Extract plain text from HTML text in asp.net - asp.net

I have used a rich textbox control,ckeditor in my case,When any formatting is done to the text the formatted text is populated in the datagrid.But I want to extract only the plain text in the grid and trim the length of data to 80 characters while populating.
The query for updating the answer is as follows
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (txtEditorAnswer.Text.Trim() != string.Empty)
int intIsUpdated = 0;
string strUpdateQuery = "UPDATE M_QA SET ANSWER = '" + txtEditorAnswer.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "''")
+ "', UPDATED_ON = getDate(), UPDATED_BY = '" + this.Session["UserId"].ToString()
+ "' WHERE PK_ID = " + _currentQuestionId + " AND IS_ACTIVE = 1";
and the query for populating data in the grid is as follows:
protected void LoadQA(int intQuestionId)
string strSelectQuery = "SELECT REPLACE(TITLE, '\n', '<br />') TITLE, REPLACE(DESCRIPTION, '\n', '<br />') DESCRIPTION, "
+ intQuestionId + " AND IS_ACTIVE = 1";
can plz some buddy help me!!

Use the HTML agility pack, parse your query result on ItemDataBound event then select only the text() nodes to display


datetime variable returning 'String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.'

I have an accdb database file with ExpiryDate set to DATETIME.
The datagridview is formatted to dd/MM/yyyy.
I am trying to filter the bindingsouce between to dates as follows:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DateTime srchDateTo = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1);
DateTime srchDateFrom = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-11);
client1BindingSource.Filter = "ExpiryDate < #" + srchDateTo + "# And ExpiryDate > #" + srchDateFrom + "#";
when i click the button i get: 'String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.'
I have put a messagebox in and the variables are in the correct format.
This is my first database and I have a lot to learn so I may not understand the replies until I have research the replies.
My understanding is that you need to format your DateTime before you paste it into your filter.
Try .ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") at the end of your DateTime variables.
For example:
client1BindingSource.Filter = "ExpiryDate < #" +
DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "# And ExpiryDate > #" +
DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-11).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "#";
Happy coding :)
I found that the string that is not a valid datetime was the field heading.
The answer is to use a string variable and not a datetime variable.
string srchDateTo = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1).ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy");
string srchDateFrom = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-11).ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy");
client1BindingSource.Filter = "ExpiryDate < #" + srchDateTo + "# And ExpiryDate > #" + srchDateFrom + "#";

ASP.NET Pass multiple checkbox values into a SELECT query

I am working on displaying a students timetable based on possible Module choices. Each time a check box is selected I want to pass through the value selected "ModuleId" to use in a SELECT query to display the timetable for all modules selected. So if a user selects 3 check boxes the 'ModuleId' from each row selected will be passed into the SELECT query.
I don't know how to store each selected "ModuleId" and add it into my select query.
Below is how I retrieve the checked value:
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Width="40px"></ItemStyle>
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkRow" runat="server" ToolTip='<%# Eval("ModuleId") %>' OnCheckedChanged="module_Changed" />
Below is my method to display the value in a label (just for testing purposes):
protected void module_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Retrieve the check box ModuleId value to add to my SELECT query
string moduleid = ((CheckBox)sender).ToolTip;
Below is my method which contains the select query to display the timetable:
public String[] getModulesAtCurrentSlot(int timeslotInt, String moduleID, String Day)
List<String> modulesList = new List<string>();
if (conn.State.ToString() == "Closed")
SqlCommand newCmd = conn.CreateCommand();
newCmd.Connection = conn;
newCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
newCmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT Module.ModuleCode,ClassType.ClassTypeName,Convert(time,Class.StartTime), Convert(time,Class.EndTime),Building.BuildingName,RoomCode.RoomCode,Class.Color" +
" FROM Class INNER JOIN Module ON Class.ModuleId = Module.ModuleId INNER JOIN RoomCode ON Class.RoomCodeId = RoomCode.RoomcodeId INNER JOIN Building ON RoomCode.BuildingId = Building.BuildingId INNER JOIN Days ON Class.DayId = Days.DayID INNER JOIN ClassType ON Class.ClassTypeId = ClassType.ClassTypeId WHERE " +
" Module.ModuleId = " + moduleID + " AND Convert(Date,StartTime) = '" + Day + "' AND " + timeslotInt.ToString() + " BETWEEN ClassScheduleStartTimeId and ClassScheduleEndTimeId";
SqlDataReader dr = newCmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
String current = "<div class='slot' " + (!dr.IsDBNull(6) ? "style=\"background-color: " + dr.GetString(6) + ";\"" : "") + ">";
current += "<div class='line1'>" + dr.GetString(0) + " " + dr.GetString(1) + "</div>";// +"<br />";
current += "<div class='line2'>" + dr.GetTimeSpan(2).ToString().TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd(':') + " - " + dr.GetTimeSpan(3).ToString().TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd(':') + "</div>";// +"<br />";
current += "<div class='line3'>" + dr.GetString(4) + " " + dr.GetString(5) + "</div>";
current += "</div>";
return modulesList.ToArray();
On a previous page where the timetable is only displaying data for one ModuleId I've used the below query string to pass through the value.
String module_ID = "2";
if (Request.QueryString["module"] != null)
module_ID = Request.QueryString["module"];
Response.Write("Missing ?module=XX from url :(");
Response.End();// EndRequest;
DBAccess.cs screenshot:
Error screenshot:
If I understand correctly, you could have a session variable that contains a List of strings which holds all of the selected moduleID's
You could then use module_Changed event to add or remove moduleIDs from this List and then call getModulesAtCurrentSlot in a loop for each moduleid in the list and concatenate the returned string[]s into one longer string[] or List which you then display.
there may be some errors in the code below as I'm just doing it from memory but it should give you an idea!
protected void module_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<string> lst;
if( Session["lst"]!=null)
lst = (List<string>)Session["lst"];
Session.Add("lst", new List<string>());
// Retrieve the check box ModuleId value to add to my SELECT query
string moduleid = ((CheckBox)sender).ToolTip;
// add your own code to check if checkbox is checked or unchecked to see if you need to add or remove the ID from the list
// to add
if(lst.Contains(moduleid) == false)
// to remove - add your own code
List<string> lstResult = new List<string>();
foreach(var moduleID in lst)
lstResult.Add(getModulesAtCurrentSlot(timeslotInt, moduleID, Day));
// do something to display lstResult
// e.g. drag a Gridview control on your aspx page and bind the results list to it - this is just to give you a rough idea but you'll need to play around with it to get it to work as you want, and hopefully learn something in the process ;)
Gridview1.DataSource = lstResult;

ASP.NET Retrieve value from Checkbox onCheckChanged

I am working on displaying a students timetable based on possible Module choices. (See Screenshot) Currently I am displaying all available modules in a gridview which the student can select by using check boxes. I have already created the insert query to insert their selection to the database. (2)
However, each time a check box is selected I want to retrieve the 'ModuleId' to add to a SELECT query which displays a timetable of their selected modules. (1)
So if a user selects 3 check boxes the 'ModuleId' from each row selected will be passed into the SELECT query.
Below is my method which enables the timetable for specific a ModuleId to be displayed:
public String[] getModulesAtCurrentSlot(int timeslotInt, String moduleID, String Day)
List<String> modulesList = new List<string>();
if (conn.State.ToString() == "Closed")
SqlCommand newCmd = conn.CreateCommand();
newCmd.Connection = conn;
newCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
newCmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT Module.ModuleCode,ClassType.ClassTypeName,Convert(time,Class.StartTime), Convert(time,Class.EndTime),Building.BuildingName,RoomCode.RoomCode,Class.Color" +
" FROM Class INNER JOIN Module ON Class.ModuleId = Module.ModuleId INNER JOIN RoomCode ON Class.RoomCodeId = RoomCode.RoomcodeId INNER JOIN Building ON RoomCode.BuildingId = Building.BuildingId INNER JOIN Days ON Class.DayId = Days.DayID INNER JOIN ClassType ON Class.ClassTypeId = ClassType.ClassTypeId WHERE " +
" Module.ModuleId = " + moduleID + " AND Convert(Date,StartTime) = '" + Day + "' AND " + timeslotInt.ToString() + " BETWEEN ClassScheduleStartTimeId and ClassScheduleEndTimeId";
SqlDataReader dr = newCmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
String current = "<div class='slot' " + (!dr.IsDBNull(6) ? "style=\"background-color: " + dr.GetString(6) + ";\"" : "") + ">";
current += "<div class='line1'>" + dr.GetString(0) + " " + dr.GetString(1) + "</div>";// +"<br />";
current += "<div class='line2'>" + dr.GetTimeSpan(2).ToString().TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd(':') + " - " + dr.GetTimeSpan(3).ToString().TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd(':') + "</div>";// +"<br />";
current += "<div class='line3'>" + dr.GetString(4) + " " + dr.GetString(5) + "</div>";
current += "</div>";
return modulesList.ToArray();
How would I pass all selected values (ModuleId) from the checkboxes to be used in my above select query as previously for displaying just one module I used
' Module.ModuleId = " + moduleID ' ?
To complete what you are trying to do efficiently and without big foreach loops you need to change the whole way your user inputs data in to the gridview.
I believe that you should be utilising the GridViews OnRowUpdating Event, When a row is updated, using this event you already have context of which row has changed. e.RowIndex - Gets the index of the row being updated
Utilising this event will require a bit of a redesign of your gridview fields, You will need to add a EditItemTemplate tag in each TemplateField Add a CommandFieldand using OnRowUpdating re-write your update event. Its to much information to post in a answer, This information should help you get started on using the GridView events to their full potential.
On a side note you should use paramerterized queries in your sql.
Based on your clarification that you need to retrieve the moduleid for each checkbox, I am going to make a few assumptions so it might not work without some tweaks.
To start with try this:
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" Width="40px"></ItemStyle>
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkRow" runat="server" ToolTip='<%# Eval("ModuleId") %>' OnCheckedChanged="module_Changed" />
Using '<%# Eval("ModuleId") %>' Will populate the tooltip for the checkbox with the ModuleID value during the GridView.DataBind() function. Iam making the assumption that the column name is exactly "ModuleId"
Then in the code behind you can read the tooltip value of the checkbox like this:
protected void module_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Retrieve the check box ModuleId value to add to SELECT query
string moduleid = ((CheckBox)sender).ToolTip;
Now that when the gridview loads all the checkboxes have a tooltip that is populated with the ModuleID you can easily know which box is for which module by checking the tooltip.


i have the problem, that i create a TextBox via vb.net Code while the programm ist running.
Private Sub GenerateTBSourcePath()
'Generiert eine neue leere Textbox
Dim tBox As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox = New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox()
tBox.Width = 400
Dim tbID As Integer = tbSourcePathID + 1
tBox.ID = "tbSourcePath_" + tbID.ToString()
End Sub
When i try to search for the TextBox on pSourcePath i cant find any TextBox.
Have anyone an idea what do i wrong?
i add the TextBox in start of my programm. I can see the TextBox also in the Browser. When i want to save the Text i cant find the TextBox.
Private Sub SaveTBox()
'Für jede TBox den Eintrag in der DB aktualisieren oder einen neuen Eintrag anlegen
For Each PControl As System.Web.UI.Control In pSourcePath.Controls
Dim Controltype As String = PControl.GetType().FullName
Select Case Controltype
Case "System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox"
Dim tBox As WebControls.TextBox = CType(PControl, WebControls.TextBox)
If CheckExists(tBox.ID) = True
Administration_DataSource.UpdateCommand = "Update di_source set PATH = '" & tBox.Text & "' where TBID = '" & tBox.ID & "'"
tbSourcePathID = tbSourcePathID + 1
Administration_DataSource.InsertCommand = "Insert Into di_source(ID, PATH, TBID) values('" & tbSourcePathID & "', '" & tBox.Text & "', '" & tBox.ID & "')"
End If
End Select
End Sub
I tried this code
int tbSourcePathID = 0;
TextBox tBox = new TextBox();
PlaceHolder pSourcePath = new PlaceHolder();
tBox.Width = 400;
int tbID = tbSourcePathID + 1;
tBox.ID = "tbSourcePath_" + tbID.ToString();
foreach (System.Web.UI.Control PControl in pSourcePath.Controls)
string Controltype = PControl.GetType().FullName;
switch (Controltype)
case "System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox":
bool here = true;
and it works. Maybe the problem is in CheckExists(). Remember also the use of FindControl()

ASP.net Gridview does not display first row

SqlDataReader myReader1 = null;
SqlCommand myCommand1 = new SqlCommand("SELECT Standard_Note_Code, COUNT(Standard_Note_Code) as Count FROM [Excel_table] where Standard_Note_Creator_Name = '" + ddlrep.Text + "' and (Std_Note_Date_Entered >= '" + datefrom + "' and Std_Note_Date_Entered <= '" + dateto + "') group by Standard_Note_Code", myConnection);
myReader1 = myCommand1.ExecuteReader();
gvsummary.Visible = true;
if (myReader1.HasRows)
gvsummary.DataSource = myReader1;
//Label2.Text = "No Records Exist";
Remove myReader1.Read();, after ExecuteReader. That line causes the grid to start reading from the 2nd position.
Everything looks correct to me, except I don't think you should be calling
before you bind to the GridView. I think if you remove that line it will fix your problem.
Don't call myReader1.Read(); if you're binding as a data source.
