IE6 breaks flow of box (divs) [closed] - css

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Closed 9 years ago.
I've tried various things but the boxes on the right have a spacing issue in IE6.
Seen here
Anyone have an idea whats causing that?

My suggestion would be to set line-height:0px and font-size:1px for any spacing elements such as content-2nd-box-top which have no text in them and are purely meant to display images. Alternatively explicitly setting the div size and overflow:hidden may help.
Internet Explorer 6 frequently forces the size of a div to expand to the size of its content which can cause the white space you see over "About the Just Kids Partnership" and other section headers.
I also noticed a typo in your html. One of your < h2 > tags is missing the right pointy bracket.
(minus spaces)
< h2The Just Kids Report< /h2 >
I may be talking about a different defect than you bring up, but I only have adobe browser labs on this computer, and the most prominent problem I noticed was not on the right, but the section headers much further down on the page.


Containing DIV not expanding when contained divs grow [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
When I use "overflow:auto;" it's creating a horizontal scroll bar!
look at
Please help, this is killing me. I am trying to make a footer that will lower or rise as the content/subcategory divs are filled or emptied.
My question is what am I doing wrong? If I am not using proper things, please specify.
Make use of box-sizing CSS property and you don't need all those styles there.
I did not correct your CSS but here is a fixed version
this will help treat border as part of width

I am developing a website on a Mac, and all major browsers render it correctly. However I am stumped as to how to make it display properly in IE [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Here is the website:
In IE, it renders without some of the headers, the logo shifts to the right, the menu stacks the links one above the other (instead of side-by-side), and the it appears as though the margin in the footer content aren't reading correctly.
I would like to figure out how to fix this problem. I am happy with the way it displays in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
I am using Wordpress and using my own css.
More than anything else, for cross browser compatibility, the doctype declaration (<!doctype html>, for example) should be the very first line of your source.* would have notified you of this, and likely other things. ( for CSS.)
So, you’ll need to find the WordPress header file where that code is and alter it. You can get help doing that at should you require it.

Alignment in IE [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've got the alignment issue that shows in IE, this is the page:
there's a big gap between the picture and the copy at the first paragraph, Does anybody know how to write css code to minimize the gap?
Thanks for your help!!
The content of your TD elements seems to be floating left when it doesn't need to be. I think that's probably causing the IE issue.
You really shouldn't be using TABLE elments to layout your page unless it's actual tabular data.

How to trace the origin of a weird spacing? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have done something less brilliant but no matter how much i check in Firebug, i can't see any style that causes the buttons to get this weird margin on the left side. In fact, they don't even flash (on mouse over) except at the leftmost edge.
The question is twofold. What did the evil computer did?
And, more importantly, how does one trace the source of this weird layout?
The demo page can be found here.
input[type="button"], input[type="submit"] has a left margin of 120px.

How can I make a text area look exactly the same as a div element? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I need to make a textarea and a div look exactly the same in all browsers.
I have this code:
How can I achieve that?
First, I believe that forcing something to look exactly the same in all browsers is an approach that is about to die out. It is much easier to embrace the differences and let inputs etc. vary slightly in style between browsers. Very few visitors will visit your site will multiple browsers anyway, so very few will even notice the difference.
Now on to answer your actual question. Since you haven't specified what the textarea/div should look like, I cannot provide you with a complete set of properties, but here is an approach to how to achieve it.
Use a CSS-reset, like this one (there are others as well), to get rid of the default styling applied by each browser. Now the page start of with the same look in all browsers.
Apply your desired styling on both the div and the textarea.
A textarea will scroll by default when the content does not fit. You might have to fake that for the div element using overflow-y: scroll;.
