Pass user credentials between SharePoint web application and ASP.NET web application -

I need to integrate my sharepoint site and site. So, First login will occur in the SharePoint site with Active Directory authentication and from there i need to traverse to ASP.Net site through a link. Now my question is whether its possible to pass my SharePoint Active Directory credentials to ASP.Net site? Will i be able to do this through a query string? Will i be able to navigate to and fro between SharePoint and ASP.Net sites.
The main point here is the user should not enter his credentials twice ( ie.. He should be authenticated automatically while navigating between two sites.)
What are the options available for me?
Do these things possible to achieve? SharePoint will be hosted using Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
Thanks in advance,

Is the ASP.NET site on the same network? If so, then you can use AD (Windows Auth) for authentication on the ASP.NET site just like you're using it on the SharePoint site. You don't need to pass the credentials, and you can't anyway since all you have is an authenticated identity. If you configure the ASP.NET site to require Windows Authentication, you'll be able to get the user's identity from the server variables (AUTH_USER).
See How to: Use Windows Authentication in ASP.NET 2.0


How To: Redirect from MVC .NET website to MVC .NET Core subsite without user having to 'relog'

I have a MVC ASP.NET site that uses a database lookup for user authentication and then stores authentication variables in cookies.
I want to redirect the user to a MVC ASP.NET Core subsite without the user losing his authentication variables.
I am not able to share cookies between the two sites due to different encryption-schemes.
Both sites are hosted on the same domain on a windows server (IIS). Is there any way to securely transfer data along with the url redirect?
Is there some obvious solution that i am missing?
Please let me know if you need additional information about the project.
As a temporary solution, the user is promted for a new login once he is redirected to the subsite. I wish to avoid this.
You can not share data from MVC web app to MVC core web app. That is because it is hard to do.
But, there is a way to share the authentication mechanism. You can have an identity provider which will be responsible for authentication of users in both the sites. The login functionality will be in the identity server. Once a user is logged in, both your sites will use those authentication data.

Integrate ASP .NET Application in Sharepoint Page Viewer with Basic Authentication

I would like to integrate my own ASP .NET Application into a Sharepoint site in a Page Viewer Web Part (via URL).
My Sharepoint is accessible via:
My ASP .NET Application is accessible via:
Sharepoint and the other application are hosted on different servers.
As the sharepoint and the application should be accesible from outside of my Domain (public via Internet) I use Basic Authentication for both.
Now when I open the Sharepoint site I have to enter my user credentials once and when I navigate to my Applicaiton within sharepoint I have to enter my user credentials for the ASP .NET Application a second time (same credentials, user from a Active directory domain).
Is there a possibility to integrate my application into sharepoint without the need to sign on twice and without the need to install my application on the sharepoint server?
Thank you!

ASP.NET Forms and Windows Authentication for Different Domains

I have the following requirement: if a user in domain 2 goes into an ASP.NET site that is in domain 1, then the site should display a customised login form to validate the user. But if a user from domain 1 surfs to same the ASP.NET site (on domain 1), then Windows authentication (using Active Directory) takes place, so the user should goes straight through to the site content without seeing the login form.
How would I go about doing that?
Would I first need to detect the request domains? I have tried HttpContext.Current.Request in Page_Load() but have not yet been successful in detecting which domain a request is from.
Also, how should I setup the site authentication mode? Would I need Windows authentication for domain 1 users, and forms authentication for domain 2 users? I have also not been able to succeed in this, since IIS 7.5 complains that I cannot have both Windows and Forms authentication turned on.
Surely not an answer but due to the length, I am adding it as answer not comment.
AFAIK, IIS 7.5 allows both authentications to be enabled but no through web.config, you have to do it through IIS Management console, furthermore the scenario you described is handled through claims authentication (windows for intranet and forms for extranet) in Sharepoint 2010. I think same approach can be used in ASP.NET application since Sharepoint is also built on top of ASP.NET 3.5. More over you can look into Federated Authentication APIs present in .Net. You can explore the following links Claims Aware ASP.NET Applications and Federated Authentication and Enabling Federated Authentication for ASp.NET in Azure. Hope this helps.

anonymous authentication on iis7 LOGON_USER is empty

I have a application on iis7 using anonymous authentication. I want to retrieve the LOGON_USER from the server variables. It is currently empty. Microsoft suggests how to populate the values of serer variables in this post.
But that is for iis5 & 6. How to do it in IIS7?
Actual problem I am trying to solve is: the application is for intranet and internet users and is a sitecore application running on iis7. If I use windows authentication, I get the domain and username and I can bypass login for intranet users, but for external users, i need to have anonymous authentication also. Having both together will not populate values in the server variables. Have been going through many posts. Also this which says to use Forms and windows authentication.
Not able to solve it properly.
Any help is appreciated.Thanks!!!
In order to track a user profile, the user will need an ASP.Net profile created.
There is programming involved to associate a Sitecore DMS/OMS visitor profile with an actual profile. If you want to continue to track Sitecore user profile, you would have to use the Tracker.Visitor.ExternalUser and not iis to determine the current visitor on the internet site.

Shared Authentication, Membership & Roles across DNN and applications

Here's my situation. I have a DotNetNuke application. I want to link to an existing website from within the DNN website, and have decided to use DNN's IFrame for that.
The existing application uses Forms Authentication for security - only authorized users can access the pages. This application also requires user roles for authorization to different pages.
I don't want users to have to sign on twice, and I'd like the page to use the user membership and role data from the DNN application - it shouldn't require it's own membership database.
Is this possible? According to the MSDN website:
"ASP.NET supports forms authentication in a distributed environment, either across applications on a single server or in a Web farm. When forms authentication is enabled across multiple ASP.NET applications, users are not required to re-authenticate when switching between the applications."
Does this apply to DotNetNuke applications linking to applications? Both are on the same domain, too.
(I tried modifying the config.web of the page to work with the DNN config.web, matching machine keys and forms settings - but it didn't work. I could be doing something wrong, but before I pursue, I want to know if it's even possible.)
Thanks for any help!
I don't know if what you're talking about is possible within DNN. We're on DNN 4.0 and they do some weird things with the ASP.NET membership tables which may cause trouble.
What I can tell you is an alternative way (assuming you have control over the ASP.NET application). There is a project called MADAM (Mixed Authentication Disposition ASP.NET Modules - I know a bit of a mouthful) that can be used to provide a method other than forms authentication for application logon.
What you could do is set MADAM up on your ASP.NET application and from DNN pass user credentials to the ASP.NET application. The end result appears to the user as single sign on.
If you need me to elaborate on anything, let me know in the comments.
Actually i am displaying some aspx pages in a iframe module present on a dnn page. Now since inside the iFrame i am displaying aspx pages hosted elsewhere but on same server. I am just want to authenticate the dnn logged-in user before loading the page inside iFrame.
Do dnn provide any API which i can call from apsx pages hosted elsewhere in order to restrict access to ony unauthorized user.
