2 drupal instances trying to access same set of files - drupal

I have set up 2 drupal instances pointing 2 codebase with a common database
www.abc.com points to folder /var/www/abcfolder
mywww.abc.com points to folder /var/www/mywwwabcfolder
The content is uploaded via mywww.abc.com and www.abc.com is used for general viewing. I have used domain access module where mywww.abc.com is an alais to mywww.abc.com
I want that all the files that are uploaded should be maintained in a common folder i.e. in /var/abcfolder/public/sites/all/files for both urls
I tried changing the file system path via admin/file-system to ../../abcfolder/public/sites/default/files since the path should be relative to the drupal installation folder. However on uploading a file, I get a file not found error.
Any help to resolve this issue would be appreciated?
Should I change the htaccess file in any one of the codebase? If yes, what should the change be?

How about trying this:
Store the files in /var/www/abcfolder/sites/default/files. Create a symbolic link from /var/www/mywwwabcfolder/sites/default/files to /var/www/abcfolder/sites/default/files
Look up symbolic links in linux if you don't know what they are. If you're using windows you can still do symbolic links but they are more complicated.
[BTW I am not sure why you are doing this complicated setup. Reconsider using domain access unless you really need to. Is it necessary to have two sites like this? ]


is it possible to find hidden files on website?

If I'm hosting a website, say at http://www.example.com, how can I find files that are in the same folder as index.html if I DON'T know the filenames?
So for example, if there are these files in there:
Can anyone see this list of files? If so, how can I hide them, but make each one accessible to someone who knows the names? I don't want to use a password system, if possible.
If you put index.html in that directory, so no files will be listed. If you allow to upload to that directory, so i can upload some php script to list all files in directory. IF you don't know file name, you can try to guess it :)
You can use bruteforce tools such as dirbuster, or you can look at the "/robots.txt" file for some clues on what's on the website.
By the way, you should keep in mind that most of web servers nowadays have rights management implemented, so even if there is such file on the server it may not allow you access to it without authentication.
Some hosting providers provide an option to specify whether directory listings are allowed. If enabled, and a client requests a URL for a folder that does not contain a default HTML file (index.html, default.html, default.aspx, etc), then the web server will serve up an HTML file containing a listing of the files in that folder. It is rare that this option is ever enabled, though.
but you should be accurate while inserting names of files in URL or else you can use pen-test tool which will list out some of the names for free.for attempts ot full listing of files you'll need to be a paid member i guess

Referring to contents of folder 1 to folder 2

I wish to offer my website in different languages and still keep everything on the same domain. Subdomains is not an option, unfortunately. I want to be able to tell people to go to a subfolder to choose the language of their wish.
For example:
Go to http://www.example.com/es/ to use the Spanish version or go to http://www.example.com/sv/ to use the Swedish version.
I want to build the website from one place, so all the code is located in the base folder. All the folders I create in the website (like "es", "sv" and so on) just needs to reference to the base folder. How do I do that in ASP Classic (VB)?
My folder structure looks something like this:
-- Get code from the base folder --
-- Get code from the base folder --
I have searched throughout Stackoverflow but I can't seem to find the answer to this one. I hope someone can help me solve this!
You can add a virtual folder in IIS that points to your /base/ folder. Create one folder for every language you want to support.
Virtual folders are like Windows shortcuts, just a link to a different location on the harddisk (or even on the network). This way you can add folders for every language, and they all point to the /base/ folder.
If your virtual folder has a global.asa file, it becomes an application in IIS and you can overrule the default global.asa in it. However, in your case just adding virtual folders would do the trick.
Hope this helps,

moving a Drupal installation - what configuration changes required?

I would like to move a test Drupal installation from
What corresponding changes changes do I have to make in .htacess, settings.php and/or other settings?
That depends on that how your sites/ directory is set up. If you just have a default directory within, they you really should be good to go.
Mostly, you don't have to make changes. This is because Drupal installations tend to be set up to use relative paths that will be valid no matter where in the system it is. You may want to do a quick search of any custom code for the string /opt/lampp/htdocs to see if someone didn't do something relatively, but any other contrib code should work fine.
As Jubal mentions, sites set up in the sites directory may need renaming if you're going to be using a different URL to access the site - if you're moving from devel.site.com to www.site.com, and you have a sites/devel.site.com directory, then you're probably going to want to copy that directory to sites/www.site.com. On the other hand, if you're using sites/default for your site, or if you're not changing the url at all, then this isn't a problem.
Do note that the .htaccess in the root directory of Drupal is very important for Drupal to work, and that doing a simple cp -R of the directory will not copy the .htaccess, so make sure you copy that. (.htaccess files in sub-directories, like sites/default/files, will be fine, it's just this one in the root.)
And finally, check your file permissions after you move the files. You'll especially want to make sure that the file permissions for the files and tmp directories are correct so that people can properly upload files. (This may not be important - but it's something to check nonetheless.)

What should I check for when I cannot upload files into filefield CCK fields?

I have recently moved a drupal site. (both servers run on a debian based LAMP stack) Everything works great here, including the uploading of images via a CCK filefield. Original url:
Deploying it to a test folder on the production server to a test folder for an environmental shakedown cruise lead it here:
Everything works here too, including image uploads. After adjusting sites/default/settings.php, then making it readonly again, I renamed the folder to its production name:
Everything works fine here except for image uploading. I've adjusted the webroot variable within settings.php .
Things I have tried so far:
Gave php system user write permissions to sites/default/files (images are set to go in sites/default/files/images but imagecache just puts them in sites/default/files)
Enabled file php file uploading for www.example.com/bar/sites/default/files
Are there any other configuration settings I should be looking out for here? I'm running low on relevant solutions.
Edit: I had quite the typo there, I adjusted sites/default/settings.php, not sites/default.settings.php .
Your question is slightly confusingly framed. default.settings.php has no impact on Drupal -- its merely a template. The file that contains the actual database connection information and other configuration is settings.php.
You may also want to look at your .htaccess file in your root Drupal folder and try changing the RewriteBase directive to the folder you are accessing your site on. Usually you should not have to change the $base_url directive in the settings.php file that you may/may not have done. Reverse that change for now if you have (you may need to play around with that later though).
imagecache will always upload the image derivatives in sites/default/files but imagefield will upload the original image in the folder you specify (within sites/default/files). You will get a setting for the imagefield under Manage Fields->[Name of Image field]->Configure under Path Settings.
Please google to understand the difference between imagecache and imagefield. Make sure your sites/default/files (and subfolders) are writable by the apache user (usually www-data).
In such situations, its usually a good idea to pick up a book on apache (if you haven't already) and try to understand how it works. It will be time consuming but will help you out in the future when you encounter configuration issues like this.
This worked for me. When having issues uploading images to a cck field, I gave write permissions to directory:

ImageUrl trying to display an image outside of project root

I am working with two different web sites in asp.net. In the first project i upload some images to a specific folder under the project root and save just the filename in the database, now i am trying to display this images at some page of the second project I know the filename from the database and the image folder as absolute pat but I have not been able to display the image, even thought when looking in firebug the image src is correct src="D:/MyFolder/image.jpg" the image does not display, probably because it is not pointing in the right directory.
I have also tried using Server.MapPath and then my D location but still no success.
I am sure someone has faced the same situation before and was really hoping to get some hint to manage this.
Thank you in advance
I found my solution, strange but i didn't catch it before. Uploaded pictures under a project can always be accessed using the url of the project http://www.yourwebsite.com/images/photo.png now in the second project you can use reference the images using this url and concatenating the file name which i store on database. I think this is the best solution and without changing the code access security which i think can bring other problems with it. Anyway thank you guys.
If you want to display the image that is not in your project (I mean it is present in some other project or some other drive) just create the virtual directory in IIS
Go to "Run", type inetmgr
Right click on your project and add virtual directory
Give alias name and path so that it acts like folder in your project
I don't think you can serve files outside of your application path by default. It's called Code Access Security. You can read up on it here:
You can fix this by changing your trust level to High in your web.config:
I wouldn't recommend doing this for any site that is externally accessible. In fact, depending on how/where you're hosting your application, this option may be restricted.
You can only "link" to files that exist relative to the same project or are hosted on another site via an absolute URL.
If you want to service files outside the application/website (on disk or in a database) you will need to build a mechanism that gets the file and binary writes it to the browser, setting the MIME type etc. This is best done using an HttpHandler.
