Template Dropdown not showing up within Wordpress administrator page - wordpress

I am working on a Wordpress-based project, and I just added a new template to the installation by uploading a template file. I was creating a new page that will use my new template, when suddenly, the "Template" dropdown in the "Page Attributes" box is gone.
I am using Wordpress 3.0.1.
I saw a site which told me to revert to the default template, and back to my custom template. Apparently it worked, but I am still baffled on what triggers this bug. Also, any additional knowledge or pointers on this bug would be a great help since my job requires me to patch this (and possibly submit the bug fix to Wordpress). Thanks!

If you have disabled or removed the style.css from the template directory then also it will not work.
So there must be the style.css on template directory then the templates directory will be shown. When you try to remove the style.css from the template directory or using style.css from css folder, then you must be put one style.css on template directory.

Morichika is spot on. I had the same problem, but then it sorted itself out by doing:
* Template Name: Front Page

I have found a different solution for this. I reactivated my custom theme but then problem persisted.. then in the top most section of the code for the custom page template where it actually defines the name of the template like this:
Template Name: Front Page
I did this:
* Template Name: Front Page
Then refreshed the admin panel and it appeared.Seems a bit weird but it worked for me. Feel happy to share this.

I tried many of the suggested answers. None worked in my case.
A possible reason for the Template Dropdown not showing is a missing index.php in your Theme folder.
Just create an empty one, in case your hierarchy does not need one. But the existance of that file enables the option to choose the page template and suppresses an error message in the Choose-Theme page btw

Put style.css in your theme directory, instead of the css folder. Or
Template Name: Front Page
There must not space between "Template Name:".

I managed to fix this by making sure the style.css in the theme root contained the theme comments. I deleted the whole stylesheet and it removed the templates dropdown.
Put this at the top of your theme root's style.css.
Theme Name: Twenty Thirteen
Theme URI: http://wordpress.org/themes/twentythirteen
Author: the WordPress team
Author URI: http://wordpress.org/
Description: The 2013 theme for WordPress takes us back to the blog, featuring a full range of post formats, each displayed beautifully in their own unique way. Design details abound, starting with a vibrant color scheme and matching header images, beautiful typography and icons, and a flexible layout that looks great on any device, big or small.
Version: 1.0
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Tags: black, brown, orange, tan, white, yellow, light, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, flexible-width, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, translation-ready
Text Domain: twentythirteen
This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL.
Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned with others.
Or if you have a custom theme...
Theme Name: My Wordpress Theme
Theme URI: https://example.tk
Author: Me
Author URI: https://example.tk
Description: This is my custom theme
Version: 1.0

I know is super late for this question, but I fix it adding
Version: 0.1 alpha
in the comments of the themeFolder/style.css
This is my style.css complete for my theme
Theme Name: Stockout Theme
Theme URI: http://stockout.com.uy/myTheme
Author: MauriPastorini
Author URI: http://stockout.com.uy
Description: This is a theme for stockout page
Version: 0.1 alpha
I hope someone find this useful

I had the exact same problem with WordPress 3.2.1. I added a new template and the menu disappeared from the page add/edit screen. The solution was to switch back to the default twentyeleven theme end then right back to my custom theme. The templates drop-down began appearing again.
BTW, you said "revert to the default template, and back to my custom template" but I'm pretty sure you meant theme. I'm guessing where you saw this was here:
Looks like this bug has existed for a couple of years at least. I filed a report:

Try this. template will be available for both page & post
* Template Name: Blog Post
* Template Post Type: post, page

In WordPress 5.8 they have moved the selectable custom templates out from under the Page Attributes section so no matter what you do you won't find it there (even if you spend 2hrs troubleshooting like I did, lol).
Custom selectable templates have now been moved into their own box call "Template". For me, it was at the top of my right-hand sidebar in the WP admin page editor. It's possible it may not show if it has been unchecked in your screen options settings which are now found under the three dots in top-right --> Preferences --> Panels --> Ensure "Templates" is checked.
I'm not sure if I just overlooked it for 2hrs straight or if it appeared only after I changed to a different theme then changed back.

I had this problem a while back and found one janky solution after a lot of search--sometimes switching to another theme in your install and then switching back to you primary theme will make your templates appear. I know that sounds weird, but worked for me for a while.

I've had this problem for two days. This forum and a couple of tests later did the work. Here is what was missing for my part.
Be sure that there is a style.css in your theme folder.
The style.css must have a valid comment section at the top of the file.
This means at least this:
Template: your-theme
If you're using SASS or LESS, make sure that you have a "!" just after declaring your comment. It's to prevent SASS or LESS to delete your comment section.
To be sure that everything is settled fine. You may go to "Appearance > Themes". After the listing of themes, if there is nothing, than everything should be fine. Otherwise, it'll be written "Broken Themes" and you'll still have some issues to solve.

sass had deleted the content in my child style.css. The template drop down shows again once I added back the comments.
Theme Name: Sometheme Child
Description: Child theme for Sometheme.
Template: sometheme
Version: 1.1
Text Domain: sometheme-child

You will not see the dropdown if you have added 0 custom template files in your theme root.
When at least 1 template is available, the WordPress ecosystem picks it up and the dropdown will become visible.
Add this in your theme root to try it.
Template Name: Front Page

The Template Dropdown is now moved To Page Section and is located just between the Static and Visibility and Permalinks dropdown. But you will be able to see it if you are naming your custom file like
and adding a comment on the top of the file

I was just facing the same issue so, the problem is in spacing between 'Template Name' and that colon.
Template Name: template-name
Make sure there is no spacing before the colon.

I found the root of the problem.
It is the style.css file inside the theme root.
It must be in "UNIX encoding".
It must have all comments with "Theme Name", "Version", etc.

Jack Nicholson was right! You need to make sure your style.css contains the full comment. Example below:
Previously mine was:
Theme Name: Acadata
Theme URI: https://www.factorypattern.co.uk
Description: Custom
Author: Factory Pattern
Version: 1
License: GNU General Public License
License URI: license.txt
Then I changed it to the below and now I can see all my templates.
Theme Name: Acadata
Theme URI: https://factorypattern.co.uk/
Description: Custom
Author: Factory Pattern
Author URI: https://factorypattern.co.uk/
Description: The Acadata theme for WordPress.
Version: 1.0
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Tags: black, brown, orange, tan, white, yellow, light, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, flexible-width, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, translation-ready
Text Domain: acadata
This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL.
Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned with others.

Please set properly you style.css file specially if you are working on child-theme
Theme Name: Theme Name
Theme URI: http: //mysite.com/
Description: This is a custom child theme for xxx theme
Author: My Name
Author URI: http: //mysite.com/
Template: template_name_in_lowercase
Version: 0.1

This below is work for me and show template option in page attributes.Just place .php file in theme root folder.
/* template name: my custom template */

There are a lot of great answers on this question, but one obvious solution, which initially escaped me, was to double-check that in Dashboard > Settings > Reading you want to set "Your homepage displays" to "Static Page" and then leave the "Posts Page" unselected.
While themes and a properly coded theme file play a role in the situation, the reason that the page attributes area on the edit page screen doesn't show the templates drop-down may be because you selected a particular page to be your "Posts Page", and so WordPress is not asking you for a custom template to use because it's already using front-page.php or home.php (See WordPress Template Visual Hierarchy).
Hope this helps someone like me who had a properly coded template file but didn't realize this setting had been selected.

This was also a problem for me and it was because of folder structure. The Theme Handbook told me a should organize my theme folder and files like so:
assets (dir)
- css (dir)
- images (dir)
- js (dir)
inc (dir)
template-parts (dir)
- footer (dir)
- header (dir)
- navigation (dir)
- page (dir)
- post (dir)
The page template I was trying to load was in /template-parts/page/template-contactus.php
I guess that was too deep for WordPress so I got ride of those directories and now my file structure looks like this:
assets (dir)
- css (dir)
- images (dir)
- js (dir)
inc (dir)
template-parts (dir)
- section-content.php
- template-contactus.php
I am now able to see the template drop-down and add templates.
Hope this helps someone.

In my case, I had called the template schedule-template-v2.php which won't work, the file name needs to be schedulev2-template.php. A simple mistake.

In addition to all of the above, make sure that you have 'page attributes' checked in the screen options panel in the top right, otherwise the page attributes section wont show regardless.

If you are trying todo with blog page the GOTO Dashboard > settings > and remove post page from select menu :)

After searching I have found a stupid solution that was obvious because. Couldn't catch it because the templates were put in other place of interface attaching screenshot


Broken theme after WordPress update

I just updated to WordPress 4.8.3 to find that my custom parent theme is broken. It's been a while since I've worked on it, so I'm not completely fresh on everything, but the error in WordPress is as follows:
Template is missing. Standalone themes need to have a index.php template file. Child themes need to have a Template header in the style.css stylesheet.
I don't need the Template header because this isn't a child theme and my theme folder does have an index.php template in ~/www/website/wp-content/themes/theme/. Has anyone else encountered this? Googling just points to the solution being the missing Template header in style.css. Thanks in advance.
My style.css only contains the following headers:
Theme Name: Portfolio
Theme URI: http://www.website.com
Author: Author Name
Author URI: http://www.website.com
Description: Custom theme converted from Bootstrap template
Version: 1.1
In case this happens to anyone else, the solution was moving my style.css into the theme's root directory. Previously, it was in a css folder, which worked fine.

Wordpress child theme not loading modified template PHP files inside subfolders

I'm starting learning Wordpress development, and I'm stuck trying to create a child theme. Below I enumerate the steps I followed to see if someone can help me:
Create a folder under 'wp-contents/themes' called 'shoptest'
Inside, I've created a file 'style.css' with the following content:
/* Theme Name: Shoptest
Theme URI: http://www.testsite.com
Description: Shop Isle child theme
Author: Felip
Template: shop-isle
Version: 1.0.0
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Tags: light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
Text Domain: shop-isle
I created a file 'functions.php' with the following:
I've activated the theme in Wordpress dashboard
I've created a couple of folders 'inc/structure' and copied the file original 'inc/structure/footer.php' inside.
The original file is: 'wp-content/themes/shop-isle/inc/structure/footer.php'
The child file is: 'wp-content/themes/shoptest/inc/structure/footer.php'
In theory, if I change/add something in the child file, the webpage should reflect that change, right? I've tried but it does nothing. Just for testing, if I change anything on the original footer.php file, it's immediately changed in the website.
What am I doing wrong?
Wordpress doesn't work this way as you think.
You should write your changes as a function and put it in functions.php of your child theme.
Then use the wp_footer hook to hook your changes to the footer.
like below
function my_custom_changes() {
// add your code
add_action('wp_footer', 'my_custom_changes' );

New template not showing up in Template dropdown

I've created a twentyfourteen child theme using the One-click child theme plugin. Then I copied the page.php template from the parent theme folder to the file new-template.php in the child folder. I changed the header in new-template.php to
Template Name: New Template
As far as I know that's all I need to do to get "New Template" to show up in the Template dropdown under Page Attributes when you create a new page. But "New Template" hasn't been added to the dropdown. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
Thank for any help
Just in Wordpress 4.9 there's this bug: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/42573 causing the template files to only be rescanned once every hour.
To fix (until they release a new WP version with this changed), download the patch on that bug ticket and make the changes from the patch to wp-includes/class-wp-theme.php.
Hope this saves someone the 2 hours I wasted on this..
For the Wordpress 4.9 bug mentioned above, just update the version of your theme in style.css, e.g. from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 - even 1.1.2-1 will do. This will force updating templates list.
Please make sure You have activated your child theme, if your child theme is already activated then try a different template name.
This worked for me :
<?php /* Template Name: Red Template */ ?>
and a copy of page.php in my theme dir called redpage.php
I also had to log out of the admin and then log back in.
I tried everything and finally did as stol mentioned above. Update the verison of your theme is style.css located in your themes folder. Mine was set to 0.1.3. I updated to 1.1.2 and it worked.
1.active your child theme
2.if you optimze your style.css file add again your first comment such as
Theme Name:
Theme URI:
Author URI:
License URI:
Text Domain:

Cannot add custom page template to my child theme

I'm running Wordpress 3.3.1.
I'm writing a child theme that modifies the default twentyeleven theme. Everything seems normal, except that when I add a custom page template, it doesn't appear in the add/edit screen (so I can't use it!).
To elaborate on "normal", here's what IS working:
My child theme appears and activates normally.
My CSS code (in style.css) is appearing.
My files from the template hierarchy are working (ex: front-page.php, page.php)
I've read and reread the codex, and my custom page template file ("coming-soon.php") seems to have the correct header:
Template Name: Coming Soon
So why won't it show up under the "Template" drop-down???
I've added custom templates dozens of times and never had this problem. The only possible difference I can think of is that I'm writing a child theme (even though the codex says this shouldn't matter), or perhaps it's a difference in the newest update of WP.
I can't duplicate what you're seeing with a clean install of WordPress 3.3.1. I have a theme with just two files, style.css, containing:
Theme Name: stackoverflow-8946077
Template: twentyeleven
Version: 0.0.1
#import url("../twentyeleven/style.css");
and coming-soon.php, containing:
Template Name: Coming Soon
?><h1>Coming Soon</h1><?php
the first part of which was copied from your question.
I see the template as expected:
The only things I can think of are to double-check:
the file exists on the server you're running on
the file's in the child template's directory (though it should work if it's in the twentyeleven directory)
there's no file with the same name in the twentyeleven directory, which (I think) would take precedence
the file name ends in .php
you only have a single space between "Template" and "Name:" (the regex used contains the literal Template Name:)
Failing that, the dropdown is populated by the get_page_templates function in wp-admin/includes/theme.php. Might be worth sticking some debug code in there to see if the $templates variable includes coming-soon.php.
This is an old thread. But if anyone is looking for solutions now, it may be the issue in WP 4.9. More details: Templates not working properly
In my situation, it ended up being the file permissions. I set it to 755 or whatever the standard WP permission is (in regards to security) and it worked!
Mine also ended up being the file permissions.
I set it to 777, and it worked like a charm!

Is the syntax for the Wordpress style.css template element available anywhere?

I've recently embarked upon the grand voyage of Wordpress theming and I've been reading through the Wordpress documentation for how to write a theme. One thing I came across here was that the style.css file must contain a specific header in order to be used by the Wordpress engine. They give a brief example but I haven't been able to turn up any formal description of what must be in the style.css header portion. Does this exist on the Wordpress site? If it doesn't could we perhaps describe it here?
Based on http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development:
The following is an example of the first few lines of the stylesheet, called the style sheet header, for the Theme "Rose":
Theme Name: Rose
Theme URI: the-theme's-homepage
Description: a-brief-description
Author: your-name
Author URI: your-URI
Template: use-this-to-define-a-parent-theme--optional
Version: a-number--optional
Tags: a-comma-delimited-list--optional
General comments/License Statement if any.
The simplest Theme includes only a style.css file, plus images if any. To create such a Theme, you must specify a set of templates to inherit for use with the Theme by editing the Template: line in the style.css header comments. For example, if you wanted the Theme "Rose" to inherit the templates from another Theme called "test", you would include Template: test in the comments at the beginning of Rose's style.css. Now "test" is the parent Theme for "Rose", which still consists only of a style.css file and the concomitant images, all located in the directory wp-content/themes/Rose. (Note that specifying a parent Theme will inherit all of the template files from that Theme — meaning that any template files in the child Theme's directory will be ignored.)
The comment header lines in style.css are required for WordPress to be able to identify a Theme and display it in the Administration Panel under Design > Themes as an available Theme option along with any other installed Themes.
The Theme Name, Version, Author, and Author URI fields are parsed by WordPress and used to display that data in the Current Theme area on the top line of the current theme information, where the Author's Name is hyperlinked to the Author URI. The Description and Tag fields are parsed and displayed in the body of the theme's information, and if the theme has a parent theme, that information is placed in the information body as well. In the Available Themes section, only the Theme Name, Description, and Tags fields are used.
None of these fields have any restrictions - all are parsed as strings. In addition, none of them are required in the code, though in practice the fields not marked as optional in the list above are all used to provide contextual information to the WordPress administrator and should be included for all themes.
You are probably thinking about this:
THEME NAME: Parallax
THEME URI: http://parallaxdenigrate.net
AUTHOR: Martin Jacobsen
AUTHOR URI: http://martinjacobsen.no
If I'm not way off, Wordpress uses this info to display in the "Activate Design" dialog in the admin backend.
