Getting inline css in an ASP.NET MVC page - css

I have an ASP.NET MVC website running in the windows azure cloud. It includes links in the section like this one:
<link href="Content/Case02.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Sometimes the css is delivered within the page (inline) and sometimes it is not. I want to set something so that it is always delivered to the browser as a seperate GET.
The website is
Any thoughts anyone?

Not sure I am understanding your question here. If you want the CSS to be displayed "inline", like I assume you're saying, then you can just use a <style> code block.
<style type="text/css">
The way that you are linking the stylesheet in your question is an external stylesheet, so I don't quite understand what you mean by "sometimes the CSS is delivered inline".


When deploying website handheld shows desktop version instead of mobile version

I've developed a website using MVC4 in visual studio. The standard template includes code for displaying correctly in mobile browsers.
When I run the project, it applies all of the mobile css. Also, when I deployed the website to my own (amateur) IIS server, it applies the mobile css perfect.
Then I bought a DNS address, and forwarded it to my server. Now when I visit the DNS address, it shows the desktop version instead of the mobile version.
What is breaking it down? How can I fix this?
Thanks for your time to answer my question.
Thanks for your input. I only have one CSS file with a media section. On some browsers it displays correctly and on others it doesnt. But the problem only exists when visiting the DNS, not when visiting the direct ip-address.
Use the tag. Put all stylings for any browser that doesn't support javascript intp the tag. That way since most moblie browser do not support javescript You can put all stylings of mobile view into that tag and all would work well...... GOODLUCK!!! #da_skywalker10
You have access to the HTML page and can edit it.
You have 2 different CSS files (one for mobile layout and one for
desktop layout).
I would suggest checking if the head tag of the HTML contains:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="locationOfCssFile.css" media="all">
Note: The above line will display the webpage according to one CSS file whether it's viewed on a mobile device or a desktop screen.
If it does, then change media="all" so you would have 2 link tags, one for desktop and one for mobile.
It would look something like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="locationOfDesktopCssFile.css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="locationOfMobileCssFile.css" media="handheld">
HTML link media Attribute - w3schools

Linking to External Stylesheet

Background: For the website I am on (a roleplay forum) you are allowed to use custom css and html in posts. To do this, you have to use a [dohtml] BBCode tag. Then you can insert any css/html you wish.
Problem: Some users have used linked stylesheets to make theirs show up. And it works. But mine doesn't.
Other: I am unable to use a tag, because it's not a full html document. I am using it in the same manner, but for some reason mine is not working. Can anybody help me with this? Is there something wrong with my CSS?
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
EDIT: When someone links to this one, it works fine
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
The link should be a direct download link. This should work (at least, let's hope so):
Other than that, I don't see anything wrong with your HTML link code and your CSS validates flawlessly.

css appearance can not be displayed web browser

I attached css file following code my web site.I can display css style visual studio design time on my web page but when i run web project css style can not displayed.I use expolerer 8, and firefox 13.0.Also I can display css style my other web site project.What I forgot this web site? Thanks.
<link rel="Stylesheet" href="Themes/default.css" type="text/css" />
There is a handy helper in .net that will work out any path issues you may be having:
<link href="<%=Url.Content("~/Themes/default.css") %>" rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" />
If you are not sure whether it is working, substitute your css file for something really simple:
body { background-color: Aqua; }
This will help to check whether the problem is:
The stylesheet isn't referenced
The stylesheet is referenced, but is perhaps invalid / isn't doing what you expect

Is there a css debugging tool to test an entire stylesheet for conflicts?

I created a stylesheet for jquery mobile using the ThemeRoller tool. It looks really great on the ThemeRoller page. In my mobile app... not so good. I think there must be some conflicts in definitions between my stylesheet and the jquery stylesheets.
Rails layout file:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "jquery_mob_theme.min", "", "" %>
For those of you not familiar with rails it is rendered:
<link href="/stylesheets/jquery_mob_theme.min.css?1338304118" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/stylesheets/" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/stylesheets/" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Is the only way to deal with this to wade through thousands of lines of css to look for conflicts? Is there a css debugging tool that will detect that in a stylesheet? I could change the jquery file names to scss and then roll them into one stylesheet. I am familiar with Firebug and Web inspector which check styles on one page. That wouldn't help... right?
Unfortunately for you, All of css is based on inheritance so there is no automated way of knowing of a conflict or if an object has just overriden the styling of a parent. I think the best bet is to force rails to show the mobile version of the site on a desktop pc and then you can use the Google chrome inspector. It will show you all styles applied to a specific object. It only shows relevant styles with line numbers in the stylesheet so you aren't stuck wading through css. You can also edit it in chrome to see what your changes will look like before you change your stylesheet.
Firebug (an extension for Firefox) can show all styles applied to any given element, as well as which styles are overridden by other styles. You would have to view your mobile site from a desktop browser, but this can be done in Firefox by changing the useragent to match that of a mobile device (iPod, Android, etc.)
If you plan on using webkit on your site, Firefox is not a great choice as it does not render webkit css styles. An alternative is to use Safari and its development tools (which can be activated in the options menu).
If you need to debug from an actual mobile device, there aren't many options. If you can get Opera mobile onto the device, it comes with a decent debugger called Dragonfly.
The order of your stylin Stylesheets matters for what gets overridden. Make sure your style sheet is before both of the jQuery style sheets.

Should I use more than one CSS sheet?

I am updating a website to add some mobile friendly pages.
At the moment we have one big css page with everything in. My idea is to put all the mobile specific css into a separate file and then link both sheets. The mobile css will overide anything in the default css (bigger buttons etc).
Im quite new to css, what is the best practice?
One large CSS file leads to fewer HTTP requests, which can improve performance.
Several smaller files leads to easier organization which will make development and maintenance cheaper and easier.
I have a few stylesheets for any significant app I've worked on.
base.css - always applied.
print.css - this hides menus and other parts of the screen not really good for a printed page. Triggered by the media attribute.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="print.css" />
ie6.css - applied second, and if and only if it's IE6. I hope to throw this out someday.
<clientname>.css - one stylesheet for each client that wants the site to have their logo/etc.
If I were trying for blazing fast performance, I'd combine them. However, I know sites getting hundreds of millions of hits a day don't bother, so I'd strongly recommend splitting them however makes sense to you, in order to make it easier to maintain.
For the most part, extra hardware is cheaper than extra developer hours and/or more bugs. Maintainability is usually the highest goal for me.
yes you should use more than one css file rather using one big file.
It helps you while maintaining your site also use different definitions (classe or id names) in different css otherwise it will take the one which declared later.
For example
<link href="/stylesheets/stylesheet.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/stylesheets/lightbox_new.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/stylesheets/another_css.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!-- Your content here -->
In the case of styles for specific clients, I would say that it is a best practice to separate them.
Using separate stylesheets for different media is easily done.
<link href="browser.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="mobile.css" media="handheld" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="print.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
In this case, all the style will be downloaded and applied when the media type matches the device.
However there is another method which is neat if your app is designed for mobiles, because it downloads the stylesheet ONLY if the media type matches.
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#import "screen.css"; /* Note that some (older?) browsers don't support #import, so you may have to download this sheet the traditional way even on mobiles */
<style type="text/css" media="handheld">
#import "mobile.css";
<style type="text/css" media="print">
#import "print.css";
I'd use two as well. Keeps things more tidy when editing for each device (computer and mobile device). I have one huge CSS stylesheet which I use for all browsers with the help of the css browser selector script, and I hate having to scroll through 6000+ lines of CSS, so I'd say the best way at least from experience is to separate them out!
Group your CSS meaningfully and serve it carefully.
For example, if you have CSS that is applied through out your site (e.g. CSS reset) make it separate file and include it for each page.
Then for each logical component of your site create separate CSS file and serve it on pages that belong to respective logical component. (Say you have a blog and polls on your site, if blog never needs CSS for polls you don't need to include it in blog.) But bare in mind this isn't practical for small sites.
Group your CSS by media for which they are used. If you have style sheet for printing keep it separate of your basic sheets if it makes sense (don't use separate files if you only have single CSS property for printing since it is not worth the request time).
Keep in mind that more sheets assume more HTTP requests and each request costs certain amount of time.
So there isn't explicit way these thing should be handled, it's all about making your CSS easier to maintain and easy for client to download (less HTTP requests, smaller size etc.)
I would use multiple style sheets to keep things better organized, then compress them into one file before putting them on the site, to improve performance.
You should have a range of CSS sheets for various tasks, else things get messy fast!
I think its better to use 1 for style, 1 for ie6 one for ie7. Nothing more.
Organization should be automatic inside the style.css. Using logical classnames and comments.
Less httprequests is good. Less markup is good. :)
I prefer two style sheets myself. The first one, and the one that always comes first in my HTML, is a reset style sheet. The implementation of this first style sheet helps web pages to display more consistently across different browsers.
Often, it is not necessary to create more than one additional style sheet. Generally, CSS commands specific to IE are ignored by Firefox and other compliant browsers and vice-versa. The real problem arises when an item on a page must be positioned and sized to be exactly the same across multiple browsers - at that point, more than two sheets become necessary although it is sometimes possible to get good results through proper ordering within the sheet.
