CSS3 border-image - css

Do I need some special DOCTYPE when I want to use CSS3 ? I have div with dashed border and I want to set border-image (only can with CSS3), but when I set border-image:url(.., nothing happens.

Some browsers may only support CSS 3 features in Standards Mode, but a standards mode triggering Doctype should be considered business as usual and not "special".
Keep in mind that CSS 3 is a collection of specifications that have not yet reached recommendation stage. They are very new and browser support is far from universal (and isn't a binary state of 'supports CSS 3 or not' — the current versions of all the major web browsers support some of CSS 3 (for different values of 'some'). Your problem could simply be that you aren't using a browser that supports border-image.

border-image currently works in Safari
and Firefox 3.1 (Alpha). The syntax to
use it is:
border-image: url(border.png) 27 27 27
27 round round;
See demonstration page

CSS3 is not available on all browsers at this time. Right now, only Chrome, Opera, and Safari support it. CSS3 commands will not work on IE; you'll have to find other work-arounds or wait until browsers catch up with the standards.

Most likely the border-image did not show up, because you didn't use the correct prefixes.
Right now, just "border-image" is not supported by major browsers, hence you need to add the prefix for the browser.
-webkit - for WebKit-based browsers such as Google Chrome and Safari
-moz - for Firefox
-o - for Opera

You do not need a specific DOCTYPE, but border-image is only supported in some browsers. You can also use:
to broaden the range of support for browsers. CSS3 has not been implemented as a standard across all current browsers, so using specific CSS tags is the best way to go for now.

Support is very limited and inconsistent across the browsers that do support it. Check Quirksmode (bottom of the table) to see the bad news http://www.quirksmode.org/css/background.html


CSS - why to add -webkit and so on to transitions

I have a small question, I am new to CSS and I have pretty stupid question. Why everybody add -webkit for Chrome and Safari, -moz for Mozzila Firefox and so on, I used just "transition:" and value and it worked on Mozzila, Chrome and Opera too. So what's the reason to add it?
that's for older versions of those browsers which only respond to the prefixed settings and are still installed on some computers.
Web world changes a lot, and before there was official support for CSS3 (such as the transition you are using), there were fallbacks, and shims to add these features specific to browsers.
The reason people would still use -moz & -webkit is to include support for older browsers. You should read up on the pains of doing this especially for internet explorer. So if you don't want to leave your ie9 customers behind, you should try and include appropriate CSS for them. transition isn't going to cut it for these browsers.

Does IE9 support rounded buttons in css?

I know IE8 and below don't support rounded buttons with plain css but does ie9?
I had a more recent table showing CSS3 properties handled by IE9 but border-radius was already part of them in september: http://www.impressivewebs.com/css3-support-ie9/
Microsoft's stated aim in releasing IE9 is to support all HTML5, CSS3 and other features which for which finalised specifications have been released.
This means that there are a number of features which Firefox, Chrome, Safari and others support already which IE9 will not support.
The good news for you is that border-radius (the CSS3 feature which gives you rounded corners) is fully specified, and as a result, it is implemented in IE9.
I recommend using the site CanIUse.com to check for browser support for individual features. It has a comprehensive list of which browsers support which features.
You may also want to look up Quirksmode.org, which offers a similar service. However although I am a big fan of Quirksmode, it is getting somewhat out of date now. (but it is still a great resource for checking feature support in older versions of IE in particular)

Cross Browser Debugging between Firefox and Safari (or Chrome)

I've noticed that Safari and Chrome behave the same when it comes to HTML and CSS. However, there are differences between Firefox and Safari (and hence, Chrome as well).
Sometimes things can look great in Firefox, but the CSS misbehaves in Safari and Chrome. The cause of the mis-behaviour can be attributed to "anything" (as opposed to in IE 6 and 7, mis-behaviours are usually caused by excessive paddings/margins that cause elements to float out of position). For example, while debugging CSS of a website for Safari the following attributes have caused cross-browser misbehaviours:
Is there a common pattern to Chrome and Safari CSS debugging?
Can you guys offer insight into the differences between Safari and Firefox that may help me with my cross browser debugging?
Typically, and anecdotally, the majority of large differences between cross-browser rendering of the same page are due to:
invalid (x)html, use the on-line html validator from the W3 to ensure the validity of the mark-up.
lack of establishing a base-line for CSS (as #Jeroen suggests: use a css reset).
use of CSS which varies in support from browser-to-browser, particularly the newer CSS 3 (transitions, column-count and box-reflect1 particularly, though there are many, many others).
This may, or may not be, a proposal for inclusion in CSS3 by the World Wide Web Consortium, the only references I've found for it are exclusively with the -webkit vendor prefix, which suggests that it's probably a proprietary extension. I can, however, hope that others will follow suit. It's so much easier to apply reflections with css than with js/php...
I have noticed differences, but not that dramatic. As usual, most differences can easily be overcome / avoided by using a css-reset. Do you use one on the pages you are talking about?
This css difference is because, there is a default styles difference for firefox and chrome browsers. click this links for default css sheets
While developing the webpage itself we have to make sure of overriding this default styling commonly for both browsers. using the browser extensions like -webkit and -moz etc..
After development and in debugging state, we need to override this default styles. I don't think we have any common debugging for this. correct me if i am wrong.

Is it possible to use CSS round-corners and still pass validation?

IIRC the situation is that IE simply doesn't support rounded corners, but some other browsers need browser-specific extensions... either FF or web-kit, I don't recall.
I'm happy to use it in some cases and let IE fall-back to square corners, but does using browser-extension CSS break validation... I quite like having my site validate AND work on IE6.
border-radius will validate against CSS3 and will work in IE9 and Opera 9.5+.
To support rounded corners in Gecko (Firefox) and WebKit (Safari, Chrome) you would need the vendor extensions -moz-border-radius and -webkit-border-radius for now. Eventually (sometime around when CSS3 Background and Borders reaches Recommendation stage), those browsers will also support the simple border-radius property, but for now they don't as there are still some issues to be hammered out over the exact syntax for specific elliptical and multiple corners.
The -vendor-x extension properties will never validate, which is a shame, but they are defined by CSS itself to be harmless so you can safely ignore those errors.
I think that most browsers no longer need specific extensions: simply use border-radius, and make sure you validate your CSS as CSS3 (rather than CSS 2.1, which the default for the W3C validator).
Invalid HTML/CSS is not why pages break in browsers like IE6, it's because they don't follow the standard.
IMO, validation is meaningless if you're using a CSS property for progressive enhancement. If the rest of the page is valid then adding border radius (including the vendor-specific properties) doesn't break in other browsers, they just ignore the property.

Are browsers other than Firefox planning on supporting -moz CSS properties, or does CSS3 have an equivalent?

As of right now I believe only Firefox support -moz-border-radius property. I am surprised that twitter uses it.
Are any other browsers planning on supporting this or does CSS3 have something like this in the works?
Edit: I also found -webkit-border-top-left-radius and then the CSS3 version
So when is CSS3 coming out?
CSS3 has border-radius.
For now, Mozilla- and WebKit-based browsers have experimental support, -moz-border-radius and -webkit-border-radius. It's not bad to use them now, as long as you understand they are temporary measures until they are properly implemented. I would expect it's not too long before you see full support for border-radius in Mozilla, Firefox and IE. (Well, hopefully IE.)
Update: as of August 2016, with border-radius being natively available in all native desktop browsers (and most mobile browsers, not to mention), the stringency of using -moz-border-radius, -webkit-border-radius and similar is being slowly relaxed.
Because the CSS3 spec hasn't been finalised, Mozilla and Webkit decided to implement their own method of rounded corners, doing it in the correct way, by adding the vendor-specific tag at the front.
This is done so that when the CSS3 is FINALLY released, should they change how border-radius is supposed to work (eg: the order of the parameters), then none of the sites using the vendor-specific methods will be broken. Mozilla and WebKit can just go ahead and implement the W3C style and developers can slowly move over to that.
It's not too surprising that you're seeing some websites using it, especially for something like rounded corners where it's not going to make a massive difference to the user experience. And I mean, it's just IE users who are missing out, and they deserve everything they get.
It bugs me when people talk about CSS3 coming out. It's not a complete spec like the previous ones. It has been broken up into separate modules that may increment their versions independently.
So Selectors Level 4 may make Recommendation before CSS Backgrounds and Borders Level 3 does.
So, will CSS3 arrive? Eventually, but not all a once. So don't wait for it, start using it now (where applicable).
CSS3 has something like this in the works.
According to this, IE 8 will not support border-radius.
Any CSS property that starts with a dash (e.g. -moz, -webkit) is a browser-specific property.
This allows browser vendors to experiment with new CSS properties. Doing so is a common part of the process for writing new CSS specs, to allow web developers to see how the properties work and raise issues.
Hence you’ll find a lot of CSS 3 properties, like border-radius currently implemented in some browsers with vendor-specific extensions.
There’s nothing particularly wrong with using these on production sites, as long as you’re aware they’ll only work in the one browser.
CSS 3 should be out any decade now :)
Browser-based properties are only meant for interim fixes for that particular browser, and are supposed to be deprecated when either the W3C adopts them into CSS, or not. I wouldn't rely on them to be cross-browser or even be kept for the particular browser.
