalltalk) I was working with a class with a whole lot of statistics, such as late_total. For every statistic, I wanted to be able to add _percent to get that statistic as a percentage of the total things I was counting (for example, stats.late_total_percent). Reflection made this very easy.
So can anyone here give any examples from their own programming experiences of times when reflection has been helpful? The next time a co-worker asks me why I'd "ever want to do something like that" I'd like to be more prepared.
I can list following usage for reflection:
Late binding
Security (introspect code for security reasons)
Code analysis
Dynamic typing (duck typing is not possible without reflection)
Some real-world usages of reflection from my personal experience:
Developed plugin system based on reflection
Used aspect-oriented programming model
Performed static code analysis
Used various Dependency Injection frameworks
Reflection is good thing :)
I've used reflection to get current method information for exceptions, logging, etc.
string src = MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().ToString();
string msg = "Big Mistake";
Exception newEx = new Exception(msg, ex);
newEx.Source = src;
instead of
string src = "MyMethod";
string msg = "Big MistakeA";
Exception newEx = new Exception(msg, ex);
newEx.Source = src;
It's just easier for copy/paste inheritance and code generation.
I'm in a situation now where I have a stream of XML coming in over the wire and I need to instantiate an Entity object that will populate itself from elements in the stream. It's easier to use reflection to figure out which Entity object can handle which XML element than to write a gigantic, maintenance-nightmare conditional statement. There's clearly a dependency between the XML schema and how I structure and name my objects, but I control both so it's not a big problem.
There are lot's of times you want to dynamically instantiate and work with objects where the type isn't known until runtime. For example with OR-mappers or in a plugin architecture. Mocking frameworks use it, if you want to write a logging-library and dynamically want to examine type and properties of exceptions.
If I think a bit longer I can probably come up with more examples.
I find reflection very useful if the input data (like xml) has a complex structure which is easily mapped to object-instances or i need some kind of "is a" relationship between the instances.
As reflection is relatively easy in java, I sometimes use it for simple data (key-value maps) where I have a small fixed set of keys. One one hand it's simple to determine if a key is valid (if the class has a setter setKey(String data)), on the other hand i can change the type of the (textual) input data and hide the transformation (e.g simple cast to int in getKey()), so the rest of the application can rely on correctly typed data.
If the type of some key-value-pair changes for one object (e.g. form int to float), i only have to change it in the data-object and its users but don't have to keep in mind to check the parser too. This might not be a sensible approach, if performance is an issue...
Writing dispatchers. Twisted uses python's reflective capabilities to dispatch XML-RPC and SOAP calls. RMI uses Java's reflection api for dispatch.
Command line parsing. Building up a config object based on the command line parameters that are passed in.
When writing unit tests, it can be helpful to use reflection, though mostly I've used this to bypass access modifiers (Java).
I've used reflection in C# when there was some internal or private method in the framework or a third party library that I wanted to access.
(Disclaimer: It's not necessarily a best-practice because private and internal methods may be changed in later versions. But it worked for what I needed.)
Well, in statically-typed languages, you'd want to use reflection any time you need to do something "dynamic". It comes in handy for tooling purposes (scanning the members of an object). In Java it's used in JMX and dynamic proxies quite a bit. And there are tons of one-off cases where it's really the only way to go (pretty much anytime you need to do something the compiler won't let you do).
I generally use reflection for debugging. Reflection can more easily and more accurately display the objects within the system than an assortment of print statements. In many languages that have first-class functions, you can even invoke the functions of the object without writing special code.
There is, however, a way to do what you want(ed). Use a hashtable. Store the fields keyed against the field name.
If you really wanted to, you could then create standard Get/Set functions, or create macros that do it on the fly. #define GetX() Get("X") sort of thing.
You could even implement your own imperfect reflection that way.
For the advanced user, if you can compile the code, it may be possible to enable debug output generation and use that to perform reflection.
