Receive an HTTP 400 error if %2F is part of the GET URL in JBOSS - http

Whenever a URL that has %2F which is the hex code for / is posted to my JBOSS Server, I get an error:
HTTP 400 Bad Request error message.
Here is the URL:
If I remove the %2F from the URL the link works fine.
This %2F has to be part of the URL and cannot be a request parameter.

Finally figured out the cause of this (both for JBoss and Apache). Both applications intentionally reject URIs with an encoded slash (%2F for / and %5C for \) to prevent possible security vulnerabilities.
Links: (Look at section 4. Solution)
And here are the instructions they provide for enabling this behavior in JBoss:
Note: In response to CVE-2007-0450, JBoss AS considers encoded slashes and backslashes in URLs invalid and its usage will result in HTTP 400 error. It is possible to allow encoded slashes and backslashes by following the steps outlined below, however doing so will expose you to CVE-2007-0450 related attacks:
a) If you use the /var/lib/jbossas/bin/ setup, please edit /etc/jbossas/run.conf and append
- -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=true
- -Dorg.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.ALLOW_BACKSLASH=true to the string assigned to JAVA_OPTS
b) If you use the init script setup to run multiple JBoss AS services and you wish to allow encoding by default on all services, please edit /etc/jbossas/jbossas.conf and add the line JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS}
- -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=true
- -Dorg.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.ALLOW_BACKSLASH=true"
c) If you use the init script setup to run multiple JBoss AS services and want to allow encoding of slashes and backslashes for a particular service, please edit /etc/sysconfig/${NAME} (where NAME is the name of your service) and add the line JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS}
- -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=true
- -Dorg.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.ALLOW_BACKSLASH=true"
For Apache, it's as simple as setting "AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode" somewhere in your apache conf or vhost conf (doesn't work in an .htaccess, however).
Apache link:


Configure grafana-loki output plugin

i'm trying to use the grafana-loki output plugin in fluent-bit but it seems impossible to configure with tls.
i had a working configuration running with the loki plugin like this :
Name loki
Match *
Host my-collector-url-for-loki
Port 443
Http_User m-user
Http_Passwd some-token-value
Labels job=fluentbit
auto_kubernetes_labels on
Tls On
Tls.verify On
but the problem with this output plugin was that the logs are not showing correctly on grafana, i think a filter or parser needs to be configured for it or maybe the plugin is just meant for loki not grafana/loki, i just don't know and i got tired of trying to figure out why. So i switched to the grafana-loki plugin and the logs looked perfect on grafana but i only had it working without authentication.
this is my setup with grafana-loki output plugin
Name grafana-loki
Match *
Url https://url-to-my-logs-collector
TenantID ""
BatchWait 1
BatchSize 1048576
Labels {job="test-fluent-bit"}
RemoveKeys kubernetes,stream
AutoKubernetesLabels false
LabelMapPath /fluent-bit/etc/labelmap.json
LineFormat json
LogLevel warn
# everything prior to this line is working successfully
# trying to set authentication here "this part doesn't work"
Tls On
Tls.verify On
Http_User m-user
Http_Passwd some-token-value
Problem with this setup, i always get a 403 forbidden http status. I'm having trouble figuring out how to set authentication on this plugin. Does anyone have a working configuration for this type of setup?
Authentication worked for me using this plugin using like below:
Name grafana-loki
Match *
Url https://${user_loki}:${pass_loki}#lurl-to-my-logs-collector
BatchWait 1s
BatchSize 102400
TenantID ""
TLS, http.user and http.passwd options are not support, as far as I could understand, by this plugin.

Proxy authentication using wget on cygwin

My institute recently installed a new proxy server for our network. I am trying to configure my Cygwin environment to be able to run wget and download data from a remote repository.
Browsing the internet I have found two different solutions to my problem, but no one of them seem to work in my case.
The first one I tried was to follow these instructions, so in Cygwin:
cd /cygdrive/c/cygwin64/etc/
nano wgetrc
at the end of the file, I added:
use_proxy = on
(of course, using my user and password)
The second approach was what was suggested by this SO post, so in my Cygwin environment:
export http_proxy=http://username:password#my.proxy.ip:my.port/
export https_proxy=https://username:password#my.proxy.ip:my.port/
export ftp_proxy=http://username:password#my.proxy.ip:my.port/
in both cases, if I try to test my wget, I get the following:
$ wget
--2020-01-30 12:12:22--
Resolving my.proxy.ip (my.proxy.ip)... 10.1XX.XXX.XX
Connecting to my.proxy.ip (my.proxy.ip)|10.1XX.XXX.XX|:8XXX... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 407 Proxy Authentication Required
2020-01-30 12:12:22 ERROR 407: Proxy Authentication Required.
It looks like if my user and password are not ok, but I actually checked them on my browsers and my credentials work just fine.
Any idea on what this could be due to?
This problem was solved thanks to the suggestion of a User of the community AskUbuntu.
Basically, instead of editing the global configuration file wgetrc, I should have created a new .wgetrc with my proxy configuration in my Cygwin home directory.
In summary:
Step 1 - Create a .wgetrc file;
nano ~/.wgetrc
Step 2 - record in this file the proxy info:

Running WireMock server as a stand alone

I am trying to set up a mock server using wireMock as a standalone process. I downloaded the jar file and executed the following command:
java -jar wiremock-standalone-2.23.2.jar --port 0
I had to dynamically determine a port because I am already using the default 8080 port for another program running on my machine. It gave me the port number 55142, but when I tried accessing that on the web, it gave me the following error:
Problem accessing /__files/. Reason:
Powered by Jetty://
It's probably due to the fact that you just entered http://localhost:55142
and as there are no mappings in ./mappings directory and files in ./files directory (the same where you have your wiremock.jar file is located)
2019-06-04 00:10:58.890 Request was not matched as there were no stubs registered:
"url" : "/"
please try call with __admin endpoint to see if WireMock is working
please see also docs here for more nice admin commands.

Netscaler monitoring custom headers

I'm trying to setup monitoring (http-ecv) with authorization header, but I'm getting illegal character or header folding error (jetty 9.3)
1. example
GET /somepath/somepage.html HTTP/1.1
Server Running
\r\nAuthorization: Basic somestring=\r\n
Response "HTTP1.1 400 Illegal character SPACE=''\r\n"
2. example
GET /somepath/somepage.html
Server Running
HTTP/1.1\r\nAuthorization: Basic somestring=\r\n
Response HTTP/1.1 400 Illegal character VCHAR='/'\r\n
This example was working on older jetty version
GET /somepath/somepage.html
Server Running
\r\nHTTP/1.1\r\nAuthorization: Basic somestring=\r\n
Response HTTP1.1 400 Header Folding\r\n
Any ideas?
try the solution on the article
edit to add more context: the article describes how to create a monitor for a back end server that requests basic authentication with a user name and password.
add lb monitor test_login_tcp TCP-ECV -send "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nAuthorization: Basic YOURBASE64USERPW\r\nHost: IP_or_FQDN\r\n\r\n" -recv 200 -LRTM ENABLED

Nginx variable for physical server name

I'm trying to setup response headers on my separate webservers that outputs the physical name of the machine that nginx is running on, so that I can tell which servers are serving the responses to our web clients.
Is there a variable that exists to do this already? Or do I just have to hardcode it per-server :(
You're after the $hostname common variable. Common variables are listed in the variable index.
The nginx access log documentation only shows variables that are specific to the access log:
The log format can contain common variables, and variables that exist
only at the time of a log write.
I guess you're looking for $hostname variable.
At first I thought the answer was to use the ENV variable and pull out the hostname from there But I couldn't get it to work for some reason.
However, this works like a charm:
perl_set $server_int 'sub { use Sys::Hostname; return hostname; }';
And example usage:
add_header 'Server-Int' "$server_int";
Just have to make sure your nginx is compiled with --with-http_perl_module - just run nginx -V to make sure. And that you have Sys::Hostname installed.
Warning: I at first used hostname to return the hostname in the Perl script, but while that did return the name, it for some reason aborted the rest of the output. I don't know if it's a bug with perl_set but you've been warned - using backticks in perl_set may be deadly.
