How would one interleave elements of 2 lists in LISP? - common-lisp

Given 2 lists, how can you produce an output of a 3rd list which has its elements as an interleaved set of L1 and L2? If they are uneven length, nil should be inserted for holes. On a second note, how can I reverse a list? I am super new to LISP and simply modifying existing code... I'd really love to have a good explanation, not just code.

First, I guess you use Common Lisp, as it is the one most used in Lisp courses. So, my examples will be in CL. If you use Scheme, you will get almost the same code. If modern Clojure, it will need some changes, through an idea will be the same.
To interleave 2 lists you must go through both of them, collecting elements by turns. You can use loop statement or recursion for this. I'll use recursion since it has more functional style and may be used in any lisp, not only CL. Also note, that there's a feature called tail recursion, which lets you write recursive function that will be compiled to a loop.
So, base skeleton for our function will be:
(defun interleave (l1 l2)
(interleave ?????))
To collect items in recursive functions you will need to return them from each call and then cons together (for a tail recursion you must have one more parameter, which will accumulate values). So, the end of the function will be (cons current-value (interleave ????)).
Also you must alternate lists to take elements from with each other. You may have additional parameter, but you also may just swap them in a recursive call. So, code becomes:
(defun interleave (l1 l2)
(cons current-value (interleave l2 l1)))
Any recursion must stop somewhere. In this case, it must stop when both lists are empty (nil).
This is one condition (let give it number 1), and there are some more conditions:
2. if the list to take from is empty, and the other one is not, we must take nil instead.
3. if both lists are not empty, take first element as a current-value and proceed with it's tail.
There's only one more condition that 2 lists can be in: list to take from is not empty, and the second one is. But in fact we don't care about this and may go forward with a rule number 3.
So, the code (and this is the final one):
(defun interleave (l1 l2)
(cond ((and (eql l1 nil) (eql l2 nil)) nil) ;; rule #1
((eql l1 nil) (cons nil (interleave l2 l1))) ;; rule #2, current value is nil
(true (cons (first l1) (interleave l2 (rest l1)))))) ;; rule #3 in all other cases
I'll show two implementations of this function: one with cond and another with built-in reduce function which is extremely useful in practice.
First approach for cond version is to go through the all list with a recursive calls and then go back, collecting elements:
(defun reverse-1-1 (li)
(if (eql li nil)
(append (reverse-1-1 (rest li))
(list (first li)))))
But this is extremely inefficient, since append is O(n), and you must pass n elements, so the final complexity is O(n^2).
To reduce it you may use one more argument to the function (and make it tail recursive, if compiler lets you):
(defun reverse-1-2 (li)
(reverse-aux li nil))
(defun reverse-aux (li accumulator)
(if (eql li nil)
(reverse-aux (rest li) (cons (first li) accumulator))))
That's you use one more parameter to collect your elements in while passing through the list, and then just return this accumulator.
There's one more interesting option. Lisp has extremely powerful function reduce (in other functional languages it is sometimes called fold, foldr, foldl or something like that). You may find description for it here, and I'll just show an example:
(defun reverse-2 (li)
(reduce #'cons li :from-end t :initial-value nil))
:from-end tells function to go through the the list from the end, and :initial-value tells to use as the very first reduced argument nil.
Note: in some implementations reduce with option :from-end true may first reverse list by itself, so if you need to create it from scratch or use the most efficient version, use reverse-1-2 instead.

In Common Lisp:
(defun merge-lists (lst1 lst2)
(let ((m (max (length lst1) (length lst2))))
(flatten (mapcar (lambda (a b) (list a b))
(append-nulls lst1 m)
(append-nulls lst2 m)))))
(merge-lists '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)) ;; => (1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8)
(merge-lists '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7)) ;; => (1 5 2 6 3 7 4 NULL)
(merge-lists '(1 2) '(5 6 7 8)) ;; => (1 5 2 6 NULL 7 NULL 8)
The helper functions flatten and append-nulls:
(defun flatten (tree)
(let ((result '()))
(labels ((scan (item)
(if (listp item)
(map nil #'scan item)
(push item result))))
(scan tree))
(nreverse result)))
(defun append-nulls (lst n)
(if (< (length lst) n)
(dotimes (i (- n (length lst)))
(setq lst (append lst (list 'null)))))

The answer above:
(defun interleave (l1 l2)
(cond ((and (eql l1 nil) (eql l2 nil)) nil) ;; rule #1
((eql l1 nil) (cons nil (interleave l2 l1))) ;; rule #2, current value is nil
(true (cons (first l1) (interleave l2 (rest l1)))))) ;; rule #3 in all other cases
If one of your lists is longer than the other, you will get something like (1 2 3 4 nil 5).
((eql l1 nil) (cons nil (interleave l2 l1)))
((null l1) l2)

An example of a more idiomatic solution in Common Lisp:
(defun interleave (a b)
(flet ((nil-pad (list on-list)
(append list (make-list (max 0 (- (length on-list) (length list)))))))
(loop for x in (nil-pad a b)
for y in (nil-pad b a)
append (list x y))))


Is there a way to implement mapcar in Common Lisp using only applicative programming and avoiding recursion or iteration as programming styles?

I am trying to learn Common Lisp with the book Common Lisp: A gentle introduction to Symbolic Computation. In addition, I am using SBCL, Emacs and Slime.
In chapter 7, the author suggests there are three styles of programming the book will cover: recursion, iteration and applicative programming.
I am interested on the last one. This style is famous for the applicative operator funcall which is the primitive responsible for other applicative operators such as mapcar.
Thus, with an educational purpose, I decided to implement my own version of mapcar using funcall:
(defun my-mapcar (fn xs)
(if (null xs)
(cons (funcall fn (car xs))
(my-mapcar fn (cdr xs)))))
As you might see, I used recursion as a programming style to build an iconic applicative programming function.
It seems to work:
CL-USER> (my-mapcar (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) (list 1 2 3 4))
(2 3 4 5)
CL-USER> (my-mapcar (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) (list ))
;; comparing the results with the official one
CL-USER> (mapcar (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) (list ))
CL-USER> (mapcar (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) (list 1 2 3 4))
(2 3 4 5)
Is there a way to implement mapcar without using recursion or iteration? Using only applicative programming as a style?
Obs.: I tried to see how it was implemented. But it was not possible
CL-USER> (function-lambda-expression #'mapcar)
I also used Emacs M-. to look for the documentation. However, the points below did not help me. I used this to find the files below:
mapcar is by itself a primitive applicative operator (pag. 220 of Common Lisp: A gentle introduction to Symbolic Computation). So, if you want to rewrite it in an applicative way, you should use some other primitive applicative operator, for instance map or map-into. For instance, with map-into:
CL-USER> (defun my-mapcar (fn list &rest lists)
(apply #'map-into (make-list (length list)) fn list lists))
CL-USER> (my-mapcar #'1+ '(1 2 3))
(2 3 4)
CL-USER> (my-mapcar #'+ '(1 2 3) '(10 20 30) '(100 200 300))
(111 222 333)
Technically, recursion can be implemented as follows:
(defun fix (f)
(funcall (lambda (x) (funcall x x))
(lambda (x) (funcall f (lambda (&rest y) (apply (funcall x x) y))))))
Notice that fix does not use recursion in any way. In fact, we could have only used lambda in the definition of f as follows:
(defconstant fix-combinator
(lambda (g) (funcall
(lambda (x) (funcall x x))
(lambda (x) (funcall
(lambda (&rest y) (apply (funcall x x)
(defun fix-2 (f)
(funcall fix-combinator f))
The fix-combinator constant is more commonly known as the y combinator.
It turns out that fix has the following property:
Evaluating (apply (fix f) list) is equivalent to evaluating (apply (funcall f (fix f)) list). Informally, we have (fix f) = (funcall f (fix f)).
Thus, we can define map-car (I'm using a different name to avoid package lock) by
(defun map-car (func lst)
(funcall (fix (lambda (map-func) (lambda (lst) ; We want mapfunc to be (lambda (lst) (mapcar func lst))
(if (endp lst)
(cons (funcall func (car lst))
(funcall map-func (cdr lst)))))))
Note the lack of recursion or iteration.
That being said, generally mapcar is just taken as a primitive notion when using the "applicative" style of programming.
Another way you can implement mapcar is by using the more general reduce function (a.k.a. fold). Let's name the user-provided function f and define my-mapcar.
The reduce function carries an accumulator value that builds up the resulting list, here it is going take a value v, a sublist rest, and call cons with (funcall f v) and rest, so as to build a list.
More precisely, here reduce is going to implement a right-fold, since cons is right-associative (e.g. the recursive list is the "right" hand side, ie. the second argument of cons, e.g. (cons a (cons b (cons nil)))).
In order to define a right-fold with reduce, you pass :from-end t, which indicates that it builds-up a value from the last element and the initial accumulator to obtain a new accumulator value, then the second to last element with that new accumulator to build a new accumulator, etc. This is how you ensure that the resulting elements are in the same order as the input list.
In that case, the reducing function takes its the current element as its first argument, and the accumulator as a second argument.
Since the type of the elements and the type of the accumulator are different, you need to pass an :initial-value for the accumulator (the default behavior where the initial-value is taken from the list is for functions like + or *, where the accumulator is in the same domain as the list elements).
With that in mind, you can write it as follows:
(defun my-map (f list)
(reduce (lambda (v rest) (cons (funcall f v) rest))
:from-end t
:initial-value nil))
For example:
(my-map #'prin1-to-string '(0 1 2 3))
; => ("0" "1" "2" "3")

Common lisp recursive macro in matrix addition

I have to write a recursive macro for list addition in Common Lisp (homework). What I have so far is :
(defmacro matrix-add-row (r1 r2 sum_row)
(if (not (and r1 r2)) `sum_row
`(matrix-add-row (cdr r1) (cdr r2) (cons sum_row (+ (car r1) (car r2))))
(reverse sum_row)
I call this function with
(matrix-add-row `(1 2) `(3 4) ())
and as an output I get unvaluated code instead of numbers (which leads going to infinite loop).
How to put , ` properly (or call the macro properly)?
Firstly, to me this seems a rather bizarre thing to do with a macro. I assume the point is that you use the macro to transform (matrix-add-row '(1 2) '(3 4)) to an explicit list of sums like (list (+ 1 3) (+ 2 4)).
Also, what you have written has several problems which look like you don't quite understand how the backtick works. So I think the easiest way to help is to solve an example for you.
Since this is homework, I'm going to solve a different (but similar) question. You should be able to take the answer and use it for your example. Suppose I want to solve the following:
Write a macro, diffs, which computes all differences of pairs of successive elements in a list. For example,
(diffs '(1 2 3)) should expand to (list (- 2 1) (- 3 2)), which will then evaluate to (1 1).
Note that my macro won't do the actual subtraction, so I can use it even if I don't know some of the numbers until runtime. (The reason I think this sort of question is a bit weird is that it does need to know the length of the list at compile time).
My solution is going to be used as a macro with one argument but if I want to use recursion I'll need to pass in an accumulator too, which I can start with nil. So I write something like this:
(defmacro diffs (lst &optional accumulator)
Now what do I do with lst? If lst is nil, I want to bottom out and just return the accumulator, with a call to list at the front, which will be code to make my list. Something like this:
(defmacro diffs (lst &optional accumulator)
((null lst)
;; You could write `(list ,#accumulator) instead, but that seems
;; unnecessarily obfuscated.
(cons 'list accumulator))
(error "Aargh. Unhandled"))))
Let's try it!
CL-USER> (diffs nil)
Not hugely exciting, but it looks plausible. Now use macroexpand, which just does the expansion without the evaluation:
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(diffs nil))
And what if we'd already got some stuff from a recursion?
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(diffs nil ((- a b) (- b c))))
(LIST (- A B) (- B C))
Looks good! Now we need to deal with the case when there's an actual list there. The test you want is consp and (for my example) it only makes sense when there's at least two elements.
(defmacro diffs (lst &optional accumulator)
;; A list of at least two elements
((and (consp lst) (consp (cdr lst)))
(list 'diffs (cdr lst)
(cons (list '- (cadr lst) (car lst)) accumulator)))
;; A list with at most one element
((listp lst)
(cons 'list accumulator))
(error "Aargh. Unhandled"))))
This seems almost to work:
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(diffs (3 4 5)))
(LIST (- 5 4) (- 4 3))
but for two problems:
The list comes out backwards
The code is a bit horrible when we actually construct the recursive expansion
Let's fix the second part first by using the backtick operator:
(defmacro diffs (lst &optional accumulator)
;; A list of at least two elements
((and (consp lst) (consp (cdr lst)))
`(diffs ,(cdr lst)
,(cons `(- ,(cadr lst) ,(car lst)) accumulator)))
;; A list with at most one element
((listp lst)
(cons 'list accumulator))
(error "Aargh. Unhandled"))))
Hmm, it's not actually much shorter, but I think it's clearer.
For the second part, we could proceed by adding each item to the end of the accumulator rather than the front, but that's not particularly quick in Lisp because lists are singly linked. Better is to construct the accumulator backwards and then reverse it at the end:
(defmacro diffs (lst &optional accumulator)
;; A list of at least two elements
((and (consp lst) (consp (cdr lst)))
`(diffs ,(cdr lst)
,(cons `(- ,(cadr lst) ,(car lst)) accumulator)))
;; A list with at most one element
((listp lst)
(cons 'list (reverse accumulator)))
(error "Aargh. Unhandled"))))
Now we get:
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(diffs (3 4 5)))
(LIST (- 4 3) (- 5 4))
Much better!
Two last things. Firstly, I still have an error clause in my macro. Can you see how to trigger it? Can you think of a better behaviour than just outputting an error? (Your macro is going to have to deal with the same problem)
Secondly, for debugging recursive macros like this, I recommend using macroexpand-1 which just unfolds one level at once. For example:
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 '(diffs (3 4 5)))
(DIFFS (4 5) ((- 4 3)))
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 *)
(DIFFS (5) ((- 5 4) (- 4 3)))
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 *)
(LIST (- 4 3) (- 5 4))
There are two problems with your logic. First you are calling reverse on each iteration instead of at the end of the iteration. Then you are accumulating the new values, through cons, in the cdr of the cons cell as opposed to the car.
Also I don't see why this have to be a macro so using a function.
(defun matrix-add-row (r1 r2 sum-row)
(if (or (endp r1) (endp r2))
(reverse sum-row)
(matrix-add-row (cdr r1)
(cdr r2)
(cons (+ (car r1) (car r2))
(matrix-add-row '(1 2) '(3 4) ())
;; => (4 6)

lisp functions ( count numbers in common lisp)

I am working on program related to the different of dealing with even numbers in C and lisp , finished my c program but still having troubles with lisp
isprime function is defined and I need help in:
define function primesinlist that returns unique prime numbers in a lis
here what i got so far ,
any help with that please?
(defun comprimento (lista)
(if (null lista)
(1+ (comprimento (rest lista)))))
(defun primesinlist (number-list)
(let ((result ()))
(dolist (number number-list)
(when (isprime number)
( number result)))
(nreverse result)))
You need to either flatten the argument before processing:
(defun primesinlist (number-list)
(let ((result ()))
(dolist (number (flatten number-list))
(when (isprime number)
(push number result)))
(delete-duplicates (nreverse result))))
or, if you want to avoid consing up a fresh list, flatten it as you go:
(defun primesinlist (number-list)
(let ((result ()))
(labels ((f (l)
(dolist (x l)
(etypecase x
(integer (when (isprime x)
(push x result)))
(list (f x))))))
(f number-list))
(delete-duplicates (nreverse result))))
To count distinct primes, take the length of the list returned by primesinlist.
Alternatively, you can use count-if:
(count-if #'isprime (delete-duplicates (flatten number-list)))
It sounds like you've already got a primality test implemented, but for sake of completeness, lets add a very simple one that just tries to divide a number by the numbers less than it up to its square root:
(defun primep (x)
"Very simple implementation of a primality test. Checks
for each n above 1 and below (sqrt x) whether n divides x.
(mapcar 'primep '(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13))
(do ((sqrt-x (sqrt x))
(i 2 (1+ i)))
((> i sqrt-x) t)
(when (zerop (mod x i))
(return nil))))
Now, you need a way to flatten a potentially nested list of lists into a single list. When approaching this problem, I usually find it a bit easier to think in terms of trees built of cons-cells. Here's an efficient flattening function that returns a completely new list. That is, it doesn't share any structure with the original tree. That can be useful, especially if we want to modify the resulting structure later, without modifying the original input.
(defun flatten-tree (x &optional (tail '()))
"Efficiently flatten a tree of cons cells into
a list of all the non-NIL leafs of the tree. A completely
fresh list is returned.
(flatten-tree nil) ;=> ()
(flatten-tree 1) ;=> (1)
(flatten-tree '(1 (2 (3)) (4) 5)) ;=> (1 2 3 4 5)
(flatten-tree '(1 () () 5)) ;=> (1 5)
((null x) tail)
((atom x) (list* x tail))
((consp x) (flatten-tree (car x)
(flatten-tree (cdr x) tail)))))
Now it's just a matter of flatting a list, removing the number that are not prime, and removing duplicates from that list. Common Lisp includes functions for doing these things, namely remove-if-not and remove-duplicates. Those are the "safe" versions that don't modify their input arguments. Since we know that the flattened list is freshly generated, we can use their (potentially) destructive counterparts, delete-if-not and delete-duplicates.
There's a caveat when you're removing duplicate elements, though. If you have a list like (1 3 5 3), there are two possible results that could be returned (assuming you keep all the other elements in order): (1 3 5) and (1 5 3). That is, you can either remove the the later duplicate or the earlier duplicate. In general, you have the question of "which one should be left behind?" Common Lisp, by default, removes the earlier duplicate and leaves the last occurrence. That behavior can be customized by the :from-end keyword argument. It can be nice to duplicate that behavior in your own API.
So, here's a function that puts all those considerations together.
(defun primes-in-tree (tree &key from-end)
"Flatten the tree, remove elements which are not prime numbers,
using FROM-END to determine whether earlier or later occurrences
are kept in the list.
(primes-in-list '(2 (7 4) ((3 3) 5) 6 7))
;;=> (2 3 5 7)
(primes-in-list '(2 (7 4) ((3 3) 5) 6 7) :from-end t)
;;=> (2 7 3 5)"
;; Because FLATTEN-TREE returns a fresh list, it's OK
;; to use the destructive functions DELETE-IF-NOT and
(delete-if-not 'primep (flatten-tree list))
:from-end from-end))

Common Lisp: Function that checks if element is member of list

I want to make a function that checks if an element is a member of a list. The list can contain other lists.
This is what I came with so far:
(defun subl(l)
(if (numberp l)
(if (= l 10)
(princ "Found"))
(mapcar 'subl l)))
Now the number I am searching for is hard-coded and it is 10. I would like to write it somehow so the function takes another parameter(the number I am searching for) and returns true or 1 when it finds it. The main problem is that I can't see a way to control mapcar. mapcar executes subl on each element of l, if l si a list. But how can I controll the returned values of each call?
I would like to check the return value of each subl call and if one of it is true or 1 to return true or 1 till the last recursive call. So in the end subl returns true or one if the element is contained in the list or nil otherwise.
Any idea?
This procedure below should process as you have described;
(defun member-nested (el l)"whether el is a member of l, el can be atom or cons,
l can be list of atoms or not"
((null l) nil)
((equal el (car l)) t)
((consp (car l)) (or (member-nested el (car l))
(member-nested el (cdr l))))
(t (member-nested el (cdr l)))))
mapcar is a very generic primitive to map a function over a list. You can use one of the built-in combinators which are much more closely suited with what you're trying to do. Look into the member function.
Your function seems to play the role of main function and helper at the same time. That makes your code a lot more difficult to understand than it has to be..
So imagine you split the two:
;; a predicate to check if an element is 10
(defun number10p (l)
(and (numberp l)
(= l 10)))
;; the utility function to search for 10 amongst elements
(defun sublistp (haystack)
(mapcar #'number10p haystack)))
But here when you do (sublistp '(5 10 15 20)) you'll get (nil t nil nil) back. Thats because mapcar makes a list of every result. For me it seems you are describing some since it stops at the first true value.
(defun sublistp (haystack)
(some #'number10p haystack)))
(sublistp '(5 10 15 20)) ; ==> t
Now to make it work for any data type we change the predicate and make it as a local function where we have the argument we are searching for:
(defun sublistp (needle haystack)
(flet ((needlep (x)
(equal x needle)))
(some #'needlep haystack)))
(sublistp '(a b) '(a b c (a b) d e f)) ; ==> t
You can also do this with an anonymous predicate like this:
(defun sublistp (needle haystack)
(some #'(lambda (x)
(equal x needle))
An implementation of this is the member function, except it returns the match as truth value. That's ok since anything but nil is true in CL:
(member 10 '(5 10 15 20)) ; ==> (10 15 20)
You commented on a different answer that you are required to use mapcar in that case use it together with append to get a list of all matches and check if the list has greater than 0 elements:
(defun sublistp (needle haystack)
(flet ((needle-check (x)
(if (equal x needle) '(t) nil)))
(< 0 (length
(apply #'append
(mapcar #'needle-check haystack))))))
How it works is that for each match you get a list of one element and for every non match you get an empty list. When appending the lists you'll get the empty list when there is not match. For all other results you have a match. This is not a very efficient implementation.

Basic LISP recursion, enumerate values greater than 3

I need a recursive LISP function that enumerates the number of elements in any list of numbers > 3. I'm not allowed to use lets, loops or whiles and can only use basic CAR, CDR, SETQ, COND, CONS, APPEND, PROGN, LIST...
This is my attempt at the function:
(defun foo (lst)
(COND ((null lst) lst)
(T (IF (> (CAR lst) 3)
(1+ (foo (CDR lst)))
(foo (CDR lst)) ) ) ) )
The function call:
(foo '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6))
Your code is pretty close to correct, just a small mistake in the base case:
For the empty list you return the empty list. So if you have the list (6), you add 6 to foo of the empty list, which is the empty list. That does not work because you can't add a number to a list.
You can easily fix it by making foo return 0 instead of lst when lst is empty.
As a style note: Mixing cond and if like this, seems a bit redundant. I would write it like this, using only cond instead:
(defun foo (lst)
((null lst)
((> (car lst) 3)
(1+ (foo (cdr lst))))
(foo (cdr lst)))))
Some stylistic points:
There's no need to put some Lisp built-ins in uppercase. It's not 1958 anymore!
But if you are going to put built-ins in uppercase, why not DEFUN and NULL?
You have an if inside the last branch of your cond. This is redundant. Since the purpose of cond is testing conditions, why not use it?
There's no need to space out your closing parentheses like that. No-one counts parentheses these days, we have parenthesis-matching editors.
Lisp has separate namespaces for functions and values, so you don't have to call your argument lst to avoid conflicting with the built-in function list.
If you were programming this for real, of course you'd use count-if:
(count-if #'(lambda (x) (> x 3)) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6))
==> 3
One save you can have on duplication of the recursive call:
(defun foo (l)
(if (null l) 0 ; if list is empty, return 0
(+ (if (> (car l) 3) 1 0) ; else +1 if condition is satisfactory
(foo (cdr l))))) ; plus the result from the rest
