Passing output from one command as argument to another [duplicate] - unix

This question already has answers here:
How to pass command output as multiple arguments to another command
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have this for:
for i in `ls -1 access.log*`; do tail $i |awk {'print $4'} |cut -d: -f 1 |grep - $i > $i.output; done
ls will give access.log, access.log.1, access.log.2 etc.
tail will give me the last line of each file, which looks like: - - [08/Oct/2010:14:05:04 +0300] etc. etc. etc
awk+cut will extract the date (08/Oct/2010 - but different in each access.log), which will allow me to grep for it and redirect the output to a separate file.
But I cannot seem to pass the output of awk+cut to grep.
The reason for all this is that those access logs include lines with more than one date (06/Oct, 07/Oct, 08/Oct) and I just need the lines with the most recent date.
How can I achieve this?
Thank you.

As a sidenote, tail displays the last 10 lines.
A possible solution would be to grepthis way:
for i in `ls -lf access.log*`; do grep $(tail $i |awk {'print $4'} |cut -d: -f 1| sed 's/\[/\\[/') $i > $i.output; done

why don't you break it up into steps??
for file in *access.log
what=$(tail "$i" |awk {'print $4'} |cut -d: -f 1)
grep "$what" "$file" >> output

You shouldn't use ls that way. Also, ls -l gives you information you don't need. The -f option to grep will allow you to pipe the pattern to grep. Always quote variables that contain filenames.
for i in access.log*; do awk 'END {sub(":.*","",$4); print substr($4,2)}' "$i" | grep -f - $i > "$i.output"; done
I also eliminated tail and cut since AWK can do their jobs.

Use xargs or backticks.
man xargs
or , section 3.4.5. Command substitution

you can try:
grep "$(stuff to get piped over to be grep-ed)" file
I haven't tried this, but my answer applied here would look like this:
grep "$(for i in `ls -1 access.log*`; do tail $i |awk {'print $4'} |cut -d: -f 1 |grep - $i > $i.output; done)" $i


Splitting unix output

I'm trying to extract an address from a file.
grep keyword /path/to/file
is how I'm finding the line of code I want. The output is something like
Is there a way I can get only the part directly after the = i.e. http://address , considering the keyword I'm greping for is both in the var and http://address parts
grep keyword /path/to/file | cut -d= -f2-
Just pipe to cut:
grep keyword /path/to/file | cut -d '=' -f 2
You can avoid the needless pipes:
awk -F= '/keyword/{print $2}' /path/to/file

Grep OR Operator Not Working

I need help with Unix.
I am trying to see if one of two statements (printf and fprintf) are in a file. I used the command:
search=`cat $file | grep -w "fprintf\|printf"`
For some reason, it doesn't find either in files where one of those two exists. Why?
You have two problems.
First, standard grep doesn't support the | operator. You need to use egrep or the -E flag.
Second, inside double-quotes, \| means \|. The backslash gets passed through to the grep command, so even if grep understood the | operator, the backslash would turn it into a normal character.
Try this:
search=`cat $file | egrep -w "fprintf|printf"`
Or you can provide each alternative as a separate argument to grep:
search=`cat $file | grep -w -e fprintf -e printf
grep -w "fprintf\|printf" $file
This works fine in my shell. Still, here are some alternatives:
egrep -w 'fprintf|printf' $file
grep -wE 'fprintf|printf' $file
grep -we 'fprintf\|printf' $file

How to get a list of file names in different lines

I want to get a list of all the files in a directory, like with ls, so that each filename will be on a seperate line, without the extra details supplied by ls -l. I looked at ls --help and didn't find a solution. I tried doing
ls -l | cut --fields=9 -d" "
but ls doesn't use a fixed number of spaces between columns. Any idea on how to do this, preferably in one line?
ls -1
That is a number, not small L.
ls -1. From the help:
-1 list one file per line
Works on cygwin and FreeBSD, so it's probably not too GNU-specific.
solution without pipe-ing :-)
ls --format single-column
Note that the long options are only supported on the GNU coreutils where BSD ls only supports the short arguments -1
ls | awk '{print $NF}'
ls | cat
or possibly, ls -1
Use sed command to list single columns
ls -l | sed 's/\(^[^0-9].\*[0-9]\*:[0-9]\*\) \(.*\)/\2/'
Try this:
$ ls | xargs -n num
Here num is number of columns you want to list in.
first you can use this. it will display the one file per line.
ls -l | sed 's/(.* )(.*)$/\2/'
or else you can use thus
find . -maxdepth 1 | sed 's/.///'
both the things are the same.
This is also working: echo -e "\n$(ls)"
This will also do
ls -l | awk '{print $NF}'

Unix - Need to cut a file which has multiple blanks as delimiter - awk or cut?

I need to get the records from a text file in Unix. The delimiter is multiple blanks. For example:
2U2133 1239
1290fsdsf 3234
From this, I need to extract
The delimiter for all records will be always 3 blanks.
I need to do this in an unix script(.scr) and write the output to another file or use it as an input to a do-while loop. I tried the below:
while read readline
read_int=`echo "$readline"`
cnt_exc=`grep "$read_int" ${Directory path}/file1.txt| wc -l`
if [ $cnt_exc -gt 0 ]
done < awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }' ${Directoty path}/test_file.txt
test_file.txt is the input file and file1.txt is a lookup file. But the above way is not working and giving me syntax errors near awk -F
I tried writing the output to a file. The following worked in command line:
more test_file.txt | awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }' > output.txt
This is working and writing the records to output.txt in command line. But the same command does not work in the unix script (It is a .scr file)
Please let me know where I am going wrong and how I can resolve this.
The job of replacing multiple delimiters with just one is left to tr:
cat <file_name> | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2
tr translates or deletes characters, and is perfectly suited to prepare your data for cut to work properly.
The manual states:
-s, --squeeze-repeats
replace each sequence of a repeated character that is
listed in the last specified SET, with a single occurrence
of that character
It depends on the version or implementation of cut on your machine. Some versions support an option, usually -i, that means 'ignore blank fields' or, equivalently, allow multiple separators between fields. If that's supported, use:
cut -i -d' ' -f 2 data.file
If not (and it is not universal — and maybe not even widespread, since neither GNU nor MacOS X have the option), then using awk is better and more portable.
You need to pipe the output of awk into your loop, though:
awk -F' ' '{print $2}' ${Directory_path}/test_file.txt |
while read readline
read_int=`echo "$readline"`
cnt_exc=`grep "$read_int" ${Directory_path}/file1.txt| wc -l`
if [ $cnt_exc -gt 0 ]
then int_1=0
else int_2=0
The only residual issue is whether the while loop is in a sub-shell and and therefore not modifying your main shell scripts variables, just its own copy of those variables.
With bash, you can use process substitution:
while read readline
read_int=`echo "$readline"`
cnt_exc=`grep "$read_int" ${Directory_path}/file1.txt| wc -l`
if [ $cnt_exc -gt 0 ]
then int_1=0
else int_2=0
done < <(awk -F' ' '{print $2}' ${Directory_path}/test_file.txt)
This leaves the while loop in the current shell, but arranges for the output of the command to appear as if from a file.
The blank in ${Directory path} is not normally legal — unless it is another Bash feature I've missed out on; you also had a typo (Directoty) in one place.
Other ways of doing the same thing aside, the error in your program is this: You cannot redirect from (<) the output of another program. Turn your script around and use a pipe like this:
awk -F' ' '{ print $2 }' ${Directory path}/test_file.txt | while read readline
Besides, the use of "readline" as a variable name may or may not get you into problems.
In this particular case, you can use the following line
sed 's/ /\t/g' <file_name> | cut -f 2
to get your second columns.
In bash you can start from something like this:
for n in `${Directoty path}/test_file.txt | cut -d " " -f 4`
grep -c $n ${Directory path}/file*.txt
This should have been a comment, but since I cannot comment yet, I am adding this here.
This is from an excellent answer here:
tr -s ' ' <text.txt | cut -d ' ' -f4
tr -s '<character>' squeezes multiple repeated instances of <character> into one.
It's not working in the script because of the typo in "Directo*t*y path" (last line of your script).
Cut isn't flexible enough. I usually use Perl for that:
cat file.txt | perl -F' ' -e 'print $F[1]."\n"'
Instead of a triple space after -F you can put any Perl regular expression. You access fields as $F[n], where n is the field number (counting starts at zero). This way there is no need to sed or tr.

How to keep a file's format if you use the uniq command (in shell)?

In order to use the uniq command, you have to sort your file first.
But in the file I have, the order of the information is important, thus how can I keep the original format of the file but still get rid of duplicate content?
Another awk version:
awk '!_[$0]++' infile
This awk keeps the first occurrence. Same algorithm as other answers use:
awk '!($0 in lines) { print $0; lines[$0]; }'
Here's one that only needs to store duplicated lines (as opposed to all lines) using awk:
sort file | uniq -d | awk '
FNR == NR { dups[$0] }
FNR != NR && (!($0 in dups) || !lines[$0]++)
' - file
There's also the "line-number, double-sort" method.
nl -n ln | sort -u -k 2| sort -k 1n | cut -f 2-
You can run uniq -d on the sorted version of the file to find the duplicate lines, then run some script that says:
if this_line is in duplicate_lines {
if not i_have_seen[this_line] {
output this_line
i_have_seen[this_line] = true
} else {
output this_line
Using only uniq and grep:
sort $1 | uniq > $1_uniq
for line in $(cat $1); do
cat $1_uniq | grep -m1 $line >> $1_out
cat $1_uniq | grep -v $line > $1_uniq2
mv $1_uniq2 $1_uniq
rm $1_uniq
./ infile
You could use some horrible O(n^2) thing, like this (Pseudo-code):
file2 = EMPTY_FILE
for each line in file1:
if not line in file2:
This is potentially rather slow, especially if implemented at the Bash level. But if your files are reasonably short, it will probably work just fine, and would be quick to implement (not line in file2 is then just grep -v, and so on).
Otherwise you could of course code up a dedicated program, using some more advanced data structure in memory to speed it up.
for line in $(sort file1 | uniq ); do
grep -n -m1 line file >>out
sort -n out
first do the sort,
for each uniqe value grep for the first match (-m1)
and preserve the line numbers
sort the output numerically (-n) by line number.
you could then remove the line #'s with sed or awk
