ASP.NET WebParts and Google Chrome -

Hi there
I started learning ASP.NET these days. Google Chrome is my default browser and I'm also testing my applications in Google Chrome.
I recognized that some Elements of ASP.NET won't run in real time when I use Chrome. For Example ASP.NET WebParts. If I change the modus of the WebPartManager from default to edit (or something else), Google Chrome needs 1 - 2 seconds to renew the page. Internet Explorer does this in real time without any loading times.
Any tips to tweak this?
I'm a rookie in ASP.NET and many people said, Microsoft's AJAX for ASP.NET is some kind of crap.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and maybe you'll say, I should use jQuery instead of internal Features like WebParts.

I've got my answers over Twitter. People said, this just happens when applications runs over Visual Studio's Server.


Are WebForm Aspx pages out of support?

According to
ASP.NET Web Pages 2
Support ended July 1st, 2019
Running as a Web Site (instead of a web application), makes things fuzzy. Yes, this is legacy code...
My impression is that WebForm is out of support.
It seems to be classed as a "Tools"
Microsoft “What is Web Forms” has not been updated for almost 6 years…
But I cannot find any clear statement... What is there can be interpreted different ways. theme skin not applied and Java scripts not run when app hosted on IIS 7.0/7.5 and browsed in some browsers

This question was previously posted as “ theme skin not applied when app hosted on IIS 7.5 and browsed in IE 10” and did not received any answer from guys here but I myself could resolve the issue.
As it was really frustrating and took me a lot of time to search and resolve, I decided to modify the question title and its description to address the case better and clearer for other people who may meet such issues.
So the case is;
An web app is developed and it works fine on development machine browsers but when it is hosted on a remote machine (specifically IIS 7.0 and newer version + .NET 4.0) then it does not perform correctly.
Themes (specifically skins) are not applied and some of client – side java scripts (specifically AJAX and jQuery extensions) are not even execute.
What’s wrong here?
Well as Scott Hanselman described in here, sometimes does not correctly identifies the browser due to a bug.
There is a bug in the browser definition files that shipped with .NET
2.0 and .NET 4, namely that they contain definitions for a certain range of browser versions. But the versions for some browsers (like
IE 10) aren't within those ranges any more. Therefore, ASP.NET sees
them as unknown browsers and defaults to a down-level definition,
which has certain inconveniences, like that it does not support
features like JavaScript.
So I followed one of the solutions which he had addressed and the issue resolved. I’ve summarized it here for short cutting the path;
use NuGet to install the App_BrowsersUpdate package
then deploy your web app on hosting server and try it again.

Running application from browser ASP.NET

I have a c# windows application that can successfully record audio using user's desktop mic.
Now i want this facility to run from ASP.NET website. (Note: user would not have this application installed on his machine).
Is there a way that i can run this application from a web page and record and save sound file on user's desktop? I searched on google and found that it is achievable using ActiveX. But i am not sure how to do this.... :((
Any Clue...??
You are not going to be able to do this using standard HTML / web browser functionality.
You will need to use a richer, client-side platform like Silverlight or Flash. ActiveX could also support this, but it's a pretty dated technology. Better to go with Silverlight or Flash.

Creating ASP.Net Mobile Web Applications in VS 2010

I am trying to create a mobile version of a web application using VS2010 (.Net 3.5, not 4). When I search for information on mobile I see a lot of references to mobile controls that adapt their HTML to the specific device requesting the page. Since I would like this app to be viewable on as many as devices as possible, it seems like it would be better to use the mobile controls rather than just create a smaller version of a web form. Apparently VS2008 and up do not include the mobile control templates, but you can download and install them separately. I did, but when I tried to create a test page I get a server error complaining that the assembly "System.Web.Mobile" could not be found. I double checked in my references and that assembly is included in the project. The file System.Web.Mobile.dll is also on the server running the app.
Is there something that I am doing wrong, or is developing a mobile web app in this way using VS2010 not possible?
I didn´t found Mobile Web Forms templates for 2010 (for 2008). But Mobile Controls is a old and unused technology, you should use MVC.

Developing MS Outlook Plugin using .NET

I am currently building 3-tired ASP.NET 3.5 Web application which has workflows built in for manager approvals. Currently there is a dashboard on the homepage of the website where all the pending approvals are displayed in a webpart. I want to build a plugin for MS Outlook so that whenever there is a new request for approval I want that request to show up in MS outlook. Where do I start with this? Do I have to expose my business logic layer through webservices? Can anyone please point me towards some useful material or books?
It's been a while, but I can give you a quick heads up.
Have built a single add-on to Outlook 2007. between 2003 and 2007 you develop the add-ons differently. Since the introduction of the Ribbon 2007.
I used WCF to setup Web Services (a simple API) within my web application. Then, connected to that API from an Outlook application. If I remember correctly, there is a template in visual studio to use for building Office Add-ins.
I just did some google searching and this was nearly 2 years ago. there was very limited info then. Now there should be more.
Hope that helps.
I've done some VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code in the past, but I think you should check out this video on the Microsoft site.
