How to Clear all the Widgets in Parent Widgets? - qt

I am using the constructor QWidget(QWidget *parent). This parent widget contains a lot of child widgets. I need to clear all the child widgets from the parent at runtime. How can I do this?

Previous answer is wrong!! You cannot use findChildren to delete a widget's children, because Qt4's findChildren recursively lists children. Therefore, you will delete children of children, which then may be deleted twice, potentially crashing your app.
More generally, in Qt, taking a list of QObject pointers and deleting them one by one is dangerous, as destroying an object may chain-destroy other objects, due to the parent ownership mechanism, or by connecting a destroyed() signal to a deleteLater() slot. Therefore, destroying the first objects in the list may invalidate the next ones.
You need to list children widgets either by:
Passing the Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly flag to findChild if you are using Qt5 (which did not exist when the question was asked...)
Using QLayout functions for listing items,
Using QObject::children, and for each test if it is a widget using isWidgetType() or a cast
Using findChild() in a loop and delete the result until it returns a null pointer

To take care of the recursivity problem pointed out by #galinette you can just remove the widgets in a while loop
while ( QWidget* w = findChild<QWidget*>() )
delete w;

Summarizing and supplementing:
For Qt5 in one line:
qDeleteAll(parentWidget->findChildren<QWidget*>("", Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly));
For Qt5 for a lot of children, using setUpdatesEnabled():
qDeleteAll(parentWidget->findChildren<QWidget*>("", Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly));
Note that this is not exception safe! While Qt does not at this time appear to throw exceptions here, the signal destroyed() could be connected to code that does throw, or an overridden Object::childEvent(QChildEvent*) could throw.
Better would be to use a helper class:
class UpdatesEnabledHelper
QWidget* m_parentWidget;
UpdatesEnabledHelper(QWidget* parentWidget) : m_parentWidget(parentWidget) { parentWidget->setUpdatesEnabled(false); }
~UpdatesEnabledHelper() { m_parentWidget->setUpdatesEnabled(true); }
UpdatesEnabledHelper helper(parentWidget);
qDeleteAll(parentWidget->findChildren<QWidget*>("", Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly));
For Qt4:
QList<QWidget*> childWidgets = parentWidget->findChildren<QWidget*>();
foreach(QWidget* widget, childWidgets)
if (widget->parentWidget() == parentWidget)
delete widget;
Removing from the QLayout works in both Qt4 and Qt5:
QLayoutItem* child;
while (NULL != (child = layout->takeAt(0))) // or nullptr instead of NULL
delete child;
QObjects (and therefore QWidgets) remove themselves (automagically) from their parent in their (QObject) destructor.

From Qt docs
The following code fragment shows a safe way to remove all items from a layout:
QLayoutItem *child;
while ((child = layout->takeAt(0)) != 0) {
delete child;

You can use the following in your parent widget class:
QList<QWidget *> widgets = findChildren<QWidget *>();
foreach(QWidget * widget, widgets)
delete widget;


Issue with Qt Undo Framework example: add / remove item

I was using the QT undo framework example as reference to implement this functionality in my tool. However, it seems to have a bug with the way that it calls the destructor of the items.
I understand that QGraphicsScene will assume ownership of the items while they are in the scene. However, both undo objects: AddCommand and RemoveCommand should assume ownership of these items when they remove them from the scene.
In the Qt undo framework example, only AddCommand tries to delete the object in its destructor, but will not do it if the item is still in the scene.
if (!myDiagramItem->scene())
delete myDiagramItem;
In this case, if we remove the item from the scene after the corresponding AddCommand object leave the stack (when using an undo limit), the item will never be deleted again since RemoveCommand destructor doesn't do it.
I fixed it using a flag in both AddCommand and RemoveCommand classes. It informs when this objects should be responsible for the item destruction. When they remove the item from the scene, I set this flag to true, and I test this flag in the undo object destructor before calling the item's destructor:
AddCommand::AddCommand(QGraphicsScene *scene, DraftGraphicItem* item, QUndoCommand *parent):
scene(scene), item(item), QUndoCommand(parent){
setText("Add item to scene");
delete item;
void AddCommand::undo(){
isItemOwner = false;
void AddCommand::redo(){
isItemOwner = true;
and the same with RemoveCommand, just inverting redo() and undo() methods.

deleting widget of QScrollArea

i have to update or change the widget inside the scrollArea depending on the selection of tree items in left.
QWidget *scrollAreaWidget = new QWidget;
QVBoxLayout *scrollLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
foreach (PyInfo pInfo, list) {
//Adding widget
so when i need to update a new widget i tried to clear the old widget added to scrollArea like this
QWidget *wid = m_pScrollArea->widget();
is deleteLated() call is enough or i have to explicitly delete all the widgets i added as a child to the ScrollArea->widget() and disconnect my signals in it.
Yes, this should be enough. Qt takes care about the rest. From Qt documentation:
The parent takes ownership of the object; i.e., it will automatically
delete its children in its destructor.
A signal-slot connection is removed when either of the objects
involved are destroyed.

Drag and drop widget outside source application widgets

I have a Qt Desktop aplication which has several top-level widgets. Subwidgets of top-level widgets can be moved between top-level widgets by using drag-and-drop mechanism.
The problem i have now is to drop a sub-widget outside any of existing top-level widgets and create a new top-level widget to contain this one. Lets call this separation.
Can this be done using drag-and-drop? I could not find a way where my dropEvent goes?
Can i want to handle the drop event in my application even if the drop place is not allowed? Maybe a mouse release or something?
I cannot change everything now but also a question for the future. Is docking/undocking a better way to do this?
I found a way to do this. When drag moves outside of the application widgets QDrag object emits a targetChanged signal with 0 parameter.
So i inherited from QDrag and then emit a custom signal in destructor if the target() is null.
The only problem is that the cursor looks like interdiction of drop and this i could not fix because QDrag can only set cursor pixmap for valid actions like Move or Copy or Link
Here is the inherited class.
class TabDrag: public QDrag
explicit TabDrag(QWidget *dragSource);
void tearOff(); /// emit tearOff signal if the QDrag object is destroyed and target was null
TabDrag::TabDrag(QWidget *dragSource):QDrag(dragSource)
// check if we need to detach this tab
emit tearOff();
The tearOff signal should be connected to whatever you want to happen. In my case i pull out the widget from the tab and change parent to a new window.
Example of usage
void MyTabBar::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
TabDrag * drag = new TabDrag(this);
drag->setHotSpot(QPoint(m_dragStartPos.x() - tabAtRect.x(), m_dragStartPos.y() - tabAtRect.y()));
connect(drag, SIGNAL(tearOff()), this, SLOT(onTearOff()));

Simple way to get all visible items in the QListView

I am trying to develop an image gallery application using Qt Framework. The application loads all the images from the selected folder and those images are displayed using QListView control.
But now i want to reduce the memory consumption by loading only the images that are visible to user. Since there is no direct function to get all the visible items in the view, i am not able to achieve this.
You can get the visible items of a list view using the indexAt function. For more details and an example you can check the following article:
I found it! You have to connect the vertical scrollbar of the listwidget to a signal:
connect(ui->listWidget->verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(launch_timer()));
Every time the user scrolls, the valuechanged(int) signal is being omitted! The thing is that you shouldn't run the code provided by webclectic in this question every time the value of the vertical scrollbar of the listwidget changes, because the program will be unresponsive with so much code to run in so little time.
So, you have to have a singleshot timer and point it to the function that webclectic posted above. When launch_timer() is called, you do something like this:
and the timeout() signal of timer will be connected to the slot webclectic talked about. This way, if the user scrolls quickly all the way down only the last items will be updated. Generally, it will be updated anything visible for more than 300 milliseconds!
I think what you need is to implement your own model (take a look to the QAbstractListModel documentation) so that way you could decide when you have to load more images to show and maybe free some of the images that became non-visible.
although this is not so simple in Qt 4 but
it is always simple to copy below:
#include <private/qlistview_p.h>
class QListViewHelper : public QListView
typedef QListView super;
inline QListViewHelper() {} //not intended to be constructed
inline static QVector<QModelIndex> indexFromRect(const QListView *view,
const QRect &rect)
const QListViewPrivate *d = static_cast<const QListViewPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(view)); //to access "QListViewPrivate::intersectingSet(...)"
const QListViewHelper *helper = static_cast<const QListViewHelper *>(view); //to access "QListView::horizontalOffset()"
return d->intersectingSet(rect.translated(helper->horizontalOffset(), helper->verticalOffset()), false);
inline static QVector<QModelIndex> visibleItems(const QListView *view)
{ return indexFromRect(view, view->rect()); }
inline static QModelIndex firstVisible(const QListView *view)
{ return visibleItems(view).value(0); }
inline static QModelIndex lastVisible(const QListView *view) {
const QVector<QModelIndex> &items = visibleItems(view);
return items.value(items.count() - 1);
void ourTest(const QListView *view) {
QModelIndex &index = QListViewHelper::firstVisible(view);
qDebug("QListViewHelper: first visible row is %d", index.row());
index = QListViewHelper::lastVisible(view);
qDebug("QListViewHelper: last visible row is %d", index.row());
QModelIndex &index =
note: since it does use Qt 4.8 private-headers it may no longer work in latter versions and will need some changes.
You can keep track of all the elements that are drawn per paint event. I used a delegate and overloaded the paint event.
I also overloaded the paint event in the view. During this call, all the visible delegates will get a paint event.
If you just need to know if an item is visible, you can increment a frame count in view->paintEvent and set that number in the delegate item. The item is visible of the item matches the current frame number.
If you need a list of all visible items, clear the visible item list in view->paintEvent and add each item in the int the delegate->paintEvent to the visible items list.

How to delete an already existing layout on a widget?

You must first delete the existing layout manager (returned by
layout()) before you can call setLayout() with the new layout.
Which function is used for deleting the previous layout?
Chris Wilson's answer is correct, but I've found the layout does not delete sublayouts and qwidgets beneath it. It's best to do it manually if you have complicated layouts or you might have a memory leak.
QLayout * layout = new QWhateverLayout();
// ... create complicated layout ...
// completely delete layout and sublayouts
QLayoutItem * item;
QLayout * sublayout;
QWidget * widget;
while ((item = layout->takeAt(0))) {
if ((sublayout = item->layout()) != 0) {/* do the same for sublayout*/}
else if ((widget = item->widget()) != 0) {widget->hide(); delete widget;}
else {delete item;}
// then finally
delete layout;
You just use
delete layout;
like you would with any other pointer you created using new.
This code deletes the layout, all its children and everything inside the layout 'disappears'.
qDeleteAll(yourWidget->findChildren<QWidget *>(QString(), Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly));
delete layout();
This deletes all direct widgets of the widget yourWidget. Using Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly is essential as it prevents the deletion of widgets that are children of widgets that are also in the list and probably already deleted by the loop inside qDeleteAll.
Here is the description of qDeleteAll:
void qDeleteAll(ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end)
Deletes all the items in the range [begin, end] using the C++ delete > operator. The item type must be a pointer type (for example, QWidget *).
Note that qDeleteAll needs to be called with a container from that widget (not the layout). And note that qDeleteAll does NOT delete yourWidget - just its children.
Now a new layout can be set.
I want to remove the current layout, replace it with a new layout but keep all widgets managed by the layout. I found that in this case, Chris Wilson's solution does not work well. The layout is not always changed.
This worked for me:
void RemoveLayout (QWidget* widget)
QLayout* layout = widget->layout ();
if (layout != 0)
QLayoutItem *item;
while ((item = layout->takeAt(0)) != 0)
layout->removeItem (item);
delete layout;
From Qt6's docs:
The following code fragment shows a safe way to remove all items from a layout:
QLayoutItem *child;
while ((child = layout->takeAt(0)) != nullptr) {
delete child->widget(); // delete the widget
delete child; // delete the layout item
This assumes takeAt() has been correctly implemented in the QLayout subclass. Follow link for details.
