What does a[href^="..."] do in CSS? - css

I have used CSS before and I came across the below CSS style, don't have a clue what it does.
a[href^="http:"] {
background: url(img/keys.gif) no-repeat right top;
a[href^="http://mysite.com"], a[href^="http://www.mysite.com"] {
background-image: none; padding-right:0;

Selects an <a> element whose href attribute value begins with http:.
For example:
p[title^="para"] {background: green;}
Will match the following:
<p title="paragraph"> This paragraph should have a green background. </p>

That's one of the substring-matching attribute selectors available in CSS3. It matches links with href attributes whose values start with the given string.
To illustrate, we'll take your example CSS, and add some defaults:
a {
background: none; padding: 0 1em;
a[href^="http:"] {
background: url(img/keys.gif) no-repeat right top;
a[href^="http://mysite.com"], a[href^="http://www.mysite.com"] {
background-image: none; padding-right:0;
And style the following HTML with it. The output styles are summarized in comments:
<!-- [1] No background, 1em left and right padding -->
<li>My site's page</li>
<!-- [2] Background, 1em left and right padding -->
<li>External link</li>
<!-- [3] No background, no right padding -->
<li>My site's base URL without www</li>
<!-- [4] No background, no right padding -->
<li>My site's base URL with www</li>
<!-- [5] No background, no right padding -->
<li>A page in my site with base URL</li>
What's happening?
Selected by a only
This element's href="/index.php" attribute doesn't start with http: or the other values.
There is no background, but there is left and right padding.
Selected by a[href^="http:"] only
This element's href="http://example.com" attribute starts with http: but doesn't start with http://mysite.com.
There is both left and right padding, and a background image.
Selected by a[href^="http:"] and a[href^="http://mysite.com"]
This element's href="http://mysite.com" attribute starts with http: and further starts with http://mysite.com.
Since the second selector overrules the first selector, the background image and right padding are removed.
Selected by a[href^="http:"] and a[href^="http://www.mysite.com"]
This element's href="http://www.mysite.com" attribute starts with http: and further starts with http://www.mysite.com (notice the www).
Since the second selector overrules the first selector, the background image and right padding are removed.
Selected by a[href^="http:"] and a[href^="http://mysite.com"]
This element's href="http://mysite.com/page.php" attribute starts with http: and further starts with http://mysite.com.
Notice that, compared to the third link, the attribute in this one contains more than just the base URL; however, the ^= indicates that the attribute's value just needs to start with your site's base URL, as opposed to = which would mean "select links that only point to http://mysite.com". Therefore, this link is matched by the second selector.
Since the second selector overrules the first selector, the background image and right padding are removed.

Those are attribute-starts-with selectors, they'll select <a> elements with an href attribute starting with that value, e.g. a[href^="http:"] matches any anchors with an href starting with href="http:....", for example:
Test <!-- would match -->
Test <!-- wouldn't match -->

For every link which's "href" parameter starts with "http:", set the background to a key image (without repetition, positioned in the top-right corner).
For every link which's "href" parameter starts with "http://mysite.com" or "http://www.mysite.com", set the background image to nothing (and the right-side padding to 0).
To me, this seems like a clever CSS trick that will make your users aware of when they are leaving your website through an external link by displaying a key image.
(I think I'll use it in the future. :)

The rules say, according to the W3C docs:
All anchors which have an href attribute that starts with http:
All anchors which have an href attribute that start with http://mysite.com or http://www.mysite.com

It's an attribute selector.
The ^= part means that the href attribute of the anchor tags must begin with http: in your first example.


How can I address a dynamic list item by its content with CSS? [Not possible just with CSS]

I want to add a background color to a dynamic list item of the popup pane of the Thunderbird extension "Check and Send".
popup pane
The content of the first element is the sender address which changes depending on the selection when composing a message.
I found this HTML for this part of the pane in the extension's code
<!-- Identity -->
<div id="identityArea">
<h3 class="titleline-simple" l10n-tag="casPopupIdentity"></h3>
<li class="dia_list" id="identityName"></li>
The sender address must be added with JavaScript code which I don't understand.
I want to have different background colors depending on the content of the element.
I can easily address this element with CSS and add a fix background color
li#identityName.dia_list {
background-color: rgb(0,0,206) !important;
color: white !important;
but I don't know how I can have different background colors for different sender addresses.
For the elements of a different extension this works:
menuitem[label="name1 <address1#gmx.de>"],
#msgIdentity[label="name1 <address1#gmx.de>"]{
background-color: rgb(0,0,206) !important;
color: white !important;
menuitem[label="name2 <address2#gmx.de>"],
#msgIdentity[label="name2 <address2#gmx.de>"]{
background-color: rgb(255,255,0) !important;
but this does not work for the list element. I also tried value and content instead of label but neither works.
Is there a way to address the list element by its content?
According to the comment of mrmonsieur it is not possible just with CSS.
What is happening in the different extension is that the label attribute is set and that is used in the css with the attribute selector (code in square brackets). If there is any attribute being set containing the address information, you can do something similar, otherwise you have to learn some JavaScript. In particular the .innerHTML property would be handy here.
JavaScript is needed to address the content of the item.

Add read more link into the end of a paragraph?

I need to change read more link to be displayed at the end of the paragraph.
I need it to be like the green paragraph. Today it is like the red paragraph.
Website: http://sindreolsson.tumblr.com - Check last post where I use read more.
.tumblr-text .rmlink { display: inline; }
<!-- TEXT -->
<div class="tumblr-text">
{block:Title}<div class="title">{Title}</div>{/block:Title}
<div class="copy">{Body}
{block:More}<div class='rmlink'>Continue reading..</div>{/block:More}</div>
</div><!-- /.tumblr-text -->
In my case, I also had to disable the <br> tags in order to make it work, kind of like this:
.copy br {
display: none;
If you have a parent container with a fixed width, set the child elements to have display: inline to have them collapse like in-line text
.copy * {
display: inline;
Of course, this will break the natural formatting of all previous <p></p> if you have more than one paragraph (which you don't want happening), so to preserve the original formatting, you only need to set the last element (specifically <p> elements) before the Read More break to have display: inline,
i.e. the second-last child element if your Read More <div> is the last child.
But actually by the looks of it, tumblr likes to generate a set of empty <p></p> tags after the final element of the {body} text, so you'll need to account for the offset.
.copy > p:nth-last-of-type(-n+2) {
display: inline;
This selects the immediate descedent > paragraph element p that is the last to second-last (-n+2) child of the type :nth-last-of-type.
To clarify, -n+2 in this scenario simply means select the last element, as well as the second-to-last element since you need to set the empty <p></p> that tumblr generates to display: inline as well as your actual last paragraph with content.
And then you can up the aesthetics with ellipsis if you want using additional CSS with the ::after selector and content: set to the unicode escape for ellipsis (u2026).
.copy > p:nth-last-of-type(2)::after {
content: "\2026";
Forgot to mention that this code alone will effect all posts that have <p></p>regardless of whether they contain the Read More break, and to only target those specific posts you need to modify the CSS to only apply to posts that have Read More links. One way to differentiate posts is to assign to the post a class name (e.g., readmore) wrapped around {block:More}{/block:More} block tags which only render on posts with Read More links.
.copy.readmore > p:nth-last-of-type(-n+2) {
display: inline;
<div class="copy{block:More} readmore{/block:More}">
Also, since Read More breaks are not rendered on the permalink page of the post, the CSS won't be applied there, and it will only be applied on index pages (your blog's main page) where the break occurs.
… - \2026

IE7 issue with text alignment

I have a set of columns on my site. Each item is an <a> within an <li> and a member of an <ul>. The columns are set up so that the top-most <li> has a different class from the lower <li>'s in the same list (<ul>).
In IE7, the top <li> element will not align appropriately with it's lower neighboring <li>'s.
Here is how it should look (Latest version of Google Chrome):
Here is how it looks in IE7 (looks fine in >=IE8):
**Don't mind sizing differences.*
Here is the trimmed HTML for a single column
<div class="map-col" id="map-2">
<ul class="site-map">
<li><a class="map-upper">Services</a></li>
<li>Wood Fencing</li>
<li>Ornamental Iron</li>
<li>Gates and Openers</li>
Here is the CSS (I pulled out anything that didn't have to do with positioning --such as font-weight and font-size-- for readability)
.map-col{display:block; width:150px;}
As far as it seems to me, IE7 just doesn't like when two separate CSS classes are appended to a single list.
Don't define text-align property for anchor tags.. Use it in LI. i.e
ul.site-map li{
I was able to figure it out. For anyone with this issue in the future here is the simple fix:
It appears that IE7 has an indentation/margin bug on list elements. To get around this, the I modified the <li> elements to have a defined width of 100% so that they will fill the entire area of the <ul>. This allows the text to be left aligned correctly.
Added the following:
.site-map li{display:block; width:100%; text-align:left;}

Why wouldn't this CSS ID and Class style superceed the Class style alone?

Here is a typical Drupal Cascade for a superfish menu (note the ID in the first line and the class in the last) :
<ul id="superfish-3" class="menu sf-menu sf-menu-materials sf-vertical sf-style-MatMenu2 sf-total-items-23 sf-parent-items-22 sf-single-items-1 superfish-processed sf-js-enabled sf-shadow">
<li id="menu-899-3" class="first odd sf-item-1 sf-depth-1 sf-no-children">
<li id="menu-900-3" class="middle even sf-item-2 sf-depth-1 sf-total-children-8 sf-parent-children-0 sf-single-children-8 menuparent">
<a class="sf-depth-1 menuparent sf-with-ul" title="FRUIT" href="/specs/03">
<span class="sf-sub-indicator"> »</span>
There is a default menu arrow image defined in the css:
.sf-sub-indicator {
background-image: url('../images/arrows-black.png');
and I want to change the file from a black arrow to a red one and have created the appropriate .png file. Its css is:
#superfish-3 .sf-sub-indicator {
background-image: url('../images/arrows-red.png');
When I display the page, the arrows are not changed and firebug tells me that the original style is used. I thought an ID scores higher than a class. How do I express the selector to have it supersede the generic black one?
I have several other styling features such as a border that also fail if I add an ID. I know that borders don't pass on in inheritance, but inheritance is moving from the .sf-sub-indicator to #superfish-3 .sf-sub-indicator, so I would assume my red arrows would show, but the don't. This is specifically related to adding the ID, but only for certain style settings. For instance my link color is green and I change it to red for this ID. That works fine.
I created a class at the <li> level and it works. There is something about having the ID or something about the classes that come between the ID and the link (?).
Just go up the tree one level:
a .sf-sub-indicator {...
Stop guessing at it. Any browser's dev tools will be able to tell you what styles are in effect and what styles are being overridden. IE's "Trace Styles" tab is particularly useful for this task:
Select the element in question and expand the appropriate CSS attribute. You'll see each matching selector that defines that style. Then, make your selector stronger than the strongest selector.
yeah the html/css looks sound. weird.
well, you could always just do:
#superfish-3 .sf-sub-indicator {
background-image: url('../images/arrows-red.png') !important;
if you don't mind a little hackery.

Is there a way to use wildcards in css id tag

assuming i have few items with similar ids:
<input class="a" id="id_1"/>
<input class="a" id="id_2"/>
i would like to set in my css file something like:
#id_*{width = 100%;}
is there a way i can do that?
i've tried something like:
but that didnt worked out......
And its need to work on IE :(
EDIT: nedd to work on IE8....
<input tabIndex="1690" class="form" id="cust_1_NUM_OBJ_5-00461" dataFld="cust_1_NUM_OBJ_5-00461" dataSrc="#FIELDVALUES" style="text-align: right; height: 20px;" onkeypress="validateNumberChar(this)" onfocus="resetGFocusField('cust_1_NUM_OBJ_5-00461');" onblur="validateChangedNumber(this);" onbeforedeactivate="onbeforedeactivateLookup(this);" type="text" size="20" maxLength="55" datatype="number" numbertype="24,6" valueFieldID="null" tabStop="true" value="1"/>
and CSS:
input[id^='id_']{width:200px;} should work. It certainly does in this fiddle:
EDIT: Also, to show that it doesn't pick an input without an id beginning 'id_':
EDIT 2: As your Document Mode seems to be set to Quirks this will cause issues with the css selector. Set your doc type correctly, eg using <!DOCTYPE HTML>. This will need access to the original code for the web pages though, so without that you will be in a spot of bother.
The selector you used (^), works correctly in IE:
input[id^='id'] {
background: red;
And here is the result:
As I saw in your pictures, your IE is rendering your page with Quirks Mode.
Maybe you have no doctype or wrong doctype at your page. Make your doctype valid as below:
<!doctype html>
My answer is quite general and never directly related to the question because this is already very old and so far solved by other answers on this page.
The first part of this answer is dry theory which is useful to understand the options.
The second part is an example for usage of this theory.
Substring matching attribute selectors:
Represents an element with the att attribute whose value begins with the prefix "val". If "val" is the empty string then the selector does not represent anything.
Represents an element with the att attribute whose value ends with the suffix "val". If "val" is the empty string then the selector does not represent anything.
Represents an element with the att attribute whose value contains at least one instance of the substring "val". If "val" is the empty string then the selector does not represent anything.
Additionally there are still more selectors, in the specification they are sorted in the chapter Attribute presence and value selectors:
Represents an element with the att attribute, whatever the value of the attribute.
Represents an element with the att attribute whose value is exactly "val".
Represents an element with the att attribute whose value is a whitespace-separated list of words, one of which is exactly "val". If "val" contains whitespace, it will never represent anything (since the words are separated by spaces). Also if "val" is the empty string, it will never represent anything.
Represents an element with the att attribute, its value either being exactly "val" or beginning with "val" immediately followed by "-" (U+002D).
Wildcards are especially then useful when an event is triggered like that a page is visited with a special hash-tag. For a completely static page in contrast they are also useful but still could be noted different, even it would be more CSS-code.
Assume a page is visited with the hash-tag action, so the URL would look like this:
While only one id is triggered like that we can use it to note a whole stack of related actions in CSS, we just have to enclose the whole area where something shall happen in an element with the id action:
/* all div-elements which are direct child of element with class `wrapper` are hidden: */
.wrapper>div {
display: none;
/* following line addresses all elements inside element with the id "action"
where the id is starting with "action_". This is only triggered when the
URL with hashtag "action" is called, because of usage of ":target":
#action:target [id^="action_"] {
display: block;
/* following line addresses all elements inside element with the id "amother-action"
where the class is "another-action". This is only triggered when the
URL with hashtag "another-action" is called, because of usage of ":target".
This example shows that we never need ids but can use classes too:
#another-action:target .another-action {
display: block;
<div id="action">
<div id="another-action">
<div class="wrapper">
<!-- this small menu is always shown as it's an unordered list and no div: -->
<li>No Action / Reset</li>
<li>Another Action</li>
<!-- The following div-elements are by default hidden and
only shown when some event is triggered: -->
<div id="action_1" class="another-action">
<!-- this is on both actions shown as the div has an id starting
with "action" and also a class "another-action" -->
<div id="action_2">
<!-- this is above only triggered by the CSS-rule
#action:target [id^="action_"] -->
<div class="another-action">
<!-- This is above only triggered by the CSS-rule
#another-action:target .another-action -->
The different results are these:
When the page is called without any hash, only the menu is shown:
Another Action
When the page is called with the hash action, below the menu can be seen:
When the page is called with the hash another-action, below the menu can be seen this instead:
Like this we can mix much content where each division is only shown in special cases.
Mixing several ids and classes does only work if the elements with the ids are enclosing the elements with content and select-able properties. In my example above you can see that everything in HTML is written between <div id="action"><div id="another-action"> and </div></div>, like this every used event can optionally trigger everything in the content between.
Naturally it's possible by CSS to use this method for other effects too. Hiding or showing the elements is only a simple example but you could change colors, start CSS-animations and do many other things by CSS.
Keep care that you don't publish any confidential things in any of those elements, because this CSS-solution is no security but only for distinguishing cases for visual display.
Any things you hide or show like this are always visible in the HTML-source.
Given a three-column table with 200 rows and each row having an individual id like this row:
<tr id="row_177">
<td><a class="btn" href="..">Link1</a></td>
<td>Name of PDF File</td>
<td><select class="pdf_sel">
<option value=""> ---- </option>
<option>Crowell, Thomas</option>
and given that you want to vertically center the content in each td, then the following css wildcard will cause the content of each td to be centered vertically** (I'm sure you could also use this to adjust width):
tr[id^='row_'] > td {
** One caveat - the third column in the table contains a Select in each td. While the anchor button in the first column and the text anchor in the second column are centered vertically in each td by using the above css, the Select in the third column does not respond to this css for some reason - but there is a fix. The following css will cause the Select elements to be properly centered vertically:
tr[id^='pdfrow_'] > td > select {
That is precisely what classes are for. What you want is:
.a { width: 100% }
