Div Size Automatically size of content - css

I am trying to make a h2 header for sidebar widgets but I want the width of the div class to be whatever width the content becomes. It seems I can't just set a width because those headlines with longer content then shorter content makes it break.
How can I simply make width stretch/change depending on the length of content there is? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

As far as I know, display: inline-block is what you probably need. That will make it seem like it's sort of inline but still allow you to use things like margins and such.

If you are coming here, there is high chance width: min-content or width: max-content can fix your problem. This can force an element to use the smallest or largest space the browser could choose…
This is the modern solution. Here is a small tutorial for that.
There is also fit-content, which often works like min-content, but is more flexible. (But also has worse browser support.)
This is a quite new feature and some browsers do not support it yet, but browser support is growing. See the current browser status here.

The easiest is:
width: fit-content;

If display: inline; isn't working, try out display: inline-block;. :)

I faced the same issue and I resolved it by using: max-width: fit-content;

The best way to do this is to set display: inline;. Note, however, that in inline display, you lose access to some layout properties, such as manual height and vertical margins, but this doesn't appear to be a problem for your page.

width: -moz-fit-content;
width: fit-content;


Flexible div positioning

I have several divs on a page that all have the same width but different heights. They are all in one div, the #note1PreviewDiv. They all share the class .note, which has the following css code (among other):
width: 160px;
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px;
background: #e3f0ff;
float: left;
I thought with float: left; they would all automatically align so that they are well aligned among each other.
Here's a preview of what it looks like:
Current state http://posti.sh/img/ist.png
And here's what the positioning should be like:
Desired state http://posti.sh/img/soll.png
I think you get the idea. Somehow it seems to me the height of the leftmost div pushes the other divs in the second row to the right - but that's only guessing.
Thanks for your help!
You're not going to be able to do this easily with CSS only.
CSS3 has a new feature called column layout, but browser support is not great. IE9 and below don't support it.
See http://designshack.net/articles/css/masonry/ and the last example for CSS3 solution.
Have a look at these js / jQuery options for easier implementation and browser support:
vanilla masonry which doesn't need jQuery.
The kind of lay out you want is really difficult (not possible?) without going for a column based approach and adding additional block elements to represent each column. This obviously won't work with a flexible number of columns if you want a dynamic layout based on screen size.
That said, you could always use JavaScript to dynamically place elements into columns, and get it to match the screen size.
Is the height of the parent container given a fixed value? If it is, try setting the height of the parent container to auto, and the overlow propery to hidden.

body border-top does not extend beyond viewport

I need a purple line along the top of the site. Instead of using an image I'm using the border-top property on the body. This works in full view but when I resize the browser window the purple line appears only in the viewport, when I scroll to the right I get a white space. Here's the fiddle so you can see what I mean. I've tried width: 100% on both the body and the container, but to no avail. Can someone suggest ways to accomplish what I need?
Thank you.
Not sure if this is the best way to accomplish it, but you can add position: absolute; to the body. This may have some undesired side effects.
If you know your documents width then you can specify a min-width.
body { min-width: 960px; }
Try the body border hack :)
Designed for fixed position but should work for you as well.
Adding display: inline-block; to both body and container also worked. See http://jsfiddle.net/K5zVq/16/.
A secondary answer, related to skoh-fley's though maybe with less consequences, is to add float: left to the body: http://jsfiddle.net/K5zVq/20/. Though I think I would lean toward my first answer posted here (though you know your situation better than I).

IE doesn't support height=auto for images, what should I use?

I have some images with height=auto because sometimes they are different heights whereas they are always the same width. It works in every browser but I.E., is there something similar I can use?
I found that adding min-height:1px solves the issue. Not sure why, but, worked for me.
Just leave
out. If it's not given it's "auto" by default...
The solution was to add the typical IE fix :(
height:auto !important;
i've tried all the solutions posted, and the only one that works is
Use height: auto together with width: auto and it is going to work in IE. If you specify only one of them, IE gets upset.
height: auto;
width: auto;
There is also an IE issue when using images with height=auto within flex containers.
For me personally, the issue was caused due to the image being placed within nested flex containers. I was able to remove the parent flex container and the issue was resolved for me.
There are a few more work around solutions that people have mentioned in the page below:
You can do width="100%" and max-width="100px" or whatever width you want and then simply height="auto". This worked for me.
BTW you may need min-width width your wanted width too if your parent element doesn't have the width that you want for your image.
For Edge browser you can use max-height, which will also work for other browsers
max-height: 100%;
I had the same problem and fixes with min-height and !important didn't work for me.
My img was in a flex container.
I then tried putting the img inside another, wrapping div and then height:auto worked.
In "IE9 compatibility view - IE7 Standard Document mode" leaving off height=auto may not solve the problem. Try adding conditional CSS and in your special css file for IE ("ie.css") add a line that assigns the appropriate min-height to your affected class/element.
for example:
.IE7 .[css element] {min-height: xxxpx;}
Where xxx equals the necessary image height.
height: initial; will work instead of using height: auto; in chrome and ie.

Can I specify width in % and min-width in px for a DIV?

I have a sidebar DIV on my web page that has buttons. I have the width of the sidebar set as follows:
width: 20%;
but when the browser size is reduce then there's sometime not enough space for the buttons. Is it possible for me to have the width as 20% but also specify a minimum in px?
Yes. This is pretty common, too. Have fun!
And protip: you can always just try and find out ;)
Yes. The W3C CSS recommendation generally does not require that units for different dimensions like width and min-width be the same. (Not quite relevant side note: You can even mix different units for dimensions like padding, e.g. padding: 2px 1em;.)
Using “min width”.
min-width: 20px; for example.
But if you want its width to always be at least the size of whatever is contained, consider using display: table-cell;

Unnaturally increasing the width of a div :)

let's say I have a div with right-aligned text and a fixed with:
width: 30px;
text-align: right;
is it ok if I increase the width of this div to 35px trough padding, to move the text away from the edge and avoid adding another element inside of it?
padding-right: 5px;
I mean would any browsers behave weirdly about it?
The result would be exacly what you said: a div of total width 35px. It seems to me you understand what you are doing, but there is never a substitute for actually testing in all your target browsers.
While this small piece of CSS looks innocent, it can change the elements around them in a way you didn't expect.
No It'll be ok, in every major browser.
Internet Explorer in Quirks Mode would have a problem with it due to it's box model.
If this is a problem, I would use a nested div that uses margins instead.
Your other option could be including an IE specific CSS file.
This is an area that we are getting a lot more control over with css3. Have a look at
