How to access entity beans from a remote client? - ejb

i have this in the server:
class Person{...}
public class HelloServiceBean implements HelloServiceLocal, HelloServiceRemote {
public Person getPerson(String name) {
return new Person(name);
And i have this in my client (in some different JVM):
public static void main(String[] a) throws Exception{
String name = "java2s";
HelloServiceRemote service = null;
service = (HelloServiceRemote)new InitialContext().lookup("HelloServiceBean/remote");
Person p = service.getPerson(name));
When i need to call, for example, getPerson() method from my EJB, which return an object of type of Person, how my client is going to understand that Person is a class ?
Do i have to re-write the Person class another time in my client (and also the HelloServiceRemote class), so it can understand what is a Person ? Or do i have to include the Ejb project into my client project ?

You have to include jar of EJB project at client side containing Interfaces, Entities & other utility classes used.
But exposing Entity Beans at client side is not preferable, you can get more information regarding this at


Integration Spring Reactive with Spring MVC + MySQL

Trying to figure out if I can use Spring Reactive (Flux/Mono) with Spring MVC ?
The structure of microservices using Spring MVC + Feign Client, Eureka Server (Netflix OSS), Hystrix, MySQL database.
My first microservice addDistanceClient adds data to the database.
Here is an example controller:
public class RemoteMvcController {
EmployeeService service;
#GetMapping(path = "/show")
public List<EmployeeEntity> getAllEmployeesList() {
return service.getAllEmployees();
Here I can use Mono/Flux, I think there will be no problems.
My second microservice is showDistanceClient - it is not directly connected to the database.
He has a method that calls the method (as described above) on the first microservice to retrieve data from the database.
It uses the Feign Client.
Second microservice controller:
public class EmployeeMvcController {
private ServiceFeignClient serviceFeignClient;
#RequestMapping(path = "/getAllDataFromAddService")
public String getData2(Model model) {
List<EmployeeEntity> list = ServiceFeignClient.FeignHolder.create().getAllEmployeesList();
model.addAttribute("employees", list);
return "resultlist-employees";
and ServiceFeignClient itself, with which we call the method on the first microservice, looks like this:
#FeignClient(name = "add-client", url = "http://localhost:8081/", fallback = Fallback.class)
public interface ServiceFeignClient {
class FeignHolder {
public static ServiceFeignClient create() {
return HystrixFeign.builder().encoder(new GsonEncoder()).decoder(new GsonDecoder()).target(ServiceFeignClient.class, "http://localhost:8081/", new FallbackFactory<ServiceFeignClient>() {
public ServiceFeignClient create(Throwable throwable) {
return new ServiceFeignClient() {
public List<EmployeeEntity> getAllEmployeesList() {
return null;
#RequestLine("GET /show")
List<EmployeeEntity> getAllEmployeesList();
It is working properly now. Those, if both microservices are OK, I get data from the database.
If the first microservice (addDistanceClient) is dead, then when I call the method on second microservice (showDistanceClient) to get data from the database through the first microservice (using Feign Client on second microservice), I get a page on which the spinner is spinning and the text that the service is unavailable, try again later. All perfectly.
My goal:
To do this using Spring Reactive (not sure if this will help me, but I think I'm thinking in the right direction) to make the message that the service is currently unavailable and the spinning spinner on the second microservice will automatically disappear and the data from the database will be displayed as soon as the first microservice (addDistanceClient) will come to life again (without re-sending the request, i.e. without reloading the page).
Will I be able to do this through Spring WebFlux ?
I know that a stream is used through Spring WebFlux, which itself will notify us if data appears in it, we do not need to resubmit the request here.
I started thinking about this and cannot figure out how to do this:
1) using Spring Reactive
In this case, I need to implement Flux/Mono into the MVC model in the second showDistanceClient microservice, which returns HTML. I don't understand how. I know how to do this with REST.
2) If the first item is incorrect, maybe I need to use a WebSocket for this ?
If so, please share useful links with examples. I will be very grateful.
Indeed, this topic is very interesting to me and I want to understand it.
I will be very grateful for your help. Thanks everyone!
I updated both controllers with REST + WebFlux. Everything works for me.
The first addDistanceClient service and its controller:
public class BucketController {
private BucketRepository bucketRepository;
// Get all Bucket from the database (every 1 second you will receive 1 record from the DB)
#GetMapping(value = "/stream/buckets/delay", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<Bucket> streamAllBucketsDelay() {
return bucketRepository.findAll().delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(5));
He pulls out all the records from the database with an interval of 5 seconds each record. I added an interval for an example to test.
The second service is showDistanceClient and its controller.
Here I used WebClient instead of Feign Client.
public class UserController {
private WebClient webClient;
private WebClientService webClientService;
// Using WebClient
#GetMapping(value = "/getDataByWebClient",produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<Bucket> getDataByWebClient() {
return webClientService.getDataByWebClient();
and its Service layer (WebClientService):
public class WebClientService {
private static final String API_MIME_TYPE = "application/json";
private static final String API_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8081";
private static final String USER_AGENT = "User Service";
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebClientService.class);
private WebClient webClient;
public WebClientService() {
this.webClient = WebClient.builder()
.defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, API_MIME_TYPE)
.defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, USER_AGENT)
public Flux<Bucket> getDataByWebClient() {
return webClient.get()
.flatMapMany(clientResponse -> clientResponse.bodyToFlux(Bucket.class));
Now everything works in a reactive environment. Fine.
But my problem remained unresolved.
My goal: everything works, everything is fine, and if I suddenly called on the second service a method that using WebClient called the first service to get the data, and at that moment my first service died, I received a message that the service is temporarily unavailable and then my first service My request for data was revived and I received all the data and instead of reporting that the service was temporarily unavailable I would get all the data (important: without reloading the page).
How do I achieve this ?

Using ninject with repositories, in mvc 5 ef 6

I set up my first mvc project with ninject, and im not sure if i understand this fully. I have the following simple setup.
I am using entity framework 6 as my orm.
Customer repository
public class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
private readonly ApplicationDbContext db;
public CustomerRepository(ApplicationDbContext db)
this.db = db;
public IEnumerable<Customer> GetAll()
return this.db.Customers.ToList();
public interface ICustomerRepository
IEnumerable<Customer> GetAll();
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
public HomeController(ICustomerRepository customerRepository, ICustomerDetailsRepository customerDetailsRepository)
this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
this.customerDetailsRepository = customerDetailsRepository;
As you can see, i am calling both repositories from the same controller. Both repositories are setup exactly the same way.
Will both my repositories use the same dbcontext when requested, and will it automaticly be disposed afterwards??
This is not a real life setup. I made it really basic to try and understand how ninject work.
The fact that you configured your binding to be InRequestScope means that the requested object will be created the first time it's resolved after a new request starts, and for every subsequent resolutions of the same object within the same request, you will get the same instance.
Keep in mind that the lifetime of the request is determined by the lifetime of the HttpContext.Current object.
Just for reference:
As you can see here:
InThreadScope matches the lifetime of your object to the lifetime of System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread
InSingletonScope matches the lifetime of your object to the lifetime of Ninject's Kernel
InTransientScope matches the lifetime of your object to the lifetime of null
Regarding your comment about people implementing Dispose():
Even if you don't dispose your objects manually, when the dependency injection container disposes your object, it calls the dispose method if it implements IDisposable

Spring Cloud Netflix : Passing host request parameter via RequestInterceptor to FeignClient

I am building a Spring Cloud project (Brixton.M4 with Spring Boot 1.3.1) with Eureka, Zuul and FeignClient where I am trying to add multi tenancy support (Tenants are identified by subdomain : To do so, I would like to somehow pass the original subdomain along requests that are forwarded from a service to the other via Feign but I can't seem to be able to find the right way to do it.
What I have is a client that exposes a #RestController which calls a #FeignClient to communicate with my backend which exposes server operations to the client through its own #RestController.
The #FeignClient using same interface as my #RestController on the server :
#FeignClient(name = "product")
public interface ProductService extends IProductService {
What I am currently trying to do is set a header in a RequestInterceptor :
public class MultiTenancyRequestInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
private CurrentTenantProvider currentTenantProvider;
public MultiTenancyRequestInterceptor(CurrentTenantProvider currentTenantProvider) {
this.currentTenantProvider = currentTenantProvider;
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
try {
template.header("TENANT", currentTenantProvider.getTenant());
} catch (Exception e) {
// "oops"
My provider class is a simple component where I'm trying to inject a request / session scope bean :
public class CurrentTenantProvider {
private CurrentTenant currentTenant;
The bean (I tried both session and request scope) :
#Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public CurrentTenant currentTenant() {
return new CurrentTenant();
On the server, I use Hibernate multitenant provider that is supposed to catch the header value and use it to define which DB to connect to :
private HttpServletRequest httpRequest;
public String resolveCurrentTenantIdentifier() {
return httpRequest.getHeader("TENANT");
It seems the Feign call to the server is done in another thread and out of the incoming request scope, so i'm not sure how to pass that value along.
It all works fine when I hardcode the tenant value in the RequestInterceptor so I know the rest is working properly.
I have also looked at many other posts about Zuul "X-Forwaded-For" header and cannot find it in the request received on the server. I have also tried adding a ZuulFilter to pass host name to next request but what I see is that original request to the Client is picked up by the ZuulFilter and I can add but not when the Feign request is sent to the backend service even if I map it in zuul (i guess that is intended ?).
I am not really sure what's the next step and would appreciate some suggestions.
Hope that it's of any use for you but we're doing sth similar in Spring-Cloud-Sleuth but we're using a ThreadLocal to pass span between different libraries and approaches (including Feign + Hystrix).
Here is an example with the highlighted line where we retrieve the Span from the thread local:

Unknown JNDI Lookup String

I am new to EJB concept. I have seen the following in different website :
Sample 1:
#EJB(name="audit", beanInterface=AnotherEJBLocal.class)
public class EmployeeBean implements EmployeeServiceLocal, EmployeeServiceRemote {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "EmployeeService")
private EntityManager manager;
public void doAction(){
try {
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
AnotherEJBLocal audit = (AnotherEJBLocal) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/audit");
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new EJBException(e);
Sample 2:
public static void main(String[] a) throws Exception {
EmployeeServiceRemote service = null;
service = (EmployeeServiceRemote) new InitialContext().lookup("EmployeeBean/remote");
Sample 3:
obj = ctx.lookup(ejb/CBDWebAppEAR/CBDWebApp.jar/<EJB name>/<Remote Interface Class Name>);
CBDWebApp is the project name in which the bean resides.
My question is:
What is the need & MEANING of java:comp/env/audit
Why same type of string is not used in case of Sample 2. I guess as
it is a remote EJB not local.
Why is the meaning of the EJB look up string in the Sample 3.
The java:comp/env/audit string is looking up the EJB reference that was declared earlier by the #EJB(name="audit", beanInterface=AnotherEJBLocal.class). Names declared by #EJB (and #Resource and all other EE references) are implicitly declared in the java:comp/env context. With this reference, the deployer can retarget the "audit" reference to any EJB in the application that implements the AnotherEJBLocal interface, or if the deployer doesn't specify anything, the javadoc for the #EJB annotation requires it to target a single EJB within the same application that implements the interface.
This main method is (probably) declared by a standalone Java program. In that case, it (probably) is configured via system properties to connect the JNDI server of an application server, which will return the remote reference to the client. The name that is looked up is vendor-specific, and it was probably configured for the EJB during deployment.
This is very similar to #2, the only difference being the specific string being used. In this case, it is probably relying on an application server's "default" binding name if none was configured for the EJB during deployment using the pattern ejb/<app>/<module>/<bean>/<interface>.

MVC Custom Membership and Role Provider context lifetime issue

I'm having problems with custom membership within MVC 4 I keep getting a context lifetime related error when I do a ajax call to get a partial result from the server(controller), the error is always {"The provider has been closed"} or {"There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first."} the error always lands within the custom RoleProvider.
I will try to explain the current setup im using.
I have inherited from the Membership and RoleProvier and overridden all the methods like so
public class CustomRoleProvider : RoleProvider
private IAccountService _accountService;
public CustomRoleProvider()
_accountService = new AccountService();
public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username)
return _accountService.GetRolesForUser(username);
The Membership provider is implemented in the same way the IAccountService above is the service layer that deals with all user accounts & roles all the service layer classes implement a base service class called ServiceBase that creates the DB context
public class ServiceBase
protected Context Context;
protected ServiceBase() : this("Context") {}
protected ServiceBase(string dbName)
IDatabaseInitializer<Context> initializer = new DbInitialiser();
Context = new Context(dbName);
The Controller that has the ajax to made to it
[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator,Supplier")]
public class AuctionController : Controller
private IAuctionService _service;
public AuctionController()
_service = new AuctionService();
public AuctionController(IAuctionService service)
_service = service;
[CacheControl(HttpCacheability.NoCache), HttpGet]
public ActionResult RefreshAuctionTimes(int auctionId)
return PartialView("_AuctionTimer", BusinessLogic.Map.ConvertAuction(_service.GetAuction (auctionId)));
The problem only started when I added the [Authorize(Roles = "Administrator,Supplier")] attribute to the controller that handled the ajax call, I know this is the lifetime of the DbContext being for the life of the app and the controllers service layer being destroyed and recreated on every post but I'm not sure of the best way to handle this, I have used this setup before but with DI and Windsor and never had this problem as the IOC was controlling the context.
Would it be best to create the providers its own DB context or is the conflict between the 2 providers and really they need to share the same db context?
Any help would be great thanks
The problem is exactly what you're suspecting. Is due to the fact that you're creating a single instance of the DbContext and therefore you're having connection issues. If you use it with an IOC/DI schema, you're going to fix it. The other option is to manually handle the connections.
An example of how to do this using Ninject as IOC container is here
They need to share the same context in order for the problem to stop.
I would suggest you create your service layer class on each call to GetRolesForUser:
public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username)
return new AccountService().GetRolesForUser(username);
