Umbraco Admin UI not showing Tree Nodes thumbnail -

When installing an Umbraco site, I changed my umbraco admin url from '/umbraco/' to '/myadminurl/', even before I went through the install process.
Just like it's documented, I changed in the web.config the keys 'umbracoReservedPaths' and 'umbracoPath' to match my new admin url.
Installed and everything is working fine, except for one thing:
All the nodes in the trees in all sections aren't showing any thumbnails. There used to be a win folder thumb before each tree node, but now it's just empty, except for the 'packages' node in the developer section, and for the recycle bin thumb.
Am I missing anything else I should had changed?

Lee Kelleher answered my question in the Umbraco forum here.
The answer is that it looks like the image reference for the tree icons are hard-coded to use the "/umbraco" path.
2 options:
Manually create the path to the image? The CSS is specifically looking for...
Change the reference in the CSS, (rule for ".tree.tree-umbraco li a") ...


NextGEN Gallery still pointing to local drive

I recently moved a wordpress site from my C: drive to a pre-production environment, linux-based machine. The site works well-ish now.
I am using NextGEN galleries there and am using custom gallery theme. This is the problem: After moving, for some reason the galleries refer to the gallery with absolute path of the C: drive, which is obviously not working since this is another machine. I looked into the database to see if there's any value starting with C:\ and indeed I found out several of them and corrected them from C:\xampp\htdocs/wp-content/themes/subspace\nggallery\gallery-subspace.php to wp-content/themes/subspace\nggallery\gallery-subspace.php. However, after refreshing the page which used the gallery in WYSIWYG editor of WP and checking its settings, it stil referred to the template on the C: drive (namely, this is on the "display galleries tab", under "Customize the display settings", it is the value of the "Template" setting).
I checked the database again and there was no path like this in it. I refreshed the page, no difference. I got irritated and went to get a cup of coffee. When I returned, I ran the database query without any modifications again and found this in the wp_options table, option name "_transient_e4ae686b7454a142b0618b1ff15b38f4":
O:8:"stdClass":17:{s:2:"ID";i:4018;s:13:"post_password";s:0:"";s:10:"menu_order";i:0;s:16:"display_settings";a:20:{s:27:"override_thumbnail_settings";s:1:"0";s:15:"thumbnail_width";s:3:"120";s:16:"thumbnail_height";s:2:"90";s:14:"thumbnail_crop";s:1:"1";s:15:"images_per_page";s:2:"24";s:17:"number_of_columns";s:1:"0";s:15:"ajax_pagination";s:1:"1";s:20:"show_all_in_lightbox";s:1:"0";s:23:"use_imagebrowser_effect";s:1:"0";s:17:"show_piclens_link";s:1:"0";s:17:"piclens_link_text";s:14:"[Show PicLens]";s:19:"show_slideshow_link";s:1:"0";s:19:"slideshow_link_text";s:16:"[Show slideshow]";s:8:"template";s:73:"C:\xampp\htdocs/wp-content/themes/subspace\nggallery\gallery-subspace.php";s:19:"use_lightbox_effect";b:1;s:23:"display_no_images_error";i:1;s:18:"disable_pagination";i:0;s:17:"thumbnail_quality";s:3:"100";s:19:"thumbnail_watermark";s:1:"0";s:20:"ngg_triggers_display";s:5:"never";}s:8:"order_by";s:9:"sortorder";s:15:"order_direction";s:3:"ASC";s:10:"exclusions";a:0:{}s:13:"container_ids";a:1:{i:0;i:37;}s:22:"excluded_container_ids";a:0:{}s:9:"sortorder";a:0:{}s:10:"entity_ids";a:0:{}s:7:"returns";s:8:"included";s:20:"maximum_entity_count";s:3:"500";s:6:"source";s:9:"galleries";s:12:"display_type";s:35:"photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails";s:4:"slug";N;s:8:"id_field";s:2:"ID";}
Which, as you can see contains the C:\ path again. I'm 100% positive this wasn't in the database a while ago and repeated the process with the same result (corrected this, waited a minute and it appeared again). Is it possible that this is pulled e.g. from some file?
You can follow the steps mentioned below:
In the wp-admin, go to "Gallery" -> "Other options" then, Click to "Lightbox effects" tab and Click "Show advanced settings" there, you'll find option to change the stylesheet and javascript urls. Change from 'localhost' to your baseurl or ( ). Then save. Thats all.
Let me see if i can help.
Warning : do not try on production, get a dev or appropriate local version running. Also -- can't remember using NextGen, so my advice comes from a desire to do "best" practice in WP.
Easy try : kill cache if used such as JetPack or similar.
Regrading the _transient - should be able to kill -- this link Can I remove transients in the wp_options table of my WordPress install? seems to be dialed in. So if there is a cached element in the
Next thing is the C:\...stuff rendered in the page source / html? If so, how is it rendered in the page (HTML please)? In other words, what part of the execution is writing C:\... to the page and why? WP has a bad habit of adding the site to the link (grr!). For example image src attribute will have the ``http://``` :
<img src=""
And this is written in the wp_posts table (fun migration issues esp if you change url) - so there is a slim possibility that the gallery info with the C drive ref is in the post or similar.
iD10t check: no config setting you missed in gallery? I hope there is not a 3rd party server/storage as #Hareesh mentioned!
Desperation (done this a few times) : dump the MySQL, get a large text editor and search for the string. Remember that weird stuff could be escaped as a " may turn into \" or the use of alternative "safe" quotes. See what can be learned.
Always an option : reinstall in a new WP site and see what/how things go.
If I think of anything else I will add it, but I just spilled how I would try to dissect the issue. GOOD LUCK.
You can use a search and replace tool to replace all C:/... instances with the correct ones.
But be sure to make a full DB backup beforehand, in case something breaks...

How to make a custom layout in a subtheme from omega 4 Drupal show in appearance settings?

I've started working with the omega 4 theme in drupal, switching from omega 3. I've created a subtheme succesfully, and according to the documentation I want to make my own layout. I've copied over the "Simple" layout from omega to my subtheme folder, as well as the required css and sass files. I've renamed all instances of Simple to Grid (my layout name).
That all seems fine, but when I go into my drupal installation, appearance -> settings -> layouts I still only see the four main omega layouts (simple, divine, hero, off canvas). It claims to show any layout from omega or installed subthemes. Why won't my layout show up for selection?
Additionally: Is it possible to use a different layout for the front page than the rest of the site?
I had the same problem myself and it turned out that in I forgot to changhe the value
template = simple-layout
template = MY-layout
pamatt: BONUS! I was having the same problem. This fixes it.
A little more detail:
If you follow the directions here it's possible you might miss this explicit reference. I'm updating that page now.
Go to your
file (of course, substitute "themename" and "layoutname" with the appropriate names) and look for a line that starts with "template" i.e.,
template = simple-layout
change "simple-layout" to your whatever you named your tpl file, minus the ".tpl.php" part.
I'm coming back to this question since after a long absense of coding I came back to it this weekend and had the exact same problem! Above answers are correct.
Another issue I had was that I had to clear the cache from Drupal -> Configuration -> Performance and not just my browser cache. After clearing the cache it showed up.

Folder Does Not Support Ordering

I see a message This type of folder does not support ordering when viewing the News or Events folder. My understanding is that items contained in such folder, their position order can not be set arbitrarily. Only alphabetical order for their IDs is applied.
From ZMI, I see News and Events folders are of ATFolder type, everything seems the same with the regular folder I just create. What makes such difference? And what is the rationale behind this?
Edit: My bad that Info message in the above image is enabled by wildcard.foldercontents, which I thought due to Plone 4.3.2. However, the issue remains that position order can not be set arbitrarily. The following image attached to illustrate this.
PS: I ever delete the News folder, create a regular folder named news, this way I can set item position order arbitrarily. However, I find the Calendar Portlet within that folder is not working right. The issue happens when I click to switch months. The URL link will be out of its context, I mean, not staying in the news folder. Maybe this is not related to the folder ordering behavior, anyway, just for your reference.
For some reason Plone is shipping with the news and events folders being unorderable.
>>> news =
>>> news.getOrdering()
<plone.folder.unordered.UnorderedOrdering object at 0x112e434d0>
I consider this a bug in plone's initial site installation.
Plone core actually explicitly sets the folder to unordered:
I don't understand why. I'll change it if there aren't any objections...

Sharepoint MasterPages/Templates customization

I am pretty new to Sharepoint.
I need to customize some Sharepoint Masterpages (the background color, the font type and a few other css requeriments).
Considering I have available the following files: v4.master, default.master and two more pages which are content pages of default.master, plus the COREv4.css file.
I know I should create a copy of one of those master pages (I am not sure which tho) and customize it changing the CSS linked to it). The following questions come in regards of this:
1) The custom CSS file should be a modified copy of the COREv4.CSS or just another CSS file with the desired styles?
2) How do I create/link the customized CSS file for the modified page via Site Settings?. How/Where should I save the new file?.
3) As for the copy of v4.master, How do I load it to "replace" the original one for the site?.
4) The system is built upon Sharepoint 2010. That ensures that the page to have the modified CSS would be a v4.master copy only?.
Thank you for the insight as always.
I managed to solve the problem getting a general idea with the pdf manual provided, your suggestions and some extra steps I will describe briefly:
1) To place my custom css file I put it in the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\3082\STYLES
2) I opened the site to be customized with Sharepoint Designer 2010.
3) I clicked on the option Main Pages/Master Pages, and selected the page to be v4.master page, copied and pasted it. Then I renamed it right clicking on it, selecting "Rename" and typed the new name, after doing that I right clicked one more and selected "Set page as main default page".
4) To edit the contents of the page I right clicked once more and selected the option "Edit content in advanced mode", right before the head tag ended I copied and pasted:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="customname.css" runat="server" After="core4.css"/>
Note that "customname.css" is my css file. Then I clicked on the floppy disk icon on the upper left side of the screen to save.
5) After doing that I used Chrome HTML/CSS Analyzer, inspecting the original (and now copied) master page to browse on the zones that needed customization in order to identify the class names/ids/element types that managed the styles to be changed. Once identified I only added to them the properties that required change, EG:
//Webparts Alternate Highlighted Rows
div#ctl00_MSO_ContentDiv tbody{ background-color:#F7FAF4 } tbody{ background-color:#F7FAF4 }
I mostly did this by myself by trial and error with Chrome Analyzer but I also helped the task using the Chart found here (, tho at some point going thru it turned a bit tricky and I decided to do it by myself as I mentioned. In the process I repeatedly added more styles to the custom file and then overwrote it on the server location to refresh the page/pages to see how it was looking, this till the end of the process.
Thanks for your help, I hope this serves as a guide for anyone that needs it. If you have questions let me know.
You can create a new master page from the scratch or modify the existing one.
Please have a look at this link it may help you to get answers of your questions
It's not advised to modify files of SharePoint.
Better to create new master page file, specify all CSS and script you want inside and install this with feature.
What version of SharePoint do you have? SharePoint 2010 Server or Foundation? Cause with server version you can brand your master page in a cool way:
see this link
Microsoft has a good introductory article on how you can/should do this.

Menu path in Pathauto

How do I get pathauto under Drupal 7 to generate a URL alias by the full menu path?
Just an update in case anyone comes across this with a more recent version of Pathauto/Token. This worked for me:
I ended up using:
Heavy caution though: If the node does not have a menu link, you'll end up without an automatically aliased page. On the bright side, this might make you aware of orphan pages. (Consider it a feature!)
Note that using the pattern:
will only give the node's menu link, not that of the parent (which would be needed to reference the parent's path).
Or the pattern:
throws an error in my instance of Drupal 7 about invalid tokens (even though I have the token module installed).
If the node is not in the menu, then it does not create an alias. Otherwise this seems to work for n-tier menus.
I think it has to be this pattern now:
"path" instead of "alias"
You'll need to install the contrib Token module as well -- although a lot of the features of Token are part of core in D7, some of the edge case tokens (like the full menu path of a given node) aren't provided by core automatically.
With that installed, I believe that [node:menu-link:parent] or [node:menu-link:parent:url] should work.
The pattern that works for me is the following:
I also intalled the Token module like Eaten suggested. Don't know if [node:menu-link:parent:url:alias] is part of core or lives in contrib.
If you're attempting to make aliases for pages that are 3rd level or deeper, for example:
Home page
> Level 1 page
> Level 2 page
> Level 3 page
and you want the alias for Level 3 page to look like, I got it to work for me by setting my pattern to:
Notice that I added :parent to the token, and for the first one I added it twice.
This is the solution I use:
It will separate parent menu items with a dash. That is what I need.
For anyone who stumbles upon this answer, and wonders how to add this:
Configuration > Search and Metadata > URL aliases, then create under "Patterns" tab.
