IIS Subdomain Host Headers Not Working - iis-7

Using IIS 7, I have an existing website, example.com, and I have added another website to which I'd like the URL, sub.example.com to point. I've set up the host headers for this, but it does not work. Trying to ping the subdomain URL give the message "Ping request could not find host sub.example.com. Please check the name and try again."
Should a DNS setting perhaps be set?

The subdomain must be set in the DNS or it will not resolve to an IP address. Just having it defined in IIS is not enough. The client computer must be able to translate the name into a meaningful server address.


SSL WordPress on AWS - Domain does not resolve ... fix DNS entries

Just trying to set up SSL https for my site, using the Bitnami Tool bncert-tool. It shall automate the SSL setup by naming the domain. Unfortunately, I get the message
Warning: The domain 'mypage' does not resolve, please fix its DNS entries or remove it.
Press [Enter] to continue:
Thing is, I can get to the page via domain name and the IP. So no Problem on that side.
I have no clue! I have set up an elastic IP in EC2 and connected the domain in Route53 by adding the dataset. Has some faced the problem before and cases.
From the warning message, 'mypage' is not a domain. Actually have to enter in the full domain path such as
Good luck.

How to block

I am trying to block in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc host file. so what i did is:
But is not working, i can still access this site.
As I know ,hosts file is for DNS caching .
I mean one side must be an IP address and the other side must be Domain name server. So you can't do such a thing.
The hosts file only maps domain names (e.g. www.example.com) to ip addresses.
Therefore your approach won't work for two reasons:
What you're trying to block is not a domain name, but a URL
The URL you're trying to block doesn't contain a domain name, but an IP address.
You should be able to "block" the domain "localhost" this way, but you'd still be able to access, just not http://localhost:8080/.
What you need here is a firewall, like the windows firewall.

IP address from nslookup sometimes doesn't work, e.g. with wikipedia

As I understand it, nslookup [domain_name] will give you the IP address of a domain name. When I run nslookup wikipedia.org, I get
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: wikipedia.org
So if I enter in my web browser, I should reach wikipedia.org. This works for some websites, like google.com and facebook.com, and mozilla.org. But it gets an error for other websites, like wikipedia.org, craiglist.org, and wordpress.org.
Does anybody know why?
An IP address identifies a server, not a website. There might be more than one websites hosted on the same server.
When you enter a domain name (eg. wikipedia.org) in your browser's address bar, your browser first resolves the domain name to get an IP address (that is Then it constructs an HTTP request having a parameter named Host with a value wikipedia.org and sends it to the address
The server receives the response, reads the Host parameter and knows which website the user is looking for. So the browser essentially needs both IP address of the server and domain name of the website to open it.
In some web servers a "default website" might be defined, that is if the Host parameter is absent or its value is an IP address then the server will serve the default website to the user. This was the case with google.com and facebook.com. If a default website has not been set (eg. in wikipedia.org), the server will simply reply with an error saying the domain was not found.

Not able to browse website through using domain name on IIS server

I have got a strange problem while setting up my .NET website on IIS server on Amazon EC2 instance.
I have created a new website giving its path to my website folder in IIS 7.5.
I have given the ip address and DNS in domain settings.
And configured the host name in bindings section of website with www.domain.com
I am able to browse it through the IP address but not able to browse it using domain. It is showing some service page...
Can any one help me?
You need to configure your host header in IIS. Here's how to do it on IIS 6.0 for example:
Also, does www.domain.com actually resolve to your IP address?
It sounds like the A record for for the domain isn't set to the correct IP address. Have you confirmed that the changes took AND that they've propagated to your computer? If you ping www.domain.com, do you get the correct IP?

subdomain with rewriteModule

i'm using this rule for rewriting subdomain
and i'm corrected host file to domain.net
when user typed news.domain.net/default.aspx it must return domain.net/news/default.aspx but browser showed Address not found.
how do i?
please help
thanks all
When you add the entry to your HOSTS file, it will only correct the exact DNS lookup - in your example, "Domain.net" would resolve to, but "news.domain.net" won't resolve to anything, since there's no server at that address. If you add an entry to your HOSTS file for: news.domain.com
That will resolve that domain to your local machine, and then you can configure IIS to rewrite that URL to whatever you want.
