connection string with no user name and password, -

i have a website built in connecting to a sql 2000 db. within my web.config file, i have a connection string referencing a DSN. in order for my db connection to work i have to include the username and password within the string. for security reasons, is there any way to connect to my db without displaying the username and password. maybe a method to encrypt the information?? the trusted connection string method did not work for me.
current method
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
trusted method (did not work in my server environment)
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;

You can encrypt connection strings in your web.config file.
See How To: Secure Connection Strings When Using Data Source Controls on MSDN.

For MySQL with port number
<add name="constring" connectionString="Server=localhost;Uid=root;Database=databasename;Port=3306;" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>


Correct connection string MS sql server database 2008

Was hoping for a little help with my connection string to ms sql server 2008 database.
Server Type: Database Engine
Sever name: MyServer
Authentication: Windows Authentication
User Name VAW\Username
the connection string I am using at the moment is as follow
<add name="Name" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=HRElearning;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Trusted_Connection=true;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Error I am getting is System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'VAW\MAWSON$'.
I to agree using VS is the better way to go, but to understand connectionstrings in general, here is the site that explains it. Once you understand exactly what is going on, freehanding them is not difficult.
The connection string you have assumes the user you are running the app with is the user you want to connect with. If you want to run app with UserA and connect with UserB then you must specify the username and password and remove "Trusted_Connection=true".

SQL Server not recognised after hosting the website

I have hosted a website on and I'm getting the error which says that it is not able to connect to the sql server.
The web.config has the connectionstring as
<add name="RegConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Can anybody let me know the changes I have to make to get this working?
P.S. I have uploaded the database in App_Data folder.
Your connection string still pointing to your local SQL server and even it is local database of your system.
You have to modify your connection strig before publishing the site to the external server/ hosted server.
Change the whole connection string and put below properties within it.
Data Source=value; Initial Catalog=value; User ID = value; Password = value;
Here Data Source will be your SQL Server IP address or URL.
Here Initial Catalog will be your Database name.
You have to put User ID and Password which you are using to your SQL Server (Not Local)
Lose this AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf I have never used it
Try these name value pairs
Data Source=value; Initial Catalog=value; User ID = value; Password = value;

connectionstring to sqlmembershipprovider

I have added the sqlmembershipprovider to my dynamic data project for logging in and registering and such.
However, I am having problems with the connection string. The database is on a remote sql server 2008 database server.
Below I have a connection string for the entities:
<add name="xxEntities"
connectionString="metadata=res://*;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data;Initial Catalog=XX;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True""
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
When I hit the membership provider, I get this error:
Keyword not supported: 'metadata'.
on this line of code:
System.Web.Security.Membership.GetAllUsers(0, 1, count)
Do I need a separate connection string for the provider? Or should I be able to use the above string with all my connections, including my membership provider?
Try using this connectionString template + change the User-ID, Password, Initial Catalog
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;Data;User ID=RemoteApp;Password=xxx;Initial Catalog=xxx;

problem in connectionstring in

private string conString = "Data Source=;Database=musicapp;User ID=guest;Password=guest";
I was working on local database at that time my application was successfully interacting with mysql database.when put the database on server, my application still taking the old connection string and data is stored in local database and not on server.
what is wrong?
I'd remove hard coded connection strings all together. There is a dedicated section of your config file for this very purpose:
<add name="MusicApp" connectionString="Data Source=;Database=musicapp;User ID=guest;Password=guest;" />
Which you can then read out:
string connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MusicApp"].ConnectionString;
I think your problem is that you have the connection string hard-coded in your code (as a private string that you show above). A much better way is to store it in the config file, use Settings in VS and select ConnectionString as type.
Make sure whether you updated your connection string when you transfered your DB to server. In any case it is best to store connection string in web.config, so that you can modify it when ever your db is changed or transferred to another location. This change in connection string in your web.config wouldn't require you to rebuild your application. Although if your connection string is hard-coded in code, then you would require to rebuild your application when ever you change the connection string.
if Data Source=; is the location of your server database try this instead Data Source=\;

ASP.NET A problem when connect from remote DB to localhost instance

I have made the remote database backup (MSSQL Server 2005 Express) to the localhost, and I want to connect with that in my app. To do so, I've changed the connection string:
Data Source=;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Data Source=TOMEK\SQLExpress;Database=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
but the error appears: Format of the initialization
string does not conform to specification starting at index 0
I can login to the Management studio with that login/pass, and also the user name that I login into sql server has role membership db_owner to that database
what's wrong with that connection string ?
Try one of the 2 options.
Data Source=foo\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=bar;User Id=user;Password=pwd;
Server=foo\SQLExpress;Database=bar;User ID=user;Password=pwd;
They're equivalent, but not sure if you can mix/match
Server/Data Source
Database/Initial Catalog
Are you using a hardcoded string, or from a .config file? Does your username or pwd contain any characters that might need escaping in the .config file? i.e. slash, ampersand?
string connstr = #"Server=foo\SQLExpress;Database=bar;User ID=user;Password=pwd;";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connstr);
<add name="ConnectionString"
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=bar;User ID=user1;Password=&foo;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Maybe try comparing what you are doing to what is found here:
