Passing arguments using drupal_get_form() - drupal

Here is my custom module using hook,
Assume if I want to pass argument to custom1_default_form function call, how should i pass the argument?
function custom1_block($op,$delta=0){
$block = array();
$block[0]['info']=t('hello world');
return $block;
}else if($op=='view'){
$block_content = '<p>THIS IS MY FIRST BLOCK</p>';
$block['subject'] = 'HELLO WORLD';
$block['content'] =drupal_get_form('custom1_default_form');
return $block;
function custom1_default_form () {
$form = array();
$form['nusoap_urls']['txt_name'] =
array('#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Please enter your name'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('webservice_user_url',''),
'#maxlength' => '40',
'#size' => '20',
// '#description' => t('<br />Root directory used to present the filebrowser user interface.')
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save Details'),
return $form;
function custom1_default_form_validate (&$form, &$form_state) {
if(($form_state['values']['txt_name']) == '') {
form_set_error('user_webservice', t('Enter a name'));
function custom1_default_form_submit ($form_id, $form_values) {
// drupal_set_message( print_r($_POST));
// $message = 'You have submitted the ' . $form_id . ' form which contains the following data:<pre>' . print_r($form_state['values'],true) . '</pre>';
// print_r($form_values['values']);
$GET_TXT_FIELD_VALUE = $form_values['values']['txt_name'];
if (db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {sample} WHERE test_name = '%s';", $GET_TXT_FIELD_VALUE))) {
// User doesn't exist
drupal_set_message(t('ALREADY EXIST.....'));
db_query($INSERT_QUERY)or die('Execution Failed');
drupal_set_message(t('VALUE INSERTED SUCCESSFULLY'));
drupal_set_message(t('VALUE INSERTED FAILED'));

If you want to pass an argument via the URL, use arg():
function custom1_default_form() {
// Assuming the URL is
$arg1 = arg(1); // $arg1 = 'content'
$arg2 = arg(2); // $arg2 = 'types'
// ...
If you just want to pass an argument to the form via the drupal_get_form() call, just add the arguments as additional parameters to drupal_get_form():
$block['content'] = drupal_get_form('custom1_default_form', $arg1, $arg2);
// ...
function custom1_default_form($form_state, $arg1, $arg2) {
// ...

I have found that in Drupal 6.20 you should add a dummy argument to the callback function definition:
$block['content'] = drupal_get_form('custom1_default_form', $arg1, $arg2);
// ...
function custom1_default_form($dummy, $arg1, $arg2) { // look at what gets stored in $dummy
// ...

avoid the using of arg() functions when possible:
Avoid use of this function where possible, as resulting code is hard
to read. In menu callback functions, attempt to use named arguments.
See the explanation in for how to construct callbacks that
take arguments. When attempting to use this function to load an
element from the current path, e.g. loading the node on a node page,
use menu_get_object() instead.


Drupal 7 | Import CSV, row by row, into custom table

Assuming I have a CSV like this:
and a table with two columns
how can I programatically import the CSV into the table?
#erier's answer is really good and will get the job done.
As the question is tagged with Drupal 7 I thought I would submit a Drupal custom module method, adapting #erier's answer and prettifying it.
For the basics of a custom module, you can see this simple example.
function custom_module_form($form, &$form_state) {
$form['csv_upload'] = array(
'#type' => 'file',
'#title' => t('Choose a file'),
'#title_display' => 'invisible',
'#size' => 22,
'#upload_validators' => array('file_clean_name' => array()),
$form['upload'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => 'Upload',
function custom_module_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
$validators = array('file_validate_extensions' => array('csv'));
// Check for a new uploaded file.
$file = file_save_upload('csv_upload', $validators);
//$file = $form_state['values']['csv_upload'];
if (isset($file)) {
// File upload was attempted.
if ($file) {
// Put the temporary file in form_values so we can save it on submit.
$form_state['values']['csv_upload_file'] = $file;
else {
// File upload failed.
form_set_error('csv_upload', t('The file could not be uploaded.'));
function custom_module_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$file = $form_state['values']['csv_upload_file'];
$file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT;
$file->filename = str_replace(' ', '_', $file->filename);
$csv_file = file_load($file->fid);
$file = fopen($csv_file->uri, "r");
while(! feof($file))
$customer = fgetcsv($file));
'column1' => $customer[0],
'column2' => $customer[1]
drupal_set_message('CSV data added to the database');
function file_clean_name($file) {
$file->filename = str_replace(' ', '_', $file->filename);
That is assuming your question was about a database table.
If you meant into an html table, you can adapt the submit function after $csv_file = file_load($file->fid); like this:
$headers = array('column 1', 'column 2');
$rows = array();
$file = fopen("contacts.csv","r");
while(! feof($file))
$customer = fgetcsv($file));
$rows[] = array($customer[0], $customer[1]);
return theme('table', array('header' => $headers, 'rows' => $rows);
Or adapt the two by adding the data to the database and displaying to the screen without a second database hit.
This is what I've come up with - I'm no PHP expert - and it doesn't seem pretty - but it works!
$handle = fopen('/path/to/file/filename.csv', 'r');
$row = fgetcsv($handle);
for ($e = 0; $row = fgetcsv($handle); $e++) {
$record = array();
foreach ($row as $field) {
$record[] = $field;
'column1' => $record[0],
'column2' => $record[1]
The table will then look like this:
This module may help you
It requires Feeds but it extends it to work with custom tables (non drupal entities)

How can I make register_rest_field return for some but not all endpoints?

I would like register_rest_field to return a certain field for a user only when a specific user is being requested (i.e. the request is /user/$user_id) -- not when /users or other endpoints are used.
One way I can think of to sort of do this would be to check the API request URL in the register_rest_field function and conditionally change the return value depending on the endpoint, but I don't know how to access that URL.
What would be the best way to do this?
You can use $request->get_url_params(); to check if request has $user_id or not.
add_filter( 'rest_prepare_user', 'mo_user_json', 10, 3);
function mo_user_json( $data, $user, $request ) {
$response_data = $data->get_data();
// for remove fields
// array user meta
$usermetas = [];
$metas = [
foreach ($metas as $meta) {
if(!empty(get_user_meta( $user->ID, $meta))){
$info = get_user_meta( $user->ID, $meta);
$usermetas[$meta] = $info[0];
// format json
$nodes = [
'field1' => $usermetas['field1']
'field2' => $usermetas['field2']
'field3' => $usermetas['field3'],
'field4' => [
'field4' => $usermetas['field4']
'field5' => $usermetas['field5']
'field6' => $usermetas['field6']
foreach ($nodes as $key => $node) {
$response_data['meta'][$key] = $node;
// add fields formated in json
$data->set_data( $response_data );
return $data;

Drupal Views Filter Handler

I wrote a custom views handler, that mark message private to 0 or 1 or 2; any is value of hers label [MARK_READ,ARK_NEW,...] :
function mydevel_views_data() {
$data['mydevel']['table']['group'] = t('mydevel');
$data['mydevel']['table']['join'] = array(
// Exist in all views.
'#global' => array(),
$data['mydevel']['mydevel_isnewmessage'] = array(
'title' => t('is new message field'),
'help' => t('is new message field.'),
'field' => array(
'handler' => 'mydevel_handler_field_isnewmessage',
'click sortable' => TRUE,
'filter' => array(
'handler' => 'mydevel_handler_filter_isnewmessage',
and wrote a filed handler that work properly; message_mark function is wrote on mydevel module file and work currectly; if the message is new that filed label row by "now":
class mydevel_handler_field_isnewmessage extends views_handler_field_numeric {
var $field_alias = 'mydevel_field_isnewmessage';
function query() {
function option_definition() {
$options = parent::option_definition();
return $options;
function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
function get_value($values, $field = NULL) {
return intval(message_mark($values->mid, $values->message_timestamp));
function render($values) {
$value = $this->get_value($values);
$value_theme = theme('mark', array('type' => $value));
return $value_theme;
Now, i want to write a views filter handler that filter on that filed on numeric mode [0 or 1 or 2] or on check list mode [all, read, new, updated]. but I don't want to overwite query function on filter handler and want to use from value that returned by this common handler filed (mydevel_handler_filter_isnewmessage) that added to views filed. can wrote this idea by extend the standard views handler? what i do my dears? I wrote this but not work: this is return error
class mydevel_handler_filter_isnewmessage extends views_handler_filter_numeric {
var $always_multiple = TRUE;
function option_definition() {
$options = parent::option_definition();
return $options;
function operators() {
$operators = parent::operators();
return $operators;
function query() {
tank you a lot.

Drupal 7 Batch Page Example

I'm trying to setup a batch page for processing and I need an example. The example that's given in the Example module is within a form and I need a page that I can run independently of a form that will process batch requests.
For instance:
function mymodule_batch_2() {
$operations[] = array('mymodule_onefunction','mymodule_anotherfunction')
$batch = array(
'operations' => $operations,
'finished' => 'mymodule_finished',
// We can define custom messages instead of the default ones.
'title' => t('Processing batch 2'),
'init_message' => t('Batch 2 is starting.'),
'progress_message' => t('Processed #current out of #total.'),
'error_message' => t('Batch 2 has encountered an error.'),
Where the batch function would call other functions in the form of $operations.
You need to give batch process an id to work from. batch_process('mybatch')otherwise yourmexample is correct. are you having a particular problem with this strategy?
Here you can see my sample of batch relization with form that calls batch:
function my_module_menu() {
$items['admin/commerce/import'] = array(
'title' => t('Import'),
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array('my_module_settings_form'),
'access arguments' => array('administer site settings'),
return $items;
* Import form
function my_module_settings_form() {
$form = array();
$form['import'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Import'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => FALSE,
$form['import']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Import'),
return $form;
function my_module_settings_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
* Batch start function
function batch_my_module_import_start() {
$batch = array(
'title' => t('Import products'),
'operations' => array(
array('_batch_my_module_import', array()),
'progress_message' => t('Import. Operation #current out of #total.'),
'error_message' => t('Error!'),
'finished' => 'my_module_batch_finished',
* Import from 1C operation. Deletes Products
function _batch_my_module_import(&$context) {
// Your iterms. In my case select all products
$pids = db_select('commerce_product', 'p')
->fields('p', array('sku', 'product_id', 'title'))
->condition('p.type', 'product')
// Get Count of products
if (empty($context['sandbox']['progress'])) {
$context['sandbox']['progress'] = 0;
$context['sandbox']['max'] = count($pids);
watchdog('import', 'import products');
// Create Iteration variable
if (empty($context['sandbox']['iteration'])) {
$context['sandbox']['iteration'] = 0;
// Check for the end of cycle
if ($context['sandbox']['iteration'] < $context['sandbox']['max']) {
// Count of operation in one batch step
$limit = 10;
// Counts completed operations in one batch step
$counter = 0;
if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] != 0) {
$context['sandbox']['iteration'] = $context['sandbox']['iteration'] + $limit;
// Loop all Product items in xml
for ($i = $context['sandbox']['iteration']; $i < $context['sandbox']['max'] && $counter < $limit; $i++) {
/* Loop items here */
/* ... */
/* ... */
$context['results']['added']['products'][] = $product_item->title;
// Update Progress
// Messages
$context['message'] = t('Now processing product %name. Product %progress of %count', array('%name' => $product_item->title, '%progress' => $context['sandbox']['progress'], '%count' => $context['sandbox']['max']));
$context['results']['processed'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'];
if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] != $context['sandbox']['max']) {
$context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max'];
* Finish of batch. Messagess
function my_module_batch_finished($success, $results, $operations) {
if ($success) {
drupal_set_message(t('#count products added.', array('#count' => isset($results['added']) ? count($results['added']) : 0)));
else {
$error_operation = reset($operations);
drupal_set_message(t('An error occurred while processing #operation with arguments : #args', array('#operation' => $error_operation[0], '#args' => print_r($error_operation[0], TRUE))));
watchdog('import', 'import finished');
function module_name_import_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
// Check to make sure that the file was uploaded to the server properly
$uri = db_query("SELECT uri FROM {file_managed} WHERE fid = :fid", array(
':fid' => $form_state['input']['import']['fid'],
if(!empty($uri)) {
if(file_exists(drupal_realpath($uri))) {
// Open the csv
$handle = fopen(drupal_realpath($uri), "r");
// Go through each row in the csv and run a function on it. In this case we are parsing by '|' (pipe) characters.
// If you want commas are any other character, replace the pipe with it.
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, '|', '"')) !== FALSE) {
$operations[] = array(
'module_name_import_batch_processing', // The function to run on each row
array($data), // The row in the csv
// Once everything is gathered and ready to be processed... well... process it!
$batch = array(
'title' => t('Importing CSV...'),
'operations' => $operations, // Runs all of the queued processes from the while loop above.
'finished' => 'module_name_import_finished', // Function to run when the import is successful
'error_message' => t('The installation has encountered an error.'),
'progress_message' => t('Imported #current of #total products.'),
else {
drupal_set_message(t('There was an error uploading your file. Please contact a System administator.'), 'error');
* This function runs the batch processing and creates nodes with then given information
* #see
* module_name_import_form_submit()
function module_name_import_batch_processing($data) {
// Lets make the variables more readable.
$title = $data[0];
$body = $data[1];
$serial_num = $data[2];
// Find out if the node already exists by looking up its serial number. Each serial number should be unique. You can use whatever you want.
$nid = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT n.nid FROM {node} n " .
"INNER JOIN {field_data_field_serial_number} s ON s.revision_id = n.vid AND s.entity_id = n.nid " .
"WHERE field_serial_number_value = :serial", array(
':serial' => $serial_num,
if(!empty($nid)) {
// The node exists! Load it.
$node = node_load($nid);
// Change the values. No need to update the serial number though.
$node->title = $title;
$node->body['und'][0]['value'] = $body;
$node->body['und'][0]['safe_value'] = check_plain($body);
else {
// The node does not exist! Create it.
global $user;
$node = new StdClass();
$node->type = 'page'; // Choose your type
$node->status = 1; // Sets to published automatically, 0 will be unpublished
$node->title = $title;
$node->uid = $user->uid;
$node->body['und'][0]['value'] = $body;
$node->body['und'][0]['safe_value'] = check_plain($body);
$node->language = 'und';
$node->field_serial_number['und'][0]['value'] = $serial_num;
$node->field_serial_number['und'][0]['safe_value'] = check_plain($serial_num);
* This function runs when the batch processing is complete
* #see
* module_name_import_form_submit()
function module_name_import_finished() {
drupal_set_message(t('Import Completed Successfully'));

Drupal autocomplete, callback with multiple parameters

I am adding some autocomplete on a form alter. The problem is that in the callback, only the string in the textfield The autocomplete is on, is available. I also want to access a value from another textfield in the callback. How is this possible ?
* Implements hook_form_alter().
function webform_conversion_jquery_form_webform_client_form_1_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
//Load some extra function to process data
module_load_include('inc', 'webform_conversion_jquery', '/includes/dataqueries');
//Add extra js files
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_conversion_jquery') . '/js/conversionform.js');
$form['submitted']['correspondentadress']['cor_street']['#autocomplete_path'] = 'conversionform/conversion_street';
* Implements hook_menu().
function webform_conversion_jquery_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['conversionform/conversion_street'] = array(
'title' => 'Conversion street autocomplete',
'page callback' => 'conversion_street_autocomplete',
'access callback' => 'user_access',
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* Retrieve a JSON object containing autocomplete suggestions for streets depending on the zipcode.
function conversion_street_autocomplete($street = '') {
$street = "%" . $street . "%";
$matches = array();
$result = db_select('conversion_adresslist')
->fields('conversion_adresslist', array('street'))
->condition('street', $street, 'like')
foreach ($result as $street) {
$matches[$street->street] = $street->street;
I just want to be able to post extra information in the function:
conversion_street_autocomplete($street = '', $extraparameter)
I had the same problem and have figured out a way, which is not too strenuous. It involves overriding the textfield theme and then passing your parameter to the theme function.
First create declare your theme function:
function mymodule_theme() {
$theme_hooks = array(
'my_module_autocomplete' => array(
'render element' => 'element',
return $theme_hooks;
Next we need to add the theme and the variable to our form element. In my case, the form element is part of a field widget:
function my_module_field_widget_form($form, &$form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
if($instance['widget']['type'] == 'my_module_field_type') {
$element['my_module_field'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#autocomplete_path' => 'my-module/autocomplete',
'#theme' => 'my_module_autocomplete',
'#my_module_variable' => $field['field_name'],
return $element;
Then implement the theme function. This is a copy of theme_textfield from includes/ with one important difference - we append the variable to the autocomplete path:
function theme_my_module_autocomplet($variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
$element['#attributes']['type'] = 'text';
element_set_attributes($element, array('id', 'name', 'value', 'size', 'maxlength'));
_form_set_class($element, array('form-text'));
$extra = '';
if ($element['#autocomplete_path'] && drupal_valid_path($element['#autocomplete_path'])) {
drupal_add_library('system', 'drupal.autocomplete');
$element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'form-autocomplete';
$attributes = array();
$attributes['type'] = 'hidden';
$attributes['id'] = $element['#attributes']['id'] . '-autocomplete';
$attributes['value'] = url($element['#autocomplete_path'] . '/' . $element['#my_module_variable'], array('absolute' => TRUE));
$attributes['disabled'] = 'disabled';
$attributes['class'][] = 'autocomplete';
$extra = '<input' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . ' />';
$output = '<input' . drupal_attributes($element['#attributes']) . ' />';
return $output . $extra;
Now the variable will be available as the first parameter on the autocomplete callback function:
function _my_module_autocomplete($my_module_variable, $search_string) {
// Happy days, we now have access to our parameter.
Just in case anyone is still having trouble with this I found a great solution while trying to figure out how to do this. I had a year select list and that dictated what data was displayed in the autocomplete field. The solution basically has an ajax callback function for the select list that can then update the autocomplete field with an extra parameter in the url. Anyways, it is really well explained in the following article.
*A note of caution, I was going crazy trying to figure out why it did not work and it turns out you can't have the same form on the page twice (I needed to because I was displaying it differently for mobile devices) because you are using an id for the ajax callback. I added an extra argument to accomplish that. It is called uniqueid in the below example.
function report_cards_comparison_form($form, &$form_state, $uniqueid) {
$curryear = t('2012');
$form['year_select'] = array(
'#title' => t('School Year'),
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => array(
'2012' => t('2012'),
'2013' => t('2013'),
'2014' => t('2014'),
'2015' => t('2015'),
'#default_value' => $curryear,
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => 'report_cards_comparison_form_callback',
'wrapper' => $uniqueid,
'progress' => array(
'message' => 'Updating Schools...',
'type' => 'throbber'
$form['choice'] = array(
//'#title' => t('Search By: School Name'),
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => array('school-choice'),
'placeholder' => t('Start Typing School Name...'),
'#required' => TRUE,
'#autocomplete_path' => 'reportcards/autocomplete/' . $curryear,
'#prefix' => '<div id="' . $uniqueid . '">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#prefix' => '<div class="submit-btn-wrap">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#value' => t('Search'),
'#attributes' => array('id' => 'add-school-submit'),
return $form;
* Ajax Callback that updates the autocomplete ajax when there is a change in the Year Select List
function report_cards_comparison_form_callback($form, &$form_state) {
unset($form_state['input']['choice'], $form_state['values']['choice']);
$curryear = $form_state['values']['year_select'];
$form_state['input']['choice'] = '';
$form['choice']['#value'] = '';
$form['choice']['#autocomplete_path'] = 'reportcards/autocomplete/' . $curryear;
return form_builder($form['#id'], $form['choice'], $form_state);
and I can call the form by doing this...
print render(drupal_get_form('report_cards_comparison_form', 'desktop-schoolmatches'));
You can do it by overriding methods from autocomplete.js in your own js. Here is example:
(function($) {
Drupal.behaviors.someModuleOverrideAC = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
// Next is copied and adjusted method from autocomplete.js
Drupal.jsAC.prototype.populatePopup = function() {
var $input = $(this.input);
var position = $input.position();
// Show popup.
if (this.popup) {
this.selected = false;
this.popup = $('<div id="autocomplete"></div>')[0];
this.popup.owner = this;
top: parseInt( + this.input.offsetHeight, 10) + 'px',
left: parseInt(position.left, 10) + 'px',
width: $input.innerWidth() + 'px',
display: 'none'
// Do search.
this.db.owner = this;
if ($input.attr('name') === 'field_appartment_complex') {
// Overriden search
// Build custom search string for apartments autocomplete
var $wrapper = $('');
var $elements = $('input, select', $wrapper);
var searchElements = {string: this.input.value};
$elements.each(function() {
searchElements[$(this).data('address-part')] = $(this).val();
var string = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(searchElements));;
else {
// Default search;
In your server callback:
function some_module_autocomplete_ajax($string) {
// Decode custom string obtained using overriden autocomplete js.
$components = drupal_json_decode(rawurldecode($string));
// Do you search here using multiple params from $components
Ok, for as far as I can see it is not possible. maybe you can roll your own with the ajax functionality in fapi
For now I solved it by implementing jquery.ui.autocomplete which is included in drupal 7
