QT4 How to blur QPixmap image? - qt

QT4 How to blur QPixmap image?
I am looking for something like one of the following:
What is the best way to do this?

1st) declare external QT routine:
extern Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT void qt_blurImage( QPainter *p, QImage &blurImage, qreal radius, bool quality, bool alphaOnly, int transposed = 0 );
2nd) Use:
extern QImage srcImg;//source image
QPixmap pxDst( srcImg.size() );//blurred destination
pxDst.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter painter( &pxDst );
qt_blurImage( &painter, srcImg, 2, true, false );//blur radius: 2px

Let's contribute to this topic. As of Qt 5.3, following function will help you a lot with applying QGraphicsEffect to QImage (and not losing the alpha)
QImage applyEffectToImage(QImage src, QGraphicsEffect *effect, int extent = 0)
if(src.isNull()) return QImage(); //No need to do anything else!
if(!effect) return src; //No need to do anything else!
QGraphicsScene scene;
QGraphicsPixmapItem item;
QImage res(src.size()+QSize(extent*2, extent*2), QImage::Format_ARGB32);
QPainter ptr(&res);
scene.render(&ptr, QRectF(), QRectF( -extent, -extent, src.width()+extent*2, src.height()+extent*2 ) );
return res;
Them, using this function to blur your image is straightforward:
QGraphicsBlurEffect *blur = new QGraphicsBlurEffect;
QImage source("://img1.png");
QImage result = applyEffectToImage(source, blur);
Of course, you don't need to save it, this was just an example of usefulness.
You can even drop a shadow:
QGraphicsDropShadowEffect *e = new QGraphicsDropShadowEffect;
QImage p("://img3.png");
QImage res = applyEffectToImage(p, e, 40);
And note the extent parameter, it adds extent number of pixels to all sides of the original image, especially useful for shadows and blurs to not be cut-off.

Check out this:
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QImage>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QLabel>
QImage blurred(const QImage& image, const QRect& rect, int radius, bool alphaOnly = false)
int tab[] = { 14, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 };
int alpha = (radius < 1) ? 16 : (radius > 17) ? 1 : tab[radius-1];
QImage result = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
int r1 = rect.top();
int r2 = rect.bottom();
int c1 = rect.left();
int c2 = rect.right();
int bpl = result.bytesPerLine();
int rgba[4];
unsigned char* p;
int i1 = 0;
int i2 = 3;
if (alphaOnly)
i1 = i2 = (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::BigEndian ? 0 : 3);
for (int col = c1; col <= c2; col++) {
p = result.scanLine(r1) + col * 4;
for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
p += bpl;
for (int j = r1; j < r2; j++, p += bpl)
for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
p[i] = (rgba[i] += ((p[i] << 4) - rgba[i]) * alpha / 16) >> 4;
for (int row = r1; row <= r2; row++) {
p = result.scanLine(row) + c1 * 4;
for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
p += 4;
for (int j = c1; j < c2; j++, p += 4)
for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
p[i] = (rgba[i] += ((p[i] << 4) - rgba[i]) * alpha / 16) >> 4;
for (int col = c1; col <= c2; col++) {
p = result.scanLine(r2) + col * 4;
for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
p -= bpl;
for (int j = r1; j < r2; j++, p -= bpl)
for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
p[i] = (rgba[i] += ((p[i] << 4) - rgba[i]) * alpha / 16) >> 4;
for (int row = r1; row <= r2; row++) {
p = result.scanLine(row) + c2 * 4;
for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
rgba[i] = p[i] << 4;
p -= 4;
for (int j = c1; j < c2; j++, p -= 4)
for (int i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
p[i] = (rgba[i] += ((p[i] << 4) - rgba[i]) * alpha / 16) >> 4;
return result;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QLabel label;
QImage image("image.png");
image = blurred(image,image.rect(),10,false);
return a.exec();

Method 1a: grab the raw bits and do it yourself. You'll need to be sufficiently familiar with bitmaps and blurring algorithms to implement the blur yourself. If you want that sort of precision, this is the way to go.
QImage image = pixmap.toImage();
if (image.format() != QImage::Format_RGB32)
image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32);
uchar* bits = image.bits();
int rowBytes = image.bytesPerLine();
DoMyOwnBlurAlgorithm(bits, image.width(), image.height(), rowBytes);
return QPixmap::fromImage(image);
Method 1b: who needs raw bits? You can use image.pixel(x,y) and image.setPixel(x,y,color) instead. This won't be as fast as 1a, but it should be a bit easier to understand and code.
QImage image = pixmap.toImage();
QImage output(image.width(), image.height(), image.format());
for (int y=0; y<image.height(); ++y)
for (int x=0; x<image.width(); ++x)
output.setPixel(getBlurredColor(image, x, y));
return output;
Method 2: use a QGraphicsBlurEffect, through a widget or scene. The code here uses a label widget:
QPixmap BlurAPixmap(const QPixmap& inPixmap)
QLabel* label = new QLabel();
label->setGraphicsEffect(new QGraphicsBlurEffect());
QPixmap output(inPixmap.width(), inPixmap.height());
QPainter painter(&output);
return output;
Tweak as needed. For example, I'm presuming the default graphics blur effect is acceptable. I'm using Method 2 in my project.

A Gaussian blur is a simple way to create a blurring effect.
Edit: And lo, I came across Qt's QGraphicsBlurEffect. Introduced in Qt 4.6, it seems to do exactly what you want.

Add python code based on #Петър Петров answer for QT 5.
def applyEffectToImage(src, effect):
scene = QGraphicsScene()
item = QGraphicsPixmapItem()
res = QImage(src.size(), QImage.Format_ARGB32)
ptr = QPainter(res)
scene.render(ptr, QRectF(), QRectF(0,0, src.width(), src.height()) )
return res
blur = QGraphicsBlurEffect()
source = QImage(r"C:\Users\fran\Desktop\test.png")
result = applyEffectToImage(source, blur)


How do I plot E8 (Exceptional Lie Group order 8) in 2D?

For the last week or so I have been struggling to find a resource that will allow me to make something like the 2D petrie polygon diagrams in this article.
My main trouble is finding out what the rules are for the edge and node connections.
I.e. in this plot, is there a simple way to make the image from scratch (even if it not fully representative of the bigger theory behind it)?
Any help is massively appreciated!
Here is how I solved this problem!
// to run
// clink -c Ex8
// ./Ex8
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dislin.h"
// method to generate all permutations of a set with repeated elements:
the root system
float root_sys[240][8];
int count = 0;
/// checks elements in root system to see if they should be permuted
int shouldSwap(float base[], int start, int curr)
for (int i = start; i < curr; i++)
if (base[i] == base[curr])
return 0;
return 1;
/// performs permutations of root system
void permutations(float base[], int index, int n)
if (index >= n) {
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
root_sys[count][i] = base[i];
for (int i = index; i < n; i++) {
int check = shouldSwap(base, index, i);
if (check) {
float temp_0 = base[index];
float temp_1 = base[i];
base[index] = temp_1;
base[i] = temp_0;
permutations(base, index + 1, n);
float temp_2 = base[index];
float temp_3 = base[i];
base[index] = temp_3;
base[i] = temp_2;
// function to list all distances from one node to others
float inner_product(float * vect_0, float * vect_1){
float sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
sum = sum + ((vect_0[i] - vect_1[i]) * (vect_0[i] - vect_1[i]));
}return sum;
/// inner product funtion
float inner_product_plus(float * vect_0, float * vect_1){
float sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
sum = sum + (vect_0[i] * vect_1[i]);
}return sum;
int main(void){
// base vector permutations of E8 root system
float base_sys[8][8] = {
//permute the base vectors
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
//calculating distances between all roots, outputting correspondence matrix
int distance_matrix[240][240];
for(int i = 0; i < 240; i++){
int dist_m = 100;
for(int ii = 0; ii < 240; ii++){
float dist = inner_product(root_sys[i], root_sys[ii]);
if(dist == 2){ //connecting distance in E8
distance_matrix[i][ii] = 1;
}else{distance_matrix[i][ii] == 0;};
//use another program to calculate eigenvectors of root system . . . after some fiddling, these vectors appear
float re[8] = {0.438217070641, 0.205187681291,
0.36459828198, 0.0124511903657,
-0.0124511903657, -0.36459828198,
-0.205187681291, -0.67645247517};
float im[8] = {-0.118465163028, 0.404927414852,
0.581970822973, 0.264896157496,
0.501826483552, 0.345040496917,
0.167997088796, 0.118465163028};
//define co-ordinate system for relevent points
float rings_x[240];
float rings_y[240];
//decide on which points belong to the system
for(int i = 0; i < 240; i++){
float current_point[8];
for(int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++){
current_point[ii] = root_sys[i][ii];
rings_x[i] = inner_product_plus(current_point, re);
rings_y[i] = inner_product_plus(current_point, im);
//graph the system using DISLIN library
graf(-1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1.2, -1.2, 1);
// a connection appears depending on the previously calculated distance matrix
for(int i = 0; i < 240; i++){
for(int ii = 0; ii < 240; ii++){
int connect = distance_matrix[i][ii];
if(connect == 1){
rline(rings_x[i], rings_y[i], rings_x[ii], rings_y[ii]);
distance_matrix[ii][i] = 0;
// More DISLIN functions
titlin("E8", 1);
name("R-axis", "x");
name("I-axis", "y");
qplsca(rings_x, rings_y, 240);
return 0;
Extra points to anyone who can explain how to rotate the 2d plot to create a 3-d animation of this object

OpenCL clEnqueueNDRangeKernel how to set work group size correctly

In OpenCL, if I want to add two N-dimension vectors, the global work group size (globalSize) should satisfy globalSize = ceil(N/localSize) * localSize, where localSize is the local work group size. Is this correct? If N = 1000, and localSize = 128, globalSize should be 1024? Can we always set globalSize some multiple of localSize and larger than needed?
I tried many times and it worked well for 1-dimension problems.
However, when it comes to 2d problems, for example, multiply two matrices of dimension m*n and n*p, the result matrix is of order m*p, things get more complicated.
The max work group size on my device is 128, so I set localSize [2] = {16,8} and
globalSize [2] = {ceil(m/16)*16,ceil(p/8)*8}.
It is similar to the 1-dimension case but the result is wrong!
If I set localSize [2] = {1,128} and change the globalSize accordingly, I can get the correct result. So where is the problem? Can anyone tell me why?
In addition, I find out the indices where the matrix element is wrong.
It seems that the result is wrong at (i,j) where i*p + j = n * some constant (n = 1,2,3...)
Here is my kernel function:
kernel void mmult(const int Mdim, const int Ndim, const int Pdim,
global float *A, global float *B, global float *C)
int i = get_global_id(1);
int j = get_global_id(0);
if(i < 0 || j < 0 || i > Mdim || j > Pdim) return;
float tmp = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < Ndim; k++)
tmp += A[i*Ndim+k] * B[k*Pdim+j];
C[i*Pdim + j] = tmp;
And then it is the host program:
#define __NO_STD_VECTOR // Use cl::vector instead of STL version
#include <CL/cl.hpp>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace cl;
int main()
// Create the two input matrices
int m = 1000;
int n = 1000;
int p = 1000;
float *A = new float[m*n];
float *B = new float[n*p];
for(int i = 0; i < m*n; i++)
A[i] = i;
for(int i = 0; i < n*p; i++)
B[i] = i;
// Get available platforms
vector<Platform> platforms;
// Select the default platform and create a context using this platform and the GPU
cl_context_properties cps[3] =
Context context( CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, cps);
// Get a list of devices on this platform
vector<Device> devices = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>();
// Create a command queue and use the first device
CommandQueue queue = CommandQueue(context, devices[0]);
// Read source file
std::ifstream sourceFile("mmul.cl");
std::string sourceCode(
Program::Sources source(1, std::make_pair(sourceCode.c_str(), sourceCode.length()+1));
// Make program of the source code in the context
Program program = Program(context, source);
// Build program for these specific devices
// Make kernel
Kernel kernel(program, "mmult");
// Create memory buffers
Buffer bufferA = Buffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, m*n * sizeof(float));
Buffer bufferB = Buffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, p*n * sizeof(float));
Buffer bufferC = Buffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, m*p * sizeof(float));
// Copy lists A and B to the memory buffers
queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(bufferA, CL_TRUE, 0, m * n * sizeof(float), A);
queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(bufferB, CL_TRUE, 0, p * n * sizeof(float), B);
// Set arguments to kernel
kernel.setArg(0, m);
kernel.setArg(1, n);
kernel.setArg(2, p);
kernel.setArg(3, bufferA);
kernel.setArg(4, bufferB);
kernel.setArg(5, bufferC);
// Run the kernel on specific ND range
NDRange global((ceil((float)(p)/16))*16,(ceil((float)(m)/8))*8);
NDRange local(16,8);
queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, NullRange, global, local);
// Read buffer C into a local list
float *C = new float[m*p];
queue.enqueueReadBuffer(bufferC, CL_TRUE, 0, m*p * sizeof(float), C);
// check the correctness of the result
float *c = new float[m*p];
for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < p; j++)
float z = 0.0;
for(int k = 0; k < n; k++)
z += A[i*n+k] * B[k*p+j];
c[i*p+j] = z;
for(int i = 0; i < m*p; i++)
std::cout<<i<<" "<<c[i]<<" "<<C[i]<<std::endl;
delete []A;
delete []B;
delete []C;
catch(Error error)
std::cout << error.what() << "(" << error.err() << ")" << std::endl;
return 0;
Your bounds checking code inside your OpenCL kernel is incorrect. Instead of this:
if(i < 0 || j < 0 || i > Mdim || j > Pdim) return;
You should have this:
if(i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= Mdim || j >= Pdim) return;
Let's assume, that you have float matrix of size 1000x1000:
const int size = 1000;
// Whatever
float* myMatrix = (float*)calloc(size * size, sizeof(*myMatrix));
Determine size of Local Group first:
size_t localSize[] = {16, 8};
Then determine, how many Local Groups do you need:
size_t numLocalGroups[] = {ceil(size/localSize[0]), ceil(size/localSize[1])};
Finally, determine NDRange size:
size_t globalSize[] = {localSize[0] * numLocalGroups[0], localSize[1] * numLocalGroups[1]};
Don't forget to handle out-of-bounds access in right-most Local Groups.

Unhandled exception error with two dimensional array

This dynamic programming algorithm is returning unhandled exception error probably due to the two dimensional arrays that I am using for various (and very large) number of inputs. I can't seem to figure out the issue here. The complete program as follows:
// A Dynamic Programming based solution for 0-1 Knapsack problem
#define MAX 10000
int size;
int Weight;
int p[MAX];
int w[MAX];
// A utility function that returns maximum of two integers
int maximum(int a, int b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; }
// Returns the maximum value that can be put in a knapsack of capacity W
int knapSack(int W, int wt[], int val[], int n)
int i, w;
int retVal;
int **K;
K = (int**)calloc(n+1, sizeof(int*));
for (i = 0; i < n + 1; ++i)
K[i] = (int*)calloc(W + 1, sizeof(int));
// Build table K[][] in bottom up manner
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
for (w = 0; w <= W; w++)
if (i == 0 || w == 0)
K[i][w] = 0;
else if (wt[i - 1] <= w)
K[i][w] = maximum(val[i - 1] + K[i - 1][w - wt[i - 1]], K[i - 1][w]);
K[i][w] = K[i - 1][w];
retVal = K[n][W];
for (i = 0; i < size + 1; i++)
return retVal;
int random_in_range(unsigned int min, unsigned int max)
int base_random = rand();
if (RAND_MAX == base_random) return random_in_range(min, max);
int range = max - min,
remainder = RAND_MAX % range,
bucket = RAND_MAX / range;
if (base_random < RAND_MAX - remainder) {
return min + base_random / bucket;
else {
return random_in_range(min, max);
int main()
int val = 0;
int i, j;
//each input set is contained in an array
int batch[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 5000, 10000 };
int sizeOfBatch = sizeof(batch) / sizeof(batch[0]);
//algorithms are called per size of the input array
for (i = 0; i < sizeOfBatch; i++){
//dynamic array allocation (variable length to avoid stack overflow
//calloc is used to avoid garbage values
int *p = (int*)calloc(batch[i], sizeof(int));
int *w = (int*)calloc(batch[i], sizeof(int));
for (j = 0; j < batch[i]; j++){
p[j] = random_in_range(1, 500);
w[j] = random_in_range(1, 100);
size = batch[i];
Weight = batch[i] * 25;
printf("| %d ", batch[i]);
printf(" %d", knapSack(Weight, w, p, size));
return 0;
Change this:
for (i = 0; i < size + 1; i++)
return K[size][Weight];
To this:
int retVal;
retVal = K[size][Weight];
for (i = 0; i < size + 1; i++)
return retVal;

Spellcheck program using MPI

So, my assignment is to write a spell check program and then parallelize it using openMPI. My take was to load the words from a text file into my array called dict[] and this is used as my dictionary. Next, I get input from the user and then it's supposed go through the dictionary array and check whether the current word is within the threshold percentage, if it is, print it out. But I'm only supposed to print out a certain amount of words. My problem is, is that, my suggestions[] array, doesn't seem to fill up the way I need it to, and it gets a lot of blank spots in it, whereas, I thought at least, is that the way I wrote it, is to just fill it when a word is within threshold. So it shouldn't get any blanks in it until there are no more words being added. I think it's close to being finished but I can't seem to figure this part out. Any help is appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 30
#define max(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
char *dict[50000];
char *suggestions[50000];
char enterWord[50];
char *myWord;
int wordsToPrint = 20;
int threshold = 40;
int i;
int words_added = 0;
int levenshtein(const char *word1, int len1, const char *word2, int len2){
int matrix[len1 + 1][len2 + 1];
int a;
for(a=0; a<= len1; a++){
matrix[a][0] = a;
matrix[0][a] = a;
for(a = 1; a <= len1; a++){
int j;
char c1;
c1 = word1[a-1];
for(j = 1; j <= len2; j++){
char c2;
c2 = word2[j-1];
if(c1 == c2){
matrix[a][j] = matrix[a-1][j-1];
int delete, insert, substitute, minimum;
delete = matrix[a-1][j] +1;
insert = matrix[a][j-1] +1;
substitute = matrix[a-1][j-1] +1;
minimum = delete;
if(insert < minimum){
minimum = insert;
if(substitute < minimum){
minimum = substitute;
matrix[a][j] = minimum;
return matrix[len1][len2];
void prompt(){
printf("Enter word to search for: \n");
scanf("%s", &enterWord);
int p0_compute_output(int num_processes, char *word1){
int totalNumber = 0;
int k = 0;
int chunk = 50000 / num_processes;
for(i = 0; i < chunk; i++){
int minedits = levenshtein(word1, strlen(word1), dict[i], strlen(dict[i]));
int thresholdPercentage = (100 * minedits) / max(strlen(word1), strlen(dict[i]));
if(thresholdPercentage < threshold){
suggestions[totalNumber] = dict[i];
totalNumber = totalNumber + 1;
return totalNumber;
void p0_receive_output(int next_addition){
int num_to_add;
MPI_Comm comm;
MPI_Status status;
printf("--%d\n", num_to_add);
suggestions[next_addition] = dict[num_to_add];
next_addition = next_addition + 1;
void compute_output(int num_processes, int me, char *word1){
int chunk = 0;
int last_chunk = 0;
MPI_Comm comm;
if(50000 % num_processes == 0){
chunk = 50000 / num_processes;
last_chunk = chunk;
int start = me * chunk;
int end = me * chunk + chunk;
for(i = start; i < end;i++){
int minedits = levenshtein(word1, strlen(word1), dict[i], strlen(dict[i]));
int thresholdPercentage = (100 * minedits) / max(strlen(word1), strlen(dict[i]));
if(thresholdPercentage < threshold){
int number_to_send = i;
MPI_Send(&number_to_send, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
chunk = 50000 / num_processes;
last_chunk = 50000 - ((num_processes - 1) * chunk);
if(me != num_processes){
int start = me * chunk;
int end = me * chunk + chunk;
for(i = start; i < end; i++){
int minedits = levenshtein(word1, strlen(word1), dict[i], strlen(dict[i]));
int thresholdPercentage = (100 * minedits) / max(strlen(word1), strlen(dict[i]));
if(thresholdPercentage < threshold){
int number_to_send = i;
MPI_Send(&number_to_send, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
}//if me != num_processes
int start = me * chunk;
int end = 50000 - start;
for(i = start; i < end; i++){
int minedits = levenshtein(word1, strlen(word1), dict[i], strlen(dict[i]));
int thresholdPercentage = (100 * minedits) / max(strlen(word1), strlen(dict[i]));
if(thresholdPercentage < threshold){
int number_to_send = i;
MPI_Send(&number_to_send, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
}//me == num_processes
}//BIG else
void set_data(){
MPI_Bcast(&enterWord,20 ,MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
main(int argc, char **argv){
int ierr, num_procs, my_id, loop;
FILE *myFile;
loop = 0;
suggestions[i] = calloc(SIZE, sizeof(char));
ierr = MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);
ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_id);
ierr = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);
printf("Check in from %d of %d processors\n", my_id, num_procs);
myWord = enterWord;
myFile = fopen("words", "r");
if(myFile != NULL){
dict[i] = calloc(SIZE, sizeof(char));
fscanf(myFile, "%s", dict[i]);
}//read word list into dictionary
else printf("File not found");
if(my_id == 0){
words_added = p0_compute_output(num_procs, enterWord);
printf("words added so far: %d\n", words_added);
printf("Threshold: %d\nWords To print: %d\n%s\n", threshold, wordsToPrint, myWord);
ierr = MPI_Finalize();
printf("my word %s*\n", enterWord);
compute_output(num_procs, my_id, enterWord);
// printf("Process %d terminating...\n", my_id);
ierr = MPI_Finalize();
printf("*%s\n", suggestions[i]);
}//print suggestions
return (0);
Here are a few problems I see with what you're doing:
prompt() should only be called by rank 0.
The dictionary file should be read only by rank 0, then broadcast the array out to the other ranks
Alternatively, have rank 1 read the file while rank 0 is waiting for input, broadcast input and dictionary afterwards.
You're making the compute_output step overly complex. You can merge p0_compute_output and compute_output into one routine.
Store an array of indices into dict in each rank
This array will not be the same size in every rank, so the simplest way to do this would be to send from each rank a single integer indicating the size of the array, then send the array with this size. (The receiving rank must know how much data to expect). You could also use the sizes for MPI_Gatherv, but I expect this is more than you're wanting to do right now.
Once you have a single array of indices in rank 0, then use this to fill suggestions.
Save the MPI_Finalize call until immediately before the return call
For the final printf call, only rank 0 should be printing that. I suspect this is causing a large part of the "incorrect" result. As you have it, all ranks are printing suggestions, but it is only filled in rank 0. So the others will all be printing blank entries.
Try some of these changes, especially the last one, and see if that helps.

convert from IPLImage to QImage in Qt

I would like to display image in qt window , so I used Qlabel->setpixmap
but how can I convert from IPLImage to QImage to display it in the label??
I found the follwing function to convert it but I did not know how to use it in call statement
QImage *IplImageToQImage(const IplImage * iplImage, uchar **data, double mini, double maxi)
uchar *qImageBuffer = NULL;
int width = iplImage->width;
int widthStep = iplImage->widthStep;
int height = iplImage->height;
switch (iplImage->depth)
case IPL_DEPTH_8U:
if (iplImage->nChannels == 1)
// OpenCV image is stored with one byte grey pixel. We convert it
// to an 8 bit depth QImage.
qImageBuffer = (uchar *) malloc(width*height*sizeof(uchar));
uchar *QImagePtr = qImageBuffer;
const uchar *iplImagePtr = (const uchar *) iplImage->imageData;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
// Copy line by line
memcpy(QImagePtr, iplImagePtr, width);
QImagePtr += width;
iplImagePtr += widthStep;
else if (iplImage->nChannels == 3)
/* OpenCV image is stored with 3 byte color pixels (3 channels).
We convert it to a 32 bit depth QImage.
qImageBuffer = (uchar *) malloc(width*height*4*sizeof(uchar));
uchar *QImagePtr = qImageBuffer;
const uchar *iplImagePtr = (const uchar *) iplImage->imageData;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
// We cannot help but copy manually.
QImagePtr[0] = iplImagePtr[0];
QImagePtr[1] = iplImagePtr[1];
QImagePtr[2] = iplImagePtr[2];
QImagePtr[3] = 0;
QImagePtr += 4;
iplImagePtr += 3;
iplImagePtr += widthStep-3*width;
qDebug("IplImageToQImage: image format is not supported : depth=8U and %d channels\n", iplImage->nChannels);
case IPL_DEPTH_16U:
if (iplImage->nChannels == 1)
/* OpenCV image is stored with 2 bytes grey pixel. We convert it
to an 8 bit depth QImage.
qImageBuffer = (uchar *) malloc(width*height*sizeof(uchar));
uchar *QImagePtr = qImageBuffer;
//const uint16_t *iplImagePtr = (const uint16_t *);
const unsigned int *iplImagePtr = (const unsigned int *)iplImage->imageData;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
// We take only the highest part of the 16 bit value. It is
//similar to dividing by 256.
*QImagePtr++ = ((*iplImagePtr++) >> 8);
iplImagePtr += widthStep/sizeof(unsigned int)-width;
qDebug("IplImageToQImage: image format is not supported : depth=16U and %d channels\n", iplImage->nChannels);
case IPL_DEPTH_32F:
if (iplImage->nChannels == 1)
/* OpenCV image is stored with float (4 bytes) grey pixel. We
convert it to an 8 bit depth QImage.
qImageBuffer = (uchar *) malloc(width*height*sizeof(uchar));
uchar *QImagePtr = qImageBuffer;
const float *iplImagePtr = (const float *) iplImage->imageData;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
uchar p;
float pf = 255 * ((*iplImagePtr++) - mini) / (maxi - mini);
if (pf < 0) p = 0;
else if (pf > 255) p = 255;
else p = (uchar) pf;
*QImagePtr++ = p;
iplImagePtr += widthStep/sizeof(float)-width;
qDebug("IplImageToQImage: image format is not supported : depth=32F and %d channels\n", iplImage->nChannels);
case IPL_DEPTH_64F:
if (iplImage->nChannels == 1)
/* OpenCV image is stored with double (8 bytes) grey pixel. We
convert it to an 8 bit depth QImage.
qImageBuffer = (uchar *) malloc(width*height*sizeof(uchar));
uchar *QImagePtr = qImageBuffer;
const double *iplImagePtr = (const double *) iplImage->imageData;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
uchar p;
double pf = 255 * ((*iplImagePtr++) - mini) / (maxi - mini);
if (pf < 0) p = 0;
else if (pf > 255) p = 255;
else p = (uchar) pf;
*QImagePtr++ = p;
qDebug("IplImageToQImage: image format is not supported : depth=64F and %d channels\n", iplImage->nChannels);
qDebug("IplImageToQImage: image format is not supported : depth=%d and %d channels\n", iplImage->depth, iplImage->nChannels);
QImage *qImage;
QVector<QRgb> vcolorTable;
if (iplImage->nChannels == 1)
// We should check who is going to destroy this allocation.
QRgb *colorTable = new QRgb[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
colorTable[i] = qRgb(i, i, i);
vcolorTable[i] = colorTable[i];
qImage = new QImage(qImageBuffer, width, height, QImage::Format_Indexed8);
qImage = new QImage(qImageBuffer, width, height, QImage::Format_RGB32);
*data = qImageBuffer;
return qImage;
The parameter was:
const IplImage * iplImage, uchar **data, double mini, double maxi
what are data,mini,max? how can I get it from my IPLImage to use it in call statement?
Thanks alot :)
Looks like data is not used by the code, and mini and maxi are used for converting floating point values that certain image formats use to integer values in the range 0-255.
I'd try using NULL for data. mini and maxi really depend on the image data, and I don't know what reasonable ranges are. But if your IplImage is not stored as floating point values then these values shouldn't make any difference.
You can simply create a QImage where the data is owned by something else (eg the IPLImage) using the QImage(data,widht,height,format) and data is the IPLImage data ptr as long as the format isthe samein both QImage and IPLImage (eg RGB888 = 8U_C3)
I have found some bugs in the code.... maybe there are still more bugs in it but for now it looks fine for me. QImage with Format_Index8 needs sometimes (depending on the image resolution....) 2 byte added on the right side (don t know why but it seems like to be like this).
Here is the new adapted code
QImage *IplImageToQImage(const IplImage * iplImage, uchar **data, double mini, double maxi)
uchar *qImageBuffer = NULL;
int width = iplImage->width;
int widthStep = iplImage->widthStep;
int height = iplImage->height;
QImage *qImage;
switch (iplImage->depth)
case IPL_DEPTH_8U:
if (iplImage->nChannels == 1)
// OpenCV image is stored with one byte grey pixel. We convert it
// to an 8 bit depth QImage.
qImage = new QImage(width,height,QImage::Format_Indexed8);
uchar *QImagePtr = qImage->scanLine(0);
qImageBuffer = qImage->scanLine(0);
const uchar *iplImagePtr = (const uchar *) iplImage->imageData;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
// Copy line by line
QImagePtr = qImage->scanLine(y);
memcpy(QImagePtr, iplImagePtr, width);
iplImagePtr += widthStep;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
// We take only the highest part of the 16 bit value. It is
//similar to dividing by 256.
//*QImagePtr++ = ((*iplImagePtr++) >> 8);
*QImagePtr = *iplImagePtr;
iplImagePtr += widthStep/sizeof(uchar)-width;
else if (iplImage->nChannels == 3)
/* OpenCV image is stored with 3 byte color pixels (3 channels).
We convert it to a 32 bit depth QImage.
qImageBuffer = (uchar *) malloc(width*height*4*sizeof(uchar));
uchar *QImagePtr = qImageBuffer;
const uchar *iplImagePtr = (const uchar *) iplImage->imageData;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
// We cannot help but copy manually.
QImagePtr[0] = iplImagePtr[0];
QImagePtr[1] = iplImagePtr[1];
QImagePtr[2] = iplImagePtr[2];
QImagePtr[3] = 0;
QImagePtr += 4;
iplImagePtr += 3;
iplImagePtr += widthStep-3*width;
qDebug("IplImageToQImage: image format is not supported : depth=8U and %d channels\n", iplImage->nChannels);
case IPL_DEPTH_16U:
if (iplImage->nChannels == 1)
/* OpenCV image is stored with 2 bytes grey pixel. We convert it
to an 8 bit depth QImage.
qImage = new QImage(width,height,QImage::Format_Indexed8);
uchar *QImagePtr = qImage->scanLine(0);
qImageBuffer = qImage->scanLine(0);
//const uint16_t *iplImagePtr = (const uint16_t *);
const unsigned short *iplImagePtr = (const unsigned short *)iplImage->imageData;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
QImagePtr = qImage->scanLine(y);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
// We take only the highest part of the 16 bit value. It is
//similar to dividing by 256.
//*QImagePtr++ = ((*iplImagePtr++) >> 8);
//change here 16 bit could be everything !! set max min to your desire
*QImagePtr = 255*(((*iplImagePtr) - mini) / (maxi - mini));
iplImagePtr += widthStep/sizeof(unsigned short)-width;
qDebug("IplImageToQImage: image format is not supported : depth=16U and %d channels\n", iplImage->nChannels);
case IPL_DEPTH_32F:
if (iplImage->nChannels == 1)
/* OpenCV image is stored with float (4 bytes) grey pixel. We
convert it to an 8 bit depth QImage.
qImage = new QImage(width,height,QImage::Format_Indexed8);
uchar *QImagePtr = qImage->scanLine(0);
qImageBuffer = qImage->scanLine(0);
const float *iplImagePtr = (const float *) iplImage->imageData;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
QImagePtr = qImage->scanLine(y);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
uchar p;
float pf = 255 * ((*iplImagePtr++) - mini) / (maxi - mini);
if (pf < 0) p = 0;
else if (pf > 255) p = 255;
else p = (uchar) pf;
*QImagePtr++ = p;
iplImagePtr += widthStep/sizeof(float)-width;
qDebug("IplImageToQImage: image format is not supported : depth=32F and %d channels\n", iplImage->nChannels);
case IPL_DEPTH_64F:
if (iplImage->nChannels == 1)
/* OpenCV image is stored with double (8 bytes) grey pixel. We
convert it to an 8 bit depth QImage.
qImage = new QImage(width,height,QImage::Format_Indexed8);
uchar *QImagePtr = qImage->scanLine(0);
qImageBuffer = qImage->scanLine(0);
const double *iplImagePtr = (const double *) iplImage->imageData;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
QImagePtr = qImage->scanLine(y);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
uchar p;
double pf = 255 * ((*iplImagePtr++) - mini) / (maxi - mini);
if (pf < 0) p = 0;
else if (pf > 255) p = 255;
else p = (uchar) pf;
*QImagePtr++ = p;
qDebug("IplImageToQImage: image format is not supported : depth=64F and %d channels\n", iplImage->nChannels);
qDebug("IplImageToQImage: image format is not supported : depth=%d and %d channels\n", iplImage->depth, iplImage->nChannels);
QVector<QRgb> vcolorTable;
if (iplImage->nChannels == 1)
// We should check who is going to destroy this allocation.
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
vcolorTable[i] = qRgb(i, i, i);
//Qt vector is difficult to use... start with std to qvector
//here I allocate QImage using qt constructor (Forma_Indexed8 adds sometimes 2 bytes on the right side !!! o.O not specified nowhere !!!)
//qImage = new QImage(tmpImg->scanLine(0), width, height, QImage::Format_Indexed8);
qImage = new QImage(qImageBuffer, width, height, QImage::Format_RGB32);
*data = qImageBuffer;
return qImage;
I don t know if 3 channels have also the same bug but I hope not
