Picture or photo viewer on my Web site - asp.net

Lets say I let the customer upload up to 5 pictures. I'm looking for a good way to let visitors see the images one by one.
I've seen some.. where there are thumbnails on the side/bottom (that looks like a vertical/horizontal film strip) and the default picture is the large one displayed. And viewers can click into others to show those pictures.
This could possibly be an AJAX solution. I just couldn't come up with the right keywords to Google this custom Web component. Perhaps it is "photo gallery". But I would be more interested to know what solutions developers here use for their site.

Perhaps lightbox is the keyword you're looking for: http://www.google.com/search?q=lightbox

Is something like this Galleria what you're after?
It's all implemented in Javascript so is simple to integrate.

There are several options but on first thought, I would reach for the fancybox jQuery plugin. The third example on their home page does exactly what you described. I've used this plugin a few times now and it's quite good.


Embedding soundcloud link on featured image post to launch mp3 player on

So I've been searching the web and I can't find a good answer on how to have a featured image with a play button, once I click the play button it launches a mp3 player built on wordpress site and where i can change Or add. Much like this site -> indieshuffle.com.
Does anyone know how to do that or at least give me some material to start with even a theme would be amazing
Although its a very simple task, if you dont have enough knowledge of programming then it will be hard to achieve. And not many people will help you on stackoverflow without any existing code to show them.
Here's how i would have achieved it. First i would attach the featured image to the post (the default functionality). Then i would create a custom field to save the soundcloud id of the song. Then in your theme you should wrap the featured image with a div and have a play button on hover. Then use javascript/jquery to look for click events (ie. what should it do when someone clicks on the image). Then i would use the Soundcloud API and use the play function to play the desired song. Here is a code i got from the API docs.
<script src="http://connect.soundcloud.com/sdk.js"></script>
client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID'
// stream track id 293
SC.stream("/tracks/293", function(sound){
Just take it slow, start from the beginning and go through the points i mentioned, it would be much easier to help if you start somewhere and ask a specific question.
You might already be familiar with the embed code, but if you just want to show the song in your post you can use the embed code in your post. Something like this https://soundcloud.com/pages/embed. There are also some wordpress plugins for soundcloud that will automatically embed the code if you give it the id of the song.

Wordpress cookie to highlight new posts?

I have an aggregator site in wordpress, and was thinking about a way to show new post for visitors. I don't use log-ins, so would be from plain visits. My thougth was to divide new post by a line below. Not sure how though.
Any suggestion on where to start? My site: http://www.skatevids.me
this is a fairly generic/difficult to answer question for Stack Exchange. Not entirely sure if it's a good match to be honest, but maybe I can help you formulate one that would be.
So load your webpage and then right click in your browser. If you're using Chrome or Firefox, you'll want to click "Inspect Element." I'm not sure what the command is for other browsers, but hopefully you have access to Chrome or Firefox.
Okay, so once you inspect the element, you'll see what's called the DOM (Document Object Model. And if you click through that a bit, you'll see something like
I'd look into CSS child/sibling selectors (eg http://css-tricks.com/child-and-sibling-selectors/) and see if maybe there's way to highlight the most recent, say, 6 posts. It's something to look into as a possibility, any way, and if it looks promising, you might want to give it a shot and come back with a question specific to that. As it is, there's about 50+ ways I could think of accomplishing this, some more realistic than others, depending on how your theme works. I think you'll have a lot more like getting an answer that works for your website if you try to think through some ways of doing it and check back with those
If you do that, some added info on how your theme works would be useful.... is that a widgetized home page? Are you telling your theme to display those posts there, instead of something else? If so, how are you specifying that? What is the meaning of "New post"? Less than XYZ days old? Most recent ABC posts? Something else?
As of today, you can use the Highlight New Posts plugin for this.
It sets a cookie with the time of the visitor's last visit. If it returns, it'll show a "NEW" label after the title of posts that have been published after their last visit.

How to attach a site with its thumbnail to a Drupal node?

Do you have any Drupal module (or other solution) to implement a feature similiar to Facebook's Share a Link?
To be precise:
you paste a link
site's preview is generated
short excerpt
and a thumbnail of one of the site's images
You'll need to do some pretty fancy stuff when snagging that thumbnail.
That's parsing the page and picking out thumbnails that might want to get used from the tags on the page.
It will need to do this via javascript after the link has been placed.
Facebook actually caches their thumbnails for page sharing once a day, so they choose not to go grab it at run time for the client every time.
There are certainly libraries (and maybe a jQuery plugin that would let you slurp a URL into memory then traverse it and present some one the fly images.
Check out the Tumblr Share tool. You might be able to reverse engineer from that.
As for Drupal modules this seems unlikely. Would love to hear it though.
You could also think about a third party screen shot service, but that's a pain too.

Facebook Connect query about customizing the share-button

I really hate asking about Facebook Connect on SO, but their own development forums are horrendous.
We're implementing a Facebook share button using this:
<fb:share-button class="url" href="http://oursite.com/"></fb:shared-button>
This is documented(poorly) here: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Fb:share-button
I need to be able to change the text from "Share" to something else. I've spent 2 hours looking for an answer to this and have come up short.
If you really want to customize the facebook share button, look at the url you would use for a desktop app. Makes it much better. You can also use AddThis the same way to get some analytics from the share.
With the replacement like social plugin (the one you should be using now instead of the deprecated fb:share-button), you have two choices for the button text: Like or Recommend.

How Can Wordpress Easily Provide A Voting and Commenting View For 5 Page Layout Possibilities?

Right now, when I create a media item, I can view it as admin by going through the Media then clicking on view, eventually I end up at [mysite]/blog/?attachment_id=31 which is a nice reduced version of the image (which can be clicked to appear large), and which has the nice feature that there is a place to leave comments at the bottom.
This is great for administrators. But I want anonymous users to be able to look at 5 different, fairly similar images, and make comments on the pages separately. So I'd like for the anonymous users who navigate to [mysite]/blog/?attachment_id=31 to find the same page the way it looks to admins.
But when going to that URL as an anonymous user instead of the image with comment form I get:
Sorry, no posts matched your criteria
So, how can I enable this permission for anonymous users?
If this is not possible, please rephrase the question as, "What is the best way to use Wordpress to get a bunch of anonymous people to vote on 5 different layouts and also to be able to comment on each of them separately, as I am trying to do at http://christian-filipina.com/blog/ ? (None of these are public URLs, please don't link to them.)
Do I need to create a page for each of those separate layouts and then use HTML to link to the variously-sized versions of the images?
When adding an image to the post make sure that "attachment page" is checked instead of "image file" This should fix your problem. See: http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Image_and_File_Attachments
