Folder permission on server while uploading? -

I want to upload files in my application on server but I have to grant it R/W access so that I or anyone can upload files in it. Is there any way that I write some code or configuration lines in Web.config which solve this permission problem?

You have to set the permissions on the folder for the account under which your application is running. This is an operating system level, and hence nothing can be done about it in Web.config. Be careful to only set the permissions on the one folder though, as your effectively opening it up to the internet through your application.


Web configuration file being accessed in the wrong folder

I have deployed an website on a production server. It is working on my local but on the server I get this error:
An error occurred loading a configuration file: Failed to start
monitoring changes to
because access is denied
This looks to me that the app is looking for the web.config in the admin folder while it is obviously in the root.
How is this possible? How do I solve this problem?
IIS which is hosting ASP.NET is looking for a potential web.config file in every folder of your site, not just in the root folder.
This is because you may want to override certain settings for just one folder.
So you may have a web.config in admin but IIS hasn't got access to it, or IIS hasn't got access to the whole admin folder.
Check the permissions on that directory.
The problem is that the directory it has been deployed to does not have the correct read/write permissions for IIS to read the web.config.
Each website configured in IIS 6+ runs under a specific AppPool. That app pool runs under a specific user account, and it is that user account that needs read/write permissions to this directory.

Access to the path 'C:\Sites\content\ServerIpAddress.txt' is denied

I create a web site that in Default web page of it i try to access to ServerIpAddress.txt file that is on server . now when i run my project on local host it work correctly , but when I upload it on Server(free host) i face with
error. can some one help me ?
You most likely do not have permissions access files on the shared server due to security issues. Consider moving data from that file to web.config app key.
or access the file as a relative path to your site. The remote sever will most likely not have the same folder structure as your local machine.
The account that is being used for the worker process of the web site has no (write)access to the file.
Configure the file (or folder) so that the ASP.NET process has access.
Another thing to look at is whether or not the path as stated in the code is the actual path on the server.
give full permission to ServerIpAddress.txt file. it will work.
Right click on content folder. Click Properties. Then from General tab uncheck the Read-only checkbox.
Then go to Security tab and Allow Write permission for your ASP.NET process.
Are you using a database? In that case how did you set up permissions for app_data folder? You have to set permissions in the same way.
If you are not able to do that, try moving the file inside of app_data folder and then check.
Right click on .txt file and select security and add network service .restart iis and try.It will work.

Folder permission ASP.NET site online

I'm uploading files into a folder. It works as it should when I run the solution locally, but when I've uploaded the site to the web server using "copy website", - I can no longer upload files to the folder.
Can I change the permissions somehow?
It depends is the user that is trying to upload the file(s) into that directory on the server have permissions to that folder on the server, eg: read/write, ect... Also is the user that will be using that program on the server is running the application as themselves or as the IIS User account, or some other dedicated account?
Since you are doing it through the VPN, try terminal serving to that server and if you have personally permissions to make this change as in give permissions then do it yourself or ask the admins to do it for you.
Depending on the folder you are uploading your files into and the account you have configured the web server to execute your application under, there might be different ways to achieve that. But basically you should rant write access to this account to the given folder you are saving the uploaded files into. But if you use some of the special ASP.NET folders such as App_Data for example to store the uploaded files, the account should already have write permission to that folder. And if you have uploaded your site to some hosting company that don't provide you the possibility to change permissions on the different folders that are part of your website you might need to contact the support so that they perform he necessary modifications that you need. log files permissions

Our app writes errors to a text log file in the web sites root folder. This has lead to all sorts of permission problems, different flavors of IIS and windows allow different things by default.
So what I am wondering is there a location somewhere in Windows where all types of users can write a file without any extra permissions that will also work for all IIS and flavors of windows?
I am thinking of the ApplicationData folder, but did this exist in Server 2003 ?
The easiest solution would be to use the App_Data subfolder of your web application for this. By default it's not viewable from the web, so Internet clients won't be able to read the logs.
Depending on your deployment method, you might have to change the permission to allow write access to this folder (to the user under which your web application is running).
Alternatively, there is a place where every user can write to: It's that user's temporary folder, which you can access through Path.GetTempPath. This, however, does not sound like a suitable location for log files.
You should always first think about wwwroot folder (%systemdrive%\inetpub\wwwroot) because it has the required permission.
The permission you need is to set a full control for IIS_IUSRS
Edit: you can simply give Everyone Full Control (not recommended at all) but this solves most of ntfs permissions issues with IIS

when I run my website and I try create file I have an error 'Access denied'

my website does not create files and I set to write to directory.
The account under which the website runs needs to have permissions to write files to the directory in which you want to write the files.
it could be two things. this access denied error, is it a 403: Access Denied error? If so your IIS setup isn't configured for anonymous users. If its not it could be the IIS user the site is running as doesn't have permissions to access the site's folder.
Double check these two things, if it's neither we can look at what else is happening. Things I try is can I server a static file, or is it just ASP.NET etc
Write access isn't enough to create files. Try giving full control to the ASP.Net user (Network Service ny default) to the temporary files folder you are trying to write to.
