How to use Facebook Graph api -

I am using facebook graph Api for my application where i want the data of this page.
In this page there is option TV SHOW I want collect all information of that page.
But i didn't any graph api method for this page.
Please help me for this problem.

As far as I can tell, this isn't something you can do. It has to do with what Facebook sets as "indexable" columns in their tables. For example, the page table has a type ID and the TV SHOWS category ID appears to be 89, so you'd think you could run a FQL query such as: page_id, name FROM page WHERE type=89
or perhaps: page_id, name FROM page WHERE type='TV SHOW'
But you'll get this notice:
Your statement is not indexable. The
WHERE clause must contain an indexable
Unfortunately, the only two indexable columns for WHERE statements using the page table are page_id and name. So you can only query this table for one page at a time. Which makes sense when you consider how expensive a search like that would be on billions of records.
You can do a generic graph search for "TV SHOWS" but it won't give the the results on the page index as you requested:
The Graph API is more about introspection/connections between objects than an open search protocol.


Generate and display html table with user data from wordpress

Update: With the help of the answerer below I figured out how to do this. Basically I used a WP Query to get users and their user metadata and I sorted and placed the data in a for each loop in a table.
I'm new to PHP and I need some help. Basically I want to create a leaderboard with different user data. I want to display it in an html table.
This is kinda what i want:
Username GamiPress Points Time since last login
And I want the table to be populated with these data amongst others automatically. I want two versions one that is sorted with the 15 users who have the most points and one that sorts on the 15 users that logged in last.
Can someone point me to the right place on how I can best implement this?
I basically want to create the GamiPress Leaderboard add-on that I, unfortunately, can't afford, but with some extra fields.
There are multiple steps to do if you want to achieve this:
1) Add meta field to your users, so you can store the points. For example you can use "Advanced Custom Fields" plugin for this.
2) Write a function for adding points to this field. Define when this function will be fired.
3) Query the users ordered by that meta value and display it (get_users($args) might be useful).
4) For the Last-Login value you can use a plugin (google Wordpress Last Login) and write another Query and order results by that meta field. You can also write this by your own, here is a link I found:
I don't know if this is what you were looking for.
Or did you want to see an example code how you use a wp query and display data in html table?

Populate data based on the response given in Google Form

I have created two sections
First Section I have Order ID after entering the order ID and I click Next - In second section I want to populate order id's related data like (Name, Address, list of orders) All these data are available in an excel sheet, Once it is populated I would like the user to confirm their orders are correct and then hit submit.
Is this possible using google form or any add-ons for Google forms?
i read your question
As far i know about google form, google form don't give option to recheck your pre-filled options. So, what we can do is to give a confirm button at the end which is must required to fill.
You can see it through this example.
If you want to create a more user defined form you can make it from simple html and php.
hope this will help you.

Showing count of content based on the select list values Drupal 7

I have a requirement in which I need to show some content along with its count based on values in a select list. I wanted to display the allocated,released and resigned resources of a particular department in a selected date range. Using views, date range and department fields are created as exposed filters.
Created a content type for creating resources. The Resources content type is having action as a select list with values allocated,released,resigned. Department is another select list and date field is also added.
Please help me with an answer if views module is not enough. Provide some other solutions also. I'm using Drupal 7.
I figured out how to show node count in views. In my view I’ve some exposed filters and passed my select list cck field as contextual filter. If no result available I made the view to display summary as row count. In the template file, I’m planning to do some calculations for showing the resources count in and out of the project. Please correct me if there is anything wrong in this approach.

Get flickr photos with YQL with multiple parameters

I'm trying to create a Flex app to get photos from flickr(using YQL) of "something" near a given ZIPCODE and ordered by interestigness.
I can't figure out how. I'm on and i see that there are different tables:, etc.I guess i have to make an sql join in order to filter the photos but i dpn't know what columns they contain.
Can you please help me?
The key table to search on is, which allows you to search photos with numerous filters and to sort the results by interestingness as you want.
A simple query which searches photos within a 20km radius of Beverly Hills, CA, USA for the word "hill" and orders the results by interestingness might look like the following.
select * from where
has_geo="true" and text="hill" and sort="interestingness-desc"
and radius="20" and radius_units="km" and place_id in (
select place_id from flickr.places(1) where query="90210, USA"
» Try this in the console
i dpn't know what columns they contain.
When using the console, each table should have an associated URL pointing to the documentation for the service that that table provides. That link, and other information about the table (e.g. required parameters), can be found by executing a query of the form desc <table name>. For example, the query desc in the YQL console shows:
That documentationURL (here) takes you to Flickr's documentation page for the API method, which shows all of the available parameters that can be used. You'll see descriptions for the where clause parameters from the YQL query we used to search for photos near Beverly Hills.

Views 1: Filter by custom table/field (or using Argument Hand. Code)

I have a page which should list nodes. The views is called from a locality page (a taxonomy term page). What I need is almost the same as using the Taxonomy: tid in arguments and passing the tid.
I can't use the term_node table, as (for other reasons) we have a custom table term_node_hierarchy (with nid and tid only). The table term_node_hierarchy is like term_node but also saves the tid of the parents (from an "external" code)
I've been looking for options but still no joy.
Currently I'm building an array of the nid's that should be displayed on the current page, and passing them like print views_build_view('embed', $view, $matching_nids); but the Argument Node: ID states This argument is a single Node ID. As said, only the first node is displayed when printing the views. It would be great if it could filter on more than one nid.
I'm open to any kind of suggestions on how to do this.
You could create your own module for this. You could populate the $page_content variable with the results of your own custom query where you allow the user to sort against multiple nids. You could do this a number of different ways. You could display a list of the existing nids with corresponding checkboxes, so that, when the user clicks submit, all the nids that match the selected checkboxes get used in the query. Then you just display the result of that query. That's the easiest way I can think of to offer that degree of flexibility.
