how to handle form authentication in IE7&IE8 -

Hi I am using IE7 and IE8 browser for running web appliction. I have login in the web application go on the next page. if have copy the url of the next page, and open new browser and paste url, then open directly next page. I mean my form authentication is not working. please help how to handle this issue.

I don't know enough about to give exact code, but your login page should create a new session if it isn't already created.
When the logic behind the authentication form verifies the username/password, it should set a session variable to mark the user as logged in.
Pages which require login should then check for that session variable, and redirect to the login page if not set.
Hope that helps!


Redirect to Home page if user already logged in, in same browser asp .net c#

I want to make application that if user in logged in the web site in one tab of browser and if he open application in second tab than he should not redirect to login page but he should redirect to Home page. just like Facebook or yahoomail in C#
please help
To do this you should use a persistent auth cookie. This will allow authentication to be maintained across tabs. It's a flag when you authenticate users, see here.
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("name", true); // persistant auth cookie
You can set a custom session attribute in Session_Start method in Global.asax, and when home page loads check that assigned session still available or not, if it exists still then redirect to logged page.
if (Session["UserId"] != null){Response.Redirect("/home/Index");}
I hope this will help you. How to handle login/logout with role based access

Scenario: I have the membership provider setup and its currently pointing to a SQL database on my machine. The role based access works and I have a menu that is security trimmed. The user can only get to pages that they have access to.
Problem: When an anonymous user tries to get to a page that they dont have access to it brings them to a login page so that they can login. That is fine. But when a logged in user tries to get to a page they dont have access to(Usually by typing in a URL) it brings them to the login page again asking them to login(except there already logged in. I'd like to either take them to a different page or somehow tell them they don't have access. Any ideas/suggestions?
Thanks in advance
This is what I use. They point out that using <customErrors> won't work because of the way the 401 status gets changed and provide a solution.

Forms Authentication issue with WebBrowser Class in

I am developing a site and in this site i m building a functionality to capture a screen shot of a page. In my site i am using forms first of all.
So when user login to the website he/she has to enter the credentials and then go to their profile page.
So now i am just creating a thumbnail of the user profile page using WebBrowser Control but the problem is , i m using forms authentication and it's always capture the login forms page because of forms authentication.
So Please help me ASAP.
In that case you will need to perform login programtically for forms authentication. Here is the piece of code which will be required.
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(UserName, false);
And here is more info
However, be aware that the code you are using for creation of screenshot might not go well with it. So take care of this. These posts might help you in that case Send credentials to WebBrowser
You have to simulate forms authentication via WebBrowser control - essentially, use document object model (Document property) to locate user name/password input boxes, set their values and trigger submit (either inject java-script to do form submit OR use DOM to simulate login button click).
IMO, better way would be to use WebRequest (HttpWebRequest) to simulate the POST to login page to do authentication and then issue request to user profile page. Get the page html(from response) and load it in Web Browser control using DocumentText property.
In case, you have control over the server site, you may modify user profile page to allow un-authenticated access over certain requests (for example, from local machine or specified IP etc).

Open protected web page passing in credentials programmatically

I have code examples from some of my previous work that help me to post form values to a web page (login credentials) and retrieve the text from that page. Now I want to pass in form values (login credentials again) but actually open that web page in a browser given those credentials.
How do I do that? I'm not doing anything nefarious. In our CRM app (home-grown as it is), I want to create a link button that opens our web site's protected products page given the user's credentials (based on the user's login credentials). Normally, I'd copy the user's credentials in our login page which then takes me to the products page. I'm trying to do this now by just clicking a link button.
Any suggestions?
How are you launching the browser? Is this an internal network app? If so, I would recommend using Windows Authentication for your ASP.NET app, and then you don't have to worry about passing credentials. If you can't do that, then you'll probably have to pass the credentials on the querystring generated by your CRM app. Obviously, this is a huge security risk. But the next step would be to perform your internal authentication and then call FormsAuthencation.RedirectFromLoginPage or FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie().

ASP.NET: directing user to login page, after login send user back to page requested originally?

I am trying to manually implement a login system in ASP.NET 3.5. Basically, on load, I would like the site to check and see if user object is active, if not, than I want the login page to appear.
After user has logged in successfully, I would like the user to be able to access the same page he has requested originally.
for example:
user request to: MyPage.aspx - not logged in
login page appears instead of MyPage.aspx
user logs in successfully
MyPage.aspx appears instead of Default.aspx for example
Peering at the System.Net namespace, I see that there is an "HttpWebRequest Class" which has a "HttpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect Property" but am unsure how that would get me back from the login page.
NOTE: I know there are automatic authentication systems setup in ASP.NET, but I would like to have manual control over the database.
-- Tomek
What you could do, if you don't want to actually use the built in Forms Authentcation is:
Check if the user is authenticated on each page you want to hide from anonymous users. If they are not authenticated, redirect them to your login page with the URL in the query string.
if(!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) {
Then on your login page, after a user logs in. Check the query string to see if there is a redirect parameter.
if(!String.IsNullorEmpty(Request.QueryString["redirect"]) {
string url = ResolveClientURL(redirect);
Of course this is all built into .NET using Authentication, where you can deny anonymous access to certain directories, and when you do that, .NET will redirect to your login page (which is set in the web.config) and will include a "ReturnURL=blahblah" on your login page.
Just an FYI.
Just save the originally requested url in Session or a hidden field on the login page
After successful login, use Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect to jump to that page.
It looks like another method is described here. It seems that you can use the following object to return from the login page:
Yet, according to the article, the better method is to use what JackM described, but with an overload:
Response.Redirect("~/default.aspx", false);
In doing so, you prevent the Session from ending when the page is redirected.
