return domain objects from grails constraint validation - constraints

Is it possible to write your own validator in grails that will return a valid object?
Something like:
static constraints = {
name(validator: {val, obj ->
if (Drink.findByName(val)) return [Drink.findByName(val)]
In other words - if the Drink already exists in the DB, just return the existing one when someone does a
new Drink("Coke")
and coke is already in the database

You cannot do this with a custom validator. It's not really what it was meant for. From the Grails Reference:
The closure can return:
null or true to indicate that the value is valid
false to indicate an invalid value and use the default message code
a string to indicate the error code to append to the "classname.propertName." string used to resolve the error message. If a field specific message cannot be resolved, the error code itself will be resolved allowing for global error messages.
a list containing a string as above, and then any number of arguments following it, which can be used as formatted message arguments indexed at 3 onwards. See grails-app/i18n/ to see how the default error message codes use the arguments.
An alternative might be to just create a service method that 1) looks for the domain and returns it if it exists, 2) otherwise, saves the domain and returns it.
There's probably a more elegant alternative. Regardless, Grails' constraints mechanism isn't (and shouldn't be) capable of this.

Not sure if you can do this from inside the validator, but:
Drink d = Drink.findOrSaveWhere(name: 'Smooth Drink', alcoholLevel: '4.5')


How to use Wingethandle in Robot framework

I try to use this in Robot framework
#{Title} = Win get handle("[ACTIVE]")
But It seem doesn't work.I need some Example for this command.
Please Help
Sorry for my poor Grammar
Cannot set variable '#{Title}': Expected list-like value, got string.
When running keywords, you don't use parentheses after the keyword to submit parameters. Instead use:
${Title}= Win Get Handle [ACTIVE]
The [ACTIVE] parameter is automatically submitted as a string.
Also, notice that I changed #{Title} into ${Title}. That is because # denotes a list variable that expects a list return from the keyword. Apparently the Win get handle returns a String variable, which shall be assigned to a scalar $-denoted variable.
Lastly, I'm not sure if you're using Win Get Handle correctly. To my understanding the implementation for that keyword would return a handle to a window (a unique identifier to run further actions against it) rather than its title.

javascript extension error: Cannot perform modifications

I'm building a custom dynamicValue extension for paw. However i'm not able to set header in the evaluate method. See the sample code below:
evaluate(context) {
const request = context.getCurrentRequest();
request.setHeader('Content-Type', this.contentType); // <-- this gives warning
return this.createSignable(request); // This returns a base64 string.
I get the warning saying Javascript extension error: Cannot perform modifications and the header is not set. ( when i comment out request.setHeader call, i get no warnings)
Can anyone please help me resolve this issue?
This is correct, you cannot use setters (set any value) in a dynamic value. In fact, the way Paw evaluates dynamic values is asynchronous and as multiple evaluations can take place simultaneously it would be impossible to record the modifications. For this reason, Paw is simply denying changes and no change is persisted during evaluation.
In the documentation, it's specified that these methods (like setHeaders) is only available for importer extensions. Sorry for the inconvenience!
I think to achieve what you're trying to do, you would need two dynamic values one set in the Authorization header and one set in the Content-Type header.
Alternatively, in the future we're going to add request post-processors, so you'll be able to mutate the computed request ready to be sent to the server for additional modifications.

Compare strings ignoring case

I am trying to find entities (Tags) in the database via their Name property, where it is important to ignore the case (When database is searched and the Database contains a Tag with the name Database, that one should be returned). Right now, my code looks like this:
public IEnumerable<db.Tag> FindByNames(IEnumerable<string> tagNames)
return this.DatabaseContext.Tags
.Where(tag => tagNames.Contains(tag.Name));
Obviously, this one is case sensitive. I have tried to provide StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase as comparer to the Contains method, but got a warning during execution that the expression could not be translated and would be executed in code rather than in the database (I don't remember the exact message, I will edit as soon as I am back on my development machine). I can live with that if I have to, but it would be nice to know how to let the database do the work in this case. Is it possible?
No change should be necessary. SQLite's "LIKE" is already case-insensitive.
The default behavior of the LIKE operator is to ignore case for ASCII characters.
(cref and Case sensitive and insensitive like in SQLite)
Of course, you can always use .FromSql() to get the exact query you want. Example:
context.Tags.FromSql("SELECT * FROM tags WHERE name LIKE '%{0}%'", tagName)

What does an empty input's value when using POST in asp?

I am using asp (JScript as my language) and working with getting data from a form that is sent using POST.
Specifically, I have a text input and I want to check if it was left empty. When leaving it empty, and including Response.Write(Request.form('opt2Dur')) in the called page, nothing prints (doesn't print null or undefined).
My thought was that it was just an empty string so I included this: Response.Write(Request.form('opt2Dur') === ''), however this printed false.
It will print true if I use Response.Write(Request.form('opt2Dur') == '') (== not ===). What is the true value that I can check against using ===? Or, in this case will it be sufficient to check with just ==?
Thanks for any help.
In scripting languages with "flexible" types and default values it's very easy to get confused with actual data types.
The actual type of each Request item (both QueryString and Form, it doesn't matter) is some sort of Array as it also supports more than one form element with the same name submitted to the ASP handler. It's mentioned in the documentation as well:
The Form collection is indexed by the names of the parameters in the request body. The value of Request.Form(element) is an array of all the values of element that occur in the request body.
Since the === also take into account type, it will return false in your case as array is not a string.
I wasn't able to find the exact actual type and reproduce it with local variable (it's not any plain array) so if you are keen on using the strict comparison operator, check the Count:
Response.Write(Request.Form('opt2Dur').Count === 0);

ognl.MethodFailedException "setCreatedDate" failed for object

i am using strut2.1.6 with tomcat 5.5
i have a Date field createDate in my PasswordHistory Bean, and corresponding date component on my "search.jsp" this field is optional - no validation required .
if i submit the form i am get the follwoing error on console
ognl.MethodFailedException: Method "setCreatedDate" failed for object [java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: setCreatedDate([Ljava.lang.String;)] –
it looks that it is trying to convert the empty string to date, when it fails it tries to search the corresponding String argument method and if it converts the value to date successfully it calls the corresponding Date argument method – Muhammad Shahid
i want to avoid any conversion if the field is emtpy.
Do you have struts.devMode = true in struts.xml? From the docs:
And thirdly, perhaps the setting which is less widely known, and therefore a source of much confusion: it will raise the level of debug or normally ignorable problems to errors. For example: when you submit a field which cannot be set on an action 'someUnknownField', it will normally be ignored. However, when you're in development mode, an exception will be thrown, telling you an invalid field was submitted. This is very useful for debugging or testing large forms, but can also be confusing if you're relying on parameters in your request that are not set on the action, but which you are using directly in your view layer (warning: bad practice, you should always validate input from the web).
