Moq in Microsoft Data Access Application Block - moq

I just downloaded the latest release of the source code to the Microsoft Enterprise Library. When I tried to build the solution in Visual Studio 2010, I get the following error:
The type or namespace name 'Moq' could
not be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
What is Moq and where can I find the assemblies

Moq (pronounced "Mock-you" or just
"Mock") is the only mocking library
for .NET developed from scratch to
take full advantage of .NET 3.5 (i.e.
Linq expression trees) and C# 3.0
features (i.e. lambda expressions)
that make it the most productive,
type-safe and refactoring-friendly
mocking library available. And it
supports mocking interfaces as well as
classes. Its API is extremely simple
and straightforward, and doesn't
require any prior knowledge or
experience with mocking concepts.
The assemblies are here. You probably want the 3.1 binaries.

Beside downloading DLL files from you need to add them in the bin reference of your application in VS.In VS ,right click on References and choose Add Reference.


Problem referencing transitive dependencies when building a specific .NET Core project in TeamCity

I have a solution with multiple projects, the notable projects are:
WebProject is a .NET Core project, the other two are .NET Framework.
This is the file structure, including the csproj and sln files:
DataProject references Dapper, which is a NuGet package.
When attempting to run the build configuration in TeamCity, I get the following (slightly reduced, redacted) error:
DapperWorklistRepository.cs(4,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Dapper' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [REDACTED_PATH_TO_DATAPROJECT_CSPROJ_FILE]
Process exited with code 1
Step Build (.NET Core (dotnet)) failed
This is my only build step (.NET Core):
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I have a feeling it may be something to do with the web project not being able to reference the projects one level back? I have tried setting the required paths in many different ways with no avail.
I ended up figuring this out, implementing a bit of a hack of a solution.
The problem lies in the fact that I'm referencing .NET Framework projects from a .NET Core project, and attempting to build them all in one step.
The work around required two things:
Firstly, I had to include a NuGet installer build step. I couldn't figure out how to target specifically .NET Framework projects (it doesn't support .NET Core), so I essentially duplicated the solution file, renamed it to NetCoreBuildHelper, and deleted the Web project reference. The reference remained in the original solution. I then referenced the new NetCoreBuildHelper solution in the NuGet Installer.
Secondly, I had to create a .NET Framework MSBuild step, which built the other projects (DataProject and ContractProject), referencing the NetCoreBuildHelper solution.
I'd love to hear responses to this if I could improve the solution, as it feels like a bit of a hack
This question is on the older side - but I'm interested in knowing if you arrived at any more information.
To the best of my knowledge, .Net Framework and .Net Core are fundamentally different platforms, so they are not meant to be referenced by one other. .Net Standard projects however, are intended to be a vehicle for code sharing that both .Net Core and .Net Framework can reference, as long as the Standard version being targeted is the correct version. For example, .Net Framework 4.8 is, at most, .Net Standard 2.0 compatible. If the .Net Framework projects were class libraries, it might be worth migrating those to be .Net Standard projects, and reference them from your .Net Core project.

Is there a way to have .NET Framework code in a .NET Core library?

We have a commercial library that I am working to port to .NET Core. There are a couple of calls in it I want to retain to use only if running in .NET standard. (For the curious, one set is to read a file on a Windows server that requires credentials to access.)
Is there:
A call that will tell me if I am running under .NET Standard vs. .NET Core.
Is there a way to have a class that is only going to be instantiated/called if running under standard, but the DLL will still load fine under Core?
Also asked on MSDN
Since what you describe, having a single nuget package and being able to specify different behaviours or dependencies depending on the framework the nuget package is installed into, can only be reached through Multi Targeting I will assume you are doing that or will be doing it.
Once you have specified target frameworks, you have pre-defined variables to use in precompile blocks:
// use full framework class here. You were installed into a full framework app or library
// use .NET Core class here. You were installed into a .NET Core app or library
// uh... okay... you were installed into another .NET Standard library,
// we still have no idea where *that* might be installed... help?
// Maybe make it configurable after all?
.NET Standard is not a runtime, it is a set of APIs that a runtime must implement in order to be compatible. So basically this allows people to have a library target .NET Standard and have one code-base that will run in all supported runtimes because it is guaranteed that those runtimes will have an implementation for those APIs.
.NET Standard doesn't have implementation at all, it just defines a set contract of APIs which is used at compile time, but at runtime the APIs used will be the ones in the runtime the consumer decided to target their application for.
A better runtime detection would be to use RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescriptor APIs. We do that for our framework tests to know what we're running our tests on:
You could also achieve this via reflection by doing something like: typeof(string).Assembly... if the assembly is System.Private.CoreLib you're on .NET Core, if it is mscorlib, you're in .NET Framework.

Purpose of .Net Framework Dependencies in NetCore.App SDK?

The .Net Core Console Template in VS2019 adds the Microsoft.NETCore.App Metapackage as an 'SDK', which includes dependencies to .NetFramework libraries.
For example, why is System.ServiceProcess.dll (A .NetFramework Assembly)listed as a dependency instead of System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.dll (the equivalent .NetCore assembly)?
To actually use the Types included in System.ServiceProcess.dll, you need to add a reference to System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController nuget package. I'm confused why the NetCore.App SDK would list a .NetFramework assembly as a dependency, especially considering accessing the types included in that assembly require an extra nuget package
Those are not .NET Framework assemblies but rather compile-time reference assemblies that provide API surface compatibility (assembly / type identity) for using existing libraries or packages on .NET Core. Some of these will work cross-platform (like code depending on System.Object being defined in mscorlib.dll which has been added for compatibility in .NET Core 2.0) and some may not.
The SDK just adds all the facade / reference assemblies to the compilation to help resolve references during compilation. They do not actually contain any code. Even some dll files you can find in the actual .NET Core runtime may only contain type forwards and not actual implementations.
Also see Compatibility shim used by .NET Standard 2.0 for information about the compatibility mechanisms.

Compatibility shim used by .NET Standard 2.0

Overviews (example) of .NET Standard 2.0 say that it now uses some kind of compatibility shim that fixes the third-party library compatibility issue. So you can use the third-party library with .NET Standard until it doesn't use any API which .NET Standard doesn’t have.
What is not clear is
how does this shim work? any drawbacks?
how to check that third-party library is supported? By directly adding it into the project and then trying to compile?
This works by creating all the necessary libraries that are referenced by classic .NET libraries.
E.g. in .NET Core the implementation of Object or Attribute is defined in System.Runtime. When you compile code, the generated code always references the assembly and the type => [System.Runtime]System.Object. Classic .NET projects however reference System.Object from mscorlib. When trying to use a classic .NET assembly on .NET Core 1.0/1.1, this usually leads to types not being found. In .NET Core 2.0, there will be "fake" types in a mscorlib that the runtime knows how to forward to where the implementation actually is.
You can read more about how this assembly unification works on the dotnet/standard GitHub repo but the most important scenario is this (image taken from this repository):
This shows how the scenario is supposed to work: When a 3rd party dll references [mscorlib]Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey, there will be an mscorlib.dll that contains a type forward to [Microsoft.Win32.Registry] Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey so it will work when a Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.dll is present.
This also shows the major downside: The registry is a windows-only concept and not available on Mac or Linux so this particular code may fail to run on non-windows platforms. But if you use only parts of the library that do not use this functionality, it may work for cross-platform scenarios.
Another problem is that even if API is "available" to compile against and reference, it still may throw a PlatformNotSupportedException.
For example, a library that implements a file format for serialisation / deserialisation might work without modification, even if it has been built for .NET Framework 3.5.
To find what API functions a particular library uses, the .NET Portability Analyzer can be used to scan a dll and show if the library is compatible and if not, which APIs are blocking.

Differences between .Net Full framework and the .Net Core Framework 4.5 used by K runtime?

I've seen videos introducing ASP.NET vNext and been keeping up with the recent announcement blog posts, but detailed information on what's been stripped from the full framework appears slim. Here's what I think I know so far:
It's much smaller (11MB vs >200MB):
Strong naming is gone:
It's dumped System.Web
It includes a merged MVC and WebAPI (however I don't believe this is part of the framework itself but rather dependencies that can be specified)
Dependencies are completely managed through project.json, to the extent that the base
Are we basically looking at a framework that basically includes nothing more than what's in mscorlib in the full framework, with all else delivered via package management? And if this is the case, why would one need to target the framework specifically, as described here?
The reason they specifically target NET45 in the link you supplied is because AutoFac is built for and has a dependency on .NET 4.5. Without NET45 the code wouldn't compile.
My assumption is that once vNext gets closer and closer to release the Autofac (and StructureMap, and Castle Windsor, and ...) will release a version that targets the cloud optimized framework to remove the dependency.
As far as I understand, .Net Framework is the fully framework we know and love with all the Windows implementations and lots of code we don't normally use, like they explain in some videos an XML parser.
In .NET Core they removed all the unneeded implementations/dependecies and only left the basic ones. which also enables cross platform (not yet), so in the future one could think as the only framework : CORE Framework, and run on any device. Their february community standup give a lots of information and insight on their objectives and goals.
I see this as a transition, when some features are available only on the full Framework while in the futures one might expect to see all features available for .NET Core.
From a Microsoft perspective, if they want to release lets say Entity Framework for mobile (EF7 is aiming at that) they must get rid of all the windows implementations, on EF and it's dependencies (Framework). So they created a non-windows dependency on the framework, which also helps the multiple framework install and remove some problems with updating the framework by having them mostly isolated from the system, lying in the application. New problems will come like multiple copies of the same framework on one machine per application, that's why they are working on something called Smart Sharing.
This post may help you and give you some insight specially this part :
The structure of .NET Core is comprised of two major components which
add to and extend the capabilities of the .NET Framework as follows:
Built on the same codebase as the .Net Framework CLR. Includes the
same GC and JIT (RyuJIT) Does not include features like Application
Domains or Code Access Security. The runtime is delivered on NuGet
(Microsoft.CoreCLR package)
Base class libraries:
Are the same code as the .Net Framework class libraries but do not
contain dependencies so have a smaller footprint. Available on NuGet
(System.* package)
and I guess you already read Introducing .NET Core from Microsoft.
Regarding your concern about specifying a specific framework is because right now, not everything works on Core CLR so you must choose which one to use, or you can target both and use different implementations.
As of right now, CORE only runs on Windows; the mono framework doesn't have a SQLLite provider for entity framework but it does on Core, so you can use an InMemory or Azure EF provider for example, and choose depending on the enviroment your application is running.
As Scott Gu says on the community standup, they envision a future where there's no mono framework or full framework, there's just Core, but that will take time if it ever happens.
I can't find an original source other than a comment by David Fowler (I believe) on a presentation from NDC, but CoreCLR used by the K Runtime is actually a reincarnation of the CLR used by Silverlight 2. It was used because it's small and designed to be cross platform. There is some additional information here:
